#don't be to harsh w this one I was breaking in my first ever drawing tablet
bumblekits · 1 year
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Shout out to her
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mouwrites · 8 months
can i rq the south park main 4 with a reader that drinks a concerning amount of coffee but they don't seem affected by it. and then reader has a caffeine crash and passes out while hanging out w/ them
totally not based on smth that happened to me (im good now tho)
Of course!! So sorry for the wait! also pls stay safe my pumpkin--
South Park - Main Four With a Reader Who Drinks a Lot of Coffee
I don't think he'd be able to tell that you drink a concerning amount of coffee
He has trouble drawing boundaries between how much is too much when it comes to material goods
(partly because, no matter how hard he tries, he can never quite pin down exactly when his father will get violent when he drinks)
So he doesn't really notice when you're on your third or fourth or tenth cup; nor does he ever wonder if you're having too much
But one day, you're both hanging out, and your usual cup of coffee is absent from the scene
Much like he didn't heed your constant drinking, Stan hadn't noticed that you weren't drinking
So he was super confused when you suddenly seemed super sleepy, your eyes drooping shut
He didn't even get the chance to ask what was wrong before your head slammed into the table
Panicking, he flew out of his seat, sending the chair toppling to the floor
He was at your side in a split second, shaking you and shouting your name
When you finally come to, he lets out a loud sigh of relief
Then he turns to you with tears in his eyes, his voice just as urgent as it was before
"What happened?! You just... passed out! I thought you were dead, Y/n!"
"Uh... I guess I haven't had coffee in a while..."
He just blinks at you
Then, looking around, he finally notices that you don't have any coffee, and he says as much to you
You just laugh, explaining that you hadn't had any all day
He takes this as a cue to go get you some coffee, and he comes back with an okay-ish homemade cup (he's never made coffee before, go easy on him)
From then on he always looks for when you don't have a coffee cup and asks if you need one
He's not very helpful in breaking the habit; from his experiences, he doesn't really believe that such addictive habits can be broken :(
But at least he's helpful in making sure you don't crash again!
Your coffee habit was one of the first things Kyle noticed about you
At first he teased you about it, but as you grew closer the teasing turned into genuine berating
He does it out of concern for you, but you wouldn't know this from how harsh he is
Sometimes he'll straight-up steal your cup and dump it out, telling you that you've had enough for the day
But he can't give you a break; one time, when he hadn't seen you take one sip of coffee all day, he was feeling suspicion rather than pride
He kept an eye on you, expecting you to pull out a hidden thermos at any moment or something
He thought you were reaching for this imaginary thermos when you began to slouch down, presumably to reach into your bag
But no. You slumped over, unconscious
It took Kyle a second to realize that you were unconscious and not, in fact, digging around in your bag
He looked around, as if wondering "Is anyone going to help them??"
At length he jumped up to check on you himself
He shook you, hissing your name under his breath, trying not to make a scene
When you finally stirred awake, blubbering semi-coherently, Kyle crossed his arms, hiding how relieved he was
"Did you just have a caffeine crash?"
"Urrg... Maybe...?"
Kyle rolled his eyes, annoyance finally erasing whatever sympathy he might have felt
He tells you for the umpteenth time that you have a serious problem
You just smile innocently, drifting back off to sleep
Kyle shakes you again, taking on the responsibility of keeping you awake for the rest of the day
If anything he just uses this instance against you, constantly reminding you what a problem you have
Your coffee drinking is just one of many things that Cartman likes to tease you about
He doesn't actually think it's as serious as he exaggerates it to be in his jokes, but sometimes he does wonder if it is that bad
But he's not a worrier; he usually just forgets those thoughts as quickly as they come
One day, he noticed that you didn't have your usual cup of coffee, and he teased you about it (of course)
"No coffee today, my little addict?"
"Shut up, pug-nose."
As always, Cartman didn't think about it any more after that
So he was quite confused when, later that day, you just passed out
But he suddenly remembered that you hadn't had your usual coffee, and a huge grin spread on his face
He took the opportunity to take pictures of you, testing the limits with what he could get away with
(the worst one he could get was a finger pushing your nose up like a pig)
He plopped down on the couch to edit the pictures and send them to people, but the jostling motion woke you up
Cartman snickered at your confused, drowsy state, and turned his phone around to show you the picture of you with your nose scrunched up
"Now who's the pug-nose? Though I guess you do make a pretty cute pug."
"You are insufferable."
"You love me."
He draped an arm around you, letting you rest your head on his shoulder while he scrolled through the rest of the pictures he took of you
You made him delete them all, of course
From that day on you made a point to always keep awake around him...
His teasing adopts a more concerned tone, always nagging you about cutting back or getting on "the patch" (does Cartman know anything about caffeine??? absolutely not, methinks)
But he's secretly also waiting for you to crash again; he did quite like that cute pig-nosed picture of you
Kenny always assumed that your coffee habit was just a health thing
He wondered if it could really be good for you, but decided not to question it
You seemed healthy enough, after all
I mean, you weren't dying or having heart attacks or anything
To Kenny that is peak health
He actually tries to keep up with your habit because of his (perhaps slightly misguided) assumption
He asks if you need a refill, and though he doesn't really have the money to buy you coffee, he's more than happy to make some at home when you come over
(he may or may not have used this as an excuse to get you to come over at least once)
He was curious when you seemed to be getting increasingly sleepy one day
He was about to ask if you needed any coffee, but you suddenly closed your eyes and slumped over on the ground
Luckily you had both been sitting on his floor, and he scrambled over to your side, putting your head in his lap while he shook you
"Y/n? Y/n?? Are you okay? What's going on?"
The moment you come to, the first thing he asks is if it's your "health thing"
When that clearly just confuses you, he asks if you need coffee
Suddenly understanding what he was saying, you close your eyes to think
"Huh.. Guess I just had a caffeine crash. Maybe some coffee would be good..."
After that day Kenny looked into caffeine and how it relates to health
He realizes that maybe you do have a problem...
From then on he's not so eager to get you a refill of coffee, instead suggesting lower-caffeine tea (which he has to buy himself; his parents only have coffee) or just taking a power-nap
He won't pressure you, but he is pretty concerned about your habit
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Thanks so much for your request, sorry again that you had to wait so long!! And thank you for reading, take care duckies <33
(divider by saradika)
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Are you still taking second person prompts? I just saw you might still be taking second person prompts. If you are...everyone on Voyager remarks upon your resemblance to Captain Janeway and you know it's affecting your romantic prospects on board so you decide to secretly offer yourself to Chakotay as an intimate physical substitute. You dim the lights and tell him to pretend--you don't mind.
Okay, anon. This morphed into something crazy. And AWESOME. Thank you! I hope you’re not disappointed. NSFW. Obviously. It’s me…
 Try as you might, there’s nothing you can do. Your eyes,hair, skin, build, everything; they’re also hers. Crew members gawk, jokes aretossed around the mess hall, and Tom Paris gives you a mock salute from time totime. You got into a heated argument with Harry the other day and actual fearregistered in his eyes.  
The latest hilarity to ensue must be the greatest so far onthis seemingly endless journey home. You decided last week that you werecutting your hair, that was it, you’d had enough. Then, what happened? Youcaught sight of the Captain in the mess and there it was. Your new hairstyle.Right there. Staring back at you. She nods her head in a friendly gesture andyou return it, quickly ducking the several sneering snickers directed towardyou.
“Nice haircut, Beth.” Theirlaughter sours the tea and toast you gather from the replicator. You toss itviolently straight into the recycler and strained silence falls over the room.Embarrassed beyond belief, you about face and march straight back through the doors.
Rolling your eyes in exasperation as another ensign winks inyour direction, you continue down the hall; your dour mood weighting itself inthe stomp of your boots down the corridor. Instead of smiles, the faces ofthose that meet you avoid your heated glare and find something interesting onthe bulkheads to focus on.
You turn the corner and run directly into a solid chest. Ittakes you by surprise and knocks you straight to the ground. Bracing yourselfagainst Starfleet issue carpet, you bat at the hands that attempt to right you.
“I don’t. Need. Help,”you cough against the recycled air slowly returning to your stricken lungs.Warm firm hands grasp you anyway and pull you effortlessly to your feet.Growling in frustration, you look up to give this man handler a piece of yourmind and—
“Commander! I-I-uhm…,”he smiles brightly, nearly blinding you. Damn it, he’s beautiful. The sparklein his dark eyes takes your breath once more and concern settles into hiseyebrows.
“Are you alright, Neilson?” Holy shit, he knows who you are? Of course, he knows who you are. He’sthe First Officer! Ah! He asked you a question! SPEAK! UGH!  
“Y-yes, sir. I am so sor–,” he moves his hands up from yourelbows and brings them to rest on your shoulders.
“Nothing to apologize for. Are you alright? You look a bitpale.”
“Ah,” you chuckle, “Artificial lighting. I’ll be fine. Justoff to Engineering to repair a few relays.”
“Didn’t you just come from a full shift, Lieutenant?”
“W-well, yes. There is still so much to–,” he shakes hishead and smiles.
“No more work for the evening. You look like you could usesome rest,” there’s something in his expression that you’ve never seen beforeand his intense inspection of your face is causing a blush to tint your cheeks.Yet again, you’ve never really spent thatmuch time staring at the Commander’s face. Okay, yes you have.
He suddenly breaks eye contact, removing his hands from youand putting them behind his back. The unease is palpable. He clears his throatand you both speak at the same time.
“Have you—“ “’I’m so—“
He laughs. Actually laughs. It’s wonderful. It comes fromsomewhere deep in his chest and rises to caress your ears with its gentle lilt.There’s no stopping the smile that forces its way on your mouth.
“It’s alright. There’s no need to apologize. I was justabout to ask you if you’ve had dinner.”
He waits patiently for your response, which is seriouslylacking at this point in time. Your brain stumbles to form a complete sentenceand something ridiculous slips out.
“I…uhh…erm…just came—I can’t go in there again.”
“The…mess, sir.”
“Why is that?”
“This…,” a deep sigh leaves you as you gesture to your newhairstyle. His gaze returns and sweeps over you. He grins deviously and appearsto be holding back his comments. After careful deliberation, he speaks.
“There is a remarkable resemblance,” his eyes return toyours briefly before closely examining your face, “Facial structure, skin tone,eye color, build; you could definitely fool some. Yet, your hair is a shade ortwo darker, she has at least three inches on you, “he pauses, taking in abreath, “And you have freckles. So does the Captain, but yours are morepronounced. How do you do that with the absence of sunlight?”
The scrutiny that your melanin deposits are under is quiteunsettling. Your blush reaches a whole new level. Freckles? Really? And he’stelling me I’m short? Am I dreaming? Is this even real?
“I apologize. I’ve made you uncomfortable. Don’t let anyonedictate your actions. People will take a chance to find anything to entertainthemselves,” he moves around you and returns to his intended path, “Let me knowif there’s any more trouble.” Oh, God. He’sleaving? Wait.
“Wait,” theCommander halts and turns at your call.
“O-our last shore leave.” Jesus, what are you doing?
“Two weeks ago. Yes, what about it?”
“Th-at’s how. I, uh. My freckles. Been this way since I waslittle. I’m out in the sun for a second and they just…,” the courage to finishthis stupid thought evaporates from you. Why?Why couldn’t you have just let him go?
He processes what you’ve said; smile returning to soften hisfeatures. Your insides melt instantly and he steps back to where you’re rootedto the deck.
“Would you be comfortable accompanying me to my quarters fordinner? No one there to bother you. I have a vegetable vindaloo programmed thatI have been looking forward to all day. I’m sure there’s enough for two.”
That sounds amazing. You’ve heard wonderful things about theCommander’s cooking. But, his quarters?! You can’t even call him by his firstname; let alone having any businessin his quarters! Everything in you is screaming against the answer about toleave your mouth, yet you let curiosity get the best of your logic.
“That sounds…perfect. If you wouldn’t mind any company,”relief floods his body and his arm makes a sweeping gesture for you to proceedhim down the hallway. Complying happily, you instantly feel the heat radiatingfrom his body beside you. Close besideyou. Why does he need to walk nearly on top of you? The width of thecorridor is more than accommodating; you wouldn’t have the broad protection ofhis proximity leave you for anything.
The absence of conversation on the way to his quarters issurprisingly comfortable. You haven’t felt this calm around a member of theopposite sex in long time. In fact, this is the first social call you’ve beenon in a while. It feels nice, easy, warm—no.This is the Commander.
He keys in the code to open his door and you are envelopedin the dark heady scent of him. The tingle of the spice and sandalwood travelsstraight to the molten heat of your belly. And to think he’s going to serve youvindaloo.
“Would you like a drink? I have some cider, some wine fromour last shore leave.”
“That wine is amazing!I really loved that little–.”
“The little vineyard by the cove. Yes, it was beautiful. Ithought I caught you there,” he reaches for the bottle and retrieves twoglasses from his table. Two glasses. He only has two. Oh, God. They’re for him and—
“If I recall,” he hands you a healthy glass, “you were therefor quite a while. Alone. No one else wanted to come along?”
You take a large drink of the bold sweet alcohol, girdingyourself to make it through the night with some of your dignity left intact. Heleaves the question to hang in the air; reaching for the replicator panel, theCommander drinks from his own glass, tapping away at the controls.
“You…noticed that I was by myself?”
“Who wouldn’t notice an attractive young woman sitting nearthe beach with nothing but a padd to keep her company?”
Attractive. Jesus. Didit just get warmer in here? What in the hell is going on? Taking another swig,you press on. Give it all you’ve got.
“How do you know I wasn’t waiting for someone?”
“No one ever showed up. I can’t believe that any man in hisright mind would stand you up,” he turns to pierce you with a heated gaze. Theroom begins to shrink around you; breathing is becoming an issue.  
“Commander? I—maybe this wasn’t such a great idea,” you setthe glass half empty on the table and start for the door. Just before you reachthe sensor, he blocks your path. A look of disappointment on his face.
“I apologize. I was out of line. Forgive me. Please, call meChakotay when we’re off duty. This ship is too far from Federation space for usto not have a life outside of ship’s business,” his last statement seems to bedirected more to himself than you.  
Instinct tells you to lay a gentle hand on his shoulder,reassure him that his small talk is not the cause of your hesitancy. You tampdown that inner voice and find that you’ve both opted to stare openly into thedepths of one another’s eyes.
Warm fingers brush the hair from your face, his rough palmcoming to rest against your face. You let your eyes slip closed; so slowly youbreathe, in fear that any harsh movement will startle the moment. Soft lipsquest against yours, unsure in their pressure; your mouth opens to welcome himand his movements gain purpose.
Tongues snake together, lazily tracing, acquainting theother of preferences. He draws your bottom lip between his teeth and his handspull you closer at the moan you let escape into his hot mouth. The lower halfof your body molds to his and you feel an impressive erection resting againstyour belly.
Liquid heat pools in your panties and your hands travel downto tangle in the short hair at the nape of his neck. He hums and leans back,just enough to press his forehead against yours, watching you lick your wetswollen lips. Breaths mingle, chests heave, time stops.
“Tell me to stop. I need–,” your finger traces around tosettle over his lips, silencing him.
“I-If I tell you to stop…I’d regret it for the rest of mylife.”
He kisses your finger and brings your hand to rest over hisheart; nuzzling his face into your neck, breathing deeply.
“Mmmm…are you still hungry,” his deep mumble against yousends shivers across your body. A large hand slips down your back and massagesboldly at your ass. You groan, leaning into his accommodating embrace.
“Not for curry…”
“Perhaps I could interest you in some dessert,” the handgroping your ass slides between your legs to brush against your center. Thiscauses you to step wider and give him better access.  
“Oh, God. Yes…please…”the throaty whine that leaves your throat is so ridiculous, you feel likeyou’re in a damn holonovel. This is wrong. Sowrong. But, shit. That pressurehe’s putting on your clit is exquisite.  
“Spirits, you’re beautiful, Elizabeth. Absolutely breathtaking,” he captures your mouth and proceeds toturn you to a quivering mess in his arms. You’re grasping at his biceps to keepfrom dropping to the floor and he hauls you against his chest in one deftmovement.
No one ever calls you ‘Elizabeth’, except for your mother.The way that it rolls from his tongue, swimming on the rich honey of his voice;it melts you, warming your everywhere.
His powerful body rotates and he sets you firmly on thetable, standing between your legs. After taking another thorough inventory ofyour teeth, his fingers work at the fasteners of your jacket and turtleneck.Some sense seeps back into the foreground of your consciousness.
“Mmmm…w-wait,” hisface raises from your jaw and his hands rest over your clothed breasts, “I need to know one thing.”
“Anything,” hekisses your nose; regarding you with tender eyes, his hands rub soothingly upand down your arms, “What is it?”
“Is it—Is it because I look like her,” the question leaves you in a rush, you’re suddenly breathless.His hands cup your face, his expression takes on an air of seriousness.
“No. Initially—yes,” you attempt to hide and his fingers onyour chin bring you back to him, “The more I watched you, the further in love Ifell. Now, I see you. Your humor,talent, dazzling smile, the way you smell your tea before you take each drink,”you both chuckle at your idiosyncrasy.
“I’ve done that for a long time. Who knows why–,” his lipsseal yours, swallowing the rest of your babbling.
“I’ve wanted to taste you for weeks,” he runs his tonguealong your jaw and down the muscles of your neck. It’s provocative and you letthe whimper flow from you, grasping at his head, pulling him closer.
Now you’re down to your bra, bare from the waste up; hefeels you shiver against the cool air of his cabin. As he strokes your back togenerate warmth, he calls to the computer to change the temperature of theroom. As stupid as it sounds, this is the most anyone has done for you in months, maybe even a year. The caringgesture swells inside your chest and morphs into pure passion.
No longer an innocent bystander, you take action, threadingyour fingers through his hair and you change the angle of his head and open hismouth to you. Sucking greedily at his lips, gnashing teeth, he snarls andgrowls against you; the fabric of your bra is ripped away and your nipplesharden at the sudden temperature change.
He cups each breast, weighing it as he breaks away to starehungrily at them. You’ve been told before that you’re a ‘bit larger’ thanaverage. Judging by the dark sparkle in his eyes, he is thinking the samething. Throwing caution to the wind, you firmly guide his face to your chestand he takes the hint, closing his mouth greedily over a waiting nipple.
The fire he’s blazing across you burns straight through toyour already throbbing cunt. You haven’t been this wet in your life; this man is intoxicating,overloading every one of your senses. Watching him is just as erotic as thesensations he’s creating; his other hand fondles your unattended breast,readying it for his mouth.  
You sigh, low and long, your head thrown back as you leavehim to his work. Running your fingernails over his scalp, massaging at the hardmuscles of his neck and shoulders. He is wearing entirely too many layers. Youbring your hands around and press against him. His mouth pops off your tit witha wet smack and he looks right at you.
“I need you naked.Now.”
He drops a kiss to each of your breasts and one to your lipsbefore pulling your legs around his hips, working his hands under your ass. Youget the hint and settle against him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders,tucking your face into the warmth of his neck.
The heat in your belly makes it’s way to your heart; you snuggleimpossibly closer into him. His hold on you makes you feel safe, protected,loved. He lays you gently onto his bed; your arms recline over your head as hewatches you concentrate on his body.
He is lean, long, hard; the muscles of his chest and abdomenripple under soft caramel skin as he unfastens his trousers and pushes themslowly down his thighs. You rub your thighs together anxiously at the sight ofhis erection twitching under the thin material of his briefs.
Answering your prayers, he hooks his thumbs under theelastic of his waist band and releases himself with a hiss. Your hands travelover your breasts and tickle your belly as you reach for your own pants. Hethumbs the glistening head of his cock; your hips raise to let your pants andunderwear down your legs.
He pulls them off the rest of the way, depositing your bootsand socks on the floor, kissing his way up the arch of your foot. His tonguetickles your ankle, tracing up your leg, running flat and slow along your innerthigh. He opens your legs to him and breathes hot air over the tight wetness ofyour sex.
“Gods,” he runshis finger through your lips, opening you, “Sowet.”
Your hands grasp at his hair and he grunts, swirling histongue over your swollen clit. His hands massage your thighs and ass as he sucksand nips at your cunt. You feel him press a finger into you, a fresh rush ofwetness lubricates him as he pumps into you slowly.
“So tight. Mmm…that’sit. Ride. Take me.”
You rock against his thrusts, pulling his head up your body;he nuzzles your breasts before claiming your mouth. He���s wet and slippery withyou and you taste it on his tongue. Adding a second finger, his thumb rubsdelicately around your clit.
You shudder and shake; he’s nibbling on your neck, lickingyour collar bone, feasting on your breasts. It feels like he’s everywhere withthe masterful way he works your body. It sings as you writhe under him; yourmuscles ripple tightly with the return of his fingers deep inside you.
Gasping and clawing at his back, your orgasm tears throughyou; the surprising force of it taking your breath away. You open your eyes tosee him watching your pleasure play across your face; his fingers continue tomove carefully inside you, riding out your aftershocks.
“You’re amazing,” yourlips slowly war with his, tongues tangling, his hand roams your torso. You bitehis lip, pulling it into your mouth and he ruts his erection against your slickthrobbing slit.
“Oh, yes. Please.”
“Tell me. Tell me whatyou want,” he pants into your mouth; hand guiding his cock over your clit.You press down into him, hooking your legs around his thighs. He groans deeply,mouth to your ear, his cock nudging at your entrance.
“Is this what youwant,” you feel him push into you slowly, cunt rippling deliciously aroundthe hard and heavy cock. A moan leaves you in a rush, your legs are beingpressed back as he sinks into you down to the hilt.
“Alright,” hemurmurs in question; you adjust to his size, nodding in affirmation.
“How do you like it?” Experimentalthrusts cause your toes to curl, heels urging him at the firm globes of hisass.    
“H-ha-rd. Deep. Uhng.Yes. Oh! God! Chakotay,” finally, his name falls from your lips and itcalls his attention to your face. He grins, kissing you passionately whilefucking you into the mattress.
It’s the best sex of your life; every nerve ending isfiring, electricity skittering across your goose flesh, bursting in a searingthrob in your cunt.
Chakotay’s tongue slides along your own in counterpoint tothe steady pounding his hips are giving you. You revel in the feeling of hisbody covering you, protecting you, warming you, loving you. Hanging on to the sweaty softness of his shoulderblades, the thoughts running through your mind send you into a second series ofspasms.
He grunts hotly against your ear as your inner muscles milkhis cock for all it’s worth; drawing him deeper, waiting for him to fill you.The rhythm of his thrusts stutter and he cradles your body as he spurts, thewarmth spreading beyond your womb right to your soul.
You cling to him, something welling up inside you,threatening to break. Tears burn at the back of your eyes and a sob bursts fromyour chest. Immediately, his eyes are on you, examining, he pulls out and youwhine at the loss of contact.
“Are you hurt? What’s wrong,” hands brush the hair from yourface, firm fingers under your chin bring you to brown eyes filled with worry.He rolls to lay beside you, taking stock of your body, running hands over you.
“Shhh,” he hushes, “Breathe. Deep breaths.” Tears begin anewas he gently traces your features, pulling you to rest on his chest. Warm handsmassage at your lower back, soothing you with the thunder of his heartbeatbeneath your ear.
“I didn’t hurt you, did I,” he kisses the top of your head,his tone anxious.
“N-no. I just–,” you gasp in for air, “I…ha-ven’t b-beenthis close to an-nyone in a long ti-me,” he hums and it reverberates throughyour whole body.
“In my lifetime, I’ve had my share of sex,” you huff out alaugh and he chuckles in response, “There are few instances where my spirit hasfelt a connection.”
He pauses and combs through your hair; you can feel hishesitancy.
“I felt it too,” yourwhisper flows over his broad chest. He holds you tighter and your stomach rumblespainfully.
“I felt that. I doremember promising you some dinner,” laughter erupts from the both of you andhe brings you to sit up with him. You lay in the embrace of his arm, staring upinto his shining eyes. He kisses you once more and moves to get up.
“Stay right here. I’ll bring you a bowl,” his shapely assdisappears out the door and you snuggle deeper into his sheets, inhaling hisscent.
“What are you doingtomorrow night,” the deep voice calls from the other room.
“Nothing special,” you reply. He rounds the corner, twobowls of vindaloo, completely nude. He is the picture of perfection.
“Dinner again?”
“Certainly,” the bowl is deposited in your waiting hands,“As long as I can have dessert first.”
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