#e: david meets goliath.
duckprintspress · 6 months
hey, i'd like to just throw this out to you, since you're a press so i have a feeling you might know. if i was seeking to publish a book but i didn't want it to ever be sold through amazon, what would my options be?
I'm assuming you mean you're interested in self-publishing? If yes, then yeah, I can give you at least some information about your options. :D
If you don't want to use Amazon, you definitely still have some options for self-publishing a book. I can sympathize with this sentiment; we hate Amazon and I've done what I can to keep our works off there (and, ultimately, failed, but still kept it to a minimum).
There's two overarching questions you'll need to consider when deciding how to proceed:
What formats are you selling? Are you doing e-book only or e-book + print or print book only? What about audiobooks? Which will influence your choices.
Are you mostly interested in direct sales (as in, you personally sell the book to the customer) or sales-through-an-intermediary (as in, a bookstore sells your book to a customer) or distribution (as in, you list the book with someone who acts as an intermediary between you and other vendors)?
As briefly as I can, first, here's what Duck Prints Press uses:
Ingram - e-book (and, once we have one - we're working on our first! - audiobook) distribution. Ingram is the biggest book distributor in the US and has a virtual monopoly on distribution. Even places that aren't technically Ingram, such as draft2digital, usually use Ingram. Because they're a near-monopoly, Ingram has a lot of ability to, well, screw people, and one way they've tried to screw people is they keep making it harder to get into their better services, pushing people to their much-less-supported service IngramSpark. I managed to get the Press grand-fathered in to Coresource, which is their e-book and audiobook distribution system, even tho we don't meet the current minimums for number of titles for that product. I CAN'T get into Lightning Source, which is their better-supported print book distribution service, because we don't have enough titles (we'd need 30, we currently have 10ish). If I wanted to use IngramSpark, I'd have to ditch Coresource, and I don't want to do that because Coresource works great and has good customer support, and so I had to settle on a compromise I don't love until we meet the minimums for Lightning Source - I use Coresource through Ingram for e-book distribution (and don't distribute to Amazon), which is...
draft2digital - print book distribution. This was my work around for not losing Coresource in the name of getting Ingram print on demand (pod), and it came with a price: d2d doesn't let me opt out of Amazon, much to my irritation. So the three titles we currently have pod on ARE on Amazon.
our webstore - e-book and print books, directly sold to the public. Our website lets people download e-books; I package print book orders made through the webstore myself and mail them myself.
in-person sales - I started vending at events last year; this year I'll be doing about a dozen.
All of which goes to show, even trying to publish while avoiding the most evil places is really hard and a source of frustration. If anyone knows a good option for ethical publishing distribution, I'm honestly all ears. Competing with Ingram is extremely David vs. Goliath (see also the recent death of Small Press Distribution).
So: remembering that Amazon is easily the worst but that there's still basically no ethical consumption or production under capitalism...
Of the places I'm familiar with, the best-known option with the widest reach for self-publishing distribution is IngramSpark. As mentioned, I don't use Spark, but Coresource lets me completely customize which of Ingram's partners (vendors, wholesalers, libraries, etc.) I actually distribute with, and I've assumed that other Ingram products are the same. I believe IngramSpark is currently free per title; they get paid by charging fees per sale and because they get better listing deals with partners than an individual would get (like, Ingram might get charged x per title they list with, idk, Barnes and Noble, whereas you as an individual would get charged y, where y is larger than x, and Ingram pockets the difference).
I know a lot of people who use IngramSpark and my impression is that when it works, it works really well, but when it doesn't, getting help/customer service can be a nightmare. Virtually everyone I know who has used them has stories about late titles, support taking a week+ to reply, that kind of thing. I believe they have an option to pay for better/more rapid responses from customer support, which I feel kinda tells you everything you need to know about IngramSpark.
Another option is draft2digital. They use the Ingram distribution network, but again they can do so cheaper than an individual can because of their bulk sales through Ingram. They also offer e-book, audiobook, and print distribution. I use draft2digital for print and I've been quite satisfied with their customer support, but their print distribution doesn't allow opt-out of Amazon. HOWEVER, I believe their e-book distribution does. At minimum, there's a checklist on d2d about "steps you have to take to distribute e-books through d2d" and I'm assuming if you just. didn't do that checklist. then you obviously wouldn't get your books distributed through them. The other big thing I don't like about d2d (which may also be true of IngramSpark, idk) is that they charge after the first revision. Which is to say: you put together your book, you upload your book, you get it all set... and you notice a mistake. Okay, fine. You fix the mistake and re-upload. Re-uploading uses a "change token." You only get one free change token per title per six months. So, you notice another mistake you feel you have to fix a few days after that first? That'll cost $25. I've personally just kinda... tried to find all my mistakes right off and fix them, and anything I spot after that, I keep a log and will update all of them at the six month point. (I understand why they do this, btw - they have actual humans doing set-up on their end, so if you revise eight times in a week, that's a lot for an actual human, and charging for the tokens forces people to be careful, helps ensure people submit books that are actually ready in good faith, and helps keep costs low. That doesn't mean it's not annoying, though.)
Bookvault is a UK-based print-on-demand option (so NO e-book distribution, just print) that has recently started offerings in the US too. They currently have a relatively limited distribution network, but they're growing, and especially for UK-based people they're a strong alternative. I've heard a lot of positive reports about their printing in a FB group I'm in (Kickstarter for Authors - do recommend, lots of great info there), but I'll own my personal experiences weren't great and I've decided not to keep using them for now. However, if what you primarily want is print books as print-on-demand, and some limited distribution choices, they're a good choice, and they can help with option five below.
Do It Yourself Lite
A fourth option that's a LOT of work is...you add it everywhere yourself. Most places will let you. For example, here's how to sell on Barnes and Noble.com. When I self-pubbed a book a few years back, before I ran the Press, I submitted my work by hand to several different options (B&N, Kobo, Amazon because I still used them then, Smashwords, to name a few). However, doing this isn't the same as distribution - it only will sell through that specific vendor - and as far as I know there are no options for doing print-on-demand those ways (I THINK, tho I'm not sure, that Amazon is the only place you can set up both e-book and pod through a single vendor - it's not something I've researched tho, cause with the Press, doing single-title-at-a-time entry across so many different vendors is simply not realistic).
Side note on this: I don't believe there's a way to list self-pub books on Bookshop.org, but don't quote me on that.
This method also doesn't work well if you want to get your title in with libraries. I researched this a bit well over a year ago now, so I don't recall all the details, but before we signed up for Ingram I DID try to see if there was a way for us to publish and get in libraries especially without involving them, but there...wasn't really. Places like Overdrive that handle e-book-to-library distribution don't really have a way for individuals to submit; I have this vague memory I found a way to do it that involved paying per title but tbh I can't even find that now (though while I was looking I did find this decent-looking article about how to get your self-published book out in the world, echoing a lot of what I say here).
Do It Yourself Difficult Mode
Your fifth major option, and what we originally did as a press, is: do it all yourself. You can get your own storefront (ours is through Woocommerce + Wordpress). You can do your own crowdfunding. You can run your own newsletter (I use Mailerlite), do your own advertising, etc. You can do your own printing (we currently use Booklogix and I'm quite happy with them, their customer service is A+++). You can vend at events, you can market to local bookstores, sell through bookstores that do consignment, etc. You can learn to format your own e-books (I use a combination of Affinity software and Calibre, with an assist from Daisy to improve the accessibility of our e-books). You can get access to stock images and vector art to make things look nice (I use vecteezy). There's a LOT you can do entirely on your own. And that's what I did for myself before I ran the Press, and what I did for the Press for the first couple years we operated.
The reason I changed how the Press handles things? I hate to say this but the sad truth of publishing is that not using Amazon is utterly crippling to a publisher. As of 2 years ago, Amazon represented 67% of all book sales in the United States. Not selling through Amazon means accepting you'll simply be completely unable to reach more than half of the people reading works in English all around the world (works not in English may be different, I don't know that market since I publish in English). And for myself, alone - for my works? I could make that choice. But the Press currently works with well over 100 authors, and I ultimately felt I couldn't make the same choice to them. I tried so so hard not to compromise this, but refusing all distribution, when we were also avoiding Amazon, meant completely hamstringing the ability of authors we work with to market and sell their books. It meant, to work with us, people would have to sacrifice so much of their ability to earn money from their words, and it just didn't feel right to continue in that avenue as we grew. So, I was forced to compromise: first to use Ingram, which I did on the condition that I'd be able to reject Amazon specifically, and then by having to use draft2digital, including their goddamn Amazon print-on-demand, at least until I qualify for a better option, which as soon as I can do? You bet your butt I'll be switching and opting out of Amazon again.
The current climate makes these choices really hard, and I didn't make them lightly, nor did I make them alone - there's about 20 people on the DPP staff, and they all contributed opinions and voted on the final decisions I implemented for the Press in these regards.
(and sorry, I know "what DPP does and why" is a bit to the left of your actual question, but I felt like it'd be weird to make a list of recommendations without including the decisions I've personally made and why - like, why would I recommend you something I don't do myself with the books I publish? So sorry for the info dump.)
The TL:DR of all this is, as far as I know, and as I've been forced to accept as part of the realities of running a small press in the modern world of publishing, is that avoiding one Big Evil (Amazon) with any hope of achieving even a modicum of success basically requires partnering with at least one other Big Evil (Ingram especially). It's a very hard game to win.
HOWEVER, you are doing this FOR YOURSELF, NOT for all the people involved in a business larger than just you. If you're willing to put in the extra work to figure out a lot on your own and manage your own marketing, you can theoretically build enough of an audience to go it alone without Amazon OR Ingram OR places like Kobo/B&N/etc. You'll have to outlay more out of pocket - things like webhosting cost money - and you'll have to be a lot more careful - if you're running your own website instead of using someone elses, you gotta go above and beyond making you're in compliance with privacy rules and such - but it can be done.
And if you don't want to go that route, and your only real "to avoid" is Amazon specifically... use IngramSpark.
Sorry I'm long-winded. I hope this helps! Good luck with your publishing goals!
(and if others reading this have some other advice and resources, things I may not know about, please do weigh in! I bet the asker would like to know, and I'm always eager to learn about new options too.)
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sqinsights · 7 months
Demystifying the Function-as-a-Service Marvel: A Journey into Cloud Magic
Hey tech enthusiasts and digital wanderers! Welcome to the backstage tour of the Function-as-a-Service (FaaS) extravaganza. Today, we’re unraveling the digital threads that weave a $13.08 billion industry in 2021 into a forecasted $67.23 billion blockbuster by 2030. Get ready for a front-row seat as we dive into the FaaS universe, where innovation takes center stage.
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The Protagonists — 
Developer-Centric vs. Operator-Centric: Meet the stars of our show — the Developers, the creative minds scripting the digital symphony, and the Operators, the backstage maestros ensuring the show runs without a glitch. It’s a dynamic duo shaping the FaaS narrative.
Cloud Chronicles — Public vs. Private: 
In the cloud drama, we witness a showdown between the extroverted Public Cloud, offering scalability and accessibility, and the introverted Private Cloud, providing a secure haven. Who steals the limelight in this cloud-powered saga?
Titans Clash — 
Large vs. Small: Our storyline introduces a clash of digital titans — Large Enterprises flexing their digital muscles and nimble Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) dancing through the digital maze. It’s a David vs. Goliath dance in the digital realm.
Industries Spotlight — 
A Symphony of Sectors: As the FaaS orchestra plays, we explore diverse industries — BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Media & Entertainment, Public Sector, Retail & E-commerce, and a sprinkle of ‘Others’ for intrigue. Each industry, a character adding flavor to our digital play.
Geography Unleashed: 
North America, the tech haven, leads with a CAGR of 13%, while the Asia-Pacific steals the spotlight with a whopping 4% CAGR in 2022, fueled by a love affair with cloud technology.
Driving Forces and Roadblocks — 
The Drama Continues: Our hero, Serverless Computing, takes center stage, driving the FaaS narrative forward. But beware the villain — Application Portability Challenges — a roadblock threatening our hero’s journey. A classic tale of progress against the odds.
Competitive Symphony: 
In the arena of giants, names like IBM, Microsoft, and Amazon Web Services wield their swords. Innovation becomes the armor, and the battlefield hosts a mix of established brands, emerging players, and niche producers. Keep an eye out for the next strategic move!
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/function-as-a-service-market
Market Trends — 
The Plot Twist: In the chaos, a rising star emerges — App Development Activities. Businesses, like kids in a candy store, are clamoring for FaaS solutions to fast-track application development. It’s a trend worth watching, like a plot twist in your favorite series.
Conclusion — The Grand Finale: 
As the FaaS saga unfolds, we witness a dynamic marketplace driven by innovation, a shift from traditional DevOps to the serverless model, and a growing fondness for IoT. Challenges lurk in the shadows, but the promise of growth in the cloud infrastructure services industry keeps the plot thickening.
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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market-spy · 7 months
Function-as-a-Service: A Market Odyssey from Clouds to Cash
Greetings, tech enthusiasts, business moguls, and anyone else accidentally stumbling into the realm of Function-as-a-Service (FaaS)! Today, we’re taking a rollercoaster ride through the bustling world of FaaS, where bytes meet bucks and innovation plays hide-and-seek with tradition.
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The USD 13.08 billion wonderland: 
So, picture this — a market that was worth a mere USD 13.08 billion in 2021 is now gearing up to flex its muscles and roar at an estimated USD 67.23 billion by 2030. That’s a CAGR of 26.35%, making it the cool kid on the technology block. But what exactly is causing this growth spurt?
The Cast of Characters: 
Enter stage left, the protagonists — Developer-Centric and Operator-Centric types, each playing their part in this grand FaaS theater. The developers, the creative minds weaving the digital dreams, and the operators, the unsung heroes managing the technological circus behind the scenes.
Cloud Wars — Public vs. Private: 
Our plot thickens as the battle unfolds between the clouds — Public Cloud and Private Cloud, each vying for the spotlight. Public Cloud, the extrovert offering scalability and accessibility, versus Private Cloud, the introvert providing enhanced security and control. Who will steal the show?
Size Matters — Large vs. Small: 
In this epic, we also have the clash of the titans — Large Enterprises and Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). The large ones flexing their muscles, the SMEs nimble and quick. It’s a David vs. Goliath in the digital arena.
Industries Unplugged: 
Buckle up as we traverse through the landscapes of industries — BFSI, IT & Telecom, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Media & Entertainment, Public Sector, Retail & E-commerce, and a dash of ‘Others’ for mystery. Each industry, a character in our FaaS soap opera, contributing to the market crescendo.
Geography of Growth: 
North America, the Hollywood of this tech blockbuster, leads the charge with a CAGR of 13%. Meanwhile, the Asia-Pacific region steals the spotlight with a whopping 4% CAGR in 2022, thanks to a love affair with cloud technology.
Driving Forces and Roadblocks — 
The Drama Unfolds: Our hero, Serverless Computing, takes the center stage, driving the FaaS market forward. But beware of the villain — Application Portability Challenges, threatening to slow down our hero’s journey. It’s a classic tale of progress versus obstacles.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/function-as-a-service-market
Competitive Chessboard: 
In the arena of giants, names like IBM, Microsoft, and Amazon Web Services wield their swords. Innovation is the armor, and the battlefield is a mix of well-established brands, emerging players, and niche producers. Keep your eyes peeled for the next move!
Market Trends —
The Plot Twist: Amidst the chaos, a rising star emerges — App Development Activities. Businesses, like kids in a candy store, are clamoring for FaaS solutions to speed up application development. It’s a trend worth watching, like a cliffhanger in your favorite TV series.
Conclusion —
The Grand Finale: As our FaaS saga unfolds, we see a dynamic marketplace driven by innovation, a shift from traditional DevOps to the serverless model, and a growing love affair with IoT. Challenges lurk in the shadows, but the promise of growth in the cloud infrastructure services industry keeps the plot thickening.
So, there you have it — the Function-as-a-Service market, a digital drama filled with bytes, bucks, and the occasional plot twist. Stay tuned for the next episode, where technology and innovation continue their relentless dance, shaping the future of FaaS.
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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Zim Immigration Federation Attorneys
The ZEP holders at the second are pinning their hopes on the country’s judicial system. Many migrants see it as a David vs Goliath battle because the Gauteng High Court in Pretoria may have totally different legal specialists from several migrant organisations battle it out with the South African authorities. Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi has repeatedly said there might be no further extension. "This is the end of the allow. We have written a letter to all immigration south africa the allow holders we additionally despatched SMS to their telephones and in addition put it on the internet site to inform people that the permit won't be prolonged. We suppose we've carried out sufficient and we've defined this." This was after groups like ZEPHA challenged this determination and the federal government granted a 12-month grace interval.
Failure to get the proper visa or permit might result in the foreigner not being admitted into South Africa or being unable to carry out his or her meant activity in South Africa. In either occasion, additional prices are incurred for applying for the proper visa. Free tracking and alert services to receive necessary data such immigration services south africa as passport and visa expiry in addition to updates on utility status. The service provided is all-inclusive, end-to-end, seamless answer, from identifying the class of visa best suited, via to the compiling of a completely compliant application for submission, taking good care of all administration in an efficient and timely method.
We additionally assist in acquiring new police clearances, birth/marriage/death certificates, in addition to letters of no impediment and divorce decrees. To request a letter in help of an utility for a visitors’ visa endorsed for research or research, complete this online type. International college students and researchers at the University of Cape Town who're making an software to resume their current visa to undertake continued research and/or analysis at UCT want to stick tothe following process.
We promise to give you high quality, up to date and relevant data for all these difficult questions on immigration to South Africa, better of all is that we offer the answers for you. When a foreign nationwide applies for a work visa in South Africa the commonest path to observe is that of making use of for a South African common work allow. An emigrant is subject to the same immigration services authorized necessities; to the extent it's related, as a traveller leaving the Republic. We are ready that can help you plan your expatriate employment strategies across Africa, ensuring compliance and mitigating danger, so as to proceed to make use of international nationals, run a profitable world mobility programme and meet your industrial goals.
They answered our e-mails instantly and tried to resolve all our problems and questions. I am looking ahead to work with them once more to apply for our everlasting visa. Our immigration services for South Africa are designed to give you an immigration technique tailor-made to your needs. Our Immigration service is designed to make certain that you could have peace of mind and offer that help structure you need throughout this crucial period the place everything appears confusing. We are right here to answer your questions and hold your hand throughout the entire process. ZSP permit-holders, who wished to remain in South Africa after the expiry of their permits, would want to return to Zimbabwe to apply for mainstream visas and permits beneath the Immigration Act of 2002.
We have helped hundreds of individuals like you to relocate efficiently, and we look ahead to assisting you on this thrilling journey. You have the power to own and run a enterprise in Australia in case you have the Business and Innovation Visa . You even have the ability to have interaction in enterprise and investment exercise or carry out an entrepreneurial activity with this visa.
We’ll help you with any litigation issues relating to your immigration case. Be supplied specialist work at a higher fee than normal accounting work offering a much larger profit margin per hour of service delivered. Be in a position to settle for referrals from other non-specialist accountants and in this method diversify your consumer composition to include business shoppers and different accountants. Get authorised to perform a specialised service as set by the National Qualifications Framework Act, sixty seven of 2008. Professional responsibilities when an engagement to carry out agreed-upon procedures regarding on the application of a Business Visa. This license is accredited by SAIBA and authorises the member to perform a specialist service throughout the standards of engagements as set by SAIBA.
You shall be supplied a 1 year fastened term native contract with the potential of extension. The contract shall be based on the relevant legally binding labour market guidelines of South Africa. Studying for a World Class qualification will be certain that you receive a singular mixture of world and native data and put together you for your future career.
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thedrag0nking · 2 years
The Scarlet City...
Within Scarlet city everything is being torn down apart and overrun by another ancient monster awaken by the monarch ghidorah's cry the monster reveals herself to be a large silicon beetle call Legion a symbiotic being that once inhabited the triassic period and this area where the city of the vampires that is built is her territory and alongside her kind she begins to destruction, killing billions of the vampires in the process destroying all in her way. Gensokyo defence force fighting back against the prehistoric monster but Legion split her nasal horn and fire a blue beam of focused microwaves from the opening causing massive damage due to the splash damage in complete annihilation.
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Everything along with the corporation's most powerful soldiers now cease to nothing but ash from the annihilation of Legion's total retaking of her territory as she pressed forward along with her equally as devastating legion drones swarm the entire area killing, butchering and overwhelming the vampire population by the thousands all with relative ease.
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The Mother Legion came close to reclaim her territory from 65 million years right until she have to meet, face to face, with her..
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She immediately turned around shifting her focus towards the space kaiju Flandre and already the mother legion has little patience for such distractions.
" W H A T ? "
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" You fucked up my sweet company, you destroy my city and you think you're gonna get away with scott free? "
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" We are many, you are one, we are thousands, we are the hive, we are mother mass, we...
L E G I O N ! ! "
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Laevetein manifested into her right hand as the kaijufied vampire started chuckling as the two are now fully prepared for their big battle for the fate of this city.
" No, you're just a stupid bug waiting to be squashed. I'll fix that RIIIIIGHT UP! "
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Let the battle for gensokyo begin, for now is the time where David meets Goliath and the time for when two titans meet, as it was written by the hands of fate.
0 notes
eugene114 · 2 years
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David and Goliath
1Now the Philistines gathered their forces for war and assembled at Sokoh in Judah. They pitched camp at Ephes Dammim, between Sokoh and Azekah. 2Saul and the Israelites assembled and camped in the Valley of Elah and drew up their battle line to meet the Philistines. 3The Philistines occupied one hill and the Israelites another, with the valley between them.
4A champion named Goliath, who was from Gath, came out of the Philistine camp. His height was six cubits and a span. a 5He had a bronze helmet on his head and wore a coat of scale armor of bronze weighing five thousand shekels b ; 6on his legs he wore bronze greaves, and a bronze javelin was slung on his back. 7His spear shaft was like a weaver’s rod, and its iron point weighed six hundred shekels. c His shield bearer went ahead of him.
8Goliath stood and shouted to the ranks of Israel, “Why do you come out and line up for battle? Am I not a Philistine, and are you not the servants of Saul? Choose a man and have him come down to me. 9If he is able to fight and kill me, we will become your subjects; but if I overcome him and kill him, you will become our subjects and serve us.” 10Then the Philistine said, “This day I defy the armies of Israel! Give me a man and let us fight each other.” 11On hearing the Philistine’s words, Saul and all the Israelites were dismayed and terrified.
12Now David was the son of an Ephrathite named Jesse, who was from Bethlehem in Judah. Jesse had eight sons, and in Saul’s time he was very old. 13Jesse’s three oldest sons had followed Saul to the war: The firstborn was Eliab; the second, Abinadab; and the third, Shammah. 14David was the youngest. The three oldest followed Saul, 15but David went back and forth from Saul to tend his father’s sheep at Bethlehem.
16For forty days the Philistine came forward every morning and evening and took his stand.
17Now Jesse said to his son David, “Take this ephah d of roasted grain and these ten loaves of bread for your brothers and hurry to their camp. 18Take along these ten cheeses to the commander of their unit. See how your brothers are and bring back some assurance e from them. 19They are with Saul and all the men of Israel in the Valley of Elah, fighting against the Philistines.”
20Early in the morning David left the flock in the care of a shepherd, loaded up and set out, as Jesse had directed. He reached the camp as the army was going out to its battle positions, shouting the war cry. 21Israel and the Philistines were drawing up their lines facing each other. 22David left his things with the keeper of supplies, ran to the battle lines and asked his brothers how they were. 23As he was talking with them, Goliath, the Philistine champion from Gath, stepped out from his lines and shouted his usual defiance, and David heard it. 24Whenever the Israelites saw the man, they all fled from him in great fear.
25Now the Israelites had been saying, “Do you see how this man keeps coming out? He comes out to defy Israel. The king will give great wealth to the man who kills him. He will also give him his daughter in marriage and will exempt his family from taxes in Israel.”
26David asked the men standing near him, “What will be done for the man who kills this Philistine and removes this disgrace from Israel? Who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?”
27They repeated to him what they had been saying and told him, “This is what will be done for the man who kills him.”
28When Eliab, David’s oldest brother, heard him speaking with the men, he burned with anger at him and asked, “Why have you come down here? And with whom did you leave those few sheep in the wilderness? I know how conceited you are and how wicked your heart is; you came down only to watch the battle.”
29“Now what have I done?” said David. “Can’t I even speak?” 30He then turned away to someone else and brought up the same matter, and the men answered him as before. 31What David said was overheard and reported to Saul, and Saul sent for him.
32David said to Saul, “Let no one lose heart on account of this Philistine; your servant will go and fight him.”
33Saul replied, “You are not able to go out against this Philistine and fight him; you are only a young man, and he has been a warrior from his youth.”
34But David said to Saul, “Your servant has been keeping his father’s sheep. When a lion or a bear came and carried off a sheep from the flock, 35I went after it, struck it and rescued the sheep from its mouth. When it turned on me, I seized it by its hair, struck it and killed it. 36Your servant has killed both the lion and the bear; this uncircumcised Philistine will be like one of them, because he has defied the armies of the living God. 37The Lord who rescued me from the paw of the lion and the paw of the bear will rescue me from the hand of this Philistine.”
Saul said to David, “Go, and the Lord be with you.”
38Then Saul dressed David in his own tunic. He put a coat of armor on him and a bronze helmet on his head. 39David fastened on his sword over the tunic and tried walking around, because he was not used to them.
“I cannot go in these,” he said to Saul, “because I am not used to them.” So he took them off. 40Then he took his staff in his hand, chose five smooth stones from the stream, put them in the pouch of his shepherd’s bag and, with his sling in his hand, approached the Philistine.
41Meanwhile, the Philistine, with his shield bearer in front of him, kept coming closer to David. 42He looked David over and saw that he was little more than a boy, glowing with health and handsome, and he despised him. 43He said to David, “Am I a dog, that you come at me with sticks?” And the Philistine cursed David by his gods. 44“Come here,” he said, “and I’ll give your flesh to the birds and the wild animals!”
45David said to the Philistine, “You come against me with sword and spear and javelin, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied. 46This day the Lord will deliver you into my hands, and I’ll strike you down and cut off your head. This very day I will give the carcasses of the Philistine army to the birds and the wild animals, and the whole world will know that there is a God in Israel. 47All those gathered here will know that it is not by sword or spear that the Lord saves; for the battle is the Lord’s, and he will give all of you into our hands.”
48As the Philistine moved closer to attack him, David ran quickly toward the battle line to meet him. 49Reaching into his bag and taking out a stone, he slung it and struck the Philistine on the forehead. The stone sank into his forehead, and he fell facedown on the ground.
50So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him.
51David ran and stood over him. He took hold of the Philistine’s sword and drew it from the sheath. After he killed him, he cut off his head with the sword.
When the Philistines saw that their hero was dead, they turned and ran. 52Then the men of Israel and Judah surged forward with a shout and pursued the Philistines to the entrance of Gath f and to the gates of Ekron. Their dead were strewn along the Shaaraim road to Gath and Ekron. 53When the Israelites returned from chasing the Philistines, they plundered their camp.
54David took the Philistine’s head and brought it to Jerusalem; he put the Philistine’s weapons in his own tent.
55As Saul watched David going out to meet the Philistine, he said to Abner, commander of the army, “Abner, whose son is that young man?”
Abner replied, “As surely as you live, Your Majesty, I don’t know.”
56The king said, “Find out whose son this young man is.”
57As soon as David returned from killing the Philistine, Abner took him and brought him before Saul, with David still holding the Philistine’s head.
58“Whose son are you, young man?” Saul asked him.
David said, “I am the son of your servant Jesse of Bethlehem.”
Fearnley, Thomas (1802-1842)
Hunter in Forest Landscape with Waterfall 1825
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the lady & the bastard
the she-wolf & the stag
the stranger & the smith
the forest lass & the forest love
NO FEATHERBED                                                                                            a.k.a the collection of my favorite gendrya fanfiction as of June 2020
Hello, fellow gendrya shippers! Please celebrate my birthday with me by reading one (or two, or twenty) of the fics below. All of them are absolutely beautifully-written, heart-warming breaking, in-character depiction of Arya and Gendry and I hope they will bring you as much joy as they did to me. Huge shout out to all the fic writers mentioned - I cannot be thankful enough for your contributions to this fandom. Also, if you have your own favorites/recommendiations, PLEASE leave them in the comments! The more great fics the better. 
Arya of the Thousand Days by DrHolland/// the official, canon ending of asoiaf, period. Also the greatest unfinished fic known to the humanity
The White and the Grey by  crossingwinter // aka the smut we all deserve, kingsguad!gendry au
The Tourney of The Dawn by apolla// again, D&D can go fuck themselves. Great post-canon 
all secrets sleep in winter clothes by  wintersun  // featuring nymeria as the best matchmaker north of the neck
No Featherbed For Me by  vixleonard // epic fic, but they do marry other people, just a heads up
If the summer of our lives could just come again by TheDameintheRaininMaine  // time travel fix-it, gendrya is NOT a main focus, but whenever they appear it’s absolutely adorable
The Return of the Wolf by  Kittenshift17 // faceless woman!arya, one of the best gendrya fights i have ever read
Warrior, Maiden, Smith and its companion drabble  by  madaboutasoiaf  // ned takes gendry with him to winterfell
Stranger by  shinelikemillions AND  you made a slow disaster out of me by  i-revel-in-chaos // two version of the same beautifully heartbreaking ANGST
Like Wenda by  Furious_Winter // outlaws au
Count Your Blessings, She’s Coming For You by akingdomofunicorns// reunion fic
Rain by  therearenousernameleft// arranged marriage au
Bound by  NRGburst // your name/ kimi no na wa au, lovely as HECK 
Born in Fever by elephant_eyelash// wonderfully angsty. Arya and Gendry survive the winter in the North
for my wild by vixleonard// forge baby propaganda still going strong
A Dream of You by acornsandravens// the ‘dramatic love confession as she’s about to marry somone else’ fic you’ve been looking for
Dig by acornsandravens // pretend marriage smut, honestly, what more you can ask for
meet me in the afterglow by vixleonard// Arya grows up at the Crossroads Inn with Gendry and BwB. Just do yourself a favor and read this fic
The Tilt by acornsandravens// literally EVERYONE IS ALIVE AND HAPPY AU
i'll follow you (even by accident) by scrubclub// post-canon, time travel fic
At Storm's End a.k.a. the Uncleverse series by joinedunderprotest // gendrya growing family at Storm’s End
River children series by  Space_Samurai // Arya marries Elmar Frey
Beyond The End by  crossingwinter// Arya and Gendry go beyond the Wall to bring Bran home
Winter Storm by  Kittenshift17 // arranged marriage au/Gendry is trueborn au 
Winter Heat by Kittenshift17// as abover but in Winterfell
Encounters by jeeno2// AWESOME baseborn!Arya, prince!Gendry au
sword and smith by honey_wheeler// incredibly lovely first time fic
i feel my pulse quickening (when your name lights up the screen) by  JustATinyTurtle // a phone swap fic
manor/estate series by  scrubclub// uptown girl au basically
Did it hurt? by scrubclub // superheroes/superpowers au
The Dating Game by scrubclub // matchmaking au, college au
re: weapons (and you) by  scrubclub // historian!gendry and archeologist!arya
You’ve Got That Medicine I Need (Fame, Liquor, Love, Give It To Me Slowly) by  akingdomofunicorns // band au
we can pretend that they don't know our name by scrubclub // forbidden romance au
Spoken in Haste by  joinedunderprotest // regency era au
love, war, and a few things in between by  scrubclub // absolutely delightful idiots to lovers hogwarts au
hope will put the colors in the sky by  monroeslittle // forbidden romance au
took the long road by  lightninginabottle0613 // the most beautiful roadtrip au you’ll ever read (+ the best sequel ever)
let me help by  lightninginabottle0613 // friends to parents to lovers. HONESTLY.
maybe it's intuition by  lightninginabottle0613 // dog-walking au, do i even need to say more? 
The Stripper AU No One Asked For by  crossingwinter // the title speaks for itself. EXCELLENT smut and way deeper than you may think
Six Feet Beneath the Moon by  Dalzo // hogwarts au
arya, please by  scrubclub // ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE falling in love in a record store au
Tell Me by  Persuade_me // friends to lovers smut, god bless, honestly
Obligations by  Persuade_me// modern royality arranged marriage au
to love with a rough abandon by  Debate // the fairytale/red riding hood au that will make you SCREAM
the overstay by  fictionsofthemind // the quarantine fic we all wanted/needed/deserved
what am I supposed to do?  series by chasingforeverandaday // the robin hood au
There Is A Light That Never Goes Out by acornsandravens// Hero and Leander au, Arya and Gendry meet on Braavos 
oh, brother by scrubclub // blind date au
the trouble with secrets by yanak324// adorable bffs to lovers au
you undid me like a fairy tale by yanak324// god bless, we stan ned dayne in this house
love on the brain series by  yanak324// a collection of modern au drabbles
Fall by crossingwinter// god, i love this story so much. It’s so good and so important and just... go read it pls
Dream Until Your Dreams Come True by crossingwinter// soulmates au/university au
different types of friends by Debate// Hot Pie being the Oblivious Pie
A Bad Oak Tree by crossingwinter// coffee shop au
autumn again by crossingwinter// the most in-character discussion of marriage ever
David and Goliath by honey_wheeler// size differences ;)
140 notes · View notes
popculturebuffet · 4 years
Amphibia Reviewcaps:  Scavenger Hunt/ The Plantars Check In
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KEITH DAVID IS HERE! KEITH DAVID IS HERE AND NOT IN SHADOWY STINGER BITS BUT FULL CHARACTER! And okay other stuff happened I guess. Anne deals with her insecurity over her girlfriend being way more smart and acomplished than her, then the Plantars meet King Keith David, followed by Sprig reinacting the plot of Home Alone 2 mixed with a bit of Blank Check. You know that forgetable disney movie about the white dumbass who uses his computer skillz to get rich and has to deal with the mob.. I assume. I really have no idea exactly what blank check was about and neither do you. KEITH DAVID, under the cut. 
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Scavenger Hunt
And with Marcy’s big intro out of the way we’re back to simplier problem of the week episodes, though this one does lead into the next which does have some solid plot progression, and the new setting and fresh injection of Marcy mean they do feel a bit newer after the road episodes. Like a good road trip after all that time you finally get to see the sights, enjoy the place and just relax. And also eat because your usally hungry when you first arrive, which is what the plantars and new addition Marcy are doing to start.  Marcy’s treating, because she’s friends iwth the king and as we learn next episode the king gives his friends acess to the royal treasury because he’s a seemingly nice dude. Again, more on that in a minute. While Hop Pop marvels at Marcy’s smarts and analytics, a messag efrom the king arrives.. and yes I too have “A MESSAGE FROM THE KING A MESSAGE FROM THE KING’ from hamilton in my head right now. 
Turns out the King likes to send Puzzle grams, basically sending marcy on scavenger hunts to tell her something because their both massive dorks. And it is taking ALL my willpower not to jump right ot the keith david of things, but for the sake of profesionalism I will stay here. So our party splits up: Marcy, Anne and Sprig go off to solve the puzzle and see the town while Hop Pop ends up staying because you can get free shit the more you eat, which yeah is a nice thing and all but is usually not worth what you spend. But it’s not his dime so fair enough. The king’s toilet’s are probably gold with gems and the softest seats in the land. I mean if I were king of the world I”d want the best toilet in the world. I’d also install free health care and other good stuff, but I’d expect a really nice crapper as one of the perks of the job. 
Anyway the hop pop plot really is just him eating a lot to get free stuff and showing up at the end , so i’ll focus ont he main plot which is pretty standard: Anne is insecure about how smart Marcy is, and TRIES to out marcy her in solving the puzzle, while befrending various people: Resucing a girl’s cat/caterpillar from a tree, befreinding an old lady and doing her nails, and then bonding with the gnatcho cart lady.. which made me want nachos bad, who enocourage a dispondent anne to be herself and try anyway. But yeah Marcy suceeds instead, Anne gets depressed, then Anne tries TOO Hard on the last clue when Marcy is stuck and ends up in the sewer with the alligators.. which unlike real life sewer gators, were put there on purpose by marcy to eat garbage when she redid the sewer system.. because of course she did she’s the best. It’s a really nice gag. They escape the gator when the various people Anne helped form a chain, along with an exasperated hop pop and Polly.  Then sprig blabs about Anne’s insecurity, and Marcy comforts her, pointing out that while she’s a genius and what not.. she dosen’t.. get people. Anne does, which.. I found a nice twist. The first thing she did,g etting the cat, made me think “oh their going to go with her physical skills”.. but instead in a nice twist that made me like this episode more, it’s her heart. And it’s not something they pulled out of thin air: While it hasn’t really come into play a lot this season, last season was all about Anne slowly connecting with the town and being suprisingly good with people.. she can be blunt, dosen’t think things through.. but she does have empathy, problem solving and a desire to genuinely help people who need it. It’s a hard trait to learn and it’s one she does with natural ease. It’s a nice bit of showing her character and what she’s good at. Also the message turns out to be “bring the plantars” which.. yeah the second the first clue was bring, even without next episodes description, I could’ve guessed. And they close the episode as all episodes should close.. feeding nachos to a  sewer gator. 
Final Thoughts I:  As you could tell by how easily I sped through it, the episode was...eh. It’s not bad, but no episode of the series has been truly terrible. It honestly, and this kind of complaint is overused, feels like filler. And granted I rarely watch anime, I know cartoons work different.. but this episode feels like it’s just there to provide more Marcy before we focus primarily on the Plantars again, and before the plot turns them against her.  Which isn’t a bad thing mind and she’s great as she was last week.  The problem is Anne. Her feeling down about herself, while a normal human emotion.. just dosen’t jibe with her normal brand of overconfidence. It’s not entirely out of the blue for her not ot feel as smart as marcy, it’s just set up poorly. We could’ve easily used a flashback or something to the human world to help make it feel like a more longstanding issue, than one that just crops up because Polly said a thing after a full episode of her being totally fine with Marcy being way smarter than her. Even the intro has her entirely fine with it. It would’ve flowed better if she played off she was fine, but secretly was trying to one up her and did feel dumber versus that being spelled out so early, as it woudl’ve fit more with the character. So yeah this one’s more just forgetable, a stop gap between two plot important episodes. And I don’t mind catching our breath after the last episode given it was a huge one what with introducing a new major character and a new setting and having a lot of action set pieces, I just know the show can do that BETTER, as seen with HandY Anne following up , if a year after, from the emotionally draining season 1 finale, they just.. didn’t this time and it just flopped a bit, but still had enough nice moments and good bits to make it still enjoyable. 
That’s something I do have to give the show credit on as I have been hard on it, as i’ve said reviwing more forgetable episodes is hard: Most shows don’t make it out of season 1 without at least one terrible episode. OK KO had “Let’s Not Be Skeletons”, Ducktales had “The Beagle Birthday Massacre” (And i’m a huge fan of Lena as a character, just to be clear, her debut episode was terrible for other reasons) , Steven Universe had Arcade Mania,  Adventure Time had “Freak City” and Legend of Korra had “The Spirit of Compettiton”.. and really the whole love triangle plot but that’s a story for another day.. all of these are really..e xcept arcade mania that one’s just dull and pointless. But i’m not: My point is it’s still a really good sign the show hasn’t really flopped over in the span of two seasons, with even the annoying quarallers pass still having some really good stuff to it. I may be critical, because as a critic that’s my job no one pays me for, but I do love this show and want to make it clear it’s still excellent. I’d rather watch this episode again than any episode of “Hoops”.. seriously I have no interest in that show and I question why Jake Johnston thought signing on for it was a good idea. Then again, Keith David was in this
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And this
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And BOTH of these
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So I can’t blame Jake for wanting an easy paycheck when Screen Legend Keith David has done far worse for one. Speaking of Keith David....
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The Plantars Check In 
We’ve had a sample of keith david with the omnoius end from last week but now we get the full package. And i’ve made no secret how much I absolutley love Keith David or how excited I was to see him joint he cast. The main is a voice acting and regular acting legend. Sure he usually does bit parts, but he does the hell out of them. 
The man also has a longer history in disney than I ever realized. While I knew he played Goliath and Dr. Facilier, I had no idea just how much minor voice work he’s done for disney over the decades, doing a LOT of minor roles during the 90′s and even vocing Mufasa in “House of Mouse”, subbing for James Earl Jones which.. yeah if anyone’s the next Jamers Earl Jones, it’s Keith. He’s the king of making a meal out of side rolls and on the ocasions he gets a big one he makes a damn buffet of it, as seen with Gargoyles and Community. 
So yeah, I love the guy and was excited for his first full apperance and pleasantly suprised.  We open at what looks like a comibation of the temple of time and Hyrule Castle for Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and I swear that’s what their going for with the background music here.  Anyways after Lady Oliva tries to keep things formal, and reveals King Andrias has been king for over a thousand years, which makes things even more interesting, he .. happily hops off the throne, gives the Plantars a friendly greeting and then a bear hug. I was expecting him to be stern yet nice, for now, but this is a nice change of pace and i’ts shown by the way Olvia acts towards this behavior, wishing he’d be proper because “Most unorthodox” and all that monocle popping nonsense, that this is normal for him. So it’s not ENTIRELY an act for their benefit. He is apparently nice to his immediate subjects, vistors and especially Marcy. It’s also lovely to see Keith David play such a diffrent character from his usual villian, stoic badass or hilarious grandpa rolls, instead playing a cheerful and boisterous king. He honestly reminds me a lot fo River from star vs the forces of evil. Which by the way I also love Alan Tuduk and regret not bringing him up in either review river’s been in so far. 
Anyway, we then get some more plot stuff as he meets anne, and we get a nice bit of him doing the “thumb of approval” and marveling at anne’s awkawrd fistbump in response. But it’s down to buisness, he wants to send his loyal knight and new friend he just met home, but needs the box. While anne reveals she don’t got it, with Hop Pop acting nervous as he realizes “oh shit, maybe lying to my surrogate grandaughter about something this important when we’re ont he way to a place where people will naturally want ot see the thing, and STILL not telling her after meeting Marcy and knowing sh’ed want to know about it too has started to backfire!” And yeah while he has sympathetic motives, and clearly knows SOMETHING about the box, and I supsect King Keith David does too but give me a second, his not telling Anne what he did at any time is only going to make it harder to trust him later, especially if Marcy ends up betraying them. He also notices something I actually failed to notice , as did Anne: The colorful stones on the calamity box are drained of color. So the King’s going to have to reserach this for a bit, with Marcy helping obviously and since Anne’s usless at research, the king instead happily treats the plantars to a vacation on him while they sort thigns out: A stay at the nicest hotel in the city, on his dime, and acess to his royal credit card, which given he’s king of everything means he just gave them the unlimited funds code. 
Before we move on, my thoughts on the king: He’s hard to read. I do think he’s genuinely that nice a person.. but he CLEARLY has a dark side, having subjugated the toads and the frogs, which had to have happened under him as he’s first in his line and both remember the status quo as only such. Hop Pop dosen’t even question the way things are or one god king ruling over all for over a thousand years. The question is did he do so because he didn’t know better, because he thought he had to, or because 
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I do n’t know what that’s from but expect me to be using it a LOT from now on. My point is it’s hard to tell what his game is here. He could be a cruel asshole masquerading as a fun loving king on the service to sugarcoat his shadier actions.. or he could be a well intentioned extermist, doing awful things for what he sees as the greater good and possibly having lost the plot, or his empathy over thousands of years. Or he genunley could have no idea what he’s planning is bad and see no harm in it due to a different set of morals, again due to being immortal. There’s a LOT of intresting directions they can go with this character and i’m curious to see just what sort of vilian, or possibly good guy all along though I doubt it, he will be and given both grime, more recently i’ll admit but still, and sasha have been complex villians instead of one dimensional assholes, the show will no doubt give us something spectacular. HOpefully i’m not tempting fate but if I am, screw it, i’m rolling those dice. This is going to be godo and I can’t wait.  It’ll also be intresting to see if he genuinely values marcy or is putting on the good king act and puzzles and all that to manipulate her. After all we’ve seen with Sasha that she’s easily manipulated, as far as we can tell, and sees this all as a game.. it’d be easy enough to lead her along by playing int othe genre and her desires to get her to play his game the way he needs her to. Though it’s also a question of if Marcy will see it or back the wrong side... though she MIGHT. while she isn’t great with people, she does know games and half the time a benevolent ally will turn out to be a dick in sheeps clothing. Though i’m hoping that isn’t the case for Marcy. But we’ll see..
Anyways with the first third or so of the episode down, the Plantars Check in, TITLE DROP, and Polly, Anne and Hop Pop all put on comfy robes and relax, while Sprig being sprig wants to go exploring though hop pop refuses to leave him wiht the card because of course he does. And honestly having done a few road trips myself.. yeah usually when you get back to the hotel first you want to just relax and crash, maybe go out for dinner or something with your friends, which they already did ahead of time, and recharge before doing allt he fun vacation stuff. Though I also relate to sprig as I too have been in hotels with arcades and pools from time to time as a kid and a teen and wanted to go do the fun stuff while everyone’s tired. Thankfully I also liked to read or play my various game consoles, from the game boy advance up to the switch on my most recent vacations,so I understand his restlessness.  The rest of the episode goes about how you’d expect, with Sprig taking the card once hteir asleep and adventuring around and getting into various hilarious one off gags via montage, before loosing the card and fighting over it with a Bellhop Named Belle, played byt he always wonderful and always talented Krstien Schal.. about two episodes late for the gravity falls homage but never too late to do some voice acting. Sprig gets the card thanks to futurama caffine bullet time, saves paige and then saves her from firing by talking like a rich kid asshole to save paiges job before collapsing and being woken by everyone else wanting to go do fun shit. 
Final Thoughts 2: This one was better. While again I sped through the recap section this time.. it was funny> While the plot was a simple: kid sneaks out and does something he’s not supposed to yet and gets into trouble and ironic ending and all that, it’s funny enough to be enjoyable, Kristin is game as always, and the gag of Sprig using the card to wave off the snooty man at the counter is great. While most of the meat of hte episode is with the king at the start, the rst of it is still an enjoyable come down episode after the plot heavy first third of this one and marcy at the gates and does the job way better thant he previous episode. While it doen’t have a lot of tie to character or what not, it dosen’t WASTE any either. I didn’t realize till this episode that while sprig certainly hasn’t been unterutlized, he really hasn’t had his own episode this season, sharing Quaraller’s Pass with poly and only having subplots in “A Caravan Named Desire” and “Marcy at the Gates”. Here he gets a plot to himself and while it does nothing for his overal character, it’s entertaining enough, with some great gags like the caffine bullet time, the aformentioned rich people gag and the hair bit being the best “Now to put on my hat!”. It just lets the character loose to have a fun side story. See I can dog on an episode for WASTING a good opprotunity, even if I understand the stress of production and what not.. but I won’t dog one for just having fun and letting a character have the limelight if it’s still entertaining which this was. The problem with say “Scavenger Hunt”, “The Ballad of Hopidiah Plantar”, “A Caravan Named Desire” and “The Ballad of Hopidiah Plantar” is that while their not BAD episodes, they had far more potential. This one knows it’s basically home alone 2 meets blank check, but actually entertaining, and justh as fun with it. Is it hte best episode ever? Probably not. But was it fun and a nice change of pace, as well as relatable to me and thus giving me a bit of the warm fuzzies, especially in this hellscape of our lord 2020? Absolutley.  That does it for this week. if you liked this review i’ve reveiwed the rest of the season so far , just check the Disney tab on my blog, along with many other shows, and i’ll be covering the show weekly for the rest of the season, along with Ducktales when it comes back next month, so follow if you want more of that and random reblogs and such. You can also shoot me an ask if you have any things you want my opinon on, any episodes you want to request or you can direct message me to outright comission an episode of any aimated show for me to review for 5 bucks a review. Either way, till we meet again, bwahahahahaha. 
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dramioneasks · 5 years
Can you pretty please recommend some of your personal favorite dark!fics (like anything with either non/dub possessive!Draco ect?)
Here are some of mine (Warning: Some of these stories contain graphic depictions of rape):
Her Shoes by margaritama - NC-17, 19 Chapters - Draco Malfoy has demanded Hermione Granger head up an important new Wizard and Muggle venture he’s funding. They’ll be working at his home. Why would he do this? It’s clear he can’t stand her. Isn’t it?
Out of the Silent Planet by ianthe_waiting - NC-17, 39 chapters - Hermione Granger fulfills Severus Snape’s final wish, to journey to Japan to ‘retrieve’ something of importance.
A Slow Cruel Descent by SenLinYu - M, 2 Chapters - The war grinds on and Hermione Granger, the lead intelligence for the Order of the Pheonix, is captured. Unable to crack her through interrogation without risking her mind, Voldemort conceives a cruel method of breaking her that involves a reluctant Draco Malfoy.
The Unbreakable Bond by MrBenzedrine - M, one-shot - One Shot. STRONG THEMES. Very Point? What Point? Hermione forms an unbreakable bond with Draco- Smut to follow! ANGST 3Plus,Abuse,Anal,Angst,BDSM,Bond,COMPLETE,Contro,D/s,Dom,F/F,Fingering,H/C,HJ,Humil,M/s,Oneshot,Oral,Other VERY DARK.
Crumple by MissiAmphetamine - M, 11 chapters - As the war rages on two years post-‘final battle’, Hermione is captured by the other side and Malfoy is the only hope she has of surviving. [“Granger?” His voice is urgent, but she just sits there and breathes for a moment, feeling violated and still radiating pain, her eyes staring blindly at the cell wall opposite her, her brain frozen in what she thinks dully might be shock.]
Pieces by Kyra4 - M, 5 Chapters - Can the same person who broke you into pieces, be the person to put you back together again?
Voices by Kyonomiko - M, 3 Chapters - Hermione has long accepted she might not make it through the war alive, but after years on the battlefield, she never expected to be at the mercy of Draco Malfoy. Not untouched by his own experiences, his manic behavior leaves her living in constant fear of the unknown, suffering both affections and afflictions at his hands.
Stone Dragons by gravidy - R, 3 Chapters - Sometimes there are no right decisions. There are only actions and consequences. Hermione’s only choice now is who to betray.
And So No One Else Can Have You by flipflop_diva - E, one-shot - Hermione may be Draco’s slave, but she is not quite as controllable as Draco would like. And that is something that Draco needs to put a stop to. An AU world set after Deathly Hallows. Based on the prompt Hermione is a war slave. Not only that, she is Draco’s war slave. Draco is a cruel master, but he is also in love with her. She grows to love him back.
The Beggar-Thief by gravidy - NC-17, 8 Chapters - Hermione Granger doesn’t believe in things that have never been seen. But then, she doesn’t believe in a lot of things anymore. Hermione Granger has enough problems without worrying about Pureblood kidnappings and techno-geeks. The last thing she needs is Draco Malfoy breathing down her neck.
The Lions of December by Gravidy - NC-17, 2 Chapters - She calls me Goliath and I wear the David mask. I’d like to believe we could reconcile the past. Resurrect those bridges with an ancient glance. But my old stone face can’t seem to break her down. She remembers bridges and burns them to the ground.–Excerpts from 7Mary3 “Cumbersome”
Uncoffined by lady_of_clunn - E, 13 Chapters - When all is lost, we are willing to do whatever it takes to survive. 2nd place in the category ‘Best WIP’ in the 2009 dramione_awards on LJ.
Cold Side of the Moon by RZZMG - M, 10 Chapters - Released from Azkaban & tossed into the Forbidden Forest, Hermione Granger must escape the predators & survive for 8 days to earn her freedom. She doesn’t expect to make it knowing Werewolf!Draco Malfoy is somewhere in the forest, too, just waiting for the next victim of The Games to arrive. Dramione. 2013 HP-Darkarts Fest entry. Nom’d HPFanficFanPollAwards-Best Dark Fic. COMPLETE!
The Fool, the Emperor, and the Hanged Man by ianthewaiting - M, 28 Chapters - Ten years after the fall of the Dark Lord, Hermione Granger leads of life of self-imposed obscurity, that is, until the day Headmistress Minerva McGonagall is murdered and a certain ‘hero’ is responsible. DM/HG, written originally in 2007-2008, and finally making its debut here! AU, DH-EWE, non-canon elements, time travel, character death, etc.
Utterly Despicable by camnz - M, 24 Chapters - The death of both Voldemort and Harry Potter let the pureblood elite build the world they wanted. One that leaves Hermione in a vulnerable state, which Draco Malfoy is prepared to take full advantage of.
Manacled by SenLinYu - M, 77 Chapters - Harry Potter is dead. In the aftermath of the war, in order to strengthen the might of the magical world, Voldemort enacts a repopulation effort. Hermione Granger has an Order secret locked away in her mind. She is sent as an enslaved surrogate to the High Reeve, to be bred and monitored until it can be accessed. COMPLETE
The Gift by RZZMG - M, one-shot - After imbibing too much on Christmas Eve, Draco Malfoy decides to give himself a gift: Hermione Granger, his war prize slave. Can her gift of love tame the darkness in his heart? One-shot. Dramione/dark Draco x Hermione. A/U,Post-Hogwarts,EWE. COMPLETE!
Every Way You Look At This by tamlane - R, one-shot - Sometimes it’s difficult to tell who is indebted to whom. Which really has little to do with the means of collection, when you’re a Malfoy.
Save You, Save Me by flipflop_diva - R, one-shot - For five years, Draco Malfoy has kept Hermione Granger hidden away from the Dark Lord’s wrath. In exchange for her life, she’ll do what he says. But Hermione is about to find out that not everything is how it seems.
Worth The Risk by scarletladyy - M, one-shot - The world is a dangerous place for Hermione and other Muggleborns, and when she meets the Death Eater’s most infamous torturer in a dark alleyway, she thinks her life is over, until it turns out that this Death Eater may have a conscience after all.
His One Unforgivable Sin by DramioneInLove - M, 8 Chapters - In a world where Muggle-borns are the “lower class”, Hermione Granger works for Madam Malkin’s as an apprentice. When pure-blood women who have bought dress robes from Madam Malkin’s die mysteriously, Draco Malfoy starts the investigation, and Hermione is his first suspect. DramioneLove fest submission. Winner of Mod’s Choice: Best Dystopian Universe Fic. Warnings inside.
Master by AkashaTheKitty - M, one-shot -The war drags on and Hermione Granger is caught and then bought by her old enemy Draco Malfoy. But why did he do that when he obviously isn’t really interested in using her for anything? AU, very ugly themes, ONESHOT!
The Slow Thaw by camnz - M, 21 Chapters - Hermione is serving at Malfoy Mansion after the war was lost. In her bleak existance, she manages to find ways to cope. Contains nonconsentual. COMPLETE.
Subsistence by ratherbsailing - NC-17, 3 chapters - In times of war, people find different ways to survive.
Squirm by MrBenzedrine - M, 28 Chapters - Written for Halloween, 2016. Dramione. Rated M for non-con themes, as well as implied horror. TRIGGER WARNING. Draco Malfoy falls into a strange obsession with Hermione Granger. But it’s a risk -he holds a dark, sinister secret, and if he becomes too close, she just might find out what it is. Dark Fic. WIP. **WINNER: Best WIP 2017 Winter Dramione Awards** *Complete*
Crimson with a Silver Lining by Lady Cailan - M, 78 Chapters - It is six years since the fall of the Ministry to Voldemort. Those other than purebloods are deemed less than human. When Ginny’s daughter ends up in grave danger, Hermione sells herself to the Death Eaters to save her life. Draco/Hermione. Not fluffy.
His Beautiful, Haunting Eyes by thecellarfloor - M, 14 Chapters - Draco pushed her to the wall, kissed her roughly on the lips, then punched the glass window beside her head. It smashed into pieces and the crowd who had parted for him seconds ago gasped. Hermione couldn’t. She couldn’t even breathe. What have you done?
- AgnMag
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jasonstuart · 2 years
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In the last week I’ve been very #grateful for all the work that has come my way. I got to do my first TikTok video with my pal Jake Hunter the prince of social media. So my manager will be happy I’m working with the youths as Joe Pesci says! Also I was played 3 characters (mostly mobsters) in a podcast for my friend Lisa Orkin in “American Tabloid” by James Elroy along with some heavy hitters like Elliot Gould, Ed O'Neill and Brian Cox to name a few. It was sooo much fun and its like doing a voice over meets a radio play! This week I did an episode of a series called Coffee House Chronicles called "Another Coffee House Chronicles Movie" . They pit all the episodes together and made into a movie you can watch on Amazon.com. Its about love, loss and hooking up! As some of you know its from my the filmmaker Stewart Wade Margolis who cast me in the iconic film "Coffee Date" 2006. With Alexandra Paul, Dalila Ali Rajah, Ralph Cole Jr. , Drew Droege, Emerson Collins and so many more wonderful actors! AND you can see watch my guest shoot on Goliath starring Billy Bob Thornton from TV royalty David E. Kelly opposite Oscar winners and nominee J.K. Simmons, Bruce Dern and Haley Joel Osment. I played “Charles” the head of the board of a pharmaceutical company. I think Im a christian heterosexual man! Thank you Cami Patten and Ryan Hayden! And last but not least Mitch Hara are knee deep in post production on Smothered which I cant wait to show you all. With guest stars in Amanda Bearse Jai Rodriguez Carole Ita White @nicfew @ArmandFields @EllenGerstein @ByronQuiros Robert Costanzo Carole Goldman Nicole Evans Nic Few Kareem Ferguson Jasper Cole Aida Rodriguez and ex prod Erika Elizabeth Ervin . Watch Season 1 on this site Http://www.SmotheredTV.com Stand Up Comedy Gigs I'm headlining soon! June 10-11 https://www.alamedacomedy.com in Okland, Ca just over bridge in San Francisco July 29 - https://aguacalientecasinos.com/agua-special/caliente-comedy/ - in Palm Springs, Ca Aug 11-14 - https://deliriouscomedyclub.com in Las Vegas at the Downtown Grand Hotel https://www.instagram.com/p/CeMiGbfPAqq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Amazon Prime Video New Releases: September 2021
Though the summer movie season is winding down (if it ever really started this year), Amazon Prime’s list of new releases for September 2021 is chock full of worthwhile movie options.
For starters, Amazon’s library movie titles are quite good this month. September 1 sees the arrivals of heavyweights such as Apollo 13, Arachnophobia, Romeo + Juliet, The Descent, and The Social Network. And if that weren’t enough, the streamer is trying out some intriguing original movies as well. Cinderella, a modern update on the classic fairy tale, premieres on September 3. That will be followed by “exotic thriller” The Voyeurs (Sept. 10), musical adaptation Everybody’s Talking About Jamie (Sept. 17), and French thriller The Mad Woman’s Ball (Sept. 17).
Read more
How Arachnophobia Became the Perfect Creepy Crawly Horror Comedy
By Jack Beresford
Quentin Tarantino Calls The Social Network the Best Movie of the 2010s
By David Crow
Things are a bit lighter on the TV side but there is still some serialized joy to be found. LuLaRich premieres on September 10 and is a docuseries about the cultish legging multilevel marketing scam LuLaRoe. Meanwhile, Amazon’s old reliable Goliath premieres its fourth season on September 24.
Here is everything else coming to Amazon Prime Video and IMDb TV this month.
New on Amazon Prime Video – September 2021
September 1 (500) Days Of Summer (2009) 21 Grams (2003) American Me (1992) Apollo 13 (1995) Arachnophobia (1990) Armageddon (1998) As Good As It Gets (1997) Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son (2011) Can’t Hardly Wait (2017) Cirque Du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant (2009) Closer (2004) Daddy Day Care (2003) Daredevil (2003) Daredevil (Director’s Cut) (2003) Death At A Funeral (2010) Do The Right Thing (1989) Grown Ups (2010) Heist (2001) I’ll Always Know What You Did Last Summer (2006) I Am Bolt (2016) I Am Duran (2019)] I Know What You Did Last Summer (1997) I Still Know What You Did Last Summer (1998) Jennifer’s Body (2009) Nacho Libre (2006) Open Range (2003) Planet Of The Apes (2001) Predators (2010) Romeo + Juliet (1996) Rudy (1993) Sicko (2007) Sleepless In Seattle (1993) Soul Food (1997) Stuart Little (1999) Stuart Little 2 (2002) The Alamo (2004) The A-Team (2010) The A-Team (Extended Cut) (2010) The Best Man (1999) The Boy (2016) The Descent (2006) The Host (English Subtitled) (2006) The Karate Kid (2010) The Kids Are All Right (2010) The Last Of The Mohicans (1992) The Omen (2006) The Social Network (2010) The Unborn (2009) The Unborn (Unrated) (2009) Traffic (2000) Year One (2009) Young Frankenstein (1974) A Feeling Home (2019) (Hallmark Movies Now) Ancient Civilizations of North America: Season 1 (The Great Courses) August Creek (2017) (Hallmark Movies Now) Craig Ross Jr.’s Monogamy: Season 1 (ALLBLK) Creepshow: Season 1 (Shudder) Forensic Factor: Season 1 (A&E Crime Central) Land Girls: Season 1 (PBS Masterpiece) Latino Americans: Season 1 (PBS Documentaries) Mail Call: Season 1 (HISTORY Vault) Native Peoples of North America: Season 1 (The Great Courses) Republic of Doyle: Season 1 (Acorn TV) The Bastards of Pizzofalcone: Season 1 (MHz Choice) The Blood Pact: Season 1 (PBS Masterpiece) The Flintstones: Season 1 (Boomerang) The Killing: Season 1 (Topic) We’ll Meet Again: Season 1 (PBS Living)
September 3 *Cinderella – Amazon Original Movie (2021)
September 10 *The Voyeurs – Amazon Original Movie (2021)  *LuLaRich – Amazon Original Series: Limited Series
September 12 Desperado (1995)
September 17 *Everybody’s Talking About Jamie – Amazon Original Movie (2021) *The Mad Women’s Ball – Amazon Original Movie (2021) American Traitor: The Trial of Axis Sally (2021) *Do, Re & Mi – Amazon Original Series: Season 1
September 24 *Goliath – Amazon Original Series: Season 4
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New on IMDb TV (Available for Free) – September 2021
September 1 12 Rounds Alpha and Omega 3: The Great Wolf Games American Hustle Begin Again Biutiful Bring It on Again Cedar Rapids Clue Die Hard Die Hard 2 Die Hard: With a Vengeance Escape Plan Exodus: Gods and Kings How to Be a Latin Lover Interrogation Killers (2010) L.A. Confidential Marley & Me Monster Family Mortdecai Mystery Men Need for Speed No Good Deed (2014) Notorious People Like Us Robin Hood Spy Who Dumped Me Super Troopers 2 The Artist The House Bunny The Hunger Games The Hunger Games: Catching Fire The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay Part 1 The Hunger Games: Mocking Jay Part 2 The Walk This Means War Undercover Brother Victor Frankenstein What’s Your Number? Banacek S1-2 McCloud S1-7 McMillan & Wife S1-6 New Tricks S1-12 The Return of Sam McCloud The Rockford Files S1-6
September 10 *Pretty Hard Cases- IMDb TV Original Series: Season 1 
September 14 Searching (2018)
September 15 Weeds S1-8
September 16 As Above, So Below
September 25 Despicable Me 2
September 27 Sorry to Bother You
The post Amazon Prime Video New Releases: September 2021 appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/3DtBiQJ
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sqinsights · 8 months
Navigating the Wild World of IoT Security: A Dive into the Global Market Insights
In a world where everything seems to be “smart” these days, from refrigerators that can order groceries to thermostats that know when you’re feeling a bit chilly, one thing we can’t afford to overlook is the security of these interconnected devices. Enter the realm of IoT Security, a topic that sounds like a sci-fi movie plot, but hey, it’s the reality we live in. Let’s take a light-hearted stroll through the Global IoT Security Market Insights report and decode the jargon without getting lost in the technical maze.
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The Market Safari:
The report kicks off with the revelation that the IoT Security Market size was valued at a whopping USD 9.01 billion in 2021. I know what you’re thinking, that’s a lot of zeros and commas. Brace yourselves, because by 2030, it’s predicted to skyrocket to USD 94.27 billion — talk about compound growth rates that put your investments to shame.
Deployment Mode: Clouds and On-Premises, Oh My!
The deployment modes are like the age-old debate of whether you prefer your data floating in the cloud or grounded on-premise. It’s like choosing between a fluffy cloud that can vanish in thin air or a tangible server that might throw a tantrum. Choose wisely — or just flip a coin.
Organization Size: David vs. Goliath, Enterprises Edition
In the red corner, we have the heavyweight champion — Large Enterprises. In the blue corner, the underdog — Small & Medium Enterprises. It’s the classic tale of David vs. Goliath, but in the business world, where slingshots are replaced by cybersecurity measures, and victory is measured in market share.
Product Types: Device Authentication & Management vs. Identity Crisis & Management
Imagine your IoT device having an identity crisis — that’s where Identity Access & Management come into play. On the other hand, Device Authentication & Management are like the bouncers at the IoT party, ensuring only the authorized devices get past the velvet rope.
Security Types: Defenders of the Cyber Realm
Network Security and Endpoint Security — the dynamic duo defending the cyber realm from malicious invaders. It’s like a cybersecurity Avengers movie, where firewalls and antivirus software play the superheroes, protecting our data from the supervillains of the digital world.
Industry Verticals: Where IoT Meets Real Life
From Manufacturing to Retail & E-Commerce, it’s like IoT is the behind-the-scenes director making things smoother. The real show-stealer? Agriculture, with its smart farming and precision agriculture. Who knew your lettuce could be so high-tech?
End-Use: Agriculture, BFSI, and the Alphabet Soup
BFSI — Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance — the three musketeers of the financial world. Agriculture, the unsung hero feeding the world. It’s like the Avengers and the Justice League, but in the corporate landscape.
Regional Insights: The Global Symphony
North America, the land of the free and the home of the cloud-based platforms. Asia-Pacific, leading the charge in smart city initiatives. It’s a global symphony of IoT adoption, with different regions playing their unique tunes.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/iot-security-market
Market Dynamics: Driving Forces and Roadblocks
The report identifies the adoption of IoT devices as a driving force, like giving your car a turbo boost. However, there are roadblocks — limitations in the security, integrity, and privacy of data. It’s like having a high-speed car with brakes that occasionally decide to take a nap.
Competitive Landscape: Battle of the Titans
In the red corner, we have established brands. In the blue corner, emerging players and niche producers. It’s like a game of chess, where innovation is the key to checkmate. IBM even has a move called ‘Watsonx Your Business’ — it sounds like a secret move you unlock after reaching level 10.
Top Players: The A-List of IoT Security
Allot Ltd., Armis Inc., CENTRI Technology, and more — it’s like the red carpet event of the IoT world. These companies are the celebrities, and their moves and partnerships are the plot twists in this tech thriller.
Conclusion: Navigating the IoT Jungle
As we wrap up this adventure through the Global IoT Security Market, one thing is clear — IoT is here to stay, and securing it is no joke. It’s a wild jungle out there, with data breaches lurking like hidden traps. So, whether you’re a large enterprise or a small player, buckle up your cyber seatbelt and enjoy the IoT ride — just don’t forget your digital sunscreen.
Remember, in the world of IoT, it’s not survival of the fittest; it’s survival of the most securely connected. Stay safe, stay connected!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
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market-spy · 8 months
Navigating the Wild World of IoT Security: A Dive into the Global Market Insights
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The Market Safari:
The report kicks off with the revelation that the IoT Security Market size was valued at a whopping USD 9.01 billion in 2021. I know what you’re thinking, that’s a lot of zeros and commas. Brace yourselves, because by 2030, it’s predicted to skyrocket to USD 94.27 billion — talk about compound growth rates that put your investments to shame.
Deployment Mode: Clouds and On-Premises, Oh My!
The deployment modes are like the age-old debate of whether you prefer your data floating in the cloud or grounded on-premise. It’s like choosing between a fluffy cloud that can vanish in thin air or a tangible server that might throw a tantrum. Choose wisely — or just flip a coin.
Organization Size: David vs. Goliath, Enterprises Edition
In the red corner, we have the heavyweight champion — Large Enterprises. In the blue corner, the underdog — Small & Medium Enterprises. It’s the classic tale of David vs. Goliath, but in the business world, where slingshots are replaced by cybersecurity measures, and victory is measured in market share.
Product Types: Device Authentication & Management vs. Identity Crisis & Management
Imagine your IoT device having an identity crisis — that’s where Identity Access & Management come into play. On the other hand, Device Authentication & Management are like the bouncers at the IoT party, ensuring only the authorized devices get past the velvet rope.
Security Types: Defenders of the Cyber Realm
Network Security and Endpoint Security — the dynamic duo defending the cyber realm from malicious invaders. It’s like a cybersecurity Avengers movie, where firewalls and antivirus software play the superheroes, protecting our data from the supervillains of the digital world.
Industry Verticals: Where IoT Meets Real Life
From Manufacturing to Retail & E-Commerce, it’s like IoT is the behind-the-scenes director making things smoother. The real show-stealer? Agriculture, with its smart farming and precision agriculture. Who knew your lettuce could be so high-tech?
End-Use: Agriculture, BFSI, and the Alphabet Soup
BFSI — Banking, Financial Services, and Insurance — the three musketeers of the financial world. Agriculture, the unsung hero feeding the world. It’s like the Avengers and the Justice League, but in the corporate landscape.
Regional Insights: The Global Symphony
North America, the land of the free and the home of the cloud-based platforms. Asia-Pacific, leading the charge in smart city initiatives. It’s a global symphony of IoT adoption, with different regions playing their unique tunes.
Market Dynamics: Driving Forces and Roadblocks
The report identifies the adoption of IoT devices as a driving force, like giving your car a turbo boost. However, there are roadblocks — limitations in the security, integrity, and privacy of data. It’s like having a high-speed car with brakes that occasionally decide to take a nap.
For More Information: https://www.skyquestt.com/report/iot-security-market
Competitive Landscape: Battle of the Titans
In the red corner, we have established brands. In the blue corner, emerging players and niche producers. It’s like a game of chess, where innovation is the key to checkmate. IBM even has a move called ‘Watsonx Your Business’ — it sounds like a secret move you unlock after reaching level 10.
Top Players: The A-List of IoT Security
Allot Ltd., Armis Inc., CENTRI Technology, and more — it’s like the red carpet event of the IoT world. These companies are the celebrities, and their moves and partnerships are the plot twists in this tech thriller.
Conclusion: Navigating the IoT Jungle
As we wrap up this adventure through the Global IoT Security Market, one thing is clear — IoT is here to stay, and securing it is no joke. It’s a wild jungle out there, with data breaches lurking like hidden traps. So, whether you’re a large enterprise or a small player, buckle up your cyber seatbelt and enjoy the IoT ride — just don’t forget your digital sunscreen.
Remember, in the world of IoT, it’s not survival of the fittest; it’s survival of the most securely connected. Stay safe, stay connected!
About Us-
SkyQuest Technology Group is a Global Market Intelligence, Innovation Management & Commercialization organization that connects innovation to new markets, networks & collaborators for achieving Sustainable Development Goals.
Contact Us-
SkyQuest Technology Consulting Pvt. Ltd.
1 Apache Way,
Massachusetts 01886
USA (+1) 617–230–0741
Website: https://www.skyquestt.com
0 notes
Growing up in Highgrove, my parents took us to Cinco de Mayo (May 5) fiestas either in Colton or Riverside.
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Frances Vásquez, seen Dec. 12, 2011, is the Inlandia Institute’s director emerita and facilitates Tesoros deCuentos writing workshops. (Courtesy of Lily Rivera)
These were fun, family-friendly celebrations featuring music, food, “raspados” (snow cones), mariachis, “danzantes” and games. We joyfully smashed colorful “cascarones” (colored empty egg shells filled with confetti) on each other’s heads. Adults enjoyed speeches and patronized vendor booths, including Sociedad Progresista Mexicana (a bereavement benefit association).
Why is Cinco de Mayo celebrated here in the United States? It commemorates a battle won in México on the date in 1862, when the people of Puebla defended their turf against an invasion of Napoleon III’s French Army.
Depending on who you ask, you’ll get various answers, including an egregious, “It’s time to drink and party.” Our school texts had nothing about el Cinco, although Chicanas like me have celebrated the holiday since childhood.
Professor David E. Hayes-Bautista suggests in his book, “El Cinco de Mayo: An American Tradition” that ultimately it emerges as an important American holiday with roots in the Civil War, and connects an emergent Mexican-American identity with the social and political turmoil of the U.S. during the 1860s. While our nation was distracted with rebellion at home, France launched an invasion of México in 1861.
Although Napoleon III blamed México’s suspension of debt payments for his aggression, his imperialistic goals became clear. French troops marched inland from the Gulf of México to conquer the city of Puebla en route to the capital. Instead, Mexican General Ignacio Zaragoza led a valiant defense of Puebla that defeated the invaders on May 5, 1862. The victory only temporarily halted the French, yet it held immense symbolism for Mexicanos/Latinos in California.
At the outbreak of the Civil War, California’s diverse Latino population included native-born Californios, Mexicans, Cubans and other Spanish-speaking peoples. Hayes-Bautista posits that the many “juntas” (meetings) that existed in California before the Civil War found common cause and identity by their support of a democratic México and an emancipated U.S. When Latinos in California received word of the Mexican victory at Puebla, Spanish-language newspapers throughout the state extolled the triumph. Jubilant, people halted their work and held impromptu fiestas with music, fireworks, and patriotic speeches.
The “juntas” raised money for the defense of the Mexican Republic, and since 1863, continued the annual observance of May 5 in the state’s public memory. By commemorating the Mexican resistance to French intervention on Cinco de Mayo, California Latinos found a cause that celebrated both ethnic solidarity and their loyalty to the United States.
One hundred years later in the 1960s, during the Civil Rights / Chicano movement, Chicanos embraced el Cinco as a symbol of resistance to the discrimination and oppression of Latinos — symbolic of a David/Goliath battle — giving rise to Chicano power.
In 1972, Rodolfo “Corky” Gonzales published an epic poem, “I Am Joaquin/Yo soy Joaquin” which listed an itinerary of grievances, as my Chicano literature professor Eliud Martinez would say. Gonzales’ poem is fondly appreciated by Chicanos. It gave voice to the revolutionary movement with a succinct statement of Chicano nationalism and ideology. It served as an enticement to resistance and battle cry to the “movimiento.”
“I am Joaquin / Lost in a world of confusion, / Caught up in a whirl of a gringo society, / Confused by the rules, / Scorned by attitudes, / Suppressed by manipulations, / And destroyed by modern society. / My fathers / have lost the economic battle / and won / the struggle of cultural survival … / Unwillingly dragged by that / monstrous, technical / Industrial giant called / Progress / and Anglo success …. / I am Aztec Prince and Christian Christ / I SHALL ENDURE! / I WILL ENDURE!”
Lilly Rivera’s essay, “Cinco de Mayo: A Battle for Recognition” brilliantly summarizes the basis of our celebrations, “… about us as American citizens who have been marginalized socially and economically, a people who have had to wrench their rights and privileges from an unwilling populace through the force of law … those of us who, until only the most recent of times, were not included in this country’s history books.”
The significance of el Cinco has evolved over time and still resonates as a relevant reason to celebrate our complex bicultural heritage and identity.
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Riverside’s Casa Blanca leaders have organized annual fiestas continuously since at least 1910 (except during the 2020 pandemic). It is usually a two-day celebration at Ysmael R. Villegas Park, commencing with a parade led by a grand marshal. I last attended in 2019 and enjoyed strolling among the booths and eating gorditas and raspados while listening to the bands. It was delightful to sit and chat with ever-elegant Simona Valero, who served as grand marshal in 2013. I visited with Ed “Lito” Fuentes, who eloquently emceed the staged events, as he has for decades in Casa Blanca.
On this Cinco de Mayo, we invite you to serve a glass of beer or vino and join us for a festivity via Zoom.
Frances J. Vasquez, the Inlandia Institute’s director emerita, facilitates Tesoros de Cuentos writing workshops.
What: Celebrating Cultura: Cinco de Mayo Over the Ages
When: Wednesday, May 5, 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m.
Details: Presented on Zoom by Inlandia Institute, Riverside Art Museum and The Cheech
Details: The event will be hosted by Jorge “Mr. Blue” Hernandez and Frances J. Vásquez. Educators and cultural arts advocates include José Chávez, Carlos Cortés, Irene M. Sanchez and Ofelia Valdez-Yeager
Reservations: Zoom link: https://tinyurl.com/CelebratingCultura2 ; Facebook: @inlandia
-on April 24, 2021 at 04:00AM by Frances J. Vasquez
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keywestlou · 4 years
Something happened! Something I have never seen before. Such does not mean it did not occur. I merely have never been aware of it for 20 years.
Key West has a new set of restrictions which were imposed last week. Most had to do with New Year’s Eve. My comments are limited to New Year’s Eve.
Curfew is 10 pm. Bars and restaurants close at 10 also. No Sushi, Conch Shell or the Pirate sliding down something to bring in the New Year Everyone off the street by 10:30.
Harsh! Required, however.
Hotel reservations were around 90 percent at the time.
The Key West hotel industry has generally had a condition to reservations for a holiday or popular event weekend. Several specific days must be reserved. Payment in full in advance. No cancellations, no refunds.
Cancellations have been coming in. Reservations have dropped by half. The 90 percent now 45 percent.
Have the hotels been accepting the cancellations and refunding monies already paid for a room? If so, it would be the first time in my memory. A correct thing to under the circumstances.
At the end of KONK E-Blast this morning there is a photograph of the Custom House pre 1888. Referred to in the photo as the “old Custom House.” It was torn down and late in 1891, the new Custom House opened.
The old custom house in the photo is a dream. Looks like a home. Probably was and then utilized as a government building.
The structure a 1 or 2 story building. Difficult to be exact because of trees growing in front of it. Appears to be a wood structure. A large front porch. The property surrounded by a picket fence which I assume was white.
Hard to believe that the huge brick Custom House sitting in the same location today had land enough to be constructed. The 2 buildings very different in size. David and Goliath came to mind as I viewed the old one.
Oh, the many times I have written about this subject. Food scarcity. The problem becoming even more severe. People forced to do things they never did before.
Americans are stealing food to survive. Many have become shoplifters.
Hunger a genuine concern. Or, should be. The fact that many are stealing is proof the economy is bad. Forget the stock market, the economy stinks. Proof of the pudding is the food scarcity.
It is reported 54 million Americans are suffering at this moment. The 54 million number represents a 45 percent increase from 2019.
Numbers don’t lie.
Responsibility for the shortage can be attached to many things. Like coronavirus, federal food programs being reduced or having run out and not replaced, the increasing price of food, many schools no longer offering breakfast and lunch so 3 meals a day must be provided at home, and job losses.
Many are simply looking for a way to feed their families and hopefully themselves. Actually, a means to say alive.
Food shoplifting in years gone by was considered by many to be the result of a character flaw. Lazy husband/father not working for example.
U.S. hunger has reached a point not seen in decades.
People are stealing consumables and items associated with children and babies. They are not grabbing TVs and running out the front door.
Those stealing acknowledge it is wrong. However, they ask what are they to feed their children if food is not otherwise available.
The Electoral College meets today. No Trump problems anticipated. Biden’s election will be affirmed.
Beware, however. Trump announced in a FOX interview this weekend that the election challenge is “not over.”
The first coronavirus vaccines rolled out yesterday in huge Fed Ex trucks and then planes. America appears happy. Hopefully, the end is in sight. It was a happy day.
Three million doses are being released this week.
Trump can be a horse’s ass. Often.
He has been saying in effect he believes in nothing having to do with the virus. Yesterday however a startling announcement came out of the White House. It was announced Trump and key staff would be among the first to receive the vaccine.
This morning’s news reversed the announcement. Trump and staff will not be receiving it at this time. Perhaps sometime later.
Two nights of altercations over the weekend. Washington, D.C. and Olympia, Washington. Protesters and counter protesters in the streets over the issue of Trump’s defeat. He having been cheated out of victory.
While some are going hungry, McConnell still doing his best to weasel down the stimulus bill proposed. One of the major holdups involves corporate liability for injuries arising out of coronavirus related matters.
Somewhere along the way, McConnell lost whatever sense of values he had. He is holding up money people need for food to do another thing for corporate America. He does their bidding and dances to their tune.
Over the election ballot issues, many public servants are being harassed. Big time. Some in fear for their lives. They face personal threats as tensions flare.
Those who disagree with Trump’s baseless tweets about election fraud and coronavirus are being targeted at their homes and offices.
Some protesters are armed. Telephone calls are harassing. Some stalked.
Something bad will happen. An innocent person will be killed.
Then what?
Trump has rabble roused his people into believing everything he says and therefore they are free to act as they are. Trump does not tell them to stop.
Enjoy your day!
  KEY WEST NEW YEAR’S EVE HOTEL BOOKINGS DOWN 50 PERCENT was originally published on Key West Lou
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aion-rsa · 4 years
Bloodlands Episode 2 Questions & Theories: Goliath, the Owl Pendant and the Kidnapper
Warning: contains MAJOR spoilers for Bloodlands episode 2.
In BBC thriller Bloodlands, in Belfast in early 1998, weeks before the Good Friday Agreement was reached, four people disappeared from both sides of the political conflict. They were former IRA member Joe Harkin, UVF Loyalist David Corry, Catholic priest Father Quinlan and military police officer Emma Brannick. The disappearances were made to look as though the victims had left the country, but it was suspected that all four had been executed by an assassin codenamed ‘Goliath’, an ‘inside man’ with access to police files. The disappearances were never solved, the investigation was hushed up, and evidence relating to them was removed from the police archive.
20 years later, three of the missing people – everybody but Emma Brannick – were discovered buried on an island in the middle of Strangford Lough. At the end of Bloodlands episode two, another body possibly joins them when DCI Tom Brannick shoots Adam Corry, brother to victim David, who had been having an affair with Brannick’s wife Emma before they both disappeared. Is Tom Brannick Goliath? How does the Pat Keenan kidnapping tie in? We sum up the major questions and theories below.
Who kidnapped Pat Keenan?
CCTV footage showed an unidentified brunette woman with Keenan in his car before the kidnapping. If it’s a character known to us, then our options so far are: Dr Tori Matthews (wearing a wig), who’s recently returned to Belfast from England and is secretly the illegitimate daughter of Goliath victim Father Simon Quinlan; DS Niamh McGovern, who only joined Brannick’s team six months ago and may have a secret connection to the case though if she does, she has an excellent poker face; Izzy Brannick, daughter to Tom, whose mother is believed to have been killed by Goliath; or – if she’s still alive – Emma Brannick herself.
Why was Pat Keenan kidnapped?
Former IRA member Pat Keenan was kidnapped by someone who wanted to force the police into reopening the official investigation into the 1998 ‘Goliath’ disappearances. The kidnapper left a postcard of the ‘Goliath’ shipbuilding gantry crane – a famous landmark on Queen’s Island, Belfast – on Kennan’s car wing mirror and at the hotel in which he was held to prompt the police to revisit the four disappearances that were hushed up at the time.
It’s likely therefore that the kidnapper has a connection to one of the four 1998 victims: David Corry, Joe Harkin, Father Simon Quinlan and – though her body has not been found so it’s still possible that she’s alive – Emma Brannick.
Who was Adam Corry’s mystery tea drinker?
Tom Brannick thinks that it’s someone involved in Pat Keenan’s kidnapping, and that they and Adam cooked up the kidnap plan because they wanted the Goliath investigation reopened due to their links to the victims. If it’s somebody we’ve already met then after episode two, most people’s money would be on Dr Tori Matthews, though crime scene investigator ‘Dinger’ also seems worthy of suspicion (see below.)
Four months before Keenan’s kidnapping took place, Adam Corry contacted a local fisherman and tide expert under the false name of Frank McPhee, asking about the Goliath disappearances and the possibility that there were bodies buried on that loch island (as suggested by the farmer witness statement that wasn’t followed up back in 1998). Corry and a co-conspirator could have planned the whole thing to prompt the police to start digging on that island.
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How does Dinger know so much about the Goliath case?
Crime scene investigator ‘Dinger’ (played by Michael Smiley) tells DS McGovern that he and Tom Brannick go back “a wee while”. He has a lot of information about the 1998 Goliath disappearances, including the specific intelligence unit Emma Brannick was recruited to, and he suggests – like Adam Corry – that DCS Jackie Twomey is responsible for making the original investigation go away. Dinger also knows about the Goliath calling card left on Pat Keenan’s car and at the hotel, information that to our knowledge, only three officers had: Brannick, McGovern and Twomey.
Add to that the fact that Michael Smiley’s a terrific actor too good to waste on a bit part, and it’s likely Dinger’s more involved than it first appears. “At some point, the past has to die,” he told McGovern. Just what ‘Goliath’ might say…
Did Emma Brannick engineer her own disappearance?
As Dinger tells McGovern at the pub, if anybody could successfully fake their own disappearance, it’s Emma Brannick. As a military intelligence ‘spook’, Emma would have had the skills and connections to engineer her own kidnapping. The question is: why might she do it? One thing that suggests Emma was taken and didn’t run away was that she went missing while she was looking after her infant daughter Izzy. Is she the type of person to put her young child at risk, or didn’t she have a choice?
Adam Corry susses out that his brother and Emma were having an affair (hence his corpse being discovered wearing her owl pendant), so did they plan to run away together? Did Tom discover the affair and ‘disappear’ the two of them?
Why was Jackie Twomey secretly meeting with Siobhan Harkin?
“Siobhan, we need to be careful,” says Jackie Twomey after going to a static caravan, retrieving a hidden mobile phone and then arranging to meet Joe Harkin’s widow in a remote location. Are they simply having an affair, or does Twomey have a stake in the ongoing rift between the dead Joe Harkin and Pat Keenan, who fell out years earlier when Harkin lent Keenan the money to start his haulage company?
Who is Dr Tori Matthews really?
As we saw from her reaction to Izzy saying that her father believed the third unidentified victim on the island to be a priest, and the visit to her mother’s care home, Tori Matthews is the illegitimate daughter of Catholic priest Father Simon Quinlan. She only recently returned to Belfast, and could easily have arranged to ‘accidentally’ run in to Brannick and McGovern on their visit to the hospital investigating Keenan’s disappearance. It’s worth remembering that Keenan had an appointment at the hospital where Matthews works on the day of his disappearance.
Matthews also made a point of asking Tom his daughter’s name, seeking Izzy out in a lecture and befriending her. She was at the rugby match with Tom and Izzy, and for whatever reason, could even have tipped off the Keenan gang of their whereabouts, facilitating the attack on Izzy.
Is Izzy even Tom’s biological daughter?
There’s nothing yet to suggest this, but Adam Corry worked out that his brother David was having an affair with a married woman, and David’s corpse was found wearing the distinctive owl pendant that Tom and Emily both wore, engraved with an ‘E’ for Emily. As Izzy was very young at the time of her mother’s disappearance, there’s a chance that the affair began before Izzy was born, and David Corry is Izzy’s biological father. Total speculation at this stage, of course.
Why did Tom shoot Adam Corry?
One answer would be that Tom is ‘Goliath’ – i.e. he was the original assassin of the three victims, and perhaps also the killer of his wife Emma, whose remains have yet to be found. In that scenario, Tom would have killed Adam Corry because he’d discovered Tom’s true identity and so represented a threat.
Another is that Tom is protecting the real ‘Goliath’, i.e. his wife Emma Brannick. If Tom discovered that his wife – a trained military police officer and so capable of committing the close-range 9mm murders – was the assassin back in 1998, instead of turning her in perhaps he told her to run and has been covering her tracks ever since by destroying the case paperwork. With two episodes yet to come, it’s all to play for.
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Four-part thriller Bloodlands continues on Sunday the 7th of March at 9pm on BBC One.
The post Bloodlands Episode 2 Questions & Theories: Goliath, the Owl Pendant and the Kidnapper appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/37VP4Nw
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