#don't wanna go nuts on one day (but maybe i will LMFAO)
ishikawayukis · 6 months
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scoups anyone 210618 for anon <3
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juvederm · 5 months
raving about trans josh . suck my nuts
i honestly don't see a lot for trans josh in art or writing. and i kinda feel like nobody sees a more feminine look or energy for him which is kind of lame. there's nothing that suggests he wouldn't like feminine things, and maybe it's his brazen dialogue that leads people to believe he's like any other dude who strictly presents masculine. which i mean, yes in the game he's never wearing anything that isn't, much like the rest of the guys.
i bring up femininity and masculinity because of how they are depicted in his concept masks. i have a feeling that people might think i "feminize" josh for no reason but the truth is that i got this idea from his concept mask artwork.
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sad girl, sheila. sad girl especially is my favorite. and whatever this could just be me running on high levels of copium, but after already headcanoning josh as trans and then seeing these, i cherished this headcanon even more.
i can honestly see josh as transfem or transmasc, he's trans either way to me. i often think about him hiding his true forms of expression in favor of appealing to others, doing it for your own safety, etc, something i think trans people like myself can relate to.
some masks have themes related to motherhood as well.
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and listen. i know sometimes horror plays into the themes of femininity within serial killers in horror media (like some being into crossdressing for example), but like i said. when thinking about josh being TRANS and seeing this, it fuels my belief for it more than ever. especially since it's in a Horror game as well.
like obviously this wasn't intended to be in the game as trans coding, it was inevitable for me personally to not let my favorite character get away with being cisgender LMFAO i had to stomp that out, it's just something i do, i think other trans people in fandom can relate to projecting that onto their faves.
and i know the until dawn fandom is fond of trans chris as it's literally the only trans headcanon i ever see no shade. and i like that one! truthfully, i do. sometimes i'm at odds with the way it's characterized in fics and whatnot, but it's a wholesome and harmless headcanon. i just wish i saw more for trans josh :-(
a lot of this headcanon requires brainstorming i think, you're not gonna use a lot of like. in game proof (besides the concept art) to try and justify it bc you literally don't need to for any lgbt headcanon honestly. esp in a heteronormative game like until dawn. like i know there's no way in Hell that SMG intended for josh to be trans, but it's my favorite headcanon ever and the only headcanon i've ever made a whole TIMELINE for because it speaks to me so much.
i also wanna bring up body horror and transformation. this also has to do with trans hannah. this, iirc, was kind of around back in the days of the fandom, but it's truly one of the best. i don't know if anyone at the time considered it. but i took hannah's transformation (and by proxy, josh's too) as trans coding as well, ofc it wasn't intended that way, i just think it makes things more interesting.
the idea of your body changing and you can't stop it sounds a lot like puberty to me and how it felt when i was going through it. sometimes horror movies even indulge in this idea, leading a lot of people to believe it as a metaphor for growing up trans (i've watched a lot of video essays mentioning this concept) and i wasn't gonna let josh or hannah off that easy. you are both TRANSGENDER.
of course this is all just projecting, but i just want these hcs to get some more love. also feminine josh, come on guys, can you really not see it for him? bc i can. maybe not as something he does Outwardly with confidence, but still, i don't see josh as him being strictly masculine, although i still love that look for him. not saying i don't.
thanks for coming to my ted talk.
+ some more masks. i love the doll related ones because i associate josh and hannah with dolls. like a lot.
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gothcsz · 8 days
okokokokkkk that was so good, I’m obsessed with Javi kinda being the desperate one!
idk if you’re planning on doing more for this buuuuut imagine reader actually staying strong an trying to stay away from Javi. And he’s all disgruntled because he definitely thought he would have her wrapped around his fingers after the elevator. But she’s staying strong and away from him while he’s just kinda getting more obsessed to the point where he has trouble getting it up. At first things still worked when he thought about you and how you taste but eventually that’s just not enough anymore and the other women just don’t fucking do it for him anymore.
So he corners you again, ranting about you breaking him and some shit. I wanna see more obsessed and desperate Javi, begging her to let him take care of her again. Just one more taste, please just touch him once. Please let me feel you in some way. Just the god damn tip?????
Like I need him to beeeeeeeg hahahaha
i always love to see the cocky, asshole, self assured man be the one to crumble likeeeeeee yeah, what was all that shit you were talking? right, right.
i do plan on writing more here, i fear i don't have a choice bc i'm just as obsessed as you all are lmfao
once again, need you guys to stop showing out with the ideas like this. do you want my log in? tempted to just post the shit on here and let you guys take over is2g KDJSHFAKSJDFADSF but holy fuck, that's too good. i literally want her to stand on business and not give in even if it's the hardest fucking thing ever.
and omg, okay, her hearing that he's been having a hard time getting it up recently and that, for some reason, really makes her feel bad bc she's not a total bitch and she understands that this is his job like—
dude.. i kinda wanna tie that in with the idea i got here and like maybe after the solo shoot she's like yeah no i can't keep doing this so she dips off and starts working with them less and at the bar more. javi is like, literally going nuts bc he hasn't seen her in forever and his dick isn't working and he corners steve one day like pls just tell me where she is i can't stand it anymore and steve, ever wanting to stir the pot and being a little shit, tells him about the job at the bar and well.....
JUST THE TIP OH FUCK THAT'S SO HOT I'M LITERALLY MAKING A DAMN MESS IN MY OWN PANTIES RIGHT NOW ENVISIONING THAT................... straight up just the tip inside while he's playing with your clit omg i can't do this i need to go to bed.
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