#especially since it's like. I can do the mental translation from Akhilleus on account of quick recall of Achilles
essektheylyss · 1 year
So I went directly from the Odyssey to a lit crit book I picked up from a Cornell Press sale ages ago that I haven't gotten to, called The Many-Minded Man (obviously about the Odyssey), and the author makes a note that more recognizable names are Latinized, whereas names that are less so remain in more Greek transliterations.
Which seemed fine until it took me a good two pages to come up with "Ogygia" because he'd written the name of Calypso's island as "Skheria." Like, bro, I need you to understand that this book's audience is comprised of classicists, lit majors, and a really nerdy subset of people who were too into Percy Jackson as children, and combinations of the three.
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