bf1-malaysia-blog · 6 years
The Miracle Of Essential Oil - Pure Essential Oil Malaysia
Malaysia Essential Oils Supplier And Manufacturer Pure essential oil suitable apply for skincare, aromatherapy massage , medication and soap making. We manufacture and supply wide range of essential oils in Malaysia. Natural pure essential oils perform excellent results for skin medication and repair skin problems. Our pure essential oil without fragrance or harmful ingredients safe for all skin types and children.
https://shop.bf-1.com/ List Of Pure Essential Oil https://shop.bf-1.com/index.php?main_page=page&id=48
Best Formula Industries ( Incorporated Since : 27th Dec 2002 ) ( Company No : 002150621-D )
BF1 Office And Showroom Lot : 146, Jalan Segambut, 51200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Location Map : https://goo.gl/maps/bxC2BvaNVAy
BF1 Contact Tel : +603-6257 6048 Fax : +603-6241 0436 Operation Hours : Mon - Fri = 10am - 6.30pm Sat = 10am - 5pm
Mobile : ( SMS or Whatsapp ) English : +60192618000 Bahasa Malaysia : +60123590344 中文 * 普通话 : +60173872066 Email: [email protected]
Pure Essential Oil Malaysia having more then 80% natural plants and herbs for making pure essential oils compared with others countries. Because of the rich soils and rain forest, Malaysia's natural plants and herbs are usually higher nutrients and medical values.
You able to compare and see the life plants with the natural essential oils manufacturer by BF1 Malaysia. Skin test with all the essential oils effectiveness before purchase.
We manufacture and supply pure natural essential oils without fragrance for Malaysia and Worldwide. Our pure essential oils produce by cold press or cold process, maintained it natural medical benefits, effective perform fast results to skin healing and safe for all skin type.
Pure natural essential oils suitable use for hair care, body care, facial care, massage oil, cosmetics, soaps and other products.
Our Essential Oils Extraction in Malaysia The natural herbs and plants may change it medication value and nutrients compound due to heat. So all our essential oils are extracted by cold press or cold process helps to retain maximum nutrients compound from the natural plants or herbs.
Some manufacturer practice using steam distillation or solvent extraction because it is a easier way to extract essential oils.
Essential Oils by Steam Extraction We use this method during making of Aromatic Fragrance Oils process only. Because steam extraction will only extracted scent from the plants or natural herbs, not the nutrients compound.
Common sense from method of distilling water. As we all known, we can from salt water, dirty water, river water or drain water distilled become clean water. Some countries even distilled drain oils or dirty oils become cooking oils. Meaning, distillation only helps to purify the water or oils become white and clean with nothing in it.
Therefore, some of the essential oils that you had used before from others manufacturer, may not perform the effectiveness or results as per claims.
Essential Oils by Solvent Extraction Solvent commonly used in essential oils extraction. Major solvent contain high alcohol compound helps to increase the scent and lasting of the essential oils. Solvent been added to essential oils even after distillation to serve as preservative and scent enhancer.
Major solvent contain alcohol and gum, it may cause sensitiveness, itching or burning if use on direct skin application. Therefore many manufacturer will warn or remind the consumers about essential oils must be diluted with carrier oils or water before use. Again common sense, why we have to use if essential oils are so dangerous to skin.
Adding solvent to essential oils also helps prevent essential oils solidify. As we know, major natural oils will be solidify below 15째C ( Celsius ) especially coconut oil or nuts oils. Some cold countries manufacturer are adding up to 40% solvent or alcohol to prevent oils solidify.
It simple to test oils contains high solvent or gum :
Method 1 : Stick a paper to your essential oils, if it sticky, highly contains gum.
Method 2 : Mix your essential oils with water and heat up till dry. Normally you will see the brown gum layer remained at your burner, it hard to remove.
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bf1-malaysia-blog · 6 years
Essential Oil - Roselle Flower ( Hibiscus sabdariffa L. )
Essential Oil - Roselle Flower ( Hibiscus sabdariffa L. ) Scientific Name(s): Hibiscus sabdariffa L. Family: Malvaceae (mallows)
https://shop.bf-1.com/ List Of Pure Essential Oil https://shop.bf-1.com/index.php?main_page=page&id=48
Best Formula Industries ( Incorporated Since : 27th Dec 2002 ) ( Company No : 002150621-D )
BF1 Office And Showroom Lot : 146, Jalan Segambut, 51200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Location Map : https://goo.gl/maps/bxC2BvaNVAy
BF1 Contact Tel : +603-6257 6048 Fax : +603-6241 0436 Operation Hours : Mon - Fri = 10am - 6.30pm Sat = 10am - 5pm
Mobile : ( SMS or Whatsapp ) English : +60192618000 Bahasa Malaysia : +60123590344 中文 * 普通话 : +60173872066 Email: [email protected]
Common Name(s): Hibiscus , Jamaica sorrel , karkade (Egyptian hibiscus tea), karkadi , red sorrel , red tea , rosa de Jamaica , rosella , roselle , soborodo , sour tea , Zobo drink Served cold, the tart, grape juice-like drink is most commonly called roselle juice in English. Served hot, it's hibiscus tea or Jamaica tea.
In English-speaking parts of the world, the plant goes by the names hibiscus, roselle, rozelle, Florida cranberry, flor de Jamaica, Jamaica sorrel, Indian sorrel, Guinea sorrel, sorrel, red sorrel, saril, sour-sour, Queensland jelly plant, jelly okra and lemon bush. In French, it's oseille rouge or oseille de Guinée. In Spanish, it's quimbombó chino, saril, sereni, rosa de Jamaica, flor de Jamaica, agria, agrio de Guinea, quetmia ácida, viña and viñuela. In Portuguese, it's vinagreira, azeda de Guiné, cururú azédo, and quiabeiro azédo. In Surinam, it goes by the Dutch name, zuring. It's known as bissap in Senegal, krajeap in Thailand, chin baung in Myanmar, and asam paya or asam susur in Malaysia. In Sudan, Egypt and elsewhere in the Near East, it’s known as karkadé or carcadé. In Chinese, it's 玫瑰茄 or 洛神花.
Roselle is Neither a Fruit nor a Flower
It’s easy to mistake roselle for a juice in tropical countries because it’s commonly sold street side and in food courts alongside fresh pineapple, orange, lemon and coconut juices. In Southeast Asian convenience stories, roselle is among the single-serving bottles and juice boxes. It also turns up, as a sherbet, in expensive ice-cream shops. But hibiscus tea has been consumed as a soothing evening tea for centuries in Egypt and elsewhere in the Near East. It probably first made a splash in the prettily-packaged US tea market as an ingredient in Celestial Seasoning's Red Zinger tea back in the 1970s.
Botanically speaking, it's Hibiscus sabdariffa L. (family Malvaceae) and it’s the bushy H. sabdariffa var. sabdariffa that produces the edible products.The edible parts used to make “juice” or tea (actually, an infusion) look like reddish dried-up buds. In fact, they’re not flowers but calyces. It’s the calyx, the red, fleshy covering enclosing the flower’s seed pod, which is used for flavoring, cooking and food coloring. The flower of this variety of sabdariffa is yellow, white or light pink.
Roselle(Hibiscus) has been used in folk medicine as a diuretic and mild laxative, as well as in treating cancer and cardiac and nerve diseases. Although information is limited, the potential for hibiscus use in treating hypertension and cancer, as well as for its lipid-lowering and renal effects, are being investigated.
Although roselle is being studied, it hasn’t yet been proven to have the healing powers of bael fruit. It is high in calcium, niacin, riboflavin, vitamin C and iron, as seen on this Purdue University page. And the beverages have no caffeine. In East Africa, "Sudan tea" is consumed as medicine to cure coughs. In Guatamala, roselle is believed to cure hangovers. In Senegal, a roselle extract is said to lower blood pressure. In India, Africa and Central America, infusions made from roselle calyces or seeds are prescribed as a diuretic, to stimulate bile production and to treat fever.
Essential Oil Malaysia - BF1 Essential Oil BF1 manufacturing wide range cold press or cold process 100% pure essential oils, aroma oils, virgin carrier oils, natural carrier oils, massage oils and herbal oils according to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) in accordance to the ASEAN Guidelines.
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