#don't do anything too mirabelish
achitka · 2 years
Mirabel practice drawing…. I’m afraid to color it though. I think my world will have to remain black and white for now.
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achitka · 2 years
Doors (Chapter 26) Into the woods
Chapter 25: Into the Woods
Things get a bit tricky from here...hoping I don't lose track of anyone
As Pepa sat Bruno down the rats with him scurried forward. Two from behind his hair, and the two in his shirt pocket. They squeaked furiously at Pepa, and she drew back, but was not put off. Bruno said, “They’re just hungry,” he went to get up but was stopped when he noticed what Julieta had in her hand. The small cloth covered bundle likely had some food for the rats.
“I was going to give this to you at supper,” she said giving him that look she used on her kids when they were being irresponsible.
“Thanks, Juli,” Bruno said a bit sheepishly.
“Oh, can I feed them Tío?” Luisa asked. Bruno nodded so Julieta handed the food to her, and she smiled as she moved closer. She collected the four who were with him and went to the wall of cubbies where the rest of Bruno’s friends were waiting. She was going to be an awesome vet.
“Okay, no more stalling,” Pepa said leaning back in, “Spill it hermanito.” As much as being called little brother used to irritate him, Bruno discovered it was something he actually missed. Not that he’d never let Pepa know that, but he smiled as Julieta said, “Hermanita, personal space.”
Someone snickered in the background and Pepa shot Juli a look. The small cloud that appeared winked in and out of existence in the space of a few seconds and Bruno had to admit he was very impressed. It put a smile over his dour expression that he’d been hanging on to in hopes of getting his family to leave. Pepa patted his head and was actually smiling as she moved away from him to stand next to the chair Félix was sitting in. Again, Bruno was taken aback by how different everything was. The fact that his mother had not said a word was also something he was not used to. She usually always had something to say on everything. She was there on the sofa with Mirabel who was listening wide-eyed to whatever his mother was whispering about. Bruno decided he didn’t want to know but as he watched them, she turned to him and asked, “So Bruno, just tell us. Does that door lead to the Church of St. Agustín in Bogotá?”
Everyone and everything went silent, including the rats as Bruno cleared his throat and said trying his hardest to sound conversational and not too excited, “Yes. It is a beautiful Church by the way, stayed for afternoon Mass.” From there Bruno recounted his adventures. From his walk through the plaza shops, to his conversations with Pedro the appliance salesman. The radio, he saved for the very last. It garnered a lot of attention when he pulled it out and turned it on. The crackle of the white noise elicited several ooos and aaahs. Julieta frowned when he told her that he’d traded her bottle for it. He wanted to feel bad about it but was so pleased with the device he found he could not muster a proper level of guilt to be sorry.
“What’s done is done,” she said and asked, “Was it at least empty?”
“Yes, I mean he was actually more interested in glass…said his wife collects such things.”
“Odd,” Pepa said, and a tiny cloud formed over her.
“Said the lady with the cloud,” Bruno quipped and Pepa threw a pillow from the sofa at him. It bounced off his head and he picked it up, pulling at the fringe along the border. One more detail to tell them. “There is one other thing…my Gift was active outside the Encanto.”
Uproar ensued and Dolores immediately shouted for quiet. Bruno liked that his sobrina was doing more than just covering her ears when people got too loud around her. She’d not only stepped out of Isa’s shadow she was casting one. After a round of apologies, there were discussions regarding how this could be useful. Agustín had knelt next to his wife, he looked over at Luisa then he nodded before he straightened. Pepa was listening to Félix with a surprised look and nodding every once in a while, she glanced over at him and smiled when she realized he was looking at her. Isabela had a faraway look as she gazed out his window. It was no secret she wanted to leave the Encanto and travel. Dolores and Camilo were now next to their parents listening intently. Mirabel was off the sofa and moved closer to Luisa who was still feeding bits of arepa to the rats. She reached up and tugged gently on her sister’s arm to get her attention and said, “This is so exciting, Luisa. I wonder how close the church is to the college?” Luisa paused and smiled, clearly not wanting to get her hopes up.
“It would be nice if it was,” she said noncommittally, and noticed Mirabel was petting the smallest of the rats he’d named Pepito. “You wanna feed a couple?” Luisa asked.
Luisa broke off a piece of cheese from the bundle and seeing that new food item sent the rodents into a short frenzy. Bruno smiled remembering the time he’d raided the larder and brought back some cake along with the arepa’s he usually pilfered. The rats with him then, had pretty much the same reaction. Ah, the good old bad days, he thought. Bruno rubbed his temples twisted his neck to try and loosen his muscles. It wasn’t a sponty, those he couldn’t put off. This was a full-on vision and those he could delay for a short time. It irritated him that something in the ether was once again demanding his attention and he thought, ‘Seriously, can’t this wait?’
It was his mother who noticed from her seat on the sofa. She was not really interacting with anyone unless they spoke to her first but was carefully watching everyone else. To Bruno, she appeared to be nervous and just a little anxious, but she looked mostly calm? At the moment she was watching him, and Bruno meant to smile, but instead his teeth clenched when his neck went stiff.
She looked genuinely concerned as she got up and said, “I think,” and she raised her voice just enough to be heard over everyone else, “it’s time for us to go. We can talk about this more after breakfast. The town meeting has been rescheduled for tomorrow morning at 10:00, so it would be best if everyone got some rest.” She turned toward him then and said, “Bruno, please don’t go off on your own without at least letting someone know what you’re doing. What if you’d been hurt? Or the door locked on the other side, and we could not get you back?”
Bruno’s teeth unclenched as his half smile turned into a full one and he said, “I won’t Mama. I’m sorry if I worried you.” She nodded, accepting his answer and Bruno once again was taken aback by the change or rather return of her younger self. The one that was trusting, patient and kind with her family. His family began filing out of his room, quietly chatting and as Mirabel walked past him, Bruno felt a half-remembered twinge. It took him by surprise because it was something that he’d not felt for a really long time, though he knew it somehow was related to his Gift and to magic itself. It was also something he’d never completely understood. It was that unexpected that even though he wanted everyone out he said, “Félix, Gus, can you both stay for a minute?”
Agustín nodded and Félix raised an eyebrow as both sat back on the sofa. His sisters stopped and Julieta asked, “Is everything okay, Bruno?”
Bruno did not remember whether he had ever talked to either of his sisters about this quirk. It only happened twice and both time it had spooked him for days. He did not want to worry them or even try and explain it, so he nodded and said, “Just need to get my cuñados opinions on something,” and hefted the radio he was still holding hoping it would do for an answer. Though neither seemed convinced, Julieta nodded, but Pepa fixed him with an appraising look as they exited and shut the door.
He sat for a moment in silence and said before he started, “Doli, I love you sobrina, but would you mind? Your Dad and Tío too.” This caused Félix and Agustín exchanged worried looks, but he needed to sort this out.
Bruno sat in silence for a few more minutes, he still had the pillow Pepa had tossed and was pulling at the fringe trying to find the best way of telling his cuñados what he was thinking. The problem he was facing was that he was not sure what he was thinking. But the feeling that something was off would not subside, and it had everything to do with the things he’d been seeing lately.
“Bruno,” Agustín said, “Just say whatever it is.”
Félix nodded and nudged him, “Does it have something to do with the red door?”
Bruno looked up and said, “No, it’s more to do with the spontys I’ve been having lately and the sketches I drew for Mamá.”
“The ones about the people in the forest?”
“Yes. I don’t think I’ve been looking at them properly.”
Félix and Agustín exchanged looks and Agustín said, “In what way?”
“I don’t know, just a feeling I got, but I think I need to gather them all up and look at them again.”
“The kids had some of them in Isabela’s room earlier,” Félix said.
“And a vision tablet.” Agustín added.
“Right,” Bruno said, and he went to the desk and pulled out another small stack of sketches. As they headed toward the door, he pushed back the need to deal with the vision waiting for him. Hopefully, it could wait a few hours. 
(…Doli, I love you sobrina, but would you mind? Your Dad and Tío too...)
Dolores squeaked and immediately shut out their voices. She’d made a promise to the family and herself that she wouldn’t try to eavesdrop on family conversations. Especially if she was specifically asked not to. They’d gone back to Isa’s room to talk about their plans some more, with Mira, Luisa, and Camilo. Everyone noticed her jump but didn’t ask. They knew she’d tell them if it was needful. The thing was it was harder to not listen than listen…so she decided to cast her hearing toward the mountains. Good distraction that. While she was not expecting to hear anything, she was surprised to hear a dog. It was growling.
A woman’s voice (…chhh…) the voice had a strange echo to it. A cave maybe?
The dog went silent, but Dolores could hear the dog panting as well as the breathing of several people. She focused on each realizing a good number of them were children. Tío sketches showed her this woman’s face. Dolores was sure they were one in the same. She moved further from her family so as not to be distracted and sat on Isabela’s bed keeping her eyes focused on the floor. Camilo knew what she was doing, he’d seen her do this before. His voice was hollow, like he was in another room as she faintly heard him say, “Everyone stay quiet.”
After a few minutes Dolores could hear the sound of at least five maybe six people walking on stony ground. But it was a slow walk, everyone must be very tired. The group came to a halt.
A man’s voice (…You said their tracks went this way old man…) there was a dangerous note of anger there.
Older man (…The ground here is extremely hard, and there’s been no rain. Sign is harder to see in those conditions. Perhaps they doubled back…) This man was lying.
1st man (…I’m tired of your excuses…) there was no answer from the old man, instead Dolores heard the sound of someone being struck quite hard, followed by the sound of a body hitting the ground.
2nd man (…It’s getting dark, we should head back to camp…)
There was no audible answer from the 1st man only movement of some kind.
2nd man (…what about him?...)
1st man (…leave him…)
2nd ma (…alright everyone, looks like another dead end, Back to camp…)
There were grunts but none contradicted the order, so the group left but were not moving much faster than when they’d arrived. Dolores followed the sound of their steps until she couldn’t hear them anymore and looked up to see her brother and primas all in front of her. Mirabel was on her knees holding the vision tablet tightly to her with her sisters on either side and Camilo in front. Her concern for these people must have been showing on her face because they were praying, but silently. Dolores refocused her attention on the woman’s breathing. She was calmer now and Dolores listened for the children. One was weeping quietly almost silently.
Woman (…They’ve gone, okay, mis pequeños. Water for everyone then it’s time to go…)
2nd Woman (…Doris, they need to eat…)
Doris (…I know, mi vida, but we cannot stay here. We need to put as much distance between us and them as we can…)
Inez (…What about Fernando?...)
There was a pause, and Doris said, (…He’ll follow if he can…)
Inez (…At least let me give them some bread and cheese…)
Doris (…Fine, they can eat while they walk…)
Dolores squeaked but made a mental note of where the voices were coming from. Everyone looked at her and she said, “They’re close enough for me to hear them, but still a ways off. Just on the edge. Like Tío said, they are being pursued.” Dolores gestured to Mirabel, and she handed her the tablet. Dolores turned it around and pointed to the angry woman. “I believe her name is Doris, and the woman behind her is Inez. There’s someone else, an older man named Fernando but…” Luisa was going through the sketches and held up one of an older man and younger who appeared to be arguing. “That one,” Dolores said pointing to the older man, “That must be Fernando...I’m not completely sure but he was doing his best to slow the pursuers down. All I could tell for sure was that he was not telling the other the truth.”
“Was?” Isabela asked.
Dolores paused and said taking the sketch. “I believe he is the leader of that group,” she said and pointed to the younger man in the sketch, “This one is dangerous. He struck this other man and left him unconscious in the mountains.”
“What?” Isa said as she stood up, “Should we try and find them?”
“I don’t know how we could. I only have a very general idea of where they are.”
“How many do you think?” Luisa asked.
“I don’t know. There were at least five, maybe six others with this one. They talked about going back to a camp before dark. I couldn’t follow their steps for more than a few minutes.”
Dolores looked to her brother, but he was watching Mirabel, who was sitting off to the side, her fingers tapping on her knees. She did not seem to be paying attention but was instead staring past everyone, looking at no one. Thing was, while it may not seem like Mirabel was listening, she was listening. Camilo looked back at Dolores as he moved to squat down in front of Mirabel asking quietly, “Hey there, prima, what’s going on in that head of yours?” She didn’t answer so Camilo gave her a poke “…Mira?”
Mirabel started and looked around for a moment as if just remembering what she was doing and said, “Sorry, I was just thinking about the path in the tower,” she said as she got up, “When Tío brought me up there before, I thought I heard someone calling out for help. I thought it was my imagination. Now I’m not so sure.”
Dolores still holding the tablet was moving then toward the door. “Where are you going?” Isabela asked.
“The tower,” Dolores replied, “If the voices are louder there, then perhaps we can get to them more quickly.”
Luisa already collected the sketches, and everyone was up and moved into the hallway, walking quickly toward the tower stairs, except for Mirabel who was heading toward her room, “I’ll catch up,” she said over her shoulder.
“I’ll go with her,” Luisa said handing off the paper to Isabela and followed after her sister who had not slowed.
The rest of the group continued on only to stop again when Tío Bruno’s door opened and her father and Tíos came into the hallway. “Where are you three off to?”
Dolores said, “The tower.”
Her father looked at Tío Bruno and all three of them said, “No.”
“But why not?” Camilo asked.
“Reasons,” her father said.
“And those reasons are…?” Camilo was not one to talk back to their father and Dolores was wondering what he was thinking.
“Where are Mirabel and Luisa?” Tío Agustín asked.
“In her room,” Isa said.
“You know,” Tío Bruno said, and took the tablet from Dolores, “how about we all meet down in the dining room so we can discuss this.” And tapped the tablet. It made a soft ringing sound that Dolores found appealing.
Camilo had grown more independent since the breaking and did not like being told he couldn’t go somewhere. Dolores elbowed his arm to forestall him saying something else and said, “Okay Tío,” and pulled her brother after her toward the stairs. Isabela had her arms crossed and she heard Tío Agustín say, “I’ll explain downstairs, Isa.”
Camilo pulled his arm loose and halted on the landing. “Quit dragging me around like I’m five, Dolores.”
“I’m sorry Camilo, but I needed to get you away.”
“Something’s wrong, I can hear it in their voices,” Dolores said. “Mostly Tío Bruno.”
Isa caught up with Dolores and Camilo on the stairs. “They seem really weirded out,” Isa said and together they entered the kitchen to find their mothers and Abuela having tea and chatting.
“What brings you three down here?” her mother asked.
Before they could answer that Tía Julieta asked, “Are those Bruno’s sketches?”
“Yes,” Isabela said and set them on the table, “We were going to go up to the tower to see if Doli could hear them better up there.”
“You can hear them, Corazón?” her mother asked.
Dolores nodded and said, “Only just.”
“Then where are Mirabel and Luisa?”
“Mirabel’s roo-” Dolores paused as she answered.
“No, no she is not,” her father said walking into dining room.
“She’s in the tower now,” Dolores said.
“She must have gone to the tower from my room,” Abuela said getting up, “Was the door missing?”
“Yes,” Félix answered.
“Dios Mio,” Tía Julieta said sounding quite vexed and she was up as well.
“Luisa is with her, Mamá. She won’t let her do anything too Mirabel-ish.” Isa said and shook her head.
Tía Julieta nodded but started for the stairs.
“Gus and Bruno went up there, I came to get you all.”
“Why not just tell me from where you were?” Dolores asked.
Félix’s eyebrows went up and he said, “Sorry, mi vida. Slipped my mind.”
Dolores smiled, that’s what he always said. Her Papí seldom to never tried to talk to her from a distance. He preferred speaking to people face to face, including her, regardless of how many times Abuela had told him he should. Dolores always found it to be the perfect distraction when the voices got to be a bit much. Dolores looked at everyone in the room and asked, “Where is Camilo?
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