#especiallyyy when it happens to racialised transfem communists the whole 'she's DANGEROUS and AGGRESSIVE and MALE SOCIALISED' rhetoric is
revolutionarysuicide · 5 months
omg these transmisogynistic liberals are so annoying the way they'll hear "this transfem communist likes to KILL AND EAT BABIES and is also a PEDOPHILE and also LITERALLY HITLER" and they'll be like omg i knew he—i mean they had bad vibes im glad someone is finally calling h—them out on it 😅 im such a good #transally #fuckterfs. like atp i would sincerely prefer if you were just openly a terf you do the same work as them except youre freely welcomed into "trans-friendly" spaces and won't get any pushback at all except from transfems because the mask is on and the tme "allies" dgaf. the tolerance you people have for transmisogyny just because they phrase it "politely" and say the right "progressive" phrases is genuinely disgusting, ur "allyship" to trans people and especially tma trans people is evidently completely symbolic because you have nothing against transmisogynistic actions or attitudes, only a set list of phrases that will set you off so you can performatively condemn "transphobia" while continuing to harass trans women out of your communities
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