#dwyer loves his baby half sister very much :)
yukiwrites · 5 years
The Perfect Kind of Peace
Thank you so much for commissioning me again, @lesibelle! This was so cute to write, I hope you like it!
Summary: Lumina and Tsubaki could say that they were living the happiest time of their lives: Kokoro was a smart and healthy young toddler while Caeldori grew more and more each day, even as a baby. Flora and Felicia, old friends of Lumina’s from her days at the Ice Tribe call their family for a meeting so they can catch up after so many years...
Commission info HERE and HERE!
It was a blessing. Young Caeldori grew bigger each passing day -- she was already able to stand and give a few steps by herself at her early age of one year and a half.
Kokoro would always make sure to cheer her little sister on whenever Caeldori took it upon herself to get up, which happened basically all the time.
"What a great sister you are, Kokoro! I'm sure Caeldori will walk by herself in no time with such a great cheerleader." Lumina giggled as she took the baby's tiny hands on her own to help with the walking.
"Give one hand! One hand!" Kokoro opened and closed her small fingers, wanting to guide her little sister as well.
"Gentle, alright?" Lumina reminded.
"I knooowww," Kokoro puffed her cheeks, nodded and took Caeldori's hand. "It's so tiny!"
"Less tiny than before, though, hm?" Lumina gave a step back so Caeldy could give a few forward, stumbling on her chubby legs.
Kokoro also fumbled on her feet to walk backwards, but managed not to trip, fully focused on the task at hand. "Still tiny!"
Lumina snorted, shaking her head. "Yours is tiny for me, too, you know?"
"Eh?" Kokoro stopped walking, making Caeldori bump into her stomach. "Wah- Caeldy!"
Lumina simply held Caeldori's hand up high, preventing her from toppling backwards. "It's okay, Mommy's got her." She winked, though found Kokoro staring down at her own hands.
"Kokoro's not tiny!" She looked from herself to her little sister. Lumina crouched beside her daughter, placing one hand behind Caeldori's back to support her as she flashed the palm of her other hand to Kokoro. "But your hand is tinier than mine, see?"
Kokoro placed hers over her mother's, seeing the difference. The little girl blinked. "Kokoro's gonna grow bigger than Mommy one day?" She asked, receiving a nod in response. "When?! I wanna be bigger!"
"Hah," Lumina snorted, booping her daughter's nose. "It's going to take a while yet, but now you can grow beside your little sister, hm? By the time she's as big as you, you'll be even bigger!"
"Oh!" Kokoro opened her mouth in surprise, then pointed right into Caeldori's cheek. "I was this big before, right? Even thiiiis big?" She made the gesture of a very small object.
"This 'tiny'? Yup, you were. Like I said before, Mommy protected you inside her belly until you were big enough to come out, like Caeldy here."
Once again Kokoro looked at her hands, then her sister's, then her mother's. "Wonder when I'll be big as Mommy..."
The sound of a shoji door opening behind them followed by a chuckle made the three of them look at who had just come in: Tsubaki. "Daddy is still bigger than Mommy, though. Look!" He held a letter with his right hand, showcasing his left one right beside Lumina's.
Kokoro gasped loudly. "Mommy is still growing too?!"
Lumina chuckled, resting her head on Tsubaki's shoulder at the same time Caeldori cooed for her father to pick her up. "Mommy stopped growing a long time ago; Daddy's just bigger than me, now."
The little girl's expression was one of extreme shock. "Kokoro won't stop growing! I'll grow big big big so big I won't fit in the house anymore! Graoooh!" She stretched herself the most she could, then roared as though she were a monster.
"Oh, no! We'll have to build another house!" Tsubaki indulged his daughter, holding the baby with his left arm. Soon Caeldori was pulling on whatever paper he had been holding. "Oh, no, Caeldy -- this isn't for you!"
"Let me," Lumina swiftly took the letter from the baby's grips. "What's this? It has the nohrian seal..."
Tsubaki sat on the floor, crossing his legs so Kokoro could sit in the middle and peek at the paper. "It's an invitation from Flora and Felicia, actually! Prince Forrest turned one year old recently and they're asking us to come over and meet him. The twins are your friends, yes? It HAS been a long time since you've been over there in Nohr, so I figured we could go -- all of us."
"Kokoro too?! I wanna meet Mommy's friends!" She bounced in her father's thigh, not understanding what was written, but looking from it to her mother excitedly.
Lumina read the letter carefully, smiling softly. "I feel bad for being away for so long without barely any contact -- I didn't even go to Dwyer's first birthday party..."
Tsubaki nudged his nose on his wife's forehead, "to be fair, you had your hands full with... Mother's constant visits and being pregnant with Kokoro, after all. I am sure they understand this -- which is why they're still sending you this."
"Mhm," Lumina rested her head on her husband's shoulder, welcoming Kokoro in her lap for the little girl to 'read' the letter, or interpret it however she thought best. "Before, I didn't really feel much since I avoided being with people; so I thought that our friendship didn't really amount to much. But now -- now that being with you made me able to feel so much, to express myself so much better than before, I KNOW that I truly cared for them. And still do." She clutched her heart, blinking with emotion. "I miss them dearly."
Tsubaki placed one hand by his wife's waist, bringing her closer to him, his smile proud and soft. "I know you do, Lumina." He whispered by her hair, closing his eyes to inhale her scent. "That means we're all going to Nohr, hm?"
Lumina felt her heart ache with how deeply Tsubaki's love seeped into her, securely holding Kokoro by her lap before nodding. "Yup."
"WE'RE GOING ON A TRIP!" The little girl tried to jump, but Lumina's grip on her made her barely hop in place. Lumina knew her daughter well, after all.
"Hahah!" Tsubaki and Lumina laughed aloud, opportunity which Kokoro took to slip away from her mother's arms and run around the room.
"We're going on a trip! Trip, trip, trip!" She extended both hands upwards, the room suddenly turning colder. "Oh- I did it again! Mommy!"
"You truly did!" Lumina scooted on her knees to her daughter, "let's turn this down a bit before you freeze your little sister, okay?" She touched Kokoro's hands, immediately making the cold go away.
"Mhm!" Kokoro nodded vehemently. "I wanna do cold like Mommy!"
"My friends in Nohr also do cold, did you know? There will be four of us now- wait, I wonder if young Dwyer can use ice powers as well? Prince Forrest, too!" Lumina's surprised expression threw a jab of cuteness through Tsubaki's heart.
No matter how many years they've been together, Tsubaki could never get enough of his wife's adorableness -- in fact, each passing year only made her cuter: be it hiding or expressing emotions, Lumina was still the single cutest woman in the whole world.
Tsubaki didn't realize he stared at his wife with a foolish expression in his face until Caeldori accidentally slapped his face trying to mimic her older sister in jumping around by bouncing in her father's arm.
Although sudden, the trip to Nohr went out smoothly: they took a carriage to the port, travelled through Cyrkensia to get another carriage to Nohr, where Jakob and Felicia were waiting for them at the gates of Castle Krakenburg.
"Luminaa! It's been forever! You didn't change a thing! And those kids!! They're sooo cute!" Felicia fawned over her old friend, hugging the living daylights out of her before pinching Kokoro's cheeks until they were as pink as her mother's hair before turning to Caeldori and filling her with smooches. "I miss when Dwyer was this small, aww. Don't you, Jakob?" She asked to hold Caeldori for a bit, though Tsubaki fervently refused. He knew how clumsy Felicia could be and although he instinctively understood that, as a mother herself, she must've outgrown the clumsiness, he didn't want to risk her dropping his child on the ground.
"He's much quieter now, so I'd rather he didn't go back to crying every time he wanted something, no." The butler replied coldly, helping the coach carry the luggage inside. Lumina and Tsubaki both blinked at his seemingly unfaziness towards his own child, but Felicia didn't seem fazed by his remark, however.
"You're just saying it!" She slapped his back so hard it made a loud sound. "That day I got a cold and couldn't take care of him, you were crying-"
"NOT ANOTHER WORD!" He yelled out of embarrassment, his entire face and ears bright red. "We are not here to talk about ourselves, yes? Let us hurry to bring our guests out of the cold." He dodged the embarrassing story like a pro, but Felicia kept giggling by herself as she helped with the luggage as well.
Tsubaki and Lumina exchanged glances before smiling to themselves.
Apparently, Krakenburg and Valla Castles had been 'merged' into one through the power of the portals between Nohr and the Forgotten Kingdom Kamui wielded. The Queen opened a portal large enough to connect the still-standing part of Valla Castle to the eastern wing of Krakenburg, so even though the vallite castle wasn't seen from outside Krakenburg, one just needed to cross a corridor to stand in literally another world.
Kokoro crossed the portal in an awe, her mouth agape as they left the perpetual cold in Nohr to the warm spring of Valla. "It's like we're back home! But it took so long to arrive..." She walked beside her mother as she twirled around herself.
"Although neither me nor Flora mind the cold in Krakenburg--"
"And, honestly, it's not THAT cold, either," Lumina said at the same time Felicia remarked, both women giggling afterwards.
"Yup, even though it's not THAT cold in Krakenburg, Prince Leo wanted Forrest to be raised without ONLY knowing the cold he did as a child, so..."
"So we moved our rooms to the vallite side of the castle, although temporarily," Leo interrupted Felicia as they approached the room they were supposed to meet. "Soon my sister Kamui should be done with the sealing rituals, so we will need to move back to Krakenburg. Until then, however..." He opened the door behind him, showing the beautifully vallite decorated room, full of see through lace tapestries, light blue and golden colors. It was a wonder.
In the middle of it, surrounded by cushions, Flora and little Dwyer sat on the floor. She held little Forrest who was cooing at his mother and his cousin, but all of them looked up the moment the door was open.
"Ah, welcome! I'm sorry I can only greet you like this -- Forrest got sleepy all of sudden and-"
"Mommy! Her hair is blue like ice!" Kokoro ran straight to Flora, inspecting her and the little baby. "So is his!" She then looked at Dwyer. "Yours is like Caeldy's!"
"Well, Felicia DOES also have pink hair, Kokoro. Remember to greet someone before speaking to them!" Lumina nodded to Leo and Flora before entering, "may I?" she asked before sitting, receiving a nod from her old friend.
"To think you'd have such a good expression on your face." Flora teased, nudging her friend's elbow with her own as both of them held their little babies. Lumina snorted, not realizing this had becoming something natural for her to do so after meeting Tsubaki.
"Right back at you. You look radiant, Flora. I'm sorry it took so long for us to meet again-"
"Don't." Flora adjusted Forrest on her arms. "It's fine; what matters is that we're together again. We do, however, have a lot to talk about."
Lumina smiled softly, looking down at her own baby before glancing at Flora's. "Indeed we do. Maybe we should extend our visit -- I had no idea we would be back in Valla, after all."
Tsubaki smiled lovingly at his wife as she conversed with her old friend. Dwyer, Kokoro and Felicia were already getting along, talking about ice powers.
He took a deep breath.
That was what peace felt like.
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Hoshidan Festival: Kamui and Dwyer (Married) Convo Pt. 1 & 2
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I’m dyiiiiiiiiiing. My weekly hours at work have increased and I have little physical stamina as it is. So of course my sister’s solution is to go to the gym and workout and that is a TERRIBLE idea to do first thing in the morning directly before an 8 hour shift on your feet - for me, anyway. I was grumpy the whole time and clumsier than usual. 
*sigh* Okay, back to Fates.
Dwyer will always be my Conquest son so it was a little weird to have married him in this conversation this time around. But he’s adorable anyway~ I will admit, I do wanna pinch his cheeks and baby him to see how embarrassed he’d get. Again, comparing the non-married and married conversations is kind of fun~! Happy reading~!
Kamui and Dwyer Married Conversation Pt. I
Kamui: Fuu… fighting on the festival grounds is really tiring.
(Dwyer enters)
Dwyer: Kamui…
Kamui: Oh, Jakob… or not, Dwyer! You surprised me. Your presences are similar…
Dwyer: Ehhh… Don’t mistake your husband for your father-in-law… And I don’t really want to be mistaken for my father… But, well, have I at least become a butler like him, I wonder…
Kamui: Ahaha, that’s probably true. Since today is a festival dedicated to the children, I’m glad that you’ve grown up wonderfully and become strong enough to fight by my side. If that hadn’t happened, then we wouldn’t be happily married like we are now…
Dwyer: Kamui…
Kamui: Ah… I didn’t mean to say something so embarrassing. So, was there something you needed?
Dwyer: I heard that you said you were tired… so I was worried and came to check on you. Leave the battle to me and catch your breath… Would you like me to prepare a drink for you…? Like a hot coffee…?
(TN: Dwyer says 任せて [makasete] which can either mean “leave it to me” or “leave it to someone else”. Honestly, it’s Dwyer, so the latter is probably more appropriate, but Dwyer is overly devoted to Kamui like Jakob is, so.)
Kamui: Huh, but we’re in the middle of fighting. How could you make me a coffee?
Dwyer: Well… I’ll pull it off somehow… Or rather, isn’t a good husband someone who will do anything for their wife’s sake…?
Kamui: I’m grateful that you feel that way, but as your comrade I think that you shouldn’t force yourself to do the impossible. That being said, Dwyer, aren’t you a little tired too? If it’s too difficult, you can fall back and rest.
Dwyer: No… I absolutely cannot do that. I will be Kamui’s side… because I want to protect you…
Kamui: Thank you. But I want to protect you too… I’d hate it if you were burdened by such responsibilities just because you’re my husband. If you’d like, you can stay behind me and drink all the tea you want.
Dwyer: But… I want to be a man worthy of you… I can’t just stand behind you and let you do all the work…
Kamui: Hmmm… So. As both a man and my husband… You won’t listen to your wife’s request?
Dwyer: What? There’s no way I would disobey a request from my adorable mistress…
Kamui: You said it. Then… ‘For the whole day today, I will be the one looking after Dwyer.’ That is my request.  
Dwyer: … Huh? Looking after? Kamui will? … Isn’t that the same as usual?
Kamui: Yes. But for today, I’ll help you out even more than normal. No matter what it is, I’ll take care of anything that you need me to! For today, I’ll be your maid!
Dwyer: Ehhhh…
Kamui: Thank goodness… to tell the truth, I’ve always wanted to try doing this, but Jakob would never accept my offer. Thank you, I’m happy that you’re granting my wish for me.
Dwyer: Please spare me… I did say that it was fine, but…
Kamui: Oh, it’s the enemy. I will go defeat them, so please leave the fight to me and relax. Then I’ll see you later, Dwyer… I mean, Milord!
(Kamui leaves)
Dwyer: Ah…………. This is bad. We might be married, but I have a hunch that Father will still half-kill me if he learns about this… But Kamui… She looked so happy… I wonder what I should do…
Kamui and Dwyer Married Conversation Pt. II
Kamui: Milord Dwyeeeeeeeer!
Dwyer: Urk, Kamui…
Kamui: How are you feeling, are you tired? I’ll wipe off your sweat for you. Injuries… it looks like you don’t have any. By the way, that stand over there had some delicious looking beverages. If you’re thirsty, please drink this. Here.
Dwyer: Uh, yeah… thanks… *gulp gulp*
Kamui: And since you’re probably hungry, I’ve procured some baked sweets for you. I can’t make handmade sweets like you can… but I guarantee that these ones are delicious so please eat without restraint.
Dwyer: …………
Kamui: And of course while you’re eating, I will absolutely protect you!
Dwyer: Um… Kamui…
Kamui: What is it?
Dwyer: Right now, you’re my maid and I’m your master, right…?
Kamui: Yes, of course! Dwyer is my lord.”
Dwyer: Then this is an order from your lord… ‘I want to go back to being husband and wife’…
Kamui: Eh?
Dwyer: Thank you, Kamui. You did a lot for me. But it feels kind of wrong, so… I’d rather go back to normal… Before we were married, you said this before… ‘I hate being the only one helped’… I have the same feelings. I know that this is just supposed to be for one day, but… I hate not doing anything of ryou. So rather than being your lord…. I’d prefer us how we always are… as husband and wife…
Kamui: !! I-I’m sorry, Dwyer! We can be normal now. To think that I made you uncomfortable instead… I’m really sorry.
Dwyer: No… you don’t have to apologize. I was very happy that you felt that way… plus, now I know how it feels to be the one being served… Thank you… I’m very happy…
Kamui: I see. You’re so kind, Dwyer. I’m happy too. I got to experience the feeling of having a Lord. Now then, since we’re back to normal… Do you mind if I make a request as your wife?
Dwyer: What is it…?
Kamui: Please always stay by my side, Dwyer. Even if you’re protecting me, make sure that you stay alive.
Dwyer: Kamui…?
Kamui: I’m just a tiny bit anxious. You always run yourself ragged serving me, especially when I’m in danger… And I know I can’t tell you to stop shielding me. But please, I want you to at least remember this. If you die, I will be the most miserable… Before you are my butler, you are my beloved husband. Please don’t ever forget that.
Dwyer: ……… I see. All this time, you’ve been worried about me… I’m sorry… From now on, I’ll make sure to still think of myself while I’m serving you… And I promise that I will not die before you…
Kamui: Thank you so much…!
Dwyer: Well then, we should seal this with a kiss…
Kamui: What? … Mm!!
Dwyer: ……… Hehe, your lips are soft and warm…
Kamui: J-Just now… Uh…
Dwyer: What’s wrong? Kamui…
Kamui: D-Don’t “What’s wrong?” me… What were you thinking?! We’re in the middle of a battlefield!
Dwyer: Coming from the one who wanted to play ‘master and servant’ on the very same battlefield… Now that we’re back to being husband and wife… A kiss of promise is fine, isn’t it…
Kamui: Urgh… It can’t be helped. I was in the wrong too, so I’ll turn a blind eye to it today…
Dwyer: Thanks…
Kamui: However, any more than this is forbidden. We can have our kiss of promise after the fight… In private.  
Dwyer: !!
Kamui: A-Are you blushing? You’re actually embarrassed, Dwyer!
Dwyer: Of course I’m embarrassed… Can’t be helped… That being said, your face is redder than mine… Arrrgh… This is bad… There’s too many things that I can’t lose now in this fight… This is the first time in my whole life that I’ve felt so motivated, from the top of my head to the tips of my toes… I’ll fight in high spirits, but I’ll still remember our promise all the while…
Kamui: Yes. You can never forget it. I love you. My one and only Dwyer.
Dwyer: Mm. I love you too… My dearly beloved mistress… I will always love you… deeply until the end of time.
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