#draco malfoy is my spirit animal omg
oldmemz2017 · 8 years
get to know the writer known as Dorian :D
Rules: Answer the questions and tag 20 followers who you want to get to know better! Add or subtract questions as you please! 
@fan-this-spark-into-a-flame tagged me! Thank you so much! Hehe. Name: Dorian! In history, my name is initially a strictly male name. Well, either my parents weren't thinking OR I AM PASSIONATELY SMASHING GENDER ROLES AIIGHT (dorian shut up lmao) 
Nicknames: Dori, like the fish with memory loss. Dor too, but I like the Disney one hehe. 
Zodiac Sign: Libra. My physical health is balanced but frens, my mental health ain't. (Because the symbol is a scale XD) 
Height: I do not KNOW I SHORT 
Orientation: closeted bisexual yo. If any of you meet my parents, PLEASE SAY I AM STRAIGHT. 
Favorite Season: Winter. I freaking love the cold. Also because it's an excuse to not go outside lmao 
Favorite book: The Harry Potter series, MPHFPC, Divergent, Hunger Games. Also please please please don't hate me but I HATE TWILIGHT WITH A FIERCE something IDk 
Age: me2know&you2findout ;) 
Favorite animal: Dragon. Smaug is my spirit animal. Legit, I have like, 2 things with his quotes on them. Also this "I instil terror in the hearts of men." Is my life Other girls at 7: "Mum, I wanna unicorn! They're so pretty!" Me: "Mummy, can I have a dragon? I want to set our neighbours on fire. You can imagine what kid I was. 
Coffee, Tea, or Hot Cocoa: Tea my friends. Nothing like tea and a good book. Also you can pour the extra kettle water on your enemies. 
Favorite Fictional Character: Haven't we gone through this? Smaug. *whispering* oh u meant human ok uhh probably Hermione or Jason Dean from heathers. OH AND DEAN WINCHESTER FROM SUPERNATURAL HE IS ON MY SHIRT RN 
Dream Trip: Switzerland! It's a country that's never been at war, and it's super pretty (humans have yet to pollute it) 
Blog Created: October 2016 I think :) 
Number of Followers: 541 (i don't deserve all this omg) What do I post about: Hamilton, In The Heights, Heathers, Harry Potter, Supernatural, Sherlock, Doctor Who etc. 
Do I get asks on a daily basis: nope! Aesthetics: umm, I don't have one! I am a sucker for everything pretty. Favorite Band/Artist: L I N or phillipa soo or Cristina perry lmao. Also evanescence, iron maiden, Metallica, Ye 
Fictional Characters i would date: Jason Dean, Dean Winchester, Draco Malfoy, a whole bunch. I’d go straight for: I'm half straight sooo ..? 
Hogwarts House: Gryffindor :) What's one compliment you always receive?: lmao - but I always get the compliment that I smell nice. It's weird. People randomly sniff me and they're like "what perfume are you using? I love it!" And I'm like "I'm not wearing any....but thank you though!" XD @hamiltrashtothemax @purple-typewriter @its-the-hamfam @piercethemarti @musicalmiranda @secretschuylersister @matt10nt Everyone I know, do this :)
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