#especially given how c!Dream's dynamic with c!Tommy is overstated in fandom
bluest-of-bells · 2 years
I'm constantly facinated by seeing people say c!Dream seems like someone who grew up spoiled or privilged because it's always seemed obvious to me that his behaviour originates from the other side of the spectrum.
It's not about being entitled. It's about seeing there's no such thing as entitlement. Maybe you should have something, but should doesn't matter. There is no should. Only does or doesn't.
Should is no protection. The world is fragile and it doesn't take much to apply pressure to the cracks. c!Dream may be able to see those points of leverage more clearly than most but that's only an advantage, not a gurantee. Often the only thing needed is a willingness to act.
And that fragility applies to everyone. To his enemies, obviously - c!Dream is an expert at using those points of leverage to get what he want - but also to himself.
The downside of seeing clearly is the constant awareness of how fragile you truly are.
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