#don't take all of this like serious analysis or something tho it's just. random thoughts
deadtiredghost · 4 months
So I watched the entirety of Mashle as a drinking game and these are my non-coherent, drunkard rambling thoughts on the anime. (Sploilers obvs).
Mash - is it better than HP; not objectively, but do I enjoy watching it far more, yes 1000x yes.
"Our world has no shortage of problems" - UNDERSTATEMENT OF THE CENTURY
Mash is so smart when it comes to fighting and so dumb when it comes to literally anything else. I love this boy. Mash is so cute when he lies. I want to adopt him so bad. The paternal feelings haven't been so strong in a whileeee. (Not about anyone other than the turtles)
He just really loves creampuffs. He has an unconscious reflex to people taking his creampuffs.
"I see you as nothing but an unusually clever rabbit" - ironic because most people might see Mash as the opposite of clever.
For a comedy anime Mashle is so dark. Like the world is so fucked and euthenasia is the norm. But here I am making a drinking game out of the comedy anime and casually ignoring all the child abuse and trauma all the characters go through - someone should write an analysis on that.
Mash forgives people way too easily - 'since u have feelings I guess ur not a shit person even if u crippled and thus sent to be euthanized a whole host of students.'
I love that Ron Weasley-s wand has barbed wire around it - it's so unnecessary.
Unironically I love Love, or whatever her name is. Reminds me of Teruhashi but less developed and I hope he does get more developedz.ź
"I think Mask Guy wants to eat cream puffs too" • A line you would only see from this show • *talking about a guy who is actively dying from being impaled*
Every single villain: and they failed to consider that... Mash was just built different.
Abel: my mother taught me morals. I forgot them for 10 years but now they're all coming rushing back to me after Mash suplexed me and gave me brain damage.
Rayne's reaction to the green haired shit is overboard to us and the main characters, there is no use in continuing to kick someone while they're down, but from his point of view he has probs had to deal with similar people over and over for his entire life and gotten bored of them double crossing him or something. Sidenote: i have never met a "Rayne" (that spelling or otherwise) that isn't genderqueer in some regard.
In universe they mention machine guns and bunting from baseball whÿyyyyyy .
Was this world Formerly the real world?
It happened in Tokyo Revengers too, but what's with characters being like "if u don't have anything to live for, live for me in servitude"? Like... u don't owe them ur life and death my dude. There are other things to live for than a maniacle megalomaniac
I love Mask Guy! And where the fuc is Lance? How long has Lance just been absent? Who the fuc is this random that appeared out of no where to tattle that Mash has no magic? Why is this show so fucking random?
Finally we r on season 2 and I get the fun opening - it has been in my brain since Jan when I first watched the op on youtube (Basement gang danced to it)
(Does anyone else pace to music? Or is it just me doing maladaptive daydreaming shit?) Blim blam blam blim blam blam blim blam blam boom.
Season 2 opens to: GASLIGHTING
Just the casual threat of euthanasia hanging over Mash's shoulders at all time.
Is 'blight-blood'a slur? That deffo counts as a slur. Worse than 'no-mage' at least.
Mash gave Mask Guy a handkerchief that healed him being impaled in the chest - and that was a pretty serious impalement. So why couldn't any of the school nurses help Ron Weasley?
Best line in the whole series: "forgive him, Abyss calls girls 'females' that's how little experience he has with them." 😂😭😂😭😂😭
It would have been fun if the blonde dude in season 2 was the dad of draco malfoy in season 1 - he isn't but it would have been fun if we got a return of the draco malfoy character humbled.
Tho he is incredibly powerful but no one respects him and I don't understand that.
*Mash does anything* - looks like magic to me!
Japanese dub: You're a (in english) NICE GUY Eng Subtites: you're hot stuff
Everything everyone does in this show is so unnecessary - what is it even for? (Sand guy I'm looking at u)
Okay but tell me that in an alternate universe the Divine Visionaries aren't just a harem anime with an aromantic Mash in the middle.
What Rayne says: I agree with the headmaster's opinion What Rayne means: my brother is weak and this no-mag accepted my bunnies
I find it interesting that Dumbledore has one line. U know he got more somewhere.
Can you have extra lines elsewhere? Like not ur face? On ur arse? Tramp stamp line?
WHERE is the government? Is it jus the Jesus ppl that are doing all this? Is the government the schoo?
Mash coming in like a caterilla will never mot be funny to me. My friend: "I feel like I've been witness to a crime."
I love the soundtrack. "It's so heavy that no one can lift it!" - I wonder where this is gonna go. Who fucking made it then?
OLIVER WOOD IS BACK! I forgot he existed.
Unpopular opinion: I like Margarette. I get that their design plays on tropes, but at the same time, people do be like that. Not like how Margrette acts but looks. Man really go told something opposing her worldview and then played the piano. But also she has the best lipstick. I would have preferred it if Margarette wasn't portrayed as creepy by thr characters around him, but I'm just happy to have a he/she/they character in a show I like. (Same Margarette same)
I don't think she is any more goofy than any other villain character in this show so far. I also don't think that the character is meant to be harmful. I can see why people might dislike her, especially considering past anime and the failed rep that ends up judt offensive, but to only see good trans rep as characters who "pass" and look gender conforming is harmful in itself. You can clearly see that Margarette is gender-non-conforming in his design, they are such an icon. Jawline doesn't determine the gender of the character! And I don't believe that Margarette is an "Okama" in any way of the word.
We support women's rights and their wrongs in this household.
"I'm not putting tartar sauce on my shrip... I'm putting shrimp on my tartar sauce." • My baby bro showed me this like 3 yrs ago in the manga and I didn't rlly know what he was on about until I started watching this awesome show.
I love the use of the soundtrack tho. I love Margarette but why is she like this? (I scream out when he starts playing the piano) why are the eyes rolled back 😭😭😭
Are they playing tabletop role play games!!! D60? Anyone? Skip 320 turns????? Wtf? Dnd would be a very different game is those where them rules. There is no way that fucking dice is a D100.
I love all the characters they are so goofy.
I feel so bad for finn rn in the tournament like - someone keep him safe!
Mash flatlined at the prospect of doing academic work - for half a second there he was fucking dead
Why is he breakdancing? I need therapy after this. I don't understand.HOW DID IT WORK!!!!
Is the odd guy actually chill? WHAT THE FUC? I thought Orca didn't matter. But the orca guy is hot at least - it's the hair for me. WHY R ALL THE HOT ONES EVIL! I like Rayne best tho.
Man got held back a year get fucked. I feel bad for the guy who helped Mash - I was so sus of him
Same Mash, I'm having a hard time retaining attention on the rules too 😭 All the sympathy left my body at the smashed crystals.
In the op Dumbledor is in a sheet. No top just a sheet covering his nips. Is anyone else seeing this?
I've been routing for fin the entire time tho - he has rayne's genes! FUCK YEA FINN - ugh. I wanted Finn to do something. Sorry I'm going back to Tokyo Revengers, but Takemichi being beaten and beaten and continously getting up and not relenting for his friends is so powerful, in comparison to Finn where it feels more like a damsel. I love Finn and I want him to get more powerful so we can get something badass out of him, but this episode was not it rlly. Not yet anyways.
Creepy wand alert! And I usually like anatomical hearts.
How did Mash just do that? That the fuc? U can't sculpt that with ur hands. I was almost expecting a Yor.
He's doing a Gaara - why the redhead doing a Gaara? Margareit being fucking horrifying rn. I know he is the bad guy, but that doesn't mean that they're the bad guy.
Not everyone underestimating my boi Rayne - they have proved themselves!
Sand fuck I'd called Madl? Mans name is fucking: Oter Madl?
We haven't had an opportunity to play the drinking game much season 2.
Mash: ah ur the guy who bullied me the other day Guy: want to play a little game? Alright jigsaw
"It's obvious ur attempting to guard something" wtf is wrong w mash - seriously. I love him but my god.
How does he do that? That's not something strength does??!! - built different.
Quadriceps magic - why even bother at this point. Everyone knows.
Mash's face: I didn't sign up for this shit
Margareit looks so cute with hair - idk how she did it but they look so cute with it. Her eyelashes tho!
Is Mash's ear his weakness? Same. When someone gets to close I feel a shiver and freeze up. It's the autism.
Margaret's power is actually pretty cool tho
GET UR FUCKING HANDS OFF OF MY SON! Dumbledore plz save him.
It's giving slightly more than creepy.
I was under suspicion that dumbledor was a natural triple liner... but oh my gosh. This is orochimaru shit.
The autism is strong with this one.
Mash's father is so wholesome!
This group is desestible
I will never forget that Mash named his individual muscles - its funny but also he was entirely alone his entire childhood so its kind of sad if I think about it
Ginger afro kid doing a Brock
I love that the school is called Easton - it's so generic English prep school.
Mash's gym clothes are just one with his body.
All the Jesus metaphors are in abundance with this show tho 😭
They're so fucking dramatic. All of them.
Sand guy is such a fucking loser tho.
Sidenote: who names their kid Cell War?
Woop woop necromancy! I would care more about any of this if they gave more screentime and build up to the villain characters, but ya I called it a long time ago and I'm not mad - it's a gag anime with casual euthanasia mentions, what more could u want?
Idk how to feel about 2-bit-merlin (who is literallt called Adam Jobs but is nothing like Steve Johs thank fuc) being silly goofy in the flashback but I love the design of the guy with the sharp teeth - I love me some sharp toothed character.
"It had the best specs" fr fr
Imagine being a bystander watching anime fights but not being able to hear the inner thoughts... they're just floating there
I didn't know they went Super Saiyan in Harry Potter!
In one shot it looked like Dumbledor had a hearing aid?
Wow I forgot that literally the entire school had just been frozen in time while the 7 jesus-chosen mages and the 3 first years that have no buisness being here are just fighting for their lives.
FATHER? WHO THE FUCK IS FATHER? WHY DID THIS TURN INTO FULL METAL ALCHEMIST ALL OF A SUDDEN? religion vs science (physical athleticism) is a theme? I guess??? Pushig it????
Is grindelwald "father" am I misreading this?
Wtf is going on. Mash deserves a nap but like... seriously? Mash is me, he thought it was a dream 😭
No one should wait for the monolouging to end. Just punch them. Mash has the right idea.
My place of learning. Oh no. - the autism is strong with this one.
ARE YOU FUCKIG KIDDING MEE WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENINB? This is a weird and unusual torture and Mash has never looked more like a psychopath.
Okay. That makes more sense. I was about to loose my shit. I love this show but what the fuc.
It's a good thing they taught us early on that if u K.O. someone all their magic attacks dissappear! /sarcasm.
I love that someone else has been traumatised by the creampuffs.
I'm so annoyed I sobered up before this episode. I needed to be drunker for that.
The ginger fuc turned up again! I love hos hid afro moves in the wind but I love moreso the blonde fuck's broom being so extra.
If it's to do with low magical power then why are the very powerful purple students effected?
Grindelwald is Dio now! Oh. Wait no. Grindelwald has Sundail (from epithet erased) Grindelwald looks so young compared to dumbledor as well so u know he's chasing immortality and doing some time shit to have effect skin and long fucking lashes. Such a twink. He is not daddy, he looks like sephiroth- the og hater. (Now I see it I can't unsee it)
Dmbedor is so cool in this, why can't actual dumbedor be the cool??? (Jk I hate jk and we all know why)
Oay Steve Jobs is growing on me. Adam Jobs is just me now w the animal facts; but I'm not a teacher and never would be.
Fucking called it. Why do they always do this? Like I know half ur face might die and decay after this fight but there is so much to live for - like being the only one stopping Mash from being euthanized rn.
Oh my god its biblically accurate gundam
Screw Netero with his Buddha, gimmie Dumbledor and his Uranus.
I wish this fight ficed everything going forward and all the future issues but its not gonna.
"No manner of attack can affect me who can control time" - what does that even mean? And you know that Mash is gonna pop up with no magic or smming later.
I love how just like the source material, dumbledor has his favourite gryffindors.
Whenever Oliver Wood pops up I get a jumpscare but also why was Dumbledor spying on children during their non-achool time? I know this is just random flashbacks but him saying "I was watching" and then giving us this implies he was spying and that's hilarious to me.
Conclusion: dumbledor and grindelwald fucked when they were teens. But not the romantic shit just the toxic two queer kids in a small town type shit.
Okay that was dramatic and all but I need the screen to just zoom out and show Mash kicking his legs to stay in the air.
Okay, okay, recap, now zoom out please. YESSSSSSSS. (Did dumbledor just say Mash was so awesome)
Dumbledor has short eyelashes but I like that one eye of eyelashes are burnt off with the injury from before.
Why is twink grindelwald doing that to his face?
Okay. Go Mash. Beat that twink up! His face cant be ruined any worse than what's currently goig on.
A perfect human. U ain't even human anymore bro.
Is grindelwald doing an orochimaru? Body stealing? Is that where this is going?
"I didn't think he could move that much" - HE IS LITERALLY CONTINOUSLY KICKIG AT AIR TO KEEP HIMSELF AFLOAT - what r u on about????
"We'll finish this another time" - no get back here bitch! Stab him while his back is turned!!!
What is with wizard megalomaniacs and wanting to get rid of education? I mean heck I'm not complaining, he education system leaves a lot to be desired irl let alone in this fucked up world.
"We won't make it in time" - I wonder who will (I don't wonder. I have never had to. But I still feel the hype whenever Mash enters)
He's just built different.
I mean I wouldn't call it "playing" but sure. Also the students are so fucking ungrateful to even even be questioning Mash's acceptance. He has literally just saves ur lives, why do you even have to ponder this?
Blood don't splash like that.
Gaaraa moves afain! - I love to see Sand Tomb being reused in great anime.
They enjoy some down time dont get me wrong, but I'm getting some whiplash at the tone change all of a sudden.
One failed exam and your immediately expelled??? That's so harsh. I sympathise hard w Mash rn, the education system sucks and exams are even worse 😭
Mash isn't rebellious in the slightest! "It seems like you can put effort in when you need too" stfu, this is ableist, he isn't lazy!!!
Omg it's Oliver Wood again. I forgor he existed.
Lackmagic? Blightblood? That's worse than Muggle - which come from the word "Mug" which is a gullibal person (derogatory)
One pretty girl cab instantly quiet a horde apparently. Wow. Well it is anime.
"Catching someone who can't use magic is child's play" - famous last words from a cocky dipshit
Why is his chin like that tho? Why are his lips like a cat's?
I just want to grab Mash and explain how much better a person he is than the vast majority of the ppl in this world. It's kinda like Iruma-kun where the MC is in a world where he is so kind that everyone is just confused as to why.
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todayesterday · 3 years
so, get back hot take time (or: a disorganized collection of the things that are floating around in my head that i need to get out somewhere)
paul was so desperate and so clueless and so sad. he didn't know what to do, he was trying to be the director and failing because he didn't know what direction to even go. i think this shows that he didn't have it together at all, at all, but still he was trying very hard to pretend like he did
i think he was also very self-aware - he knew he sounded like an asshole and was being mean to george but i think that, again, he didn't know what to do to change that, or how to approach george now that george already was mad at him? as in, i think he was scared of trying to do it and it making it worse. he wasn't ready to give up things being the way he wanted, or like, to compromise, but he also knew that he needed to and i think he just didn't know how to? how to properly express himself? because he is paul mccartney and he never deals with any emotion he has and god forbid him apologise properly. but honestly i don't think all of it was just him being petty, i think he sincerely didn't know how to. he was just very lost, in every sense, very very lost
in that sense i do feel for him u know. i got really angry at him in episode 1 but i feel for him. he wasn't trying to be mean, he was just utterly fucking lost and trying to lead the way because nobody else seemed to do it and he knew damn well that the beatles needed to be led. again, he just didn't know how to and ended up breaking everybody and himself in the process. i think he just didn't understand that he didn't need to be strong when he clearly wasn't, but he also felt desperate because he thought that if he showed how lost and weak he was, how sad, then everything would fall apart and that would just break him even more
i think george was the only one who was arguably signed off mentally from the sessions and yet he was still trying to impress the others, trying to be a part of it, but conflicted because he didn't quite know where he fit with everything. he was just really fed up i think. out of all of them, i think he was the most desperate to just move on. but i do think that maybe if they had agreed - and if it was a realistic thing in general - to have solo albums and still be the beatles, he would've been happy with that. but i don't think that would have worked, ever
i don't think john didn't wanna be there. i think, particularly after george came back, he was having a good time and he really cared about the whole thing. he did love them. i think all the mess got just too much for him after a while, but, you know. he wanted to be there - granted with yoko by his side - just as much as everybody. or else he wouldn't even have come up, i don't think
also he was clearly in pain too for becoming distant with paul. i don't think he wanted that. i think he sincerely just wanted yoko to be a part of the pals (and perhaps even his relationship with paul) and wanted to keep them and yoko but that was impractical because that's not what the others wanted and it would never work. but i do think he sincerely wanted it to. and he didn't want to drift away from paul too and was in pain because of it, i think that's also something that became very clear to me
the part where he sings ask me why and i wanna hold your hand to paul he was clearly wanting to talk to him which oh god why
john and paul were very desperate to be near each other, and paul was hurting very badly to see him so distant from him. he was just a mess. i didn't know it would be so visible
it's funny because i always thought they were fighting around this time. somehow seeing that they weren't, they were just close and distant at the same time, two people in two boats that are drifting away in the river who are trying to hold on to each other but they keep drifting apart, it somehow is worse
god ringo went through a lot he really does love those three very much god bless him
george martin is a dilf and if he had produced the role thing from start, it would have been 10 times less chaotic and disorganized, just because the beatles trusted him and he was already part of their bubble
overall i think it just goes to show how big of an impact brian's departure had on him. they are all lost and don't know how to behave or how to make decisions and they needed guidance desperately because all they know how to do is play music. paul knew this and tried to be the guide but it didn't work because he was one of them and, therefore, also lost
yoko was really not nearly as annoying as i thought she'd be on these sessions? she just sits there. of course the shadows that she casts is one that isn't easy to ignore because she's, albleit silently, stepping into territory that isn't her own, but that's more on john needing her in their close circle than her forcing something. she really just sits there
of course just that drives paul insane because that means he can't be that close to john but
also, yeah, brian dying really is what broke them
when john was talking about klein he looked like he was like Oh god i found The Dad figure
i think the beatles' later years was just desperately trying to find something or someone to fill brian's shoes y'know. be the one Who Tells them what to do. and it never worked because they could never let anybody else in, they didn't know how to do that, nobody was brian
in the end i think they loved each other a lot
even george
everything will hit differenly from now on
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