depthsofdreaming · 13 days
Even if Freminet hadn't been busy hiding Clervie during Childe's stay at the House of the Hearth, he still would have gone to great lengths to avoid the Harbinger. Never mind the fact that Freminet's history with Harbingers outside of 'Father' weren't the best... and never mind that Freminet was part of the mission that failed to rescue Childe... Freminet simply wasn't big on talking to strangers. Besides, there were plenty of extroverted children weren't here when 'Mother' was in charge to keep him busy.
Seeing Childe in this city, his first instinct was to turn and walk quickly away pretending he hadn't seen him, but when they made eye contact it was clear that Childe had seen him. Freminet knew 'Father' would be disappointment in him if she found out he ignored a Harbinger and a previous guest of the House so he unwillingly locked his legs in place, knees quivering already. He swept his hat off and clutched it nervously to his chest as he bowed.
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"M-M-Master Childe! I-I would like to apologize on behalf of my siblings for our f-failure to retrieve you from the Fortress of Meropide! If- if we had a little more time... or if I had been stronger...!" He knew he was ranting a little but found himself unable to stop.
"P-please don't hold the results of our mission against m-my siblings or the House of the Hearth!"
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khaenriahn · 2 months
MAYBE HE'D BEEN TOO HARSH, especially when it came to something that was so wildly out of control between others. pettiness was not something lost on him, something which had grown into him over years of his childhood and far into his adulthood. withdrawing into himself has always been his way to avoid that selfsame harm he felt throughout those years, shielding his heart away to make certain that it would not bleed so profusely.
yet this only works when it involves one angle of it, doesn't it? had it been him who had been stolen away, well... one knock on the door is all it takes to silence the thoughts racing through his mind, waiting patiently before the face of the red head soon shows opening the door at his surprise visit, a few wrapped items in hand at his side.
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❝ You're not busy today, are you? Given our mutual friends being in such close proximity and how they know of your family situation, I would think on your birthday... ❞ he can only assume they might have made plans to keep the harbinger's mind at bay for the day.
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I think it's really really cool how we went thru a deadly worldwide pandemic and we still don't have paid sick days. And jobs still understaff to the point that you can't take the day off sick anyways. And bosses still congratulate you for "working through it" when you know deep down you could be risking someone's life. Fuckin worldwide pandemic and we've just gone back to the same old dogshit routine, not learning anything.
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descensionstar · 2 years
@doublemasked​ ✧ something seems ice-fishy
rod in-hand, the next order of business was to locate a promising hole in the ice. there had been a sneaking suspicion almost immediately after hearing about the water top activity — and it appeared to have been on the money. Childe had referenced ice fishing in the past, as a hobby and a means of survival in the brutal Snezhnayan climate, so it stood to reason an old pastime would take his fancy. he had mentioned heading home... without him, who would be there for Teucer and his siblings? were they going to be alright while their big brother was stuck here?
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✦Paimon knew it! Paimon figured if you were going to be anywhere, it would be here, and she was right.✦
he seemed content enough, though Childe hid much behind a smile — more than most could dream to speculate. from his family, he masqueraded the part of legitimate businessman, to strangers, someone whose anticipation for brawls appeared as a by-product of subtle hot-bloodedness. there was nothing he needed to hide from her; she knew each side of the man called Tartaglia, and though he might always appear upbeat, they both knew well how much the matter of siblings meant to one another. as she contemplated what exactly to say, she smiled, raising the hand brandishing the rod in greeting, fingers unfurling just enough that the item wouldn’t slip loose from her grasp.
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✦so, so? did you catch anything big yet? how about any Paimons?✦ legs wiggled in anticipation, practically dancing on the spot, as she’d customarily do in the air, restricted for now to the Traveler’s torso her backdrop.
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kozeriaii · 2 years
he’d recognize that bright mop of ginger hair anywhere - and that’s not a good thing. 
eyes narrowed as he stares the taller male down, scaramouche speaks before the other can open his mouth, “before you go picking a fight like the battle-crazed idiot that you are, i don’t have the gnosis.”
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he knows how the fatui - how the harbingers work, obviously, so he knows for a fact that its ranks would be on the lookout for him after his sudden disappearance. considering childe’s love for battle, he wouldn’t be surprised if the man was stupid enough to try and fight him for it - and while scaramouche is confident in his skills, weakened as he is, he’d rather not waste the time or effort when there's no point.
“if you want it, too bad. go fight the people in charge for it.” and he’ll make sure he’s there to laugh when childe fails.
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balemoonash · 4 months
what a surprise. to see not only a colleague, but a harbinger at that. if luck were at play, hopefully certain others wouldn't be present. that would surely ruin any chance of a pleasant stay. Childe, however, is one she minds little to be in the presence of for the moment. "they managed to bring you here." of course they did, and it's likely he's already been involved in trouble more than a few times.
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"tell me," she studies him in the brief pause before she continues. "is it only us? it would be a shame if one of the others spoiled an opportunity like this." two in particular come to mind, both poor options to inflict upon the people here given their mode of operations.
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skullrender · 6 months
name: Childe age: 21
position: Bouncer
relevant experience: Uh, well, I have military experience since I was a kid - one of the highest ranking officials in said military. Been on a bunch of solo missions, lots of combat experience besides that. Helped run a bank once? Oh, and I went to jail and there was a fighting ring there, too.
why did you choose this position?: Security seems a little altruistic for me, and I know who I am better than anyone. Better off keeping kids outta danger and taking out troublemakers at the door, yeah? why are you interested in working here?: I’m interested in a place like this running successfully. Working here for a shift or two would also make it easier to commute to join as a customer, heh.
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“well, i did say i couldn’t go wrong with an extra set of willin’ hands! ya’ve got some decent experience and the drive to be here, hard to say no to that. consider yourself our new bouncer!” the bit about going to jail might be glossed over for the time being. // @doublemasked​
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isolaradiale · 7 months
with prior reserve here's Childe (Tartaglia) from Genshin Impact! His application can be found under /app or the navigate button on the sidebar
Welcome back to lovely Isola Radiale, Childe!
You’ll be staying in CONDO 412!
You will retain everything given to you during your prior stay.
Enjoy your stay!
– ⋆ mimosa.
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project30s · 10 months
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in the pcds classroom, 2022
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lightfallsword · 2 years
Perhaps it hadn't been the best idea to venture off on her own. Eula has always been sure of herself, not overconfident but also never willing to rely on others for help unless she was in dire straits. As she looks at the multitude of scrapes, scratches, and cuts adorning her…well, it finally begins to set in that she may have bitten off just a little more than she could chew this time. Goblins were easily dealt with and golems weren't too difficult for her to tackle but when she'd unwittingly managed to awaken a literal sleeping dragon, she thinks of how this may not end well for her.
While not completely down for the count, it's very apparent that as she leans her weight against the hilt of her sword that she's at least growing noticeably weary. While stamina has almost never been an issue when one is faced with a much larger adversary, it can be difficult to keep up. That's not to say that the dragon wasn't in pretty rough shape either. Eula had managed to get a few good swings of her sword, leaving it just as bloody and bruised.
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Still, she was tired and she didn't know for how much longer she could keep up her defense. She's been outplayed for now, that much is certain, and as the dragon raises its claws, razor sharp and ready to deal what could be a devastating blow, Eula steels herself and digs her greatsword into the ground to help her at least shield some of the blow, but thankfully it never comes.
Between her and the dragon now stood a young man, who seemed to be holding it off with relative ease. And before she can properly react, he has successfully pushed the creature back and given her enough time to gather herself. Incredulous, Eula looks at him, "…I suppose I ought to save my questions for later. Believe me, I have plenty." But she pulls her greatsword from the ground and steps in front of him without a word of gratitude. "I won't thank you until we've taken care of it." It's on its last legs, thanks to him after all.
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contractuum · 2 years
the world sometimes has curious ways to bring about fate.
to the people of liyue, it is not an uncommon sight that a respectable gentleman known to most as zhongli wanders about the boutiques and restaurants of the vicinity and one can rarely presume that he has even a single mora on his person. despite this, he always, somehow, manages to talk himself into huge discounts or gets someone else to pay.
this is just the natural course of events for him.
however, the rather scruffy looking man before him does not appear too keen when zhongli admits he has no money to purchase the rather unique watch that caught his fancy.
"i fear we cannot reach a profitable understanding this way," he calmly states after the self-proclaimed merchant in the underside refuses to let him pay by invoice and even draws a dagger on him. this, however, appears to further enrage him, much to zhongli's dismay.
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fortunately, that is when a familiar face enters his field of vision, and zhongli stays the merchant from leaping with an abrupt movement to hold out his palm in a halting manner. "if you desire your funding at this very moment no matter what, the gentleman over there may assist you. whatever the cause, when my friend there espies a chance to flant his wealth he will take it." at least that certainly appeared to be the case when the man known as tartaglia had been busy wrecking havoc in his city.
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stonerzelda · 1 year
We out here risking the only good and rewarding job ive ever had by confronting the regional manager on her claims that doublemasking is bad when ive been able to find an entire 0% of information to back it up
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khaenriahn · 1 year
FINGERTIPS KNOW NO HESITATION HERE, cautious in how they press the sharpened blade to the neck of an unsuspecting guest. to say this was something he had come to expect was, frankly put, an absolute lie. rather, it was more of a disbelief that the eleventh harbinger would make his way so brazenly into the home of an enemy. whether it all should to be named bold or idiocy was difficult to say. something he was far better off not thinking during this moment, when danger lurks right beneath his roof, having wiled away within the confines of his kitchen, threatened by how kaeya presses metal closer to exposed skin to draw the smallest drop of blood.
now if only his sword didn't feel so heavy 一 weighted by some knowing that his body seems to retain while his mind can't seem to quite comprehend.
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❝ I would've thought the Fatui would be smarter than this. ❞ kaeya knows that they can be, deceptive masks aplenty for each one, which is why he finds himself particularly alert. ❝ But to wander into a Favonious captain's home without so much of being undercover? Why, it leaves quite a lot to the imagination. ❞
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xzhonglix · 1 year
@doublemasked liked for a starter
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“This long is really long, isn’t it?” A soft sigh escapes Zhongli’s lips as he gestures towards the start of the long line. He was starting to regret coming to this particular coffee shop for an afternoon cup of coffee. “Perhaps some people in front of us will leave soon. Of course there must be a reason the line is so backed up. I hope the employees are okay.”
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castilium · 2 years
okidoki, with the LB7 stream on the horizon and the brain funk still wrecking havoc, I’m going to slide a to-do list here so that people don’t feel their starters or replies have gone unnoticed and offer assurance they’ll be answered, which has been a concern only getting half of Lumine’s owed replies so far has fuelled (it just doesn’t feel right having left people waiting so long, or seeing some things replied to and not others). if you’re waiting on something which isn’t beneath the cut, please let me know so you don’t get accidentally passed over, it’s still a work in progress  to balance seven muses.
i’ll be balancing them with playing through the new part of the story, and give a heads-up where the fate girls stand once the Lostbelt is cleared. as far as the event goes, only Mashu, Saber Lily and Lumine will be partaking though that might narrow down further with how deep into the time frame of its run we’re in, fingers crossed the brain gets itself into gear and can jump in before it’s too late.
Aichi Kronya [ fatalmenace ] Mary Sue [ eusyram ] Brad [ armstrongstyles ] Narbarel [ aurelsabre ]
Mashu Hunter [ grimflyer / winterfes ] Azar [ grandscge ] Kronya [ fatalmenace ] Enkidu [ earthensong ]
Saber / Arturia Kronya [ fatalmenace / winterfes ] Kugisaki [ wldrose ] Beni-Enma [ birdskitchen ] Boss [ sanpatron / Maskerade Festival ]
Saber Lily / Arturia Lily Ryuki [ reversedpsync / A Crocus Among Us ] Komi [ placides ] Piper [ wrightshot / Dreamscape ] Sun [ sxnburst ] Eiden [ kleinstar ] G’raha [ porteurdereve / Dreamscape ] Donald [ theunluckiestduck / A Crocus Among Us ]
Pikachu Gyess [ rose-goldscales ] Musashi [ finiteflower ] Vash [ amoirsetpacis ]
Lumine Diluc [ ragnvindrdawn / A Crosus Among Us ] Quincy [ qwincy / winterfes ] Diancie [ diamonddomain / winterfes ] Zhongli [ contractuum / winterfes ] Venti [ brise ] Yachiru [ swordofdeath / winterfes ] Alhaitham [ hetuvidya / winterfes ] Childe [ doublemasked / winterfes ] Gangrel [ rexerrat / winterfes ]
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isolaradiale · 1 year
i'll be dropping Childe (Tartaglia) from Genshin Impact. He was housed in The Icelit Winds in Sky-Strewn Isles
Childe will be dropped for you!
-- Mod Caelum
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