#especially since it WASN'T just one occasion lmfao
dykelawlight · 9 months
mikami for 8, 11, 14!
Hiiiiiiiiiii <3333 okay here it is
8. shopping headcanon
I think he shops wayyyy below his actual income bracket 90% of the time. He buys suits that are exactly nice enough to get him by at work, eats a lot of the same foods he grew up eating + a lot of additional basic proteins, etc. That said I think he actually has a surprisingly good eye for quality and material and if you stuck him in a menswear store he can identify something that's legitimately poorly-made at ten paces. I think his big splurges are books (see his insane library in the manga) and that's where a lot of his disposable funds go. He also probably picked out that hot-ass black Mandarin collar shirt we see him wear in one (1) scene of the manga but that kind of thing is not what he generally goes for. ALSO I think I said this last time lmfao but if he's out somewhere and gets overwhelmed he puts everything he's holding back where he got it and walks out lmfao.
11. driving headcanon
Drives VERY rarely since he typically takes the subway/trains (esp from Kyoto to Tokyo ⁠— who the fuck is driving 6 hours when the shinkansen takes 2) but has a license. When he does drive he drives like a fucking serial killer ⁠— PAINFULLY obedient to traffic laws and going exactly the limit in the non-passing lane. I maintain forever that Mikami is not interested in The Law™ for its own sake but I think it disgusts him when cops and prosecutors etc. flout minor laws for fun. He's gone like 10 km/h over en route to uhhh deliver something to Light on like one occasion and spent the entire time acutely aware that he was courting speeding fines like:
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14. romance headcanon
I've said it before I'll say it again this dude's means of expressing love is through acts of service ALL THE WAY DOWN. That's how he is about everything and it's canonically a huge part of his character ⁠— he does things because he likes to feel appreciated. I do think he doesn't get into his first relationship until his like early 30s because he has other shit going on and is highly standoffish and generally isn't magnetically attracted to other people. He HAS had both men and women express romantic interest in him before, especially in college and law school, but he just wasn't with it and turned them down. He's therefore kind of awkward romantically but in a manner that is hot because he's got that like guard-dog desire to do well for his partner.
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philtatosbuck · 2 years
just so we’re clear even if i end up hating every single character in twilight i will still always hate the guy who forced himself on bella (and thought it was funny when she got mad!) and then, on an entirely separate occasion, guilt tripped her by threatening suicide, the most.
(yes, we are acknowledging smeyers is racist, and wrote the wolves disrespectfully. no, that does not excuse all of jacob’s actions.)
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merlinmeta · 4 years
It's absolutely possible to tell an interesting, meaningful, well-written story that tells its audience "this is destiny; this is the goal of the story" and then breaks that promise, challenges that destiny, and changes that goal, but Merlin is pretty clearly Not That Story when the same character that makes the promise in the first place later says "congrats! you did it!" with absolute sincerety despite having no narrative evidence supporting that claim and then flies off into the sunset, leaving his depressed, bitter, hollowed-out shell of a destiny-vessel with nothing to show for a decade of sacrifice in the name of that promise
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blorbosexterminator · 3 years
Unpopular Raquel opinion: she wasn't such a good cop as we were pushed to believe in Part 1. I mean, there was so much of how her boss, her partner and everyone around believed her to be not good enough because of her being woman, her ex-husband situation and all. So we should see how wrong and mysogynic they are, while she is coop and all, but... Basically she really just turned off her phone and left at the very beginning of thieft? How unprofessional is it? You either say you can't work sufficiently cause personal reasons and they should find a new negotiator or just do your fucking job! Yeah, you feel bad for yourself, but people's lives are on stake! And then her boss persuades her to continue doing it, because he believes in her professionalism? I feel some contradiction here. Since then I couldn't take her much serious, and further Sergio's line just made it worse and worse.
On the contrary, Alicia felt like real professional, who even with pregnancy hormones (which are a thing) was more coldheaded and was more respected among male colleagues and superiors? I know she's super rough and crossed the line not one time, but still, she feels like more worthy antagonist.
Huh, interesting! I like that middle-ground position you have! I think mostly when it comes to Raquel, people either unreasonably hate her or think her a queen who does no wrong. But I think it's much more interesting than that.
The first part, to me, is a big part of the whole terrible feminism thing of the show. I addressed once in this post. I go on length about Raquel in the police force in it. (which is why I literally spent full ten minutes trying to find it. Tumblr's tagging system is horrible lmfao)
In a nutshell, I do agree to an extent. The show is all like 'look at those text-book sexist men' but then goes and gets Raquel to act EXACTLY how they said. She is really smart and she finds out things that won't be easy to trace, proving her self in a way.)
Like at the end of the day, we do have to admit that Sergio was right in what he said, he did beat her at her own game. And it'a infuriating that he did, not because he was smarter—we saw on multiple occasions that Raquel very well could be as smart— but because he was more rational than her. She was essentially way more emotional, especially with him. Even though they were suppoesdly in love the same way.
And I agree again! Alicia is all about getting things done. Even when she commits literal human rights crimes lol. But as you said, it only makes her a worthy antagonist.
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