maifazcomics · 6 months
Whims of Fate
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monstress-crochet · 7 months
I NEED to get the Sea of Stars Digital art book just to see if they have any concept art for Elysan'darëlle
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I want to make her so bad! I just kind of want a bit more reference art to go off of
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the-starry-lycan · 3 months
I really really need to make a pairing tag / ship name for Erlina/Elysan x Brugaves/Barma.
These two are a couple of my favourite characters in the game.. and yes, I absolutely ship them. They were best friends as kids, and they basically grew up vowing to protect each other and liberate their world (alas, in all the wrong ways..) so they could be together. I feel like these two are the kind who grew into love as they got older and realized how they feel as adults.
The pairing tag will eventually be useful.. should I ever finish the pile of Erlina/Brugaves fics I have in my WIPs..
I have a few, being:
Snake Eyes (after that ending? absolutely..)
Starcrossed Lovers (haha, celestial event joke)
Tangled Antlers (they've both got horns of some kind!)
I've been trying to think of one related to goats since they both seem to be half ungulate of some kind.. though Elysan'Darëlle seems more like a horse than Barma'thazël, who looks like a ram.
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kyuohki · 2 months
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Didn't have enough room for Erlina or Brugaves on the last one (12 people limit), so here's their heights and the Messenger headcanons!
(Here's a link if y'all wanna play with it)!
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wet-toast-slime · 7 months
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kinda a repost, but more a continuation of this post. this will contain spoilers for the game sea of stars, so im sticking it under read more.
So my sea of stars oc, El'orena--
a guilty pleasure, but it is a canon x oc dynamic with slight canon divergency without affecting the plot. In a polycule w. Aephorul and Resh'an, with it being uhhhh obviously complicated w. Aephorul lol. She's also an alchemist who worked with Aephorul and Resh'an, and also drank the elixir of life.
like i imagine her have like been born on a summer solstice and can use sun magic, however she didn't ascend, in the uh, right way per se
bc she also took the elixir of life, she went and studied the stars, the planets and life. where her magic warped into something not quite like solar magic but also more than that
due to ger immortality and magic, shes often (incorrectly) hailed as the mother of stars
it was bc of her own spat with aephorul that she and resh'an realized the dwellers are weak to solar magic during eclipses
she can control life and space, like resh'an can control time, and aephorul can control flesh and bone
so like resh'an, she cant directly involve with aephorul either, so she rushes to worlds he has not reached to prepare them should he arrive
she helped with establishing mooncradle, and training the very first solstice warriors in mooncradle with resh'an's help as the great eagle
she misses aephorul dearly, just like resh'an. but she also knows he's lost to her, and she clings to resh'an, visiting him often as he too can lose himself to time
they still very much love aephorul, but also can not bear to see the devastation aephorul creates and wish maybe one day they'll have the aephorul they love back and not the fleshmancer he is today, albeit futility
her arms are golden prosthetics, actually made by aephorul for her before he became the fleshmancer.
so she would be the "player" or rather the being that visited the archivist at the start of the game, the one that Resh'an would begin to tell the story of Zale, Valere and Garl.
i imagine her as a healer main, high magic attack and defence, and high health but low def and attack. her basic attack does arcane damage
her kills are maybe arcane/sharp damage attack to delay enemy turn
like an arcane attack that is multihit and the more successive hits, the more damage is done along w. heals self a percentage of the damage
dunno combos, but maybe ultimate heals bith hp and mp?? like its mot an attack at all just a healing move
shes really upbeat, and loved to tease ppl
i think she also joins the party w. resh'an, though loses her headpiece because its a bit "impractical" for the journey
she deffo drags resh'an back to the party when he tries to bail, mostly bc it was really lonely w.o him there during my playthroughs lol
she doesn't bathe during her hot spring scene, and instead sits on the bench reading. her scene raises the party's max mag. atk
she does leave the party like resh'an during the final battle w. Elysan'darëlle, BUT stays during the true ending route in the final battle w. resh'an.
but yea that's ;;;;;; kinda all i have at this point lol
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teefa85 · 5 months
Went back and cleaned up the True Ending of Sea of Stars...
(spoilers under cut)
Aephorul makes up for Elysan'darëlle being so weak! Though to be fair, half my problems were the fact that I was having trouble pinning down the timing on his instant death attack (why does a boss in a game with limited healing items being brought to battle have an instant death as a NON SPECIAL ATTACK). So my Poutine was wasted early and I spent time with people dead and unable to do anything. Oh, and not realizing I had a beam cannon or the ability to dive until the second Fleshmancer Space Battle...
In the end, I had both Seraï and Valere down from said instant death and had the luck to get my Ultimate charged. Thankfully I keep Resh'an back since his job IS using his Ultimate to batter enemies so he was healthy. Brought him in, and let The Great Eagle take the final blow. How appropriate...even if it's a puppet.
Well, Garl kicking the crap out of Aephorul in the following cutscene was glorious too!
Also, the fact that now Valere and Zale come back on Garl's birthday not just to fly over the world in his honor but to visit him in their secret cave is so heartwarming. Their friendship is the most precious thing in this game!
Only achievements left are Wheels (didn't want to stop the main plot to play a mini game to completion) and Artful Gambit. Which I might go back to in NG+ in the future. But for now, onto other games. I definitely enjoyed my time with this.
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maifazcomics · 13 days
I believe Elysan'darëlle would do a great tokusatsu villain
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teefa85 · 5 months
Name of final boss under the cut, but otherwise not really detailed enough to be spoilery...
Elysan'darëlle...why are you so easy to break? You didn't get a single big attack off because Seraï only needed to use Disrupt once (she would have a second time but I had my Ultimate queued up and ready to launch and buy myself time).
Time to save the Clear Game and do the few things remaining...
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