#dont come online you dumbfuck
like i have almost no positive associations with the word ‘lesbian’, for all ppl go on about how good representation is when have you ever actually heard a character in anything call themselves a lesbian, ‘ambiguously wlw’ is the best we get. lesbian is the word for like, terfs or women from the 60s or people who get into dumbfuck discourse online. i dont relate to any of it. i dont see myself in it and i have no connection to it. by definition i am a “lesbian” but that term feels so foreign and weird to me that i just feel plain uncomfortable with it 
like i’m just a woman who’s exclusively attracted to women, that’s IT, i don’t want any of the fucking baggage that comes with this term. the rest of my personality is my own. i don’t want to begrudge other people things that make them happy but people literally ascribe entire fucking personalities to being a Lesbian and it just doesn’t fit me and it makes me feel super uncomfortable. 
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brainrunbygoblin · 3 years
idk why but my (painfully straight) friend is addicted to the thought of me getting a gf (since I have a stronger pull towards women instead of men) but let me remind you
im ugly as fuck
I need to form some kind of emotional connection before I fall in love n im kind of a dumbfuck when it comes to making friends (I followed virgil around n made him cry until he became friends with me + then my other friends were added to the friend group/introduced to me by virgil)
and I dont trust strangers on the internet (I didnt even trust demons for a bit) so that rules out online dating
and they (they use she/they pronouns) also keeps asking me if she was a lesbian if I would like her
wtf is happening :sob:
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