#don't check the reblogs if you don't want to be spoiled on the outcome of the game. the stats will give it away
t-5seconds · 29 days
i'm doing a hunger games simulator of @minas-linkverse ! the game is under the cut, the stats (placements and such) will be in a reblog.
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our lineup! i had to cut team C, less because they're not canon and more because they were too many characters. the four swords, oot, and loz1&2 zeldas don't have linkverse designs as far as i know, so they're not here.
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interesting team up. everyone seems to be doing okay
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NEVERMIND. WORLDS IS A TRIPLE MURDERER. sksw zelda, st zelda and hyrule are all out of the running! both hylia and hylia 2 dead on the first day. and first stole from a child. this concludes the reaping
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everything is going fine. sailor is in his natural habitat
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EVERYTHING IS GOING BAD. hero tries to kill... his own past self... but tp zelda stops him! so i guess time paradox prevented but first is still going to die in the future. albw zelda dies at the hand of alttp zelda. botw zelda kicks ass, defeating tetra and killing masks. legend kills mini, which admittedly i could see him doing. hilda takes the hylia route of dying all by herself. hoods somehow stalks a wolf without him noticing
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ending off day one, feathers has some water. good job buddy. nine people are dead
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that was a really deadly day one. worlds is currently in first place, from his triple murder. district 12 has been wiped out
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everyone is having a great night, except tetra, who first just killed.
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yeah, everyone except tetra had a good night one. four & hoods and botwzelda & ravio are cuddling, which is cute. time for day two!
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the triple murderer is defeated! nobody killed him, he just ate some bad berries. also feathers has a sprained ankle now
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i guess fangs did notice hoods stalking him! not much happened today. only two people died
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now that worlds is dead, first, legend, alttp zelda, tp zelda and botw zelda are tied for first place. district 6 has been wiped out! only ravio lives to represent albw
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alttp zelda kills sailor and gets herself into first place! also, four receives another hatchet. he has two now
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ravio dies, the last remnant of albw. there were four of them, twice as much as other games had, so their odds were good, but not good enough i suppose. onto day 3
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casual interactions. hoods and tp zelda are a fearsome team, i wonder how that happened. also four is doing very poorly even though he has two hatchets
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a bad day for mental health, but a good day for staying alive! after two people died in the night, everyone left managed to survive all day.
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districts 7 and 8 were wiped out. alttp zelda is now in first place.
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first takes after hylia: death by falling. fangs and his zelda have a nice talk
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legend kills feathers, cementing him and his zelda as the frontrunners. minish cap zelda questions her sanity again. maybe she's not doing so well.
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ALTTP ZELDA KILLS LEGEND? they were on the same team, but i guess she didn't like having competition for first place! hoods and fangs kill tp zelda, despite having both previously teamed up with her- and she was on fangs' team! four kills botw zelda! mc zelda stops questioning her sanity for long enough to murder engie! what a day! a lot of people just died, and it was 50% betrayals! 75% if you count four backstabbing botw zelda!
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these five are the only people left alive. when those four were hunting for "other tributes" they were just looking for alttp zelda. but they never took her alive
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seven people died. districts 1, 2, 5 and 9 were wiped out. everyone is tied at one kill. there is nobody in the lead and no full teams left.
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mc zelda and fangs are friends! that's nice. nobody dies in the night
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fangs betrays mc zelda immediately! but she survives. no casualties today, so let's move on to the next night.
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mc zelda and fangs are now friends again! make up your minds
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OH OKAY. hoods and mc zelda are down! it's just fangs vs four now.
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they're tied for kills. it all comes down to this... the final battle
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...that was a fast final battle.
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congratulations to four! i'll reblog this post with the placements and stats.
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Not yours anymore part 2
Summary: sent by someone:
Okay but like part two where Chris ask Levi if he would be alright with him asking reader to marry him and Levi is like okay. Only to have a devious little plan. Levi steals Chris'ring and replace it with a ring pop forcing Chris to propose with the candy
Warning: fluff
Pairing: Chris Evans x reader, single dad Chris
Please don't post any of my content anywhere else without my permission!
Comment and reblogs welcome!
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2 years into your relationship, Chris knew you were the one. Levi loved you, Dodger loved you, his family loved, most importantly he loved you and he couldn't think of a better way to show you that by marrying you.
It wasn't a surprise that he bought the ring a few months ago. He knew you're the one but now was the greatest moment for it. But before he can do that he needed to act a special someone a special question.
Chris walked d out of the kitchen to the to living room. The little guy was playing with his toys when Chris sat down om the ground beside him. "Hey buddy."
Levi turned to Chris, "hi daddy." "I wanted to ask you something," Chris exhaled softly. "I wanted to ask you if I can marry y/n?"
Levi frown, deep down he didn't like the idea but he didn't really mind. "Uh... Okay." He said cheerfully.
Chris eyebrows raised. "You okay with that?" Levi smiled and nodded. "Yeah, I wike it." Chris smiled at his little boy, "okay well I'm glad you like it." He leaned over and placed a kiss on levi's head before getting up.
"now I'm going to need you to stay quiet because it's a secret." Chris placed his finger over his lip show Levi how to be quiet. Levi placed his finger over his lips, whispering "I keep it secret."
Chris gave him a thumbs up. "Thank you buddy."
-3 hour later -
You finally returned home from work. You walked into the house placing your bags on the floor.
Levi came around the corner, mischievous smile on his little face. You turned to him seeing the smile, it made you laugh. "Well hello little guy." You kneeled down waiting for your daily hug from him.
instead of a hug Levi pulled out the diamond ring from behind his back. You gasped.
On the other side of the house, Chris was picking the ring box off the table. He was going to propose to you right after dinner. He opened the box expecting to see the million dollar ring but instead he saw a 50¢ ring pop. It was the same one he gave Levi earlier.
"shit." Chris closed the box and ran out of the room. "Levi!" He called out, he was panicking. He didn't know what Levi did with the ring and that scared him.
He checked everywhere, the kitchen, the living, levi's room. He was no to be seen. Chris was starting to panic more and that's when he heard voices coming from the foyer.
"where did you get this from?"
Chris stomach drop. He slowly walked into the foyer to see you crouched down to levi's height with the ring in between your fingers.
You looked up at soon as you heard Chris footsteps. His face was read and you knew why.
"um" you walked over to him. "i think this is for you. Levi had it so.... Yeah." You trailed off feeling a little awkward.
You turned back to Levi. He looked guilty as he felt the tension In the room. Chris sighed.
"Levi, can you leave me and y/n alone? I'll talk to you later." He said softly. With his head low Levi Walked out of the room.
you turned back to Chris. "I don't know how he got that." Chris said. You nodded. "I know, it's fine."
Chris scratched the back of his head, the ring still in between his fingers. "Um well...... Since It's been known, I might as well just do it."
chris got down on one knee causing you to gasp.
"will you marry me?"
You nodded, "yes I will."
Chris slipped the ring on your finger. He stood up and kissed you. Levi spoiling the surprise for Chris sucked but the outcome wasn't going to be any different. Guess you weren't levi's anymore.
@chris-butt @patzammit @bval-1 @irespostthingsiwanttoseelater @raveviolet @rynabarnesrogers-reading @enn-j @london-dreamer71 @harrysthiccthighss @captainamerica-is-bae @la-cey @weirdowithnobeardo @lovepeacefood @baby-i-am-fireproof @denisemarieangelina @evans713 @smyfmj @thereisa8ella @rororo06 @keiva1000 @ughitsnic @adriannajackson123 @marvelnaturalock @notyourtypicalrose @dummiesshort @onetwo3000 @hhiggs @katiew1973 @andreasworlsboring101 @skepticnovak @funfickgirl22 @hxnesthxneybee @henrythickcavill @melchills-j
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