#don't mind that i sort of cheated AKSDAKSDH I CAME UP WITH IT AT THE LAST SECOND
abyssin · 1 year
👫 me me emeadsfsdf
Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship! / accepting.
with the opposition of the abyss and the light realms, i like to think that childe - for a while at least, after their encounter in the eyes of the oratrice - was drawn to fontaine because of neuvilette, and aside from neuvi's potential battle ability, it's why childe was so eager to fight neuvi. childe seems to be more restless than usual in this new fontaine act and seems to be trying to find a way to quell... whatever that is growing in him. though childe may not know of neuvi's true identity, he would act on the sole fact that he wants neuvi for something. cue demands to see the chief justice that poor wriothesley has to hear from. every fuckin' day. the way childe would raise his head in visible interest when he realizes the chief justice is visiting (and bonus if he can tell that neuvi is near because of the abyss-light realm embodiments of either men). and then a lot of visits to the chief justice's office post-prison era uwu
and then he realizes that. neuvilette is not worth fighting. i think i already briefly touched on this in our dms but after repeated encounters of rejection, of provocation, of neuvi helping along a little melusine (which childe comically ended the encounter into a toy advertisement, to not upset the kid), and an actual attempt at stricking an injury on neuvi, the chief justice just. doesn't retaliate. and childe realizes that this man does not have the heart of a warrior. not in a derogatory way! he just realizes that trying to goad neuvi into a fight is like. robbing a defenseless bypasser. and that's not childe's style! so eventually he does calm down. emphasis on eventually, considering whatever's happening in fontaine rn is making childe more feral & less perceptive than usual.
i rly like the thought of neuvi (and this is specific to what we've talked w our neuvichi) making childe's single grain of empathy act up, esp bc neuvi's someone who cries so easily. whereas he'd treat anyone that isn't his family the aloofness and poor attempts at comfort with a joke and filling the awkward air in conversation when theyre visibly upset, i think he'd respect neuvi's emotions and actually finds himself... feeling them, empathizing with them. it'd confuse childe what to do and if he's right in how he comforts neuvi bc negative emotions are so alien to him. but he'd really try! his first attempts of comforting are poor, like making a very awkward joke to lighten the mood. but he gets better over time, like knowing when neuvi needs the silence. or if neuvi needs to talk about it. or if neuvi wants a distraction
(this is meant to be an indented bullet point HSKJDAHD) and if ur into it, maybe childe being sensitive to neuvi's emotions is also part of the abyss-light realm opposition they have? vice versa for neuvi being able to feel childe's emotions somehow too, but for the most part, childe's emotions are so... distant. even the happiness childe puts on feels fake at times, despite him always smiling. BUT YEAH ANYWAYS.
and something more fluff adjacent. childe is not someone meant to sit still, but neuvi is adamant on working during his hours and childe unfortunately has to respect it, or else he'd probably get kicked out of the office (if not by neuvi, then someone else HAJDHASDASD). cue childe's attempts to keep himself busy. from picking up and reading some of the books in his office (and telling neuvi every detail he finds himself fascinated with, despite knowing full well they're neuvi's books), helping neuvi with any paperwork he has to deal with, running little errands for neuvi (and buying neuvi dessert to snack on while working), to something more 'distracting'. like braiding neuvi's hair, instinctively hugging neuvi from behind and asking him what he's doing (and childe actively listening if neuvi does explain the cases neuvi is dealing with), and kisses. maybe make out a little. most annoying ginger cat there is.
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