#even he got allergy that he shouldn't have especially when it come from lungs
kitishsnzes · 1 year
Hello! Nice to see a new sickfic blog! Can I request a sick and sneezy Nathaniel and Jacob taking care of him??? Thank you 😊
Short but sweet
Nathaniel p.o.v
It had been a stressful few days. Work had been busy for me, Jacob had been stressed with his own work and was therefore quite irritable. This has led to us having quite the argument. We had literally never argued before, especially not like this. After the fight I had gone for a walk to clear my mind, but it had unfortunately started raining and I was not suffering the consequences. Because now, on top of Jacob being mad at me I was also very quickly coming down with a cold.
Jacob and I sat at dinner, a somewhat awkward silence between the two of us. I knew I was in the early stages of my illness. Stuffy nose, scratchy, tickly throat, a small headache and a near constant need to sneeze. Not even halfway through our meal my nose had gotten too itchy to hear. I took a napkin from the center of the table and cupped my nose into it, "hhtshu! EhhtSHhhu!" My husband barely even looked at me, but still mumbled a soft "bless you" I softly thanked him. Then we continued to eat in an awkward silence. This only lasted a few more minutes before my nose began tickling again. I pressed my fist under my nose, hoping to keep the tickle at bay. This seemed to work, but apparently my sniffling was getting on Jacob's already short nerves. "Nate! Just sneeze for fucks sake!" I was shocked by his sudden outburst. I took another napkin, my breath hitching, "hhTshu! Hh- ehh- tsSHhu! HhtCSHu!" The sneezes were harsh and caused me to cough after, and I was even concerned at how rough my lungs sounded from the coughing. I blew my nose into the napkin. "Bless you" Jacob sounded a bit concerned. His usual loving, sweet, kindness showing through. He leaned across the table and his soft fingers brushed over my forehead. "Nate, I think you've got a fever" it was in my better judgment that I didn't correct his grammar. "Maybe?" I said, trying to avoid the obvious. "Nate honey are you sick?" His voice was void of all previous annoyance. "Maybe?"
"I knew you shouldn't have been walking outside in the rain. I was worried this would happen." He stood up. "I'll be right back love"
"Ok-ah- hhh- hhTSshu! HktSsshu!- snf okay"
"Bless you darling" his voice sounded apologetic, as if he was trying to make up for our fight. "How long have you felt sick for?" He asked as he rummaged around in the cupboard in the kitchen. "Started feeling sick this morning"
"Why didn't you tell me"
"I felt bad bothering you, I knew you were stressed and we weren't really on super friendly terms" he came back from the kitchen, a bottle in his hand, he was shaking his head, "Nate, I don't care about a silly fight."
"But we never fight"
"Everyone fights. Couples fight. It's part of being in a relationship. Doesn't mean I don't love you or wouldn't want to take care of you" he leaned in to kiss me, but I turned away, "I don't want you to catch this" he smiled tenderly at me, he set his fingers on my jaw, "nonsense. You're worth it" he kissed me, I knew I was blushing. Even after being married for nearly 10 years I still found myself falling deeper and deeper in love with him.
He pulled away from the kiss and handed me the bottle in his hand, "you can take this right?" He knew I had allergies to certain medications, but could never keep them all straight. I nodded, I took a few of the cold/flu tablets out and swallowed them with a swig of water. "I'm sorry for making you mad" I apologized, he shrugged, "I should have been more patient."
"I love you"
"Love you more"
"Not possible" I said jokingly, before turning away as my nose tickled again, "hhtshu! Ehh- hhh- hhTSshu tsShu!"
"Bless you" Jacob said rubbing my shoulder. "You should get some rest before you get more sick"
"Probably a good idea" I smiled to myself, after years of Jacob protesting when I told him to sleep when sick, he pulled the uno reverse card on me. "Ugh I sound like you" he said, he wrinkled his nose cutely. I couldn't help but laugh at him. "Because I'm so smart" he rolled his eyes, "yeah, smart ass!" I laughed at him before kissing him softly. "alright I'll behave I'm so sorry my love"
He triumphantly smiled and kissed my nose, "bed!" I stood up, "yessir"
He followed me to our room and climbed into bed next to me, "you know that you're gonna get sick."
"For you, It's worth it."
I fell asleep with a lovesick smile on my face.
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