#especially Jace he's my lil guy him and Sigil both my lil guys
amajorartattack · 6 months
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I've made some refs for Sigil's band members, I'm genuinely very happy with how they came out, even if it took me a couple days, cuz I hate lining art, plus I decided to draw a fuckin drum set for Jace's ref. I fucking can't with myself, post 4am decisions are totally fun./s
The main reason why Jace's has a drum set though is just cause I wanted to show what part of the band each of them are. Jace is the drummer, Muse is the guitarist, Austin is the bassist, and Sigil is the vocalist...But fuck drum sets are a fucking pain to draw. Also also I'm so fucking happy with the name I came up with for their band, it's on the bass drum of Jace's drum set, "Troll 'N Crossbones," I love plays on words, and i just fucking loved this one.
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