#eepy eggos
anulithots · 1 year
I have made a mistake.
Ugly is @mylee-sketches's character and I didn't do him right
Mylee's words
"He supposed to be dopey
He’s ugly and dumb
Imagine that dumb and dopey but lovable character
Except he dies at the end"
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anulithots · 1 year
The Eepy Eggos
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So apparently you all want to know about these eggos.
Tagging everyone who got the first eepy eggos post to eight notes: @aqu-a-zul @harleyacoincidence @happyrebeldeanknight @james-silvercat @mimicofaperson
Thank you all so much <3
This may be a longer-ish project with a bunch of snippets as I flesh it out each time, so I'll have a 'note-goal' each time to 'unlock' the next one. It can be a game! <3
Next note goal: 10 notes.
First up, what is the eepy eggos?
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So it started when myself, @mylee-sketches and two other classmates in AP bio did an experiment with eggs. We named them, gave them personalities, and I promised to write a fanfic about them.
Here's hoping I do that.
So in universe, there are the gods who experiment on them. One for each of them, with no other purpsose than to suffer.
Anywho, we have Billy Eepy Eggo (the one on the left.). He is meant to be submerged in the blood of other eggos. (basically, submerged in egg whites.)
is sensitive and I imagine he is the 'caretaker' sort of them all. He desperately wanted someone to be the caretaker for him... no one was set to fill that role, so he decided to fit that role for the others.
Then we have Ugly. He's meant to drown.
(This one is from @mylee-sketches)
He supposed to be dopey
He’s ugly and dumb
Imagine that dumb and dopey but lovable character
Except he dies at the end
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Ugly is also pretty dirty, he never got cleaned properly.
To Be Determined (the one on the right) is meant to be submerged in corn syrup, a liquid so thick that you can't move no matter how hard you try to.
They are the only one who knows and actively thinks about that their creators made them to die. That they don't really have a purpose, hence why they don't have a name, they rather not get too attached to living.
And there's my eggo, Eepy Eggo Francios III. They were extra. To be used only if one of the other's didn't make it.
I have developed mine first, then I'll get to the others.
TW for physical abuse
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Eepy Eggo Francios III got hit with a ruler. They don't like reality that much. They would rather escape to math.
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They are bubbly and overexcited and like analyzing the world with maths and simplifying feelings to where they don't bother them anymore. They don't take threats that well and will start joking and smiling when anything bad is going on.
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They were the extra, they were hurt the most to be prepared for the other's shortcommings, and yet, they couldn't stand the fact of anything bad happening to the other eggos....
Wait no. Feelings. Bad. No feelings.
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Trying out some POV snippets (feedback appreciated.):
Don't react.
They'll do it again if you react.
Tears bring 100% chance of them doing it again...
... Please don't.
All the pain has to go away.
They'll do it again.
My insides mixed together. Drained. I must have popped already. They don't need to use the ruler again. I know I know I know I know they don't need to do it again. Please don't do it again.
... A shaky breath. One. Two. Three. Four, each one reducing the chances of a total meltdown by fifteen percent, as long as I kept doing them.
My face stung. Throbbed. A 20% chance of a bruise, coupled with some more data points. I like data points. I like this. It's fine.
So today I have the new, extremely helpful information of my own special law: association. If I am associated with being the [spare] and therefore needing to keep myself [perfect] than I am associated with [perfection] and therefore I cannot get upset when they mention killing one of my friends [other experiments].
If I get upset, that increases my chances of [pain] by 50%, with a few unknown variables regarding if they are tired or not.
They like it when I [smile]. Therefore [smiling] is the new baseline. Smiling leaves me with a better chance of never hurting again.
I grinned, stretching the skin so it sparked.
I made a mental note to keep smiling when I got back to the [other experiments], their chance of [showing concern] was at least 98%
And it will alternate between POV and Bio reports. Fun.
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anulithots · 1 year
Let's play a game
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Tw for horror and death.
Seriously, these eggos have suffered so much
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If this gets any interest... let's say, 5-ish notes? I'll tell you all the tale of what happened this morning.
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TW for horror under the cut
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