#drew this the day before it's posted in a rush because i gotta go outta town bluh .<.
badlydrawnmeulin · 8 months
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corvinearcher · 2 years
So, I feel like since my art is already inconsistent, the way i draw and type about my headcannons is madddd confusing. Like, I know I don't draw ANY of them correctly. Or draw good in general lmao. But I just wanna share some of my headcannons or whatever idk I can't draw I'm on a road trip this is as good of a post you're gonna get.
So the Makaras, they're tall. Like okay I think all of the fuscias are tall as shit. I mean look at mommy- I mean Condescension, she's tall as FUCK. So I think that's just a grand blood thing. Like grandhighblood. He's obviously fucking HUGE. Tall, buff, all that horrifying shit that can murdle someone EASILY. So I mean, Kurloz imo is tall and lanky. But obviously we all see wtf he becomes so I mean, yeah. But gamzee, tall and scrawny as shit. He's got mental issues man, he probably forgets to eat for days on end. Dude eats slime for breakfast lunch and dinner, that ain't gonna do much. But yeah all the makaras and fuscias are tall as shit imo.
Colors. The whole nails and eyes being some derivative of yellow seems weird to me. Like I know they're aliens and shit but it just seems out of place. I think they all have tint of their blood color for their skin. Their nails are like either lighter or darker version of their blood color too, and their eyes are tinted the same way because ours do the same thing. I'm thinking about logical anatomy here you guys. And also the base of their horns, I put their blood color caus it's legit coming outta their head. THEY CAN FEEL THEIR HORNS THERE'S BLOOD IN THERE RIGHT? OR SOMETHING? IDK. But also, for those thinking "Karkat wouldn't survive if his skin was tinted" I don't understand that first part, but since his color is so close to rush bloods, one glance and you can't tell the difference. I headcannons it as Slsome trolls are darker shades, some lighter, some less tinted some more. That's why gamzees so dark compared to like, idk sollux. Lighter colors darker colors, y'all get it.
Also I'm gonna use this post to say, I don't portray the characters very well, and I'm sorry about that. I have specific and strong headcannons, and I don't know them all very well. I don't know how everyone sees and accepts people's versions of each character. I read this shit once. I'm going to read homestuck again (duh) but this is all off of information from one read. I also have ADHD I did NOT pay attention. Apologies for that, thanks for understanding.
Okay next one, I draw all of them veryyyy differently than the original. Like, I draw equius older than the original. Actually that's everybody. Nobody is 13 when i draw them unless it's specific. Take like, my sketches of Aradia and Sollux. They're look an assignment older because they are. So like with equius, i draw him with long hair, a lot taller, buffer, and overall change the personality if he got more comfortable with th people around him and how the world changes. That's why he talks so slack usually. I like to think he grows from his whole hemospectrum "I gotta live up to this" shit and learns to just live. Oh also I chang th outfits because I like to add more personality. The originals don't have much detail and it's fun to add them. Like nepetas outfit, crop tops an sweatpants cause that kitty be WORKIN. But yeah none of my interpretations of them are good nor correct. It's just how I see them, sorry if ya don't like em.
I forget the horns 99% of the time. I have no excuse I genuinely have no object permanence. I forget gloves, horns, nails, teeth, colors, clothing LITERALLY EVERYTHING. I'M JUST STUPID OKAY I FORGET A LOTTA SHIT. I usually run all my shit by my friend first before posting because I keep forgetting shit. It's a genuine problem. Hopefully it'll be fixed after drawing all of them for a while but, I just don't know.
(Before this paragraph, when I say "kin" I mean like I relate to and feel a lot alike a character. Okay kool)
The funniest thing is, I kin dave more than I do equius, but I drew him ONCE and never posted it. I was reading as dave the entire few weeks of the first read and I was like "damn these cats are kookin that's literally me I'm fucking dave." and like, love him, simp for him, he's fucking amazing. But I just find it so funny that I only post troll shit and never any human shit. I love Janey and Dave and John and shit but I never say anything about them lmao. I mean my blog name is CorvineArcher. Color of crows (Dave) Archer, we already know XD.
Gamzee is a hardcore stoner and nepeta joins him.
D -- > Nepeta, please, this is getting out of hand.
:33 < Stop being a fucking LOSER EQUIHISS JOIN US.
D -- > You're turning into foul creatures.
dAmN rIgHt MoThErFuCkEr :o)
Anyway another headcannon is like, all this shit took place in early 2000s,so that's how I make the style. Vriska has emo fringe hair I don't make the rules. There's an asston of jeans and converse and overall AMAZING fashion. Anyone who disagrees is a fucking loser who probably thinks shein is the only place to shop.
Alright I think that's it. If not I'll just make another post lol. In conclusion, my art is shit and I love fictional men. Thanks for hearing me out. Haha.
Thnks, mngmnt.
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omgviolette12 · 5 years
After Hours - Chapter 6 A professor Loki fanfiction
Previous Chapter
Summary: Evelyn Monroe has been a TA for professor Laufeyson’s Calculus course for four months now. He was known to be quite strict, but that never deterred her from applying for the position in order to be close to the man she had been secretly pining for. One evening, she returns to his office after opening hours… and with her bountiful luck, she walks in on something not meant to be seen.
Chapters: 6/?
Words: 2200
Warnings: Explicit sexual content
Tags: @milkymaidme @dangertoozmanykids101@alexakeyloveloki @little-moonbeam-666  @marvel-ous-fics@clovermariear@lynnesm@bitchyikes@moon-child-of-a-poet, @allthecraftandthings@bubblegumspitt @shockwavee @blondekel77
If you’d like to be added, let me know. I’ve also posted this on AO3
You have not an inkling… of how long I've staved off the temptation of having you beneath me. Across my desk, and at the mercy of my cock.
At the mercy of my cock…
At the mercy of my cock…
Currently, Evelyn sat dazed in a bathroom stall as the filthy words from her professor echoed repeatedly within her mind.
She was not sure how to wrap her head around over what transpired. How could she, when the cold and untouchable professor Laufeyson, whom she secretly liked, practically dry humped her into oblivion?
Well, technically they weren't dry - but the concept still stands.
She could still remember it clearly, his disheveled appearance before she ran away in a panic. Due to how wet she was when he pressed against her, his white dress shirt had gotten wet as well. The material stuck to his body, revealing a tease of the lean, muscular figure underneath. His tie was off to one side, and his ruffled hair further accentuated the wild look in his eyes.
But the one thing that drew her attention the most was the prominent, impressive bulge that tented his pants.
Now there was no doubting it. At this point, she'd be an idiot to believe that her professor held no interest in her. However, his attack on her body came so suddenly that Evelyn did not know her next course of action, so she sat on the toilet endlessly pondering.
When she saw him next, did she act as if nothing happened? Was he interested in a relationship with her despite her status as a student? Or did he just want to use her for sex, as Candice suggested? And would sex with him be...rough?
She had just gotten a clear handle that he may not be a gentle lover - and that scared her all the more, especially considering his size.
Evelyn was a stone cold virgin. She was afraid to put in a tampon, much less the monster that currently nestled within her professor's pants.
Evelyn clutched her head in frustration, before sighing dramatically. Since she didn't know much about sex in general, she probably needed to do some desperate soul searching on porn hub and spankbang once she got home.
Evelyn eventually exited the stall, moving to stand before the mirror. In her haste to get away from professor Laufeyson, she ran straight from his classroom to the bathroom at the end of the hallway, hopping straight into a stall.
She neglected to check her appearance in the mirror at the time, so Evelyn couldn't help but gasp when she saw the current state of her neck.
"Lord have mercy…"
The right side of her neck was mottled with purples and reds, the hues deeply saturated against the brown of her skin. She was not one to bruise easily, so such a sight was shocking.
Evelyn lifted a hand to gently trace the bruises. As she felt them, she could once again feel professor Laufeyson's lips on her neck. She remembered the pain as he sucked against her skin, then the sensation of overwhelming pleasure that followed immediately after.
She could still feel his large hands on her body as he groped and squeezed her breasts, her butt, her thighs, her hips - just thinking about it brought back the throbbing to her lower regions.
Although what he did was essentially sexual assault - and against a student even, Evelyn was ashamed to admit that although she was scared...she also liked the rough handling of her body... especially coming from him.
She did not know what any of this meant. Wasn't she supposed to hate being treated so...roughly? Being manhandled?
Even with the strong infatuation towards her professor, this incident should be a glaring red signal to run the opposite direction.
In any case, Evelyn knew she couldn't walk around campus with blatant hickies across her neck, and Candice would definitely have questions once she got home.
So when she reached for her purse to cover the bruises with makeup, needless to say, Evelyn began to fret.
Because her purse was nowhere in sight.
She looked inside the bathroom stall, then on the floor, but nope. Nada. Gone.
She really, really did not want to go back to the classroom to check, especially after she had just ran away.
But her purse did not only have her make-up, but the keys to her apartment, as well as her wallet. She could only hope that he left the purse in the classroom, so she could get a janitor or something to open the door for her if it was locked.
At this thought, she gained a bit of hope.
Before she left the bathroom, Evelyn dried her dress underneath the hand dryer for a bit, before tying her jacket around her neck in an attempt to cover the bruises high and close to her throat. She looked a bit silly, but it was better than nothing.
She definitely received some weird looks from her fellow peers as she transversed the hallways of the science department like a spy agent; tiptoeing, peeking around walls, etc. Just to avoid a run-in with professor Laufeyson as she made her way to his classroom.
She became even more vigilant as she got closer to the classroom door - she looked left and right before standing on the tips of toes to peek into the lecture hall for any sign of her purse, and the professor she desperately wanted to avoid.
Fortunately, he wasn't there - but neither was her purse. That only meant that he took the purse with him, the worst possible scenario.
Frustrated, Evelyn began to curse fervently under her breath, and kicked uselessly at the door.
"The hell are you doing?"
Evelyn spun around so fast, she nearly fell backwards from the dizziness.
"Oh my fucking...Andrès! You damn near scared the holy ghost outta me!"
She placed a hand on her chest to calm her thumping heart as she addressed her friend, Andrès. Although they were in different departments, they had developed a close friendship during their foundation years of college, during which they took several classes together.
"Ha! Well, I ain't mean to. What're you doing here though?"
He then squinted his eyes as he pointed to her, "And why the jacket around your neck?"
Evelyn rolled her eyes, attempting to act natural. She was internally panicking, and moved to subtly adjust her jacket, "It's fashion, dumbass. And I just lost my purse."
As she looked at him, her eyes slowly began to shine as an idea began to form.
"Hey...Andrès. You got a class right now?"
He eyed her suspiciously, "...In like, thirty minutes. Why though?"
Evelyn put on the softest, sweetest voice she could muster, " Uhm...could you stop by professor Laufeyson's office real quick? I think I left my purse in the classroom and he has it with him and... I'm kinda in a rush to do some really important stuff right now. Could you like, pick it up for me, pretty please?"
Andrès looked as if she suggested that he jump off a cliff, “ Oh hell no! I skipped morning class today…”
“... I get that. But come on bro, you still owe me twenty dollars from when we went to Wendy’s. I'll forget about it, deal?”
“Twenty?! It definitely was like five dollars-”
“- Yeah yeah whatever, are you gonna help me or not?”
Andrès crossed his arms, “Man, I don’t know. He’s really gonna skin my ass...”
“Alright, here’s what,” Evelyn stepped closer, resting a hand on his shoulder, “Get me my purse, and I’ll treat you to tamales one of these days. How’s that?”
At the sound of tamales, Andrès' face split into a big grin, "You better! Even if I don't get it, you're still buying me food."
Seeing his grin, Evelyn couldn't resist smiling as well, "Ha-ha, sure. Hurry before your class starts, and thanks again. You're savin' my life here."
She stepped closer to give him a side hug in parting, "Just drop it off in my studio - I should be there doing some work."
"Aight, you bet."
At his confirmation, Evelyn happily skipped away with a light heart.
She just wasn't prepared to face professor Laufeyson, so she hoped Andrès follows through with his promise.
"...What did you just say?"
Evelyn stopped midway through her painting to address Andrès, who stood outside the opening to her studio.
After she had asked him that favor, she went across campus to do some work in the art department. She busied herself with painting for several hours, waiting anxiously for Andrès to drop by. When he finally came, however, he was empty-handed with an extremely bitter expression.
"I said, he wants you to come get it yourself. He wouldn't give it to me. On top of that," Andrès' voice raised by a margin, his skin turning red, "He failed me for the entire fucking semester!"
Evelyn could only gape at him in shock, "Oh…"
" Oh? Oh?! That's all you gotta say?!" Andrès turned around to exit the studio, storming out. It took a few seconds before he ran back in to say one last piece, "You owe me much, much more than tamales! And I ain't helping your ass again." With that, he finally walked off.
Evelyn could only lean down in her stool to place her face in both hands, before whining despairingly, "Oh shit…"
She honestly should've sucked it up and asked for the purse, because she was now sure that professor Laufeyson was pissed for whatever reason - and she didn’t know what that meant for her, or her chastity.
Evelyn left the art building with a heart filled with anxiety, making her way towards his office expecting the unknown. Would he… pounce on her once again? If he did, she wasn’t sure her poor heart could manage.
It was pretty late in the evening, so the science department was pretty scarce, with the exception of those taking night classes.
As she walked to the door of his office, Evelyn couldn’t help but think of the time she spent with Laufeyson, and at what point her mysterious professor could’ve possibly developed an interest in her.
Now that she was thinking back, it was as if every little thing he did in the past gained significance. The extra tutoring sessions, their casual conversations - not to mention waking up on his lap. That should’ve been an obvious one, but at the time Evelyn’s low self-esteem insisted that it meant absolutely nothing.
She now came face to face with the door. Evelyn closed her eyes, and took several deep breaths to steady her beating heart. She raised her hand in a sudden jerk to knock before she chickened out, and waited with bated breath for his voice.
A voice that did not come.
Confused, she waited for several seconds before knocking once more. But silence was all that greeted her.
Did...did he already leave?
Evelyn felt half relieved, yet disappointed at the same time. Secretly within her heart, she wanted to see him.
During the hours when she was painting, various scenarios went through her head of what would happen between them in his office. They were all extremely sexual in nature - and that scared her. She never so much as thought about sex previously, but it was if he was the catalyst to all things dark within her heart.
She saw herself being harshly taken on his desk, the couch, even the blasted wall - and she could barely even concentrate on her work as he invaded her thoughts to a frightening degree.
Evelyn still stood aimlessly in front of his door, now at a lost. She rested her head against the wood, sighing to herself.
Why do I want him to treat me so roughly? It’s...wrong.
“Now, why would it be so wrong?” Evelyn froze as the voice of her professor sounded from directly behind her, his body heat warming her back.
"You're... you're here…" Her voice was quiet and meek, shocked that she said her thoughts out loud, and that he had heard them.
"That I am. Thankfully, I hadn't wandered far," Evelyn flinched slightly when she felt him touch her shoulders, but he merely moved her aside to open the door, "You're here for your purse, aren't you?"
He acted strangely normal as he entered his office, expecting her to simply follow.
His behavior was so confusing...was he acting as if he didn't just maul her hours earlier?
She entered the office cautiously, eyeing his back as he shrugged off his suit jacket.
Without looking behind him, he issued a simple command, "Close the door. I'd like our conversation to be private, if you wouldn't mind."
Evelyn would much rather have the door open. But when he turned around to give her the look, she reluctantly turned around to close it.
Once she did, he then began to speak, " Firstly, I'd like to apologize," he nodded towards her neck, "I did not expect you to mark so easily."
That's what he's apologizing for?!
Evelyn removed the jacket from around her neck, gaining the confidence to speak, "With all due respect professor, w..what you did earlier..um - it wasn't appropriate and, I'm not sure what you want from me -"
He raised a hand to silence her, "I understand, and I apologize for my actions. However,"
His expression was serious and stern as he said his next words, "I would not hesitate to have you again, writhing against me."
Evelyn was flabbergasted at the words that just left his mouth.
"...What...what do you mean by that - "
Her sentence was cut short when he made a step towards her, "To put things bluntly,"
Without warning, he grabbed at her waist to press her against him, chest to chest to whisper in a sultry manner, "I want to hear your sweet voice screaming my name repeatedly, as I fuck you against my desk."
Well... that was pretty blunt.
A/N: Hey guys, the campers arrived and it has been SO HARD trying to find time to read, write, etc. because being a counselor is a full-time endeavor - from 7 in the morning, till 12:30 in the night. I finally found some lee-way, but there may be some grammar errors. Nonetheless, until next time!
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