#dont conflate the two and then make worthless arguments
7amaspayrollmanager · 2 years
A long time ago some person made a post that made this ridiculous post
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And I commented on it like...not fucking true and of course no reply and I wouldn't have remembered this post if someone hadn't replied to my comment talking about the coptic ppl of Egypt and like okay uhm u can talk about arab supremacy and the conquerings and the ethnic cleansings in north africa and the middle east without like calling populations like palestinians Syrians and Iraqis and other ppl being driven from their lands settler colonialists. And even if they were not being ethnically cleansed does not make us inherently settlers for iding as arab. Think. Use your brain. No maybe not everyone is indigenous to that region but that assumes that all human migration is inherently colonialist. Like what if palestinians weren't being displaced you'd consider us colonialists?? Who replaced a previous population that a majority of Palestinians are probably descended from? Again like no degree necessary to not make such infactual claim
Don't rb
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