#etalice's bday!
andithiel · 4 years
New fic: Find Your Own Heaven
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Author: Andithiel Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Rating: M Length: 13,8 k Tags: POV Second Person, Alternate Universe - Historical, Monks, Monk AU that no one asked for, Monk Draco Malfoy, Pilgrim Harry Potter, Pining, Mutual Pining, Denial of Feelings, Unresolved Sexual Tension, Resolved Sexual Tension, lots of plants, gratuitous fire references, There was only one bed, Poetic lemon, Frottage, Anal Fingering, Anal Sex, Religious Guilt, Angst, Angst with a Happy Ending
Excerpt: When you’re finished, you can’t help but stay beside his bed to look at him for a moment. He looks so peaceful now, like the pain has subsided. Unconsciously, you reach out a hand to stroke his forehead, and that’s when he opens his eyes for the first time.
You forget how to breathe. His eyes are a piercing green, and you feel like he’s looking straight into your soul. And you know, without a shred of a doubt, that this man, this stranger, is just like you.
“Are you an angel?” he sighs, almost reverent before he closes those beautiful eyes again. “Am I in heaven?”
You can’t help but chuckle, even though you know he must be hallucinating from the fatigue.
“No. You’re definitely alive. Barely.”
“Oh. Forgive me,” he mumbles, “my eyesight isn’t good, and I lost my glasses.”
“We can send for new ones if they’re essential to you, but for now you need some rest.”
He sighs deeply, looking like he’s trying to remember something. “I really thought this was heaven. I thought I’d go there if I tried to do penance for…” he starts, but trails off.
You swallow, trying not to think about how that sentence was about to end. “I’ll get you something to drink,” you say to avoid asking him.
“Could you tell me your name, angel?” he asks just when you’re about to leave.
“Draco. And I’m not an angel.” Not even close, you think to yourself.
“Draco…” he repeats, sounding like he’s tasting your name, and you find you quite like it in his mouth. “A dragon, then. Not an angel.
”You chuckle again, shaking your head, then you sit down beside him, taking his hand. “And may I ask what your name is, pilgrim?”
He smiles, his eyes still closed, but his face is so relaxed, so soft and open, and you drink in every line of his face. “Harry,” he breathes.
“Harry,” you say, and something stirs inside you. It feels familiar, like coming home, like breathing. “Harry.”
✝️ ✝️ ✝️ ✝️ ✝️
So, today is my dear friend @etalice​ s birthday, and what better way to celebrate than to write her a fic of Drarry in a monastery with ensuing RST, guilt and pining? Or so I though in late December when I decided to go for this crazy idea that wouldn’t leave me alone. Little did I know that it would turn out bigger than expected (I mean, I should’ve seen that one coming), and require a lot of research, but here we are, it’s out in the world. 
@etalice I’m so happy we got over our northern aloofness (or something along those lines that you once so eloquently put it) and became friends. You have made me a better writer with your neverending kindness and squealing, along with tough questions about my charachter’s motivation. I love you so much and I am so happy you seem to like this fic (based on all the screaming at me on discord), because I tried really hard to tailor it to your likes.
My eternal gratitude and love for @scarshavestories and @amelior8or who defied illness and ski trips to help me beta this, as well as encourage me when I was flailing around not knowing how words work and how to put them together. This fic wouldn’t be what it is if it weren’t for you  ❤️❤️❤️ A huge thank you as well to @sassy-sassy3 for a final read through when I couldn’t see my own words anymore and for your very encouraging comments  ❤️❤️❤️
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