#even if you don't read Coattails you can just pretend it's not from my fic and reblog it anyway
pain-in-the-butler · 1 year
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my dear darling beautiful sister, missing Christmas with the rest of the family because she has covid, has still made time to draw me Coattails art of chapter 9 ;;;;_;;;; can you believe ittt
look at how cute the baby boys are..... Soma is absolutely precious with his excitement to be like his friend, oh, I just love his expression... and Ciel is like "mhm. mhm. you're not cute" while himself looking like the most button ever..... and the little chibis of Sebastian and Agni, I love my sister's goofy chibi art (she said she thinks they're the best part even though they took her 15 seconds ajiorj;awijr;), and oh... oh I am so lucky she would draw this for me she's the coolest ever!! I love this so much, thank goodness she said I could post it here so I could share with you her talent and kindness..... please just look at the boys in her adorable art style
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