#drakengard 3 final boss level shit
soitsu · 7 years
Video Games That Did Stuff in 2017 List
I don’t know why I’m making this list...maybe purely out of boredom??? Whatever the case here’s a list of some videos that I gamed in 2017 that were pretty good in no particular order.
1. NieR: Automata Not gonna lie, I was actually gonna pass on this one because of all the hype around it made it look like it was gonna be overrated but after my buddies Carter and Ozark gave me a little push, I took a little bite. Probably my favorite game of this year. I took the time to do just about everything in that game, all the endings and easter eggs, etc. I ended up getting the original NieR and Drakengard 3 as well just to squeeze in some more Yoko Taro goodness.
2. Yakuza 0 I’d never heard much from the Yakuza series but always knew it was there. It took watching a playthrough of it by Super Best Friends to see how truly fucking awesome this game was. It hit all of my sweet spots with a game. Good plot, fun gameplay, amazing soundtrack, lots of angry Japanese yelling and punching shit. What’s not to love?
3. Crash Bandicoot N-Sane Trilogy I never had an original Playstation as a kid so I missed out on characters like Crash and Spyro, etc. but it’s great that they re-released this trilogy for PS4. It’s classic, mind-numbing, anger-inducing platforming fun rolled up into a bandicoot flavored package.
4. Sonic Mania The funny blue hedgehog does a spinny again but this time he does it in the most amazing way possible. Mania is probably the definitive entry for 2D Sonic, presenting awesome level design (Pressed Garden Zone and Mirage Saloon Zone were so good), gorgeous sprites and backgrounds and an amazing and memorable soundtrack. 
5. Va-11 Hall-A: Cyberpunk Bartender Action I usually don’t play visual novel type games but this one had caught my interest for a while. I’d never seen so much love and effort put into an indie game since Cave Story but it really showed with Va-11 Hall-A. Great characters, funny references, that cyberpunk aesthetic that everyone loves and well written plot that makes for an overall comfy experience. I cannot recommend this game enough.
6. Metroid: Samus Returns  You would think I wouldn’t have much to say about a remake of Metroid II and you’re kinda right. It’s not exactly a straight remake though, it’s got a new map layout, new gameplay mechanics, beam stacking and a new ending on top of improved graphics. It’s the classic Metroid gameplay we all love in a shiny, new package. Regardless, I love it a lot and I’m glad Samus is back.
7. 100% Orange Juice This game is awful. Awful in just about every way but it’s got a special place in my heart. It’s very fun playing and messing around with chat friends. It’s also not as bad as I make it out to be. It’s a board game akin to Mario Party without the minigames and a battle system in place. Cute characters, catchy little character themes and tons of unlockables and collectable cards. Fun for the whole family.
8. Phantom Breaker: Battlegrounds This game was gifted to me recently by an agent that goes by the name of Fat. Much thanks to him. Phantom Breaker is a cute, anime style beat ‘em up with a neat little story (that I didn’t pay much attention to) and a very nice feeling combo system not present in many beat ‘em ups. It’s not a very long game, consisting of only 6 stages and the final boss but it’s got catchy chiptune music and cute anime girls. Fun to play in a sitting or two.
9. Demon’s Souls While it is the most primitive of the Souls series games, Demon’s Souls has a sort of charm to it that isn’t present or as strong in later titles. In comparison to other games in the Souls series, the plot and lore are pretty much laid out for you, which is kind of nice seeing as how the world building for Boletaria was done just right. Gameplay is pretty standard for a Souls game albeit a bit archaic in comparison to Dark Souls or Bloodborne. That being said, I love this game and it’s overall atmosphere to bits and cannot do it justice with a description. I heavily recommend this game to everybody.
10. Street Fighter V This game....this particular fighting game has been quite the trip. A very rushed and shoddy launch, controversies with PR, balance changes and censorship, unrest in the playerbase, etc. All of that into account, the fifth entry in the iconic Street Fighter series has for the most part been a pretty big part of my life. I’ve made lots of friends through Street Fighter and I love the series to bits. 2017 wasn’t the best year for this game but it seems like many deserved improvements are coming in 2018 with the release of SFV: Arcade Edition. Hopefully it’ll take it’s motto to heart and Rise Up.
Sorry if you actually took the time to read this. I simply typed this shit up out of boredom while listening to oneyplays.
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poppopopopopi · 7 years
Settos Top 10 GOTY 2017
Hey guys it’s your mostly inactive friend Setto here. It’s that time again and I’m here to swarm you with my terrible taste in videogames for 2017. SO STRAP YOURSELF IN FOR A LIST THAT’S PROBABLY BETTER THAN WATCHING JUSTICE LEAGUE.
10: Cuphead
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A game years in the making, Cuphead brings a fluid and visual masterpiece onto the scene. A fast paced action game based around Boss fights and platforming stages, Cuphead is challenging in all the right ways. The hand drawn art style is a marvel to look at and it plays like a dream. I saw this game all those E3′s ago and never in my life would I imagine it would turn out as such an incredible feat of game design and animation. If you like your games about Cartoon cup men fighting Satan then BOY is this for you!.
9: Sonic Mania
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Hey are you tired of SEGA’s fruitless attempts at making Sonic games?. I mean Colors and Generations were good but STILL. Handing a project to Christian Whitehead is the best decision SEGA has ever made. The game is filled with nostalgia from all walks of Sonics life. It has brilliant gameplay that almost perfects the classic Sonic formula and will have anyone smiling all the way through. The physics, the music, the BLAST PROCESSING. This game is the biggest love letter to Sonic that’s ever been produced and I urge you to pick it up even if you have never played a Sonic game before. 
8: Digimon World: Next Order
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Did you guys ever play Digimon World 1 on the PS1 and think “Boy I wish they made a sequel to that game that improved on every aspect but kept the Digimon raising in real time”?. WELL GOOD NEWS, This game delivers on that front. It mixes in loads of new mechanics with the town building from the original. There’s a big world to explore with loads of side quests, loads of in depth mechanics for digivolving and LOADS of Digimon to collect. It has plenty of content to keep you playing even after you beat the game and is honestly some of the most fun I’ve had this year. If you want an engaging experience filled with plenty of cool as fuck monsters then get this game. 
7: Nier: Automata
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Nier and Drakengard are one of my favorite series ever made. I love Yoko Taros insanity and design that he works into the franchise, I love the deep and complex stories with great characters, deep background lore and plenty of comedic moments. Nier Automata is no different except now platinum are behind the combat which has improved MASSIVELY since the original Nier.
I can’t really go into depth on the game and besides everything that needs to be said has been said already. I’m just gonna say that the game is an incredibly well written and engaging marvel. If you like emotionally devastating storylines that will make you think about what it means to be human then you need to pick up Nier: Asstomata.
6: A Hat In Time
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An ADORABLE platformer with perfect controls, great settings, cute as hell characters and loads of the things that have made classic Gamecube platformers a staple in history. This game is just pure joy to play and is the second best Hat based platformer of the year. I’m not gonna go into detail because I don’t want to spoil how great every single stage of this game is since each one changes up the formula to the point where it’s like playing a whole new story. If you like collectathons and great writing then you deserve to treat yourself with this creation of absolute happiness.
5: Yakuza 0
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I’ve written about how good Yakuza is like a million times. Yakuza 0 is probably the best entry in the franchise alongside Yakuza 5. While Kiwami also came out this year, it was 0 that came out on top for me. It’s got so much side content that kept me coming back for weeks.
With entire side missions dedicated to real estate and being a hostess manager, the game drags you back in to its great mechanics, satisfying combat and gripping storyline. Seeing the backstory of Majima is heartbreaking and Kazuma getting tangled in this new web of insanity is just as engaging as always. 
Yakuza 0 is probably one of the best games I’ve ever played and stands as a beacon of “THIS IS HOW YOU WRITE A STORY, I’M LOOKING AT YOU HORIZON ZERO DAWN”.
4: Gravity Rush 2
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The other cutest game of the year goes to Gravity Rush 2. One of the most creative and enjoyable franchises I’ve ever played. 
As Kat you shift gravity around yourself to explore an incredible world made up of floating islands. You fight off horrible and mysterious creatures called the Nevi all while doing dumb things for townspeople who can’t do shit themselves clearly. These things include marketing ice cream, delivering fast food, stopping the inevitable destruction of your entire planet...wait what?. 
There’s loads of costumes to get for Kat, loads of furniture for your tiny sewer house and plenty of fun gravity shifting to do.
There’s also some horrible abominations of mankind to fight against with an oppressive government.
Sony have basically sent this series to die and are shutting off the servers a year after launch, thanks sony. Guess it wasn’t as good as your terrible looking reboot of God of War.
3: Persona 5
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A fucking visual masterpiece and a lesson in how to design something so good looking that it makes me look at myself in the mirror and consider why humans are capable of making such beauty. 
Persona 5 is an engaging and incredible RPG that has great characters, great combat, Amazing music and the style of The Fonz if he ascended to godhood.
Everyone has already said how amazing this game is and it’s a fucking SMT game that’s up for the actual GOTY awards nomination.
What else is there to say?. other than Kawakami is best girl.
2. Super Mario Odyssey
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I don’t want to spoil a single thing in this game for anybody. I don’t want to show a single screenshot, talk about a single world or even mention any music.
The game is one of the best games I have ever had the pure joy of even touching. I haven’t been this happy playing a videogame in almost all of my life. This game oozes charm and deserves every single bit of attention it is given. 
There is nothing that can top this masterpiece of mechanically perfect happiness.....OR IS THERE?.
1: The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
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Look I know people have issues with this game, I know people have loads of weird nitpicks and bad opinions. That’s fine. But you don’t get what this game means to me.
After Wind Waker I haven’t purely enjoyed a Zelda game on the same level.
This game defied all expectations I had of it and not only set a standard for Zelda games but set a standard for all open world games.
Every single thing in this game made me realise why I hadn’t been enjoying any open world games in almost a decade. It takes all conventional ideas and turns them into something magical. I never wanted to stop exploring this world.
Every corner has something new, everywhere you go you will see something else you want to go to and I guarantee you something will be there.
Being able to climb any surface takes away all busy work of navigating around small cliff faces just to get somewhere, being able to glide takes away all busywork of having to work your way down. There is so much freedom of choice in this game that you can just go straight to the final boss if you want.
Never have I played something so non linear, so open and so purely incredible.
You can tell they put effort and love into the world they built, you can tell every single inch of this game was thought out to insane lengths. 
Horizon Zero Dawn came out the same week as this game and that game is the most by the numbers, basic ass open world games I’ve ever played. I have no goddamn idea why it’s so popular when it’s honestly a fucking wreck compared to this masterpiece. 
You can go anywhere without being restricted, you can do anything in any order, you can see something in the distance and just climb the fuck out of it. 
I love this game so much, it’s one of the best experiences I’ve ever had with games and something I will never forget.
That about does it for this year, I hope you guys tune in next year!.
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