#even last year i still looped eve's songs although it had been 2 years since i was obsessed
angryborzois · 11 months
i feel like ive grown up with Eve's characters and it's actually cool thinking abt that
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caitlesshea · 4 years
passed down like folk songs
4 times Nile hears Joe and Nicky tell a fake story of how they met + 1 time she hears them tell the real story.
“We met at university.”
Nile pauses from where she’s sucking down her milkshake through a straw even in New York City winter because Chicago, when she smiles at whatever flowery love story Joe and Nicky are currently telling a bakery owner. 
“How lovely.” The owner says and then smiles at Joe’s humorous turn of events. 
Nile’s glad she made them take her to Max Brenner, even in this weather, because even though they aren’t tourists, she is. And neither one complained when she saw them greedily lap up the hot chocolate. 
She also saw Nicky eyeing a Hug Mug and she grabbed it before he noticed. Even though no one else celebrates Christmas, she does, so they’re all getting gifts.
“He was my English tutor.” Nicky says and Nile snorts, recalling both of their animated stories of their distaste for learning English when they did, hundreds of years ago.
“He was my best student.” 
And, Nile’s back to gagging. 
She loves them, she does. But there’s only so much poetic love she can hear them wax about each other before she tunes it out. 
She should’ve dragged Andy along with her, but her and Quynh opted to stay in their town home they’ve owned since the Industrial Revolution or something, and lord knows where Booker’s fucked off to. 
So, she’s walking around New York in November, so Joe and Nicky can go to their favorite bakery on the other side of the city from where their place is. 
“He really didn’t need any help with English.” Joe teases and Nicky smiles like this is a story they’ve told before. 
“Nope. We’ve been married for eight years now.” Nicky says to the owner, who squeals loudly. 
They end up leaving the bakery with more pastries than they paid for, much to Joe’s delight. 
“Eight years, huh?”
“It has been eight years since our last wedding.” Nicky says and Nile’s eyes bug out of her head.
“Wait, you’re actually married?”
They both stare at her like she’s lost her mind and she doesn’t know why she thought they weren’t.
“We’ve been married for a long time. Different places, different names, different countries.” Joe shrugs and grabs Nicky’s hand as they continue their walk. 
Nile pulls another bit of milkshake through her straw and follows after them. 
“Your friend is very hot.” The woman, Anya, smirks at Nile as she gestures over her shoulder.
“Who?” Nile asks incredulously because for one quick moment she wants to answer with I don’t have friends but she knows that’s not exactly true so she just gapes at Anya with her mouth open. 
Anya, the daughter of their mark, who Nile is supposed to be getting to know, just points rudely towards Joe.
“Are you lovely ladies talking about me?” Joe slides up to Nile and puts an arm over her shoulders.
“No.” Nile says at the exact same time Anya says yes.
Anya smacks Nile’s arm playfully and smirks at Joe.
“I was just telling Nile how attractive you are.” 
Nile stares at Anya wondering when she got so bold and then looks at Joe who’s smiling and blushing, which she didn’t think was possible.
“Why thank you. But I am happily taken.” 
As if summoned by Joe mentioning he’s taken, Nicky comes over and places a hand on the small of Joe’s back as he separates from Nile.
Anya is pouting but Nicky just smiles.
“Were you talking about me, love?”
“I was just about to tell Anya how we met skiing in the Alps on vacation.” Joe turns to look at Anya and continues. “My Nico is not the most coordinated and he got his skis tangled and once we realized he was okay I asked him to join me in the lodge and we had hot coco in front of the fire. He still makes fun of my love for mini marshmallows.” 
Nile smirks at the story, knowing that some of it is probably true and when she turns back to Anya she notices what only can be described as heart eyes.
“That is the sweetest story.” Anya gushes and just as she’s about to go on, her father, their mark, walks up and smiles at her.
“Darling. Who are you friends?” 
As Anya introduces them Nicky turns to her and winks.
Yeah. They’ve definitely told that story before.
“Do you wanna dance?”
Nile turns at the question and comes face to face with the most attractive woman she’s ever seen. 
“I’m Nile.” Nile blurts out unintelligently and the beautiful woman laughs and Nile’s fucked.
“I’m Frankie.” The woman, Frankie, smiles and leans closer to Nile. “Dance with me?”
Nile nods as she finishes her drink and turns in time to catch Joe’s smirk. She rolls her eyes and lets Frankie pull her out to the dance floor.
They’re in London, because Booker needed to be here for something he couldn’t say, but right now Nile doesn’t care. She convinced Joe and Nicky that they needed a night off and they let her drag them to a club. 
She’s forever grateful they agreed. 
She lets Frankie grab her hips and pull them flush together and after a couple of songs Nile feels want like she hasn’t since she died in the desert. 
“Your friends are staring at us.” Frankie whispers in her ear and it pulls Nile out of the moment.
“Your friends. They’re protective?”
“Oh.” Nile tugs on the belt loops of Frankie’s jeans. “Yeah.”
“Introduce me to them.”
“I want to meet your friends.” Nile looks at Frankie incredulously because really? 
“Kiss me.” Nile says instead. 
So Frankie kisses her and Nile ends up dragging her to meet Joe and Nicky. 
“Joe. Nicky. This is Frankie.” Nile introduces them as she steals Nicky’s drink right out of his hand. He scoffs and smiles so she knows he’s not mad.
“How do you know Nile?” Frankie asks them like they didn’t all meet tonight. Nile would find this weird but she’s immortal so what even is her life?
“Nile and I met at work.” Joe answers. “But I brought my husband to a work party and I’m pretty sure he stole my best friend.” 
Nile’s breath catches in her throat. She knows Joe’s telling a story and she knows they’re friends but something about the way he says best friend makes her heart clench. 
“And how did you meet your husband?” Frankie asks as she slides closer to Nile.
Nile assumes she’s being nice, trying to get to know them, but the cynical part of her that has only grown more and more since she became immortal wonders why Frankie is asking all of these questions.
“Oh, it wasn’t much different than this.” Joe gestures to the club and even though Nile knows it’s a lie her eyes still bug out of her head. 
“Really?” Nile squeaks and Joe smiles.
“Yes, although I think it was called a speakeasy. The one we met at had a dress code and everything. Fedoras, suspenders, the whole nine. Nico was very dashing.” 
Nicky smiles at Joe as he kisses him quickly, once, and then turns back to them. 
“He bought me a drink and the rest as they say is history.” 
Nile chuckles and Frankie seems enraptured by them and Nile gets it, she does, but she tugs Frankie back onto the dance floor. 
Later Frankie puts her number in Nile’s burner phone and Nile throws it on the ground and crushes it with her boot.
“Did Dr. Jones tell you I introduced him to his husband?” Luca, the curator at the museum they’re canvassing asks.
“No, I don’t think so.” Nile smirks and Joe rolls his eyes.
“He didn’t introduce us so much as we met when I was helping curate one of the museum exhibits. Nico, as you know, is a photographer and he was hired to take photos before the opening.” Joe smiles like he’s replaying a pleasant memory. 
“Love at first sight?” Nile teases and Joe and Luca laugh.
“Seemed like they couldn’t stand each other at first.” Luca smirks and Nile raises an eyebrow at Joe who just shrugs.
“We figured it out eventually.” Joe turns to her and Nile knows the moment Nicky walks into the room because Joe’s gaze has left Nile and is now focused over her head. 
“Practice makes perfect.” Nile mumbles and Luca smiles at her as Joe leaves them to go stand next to Nicky.
“Hurry up!” Joe calls after them as Nile, Andy, and Quynh cross the street to catch up to them.
Nile pulls her scarf tighter around her neck to keep the chill away. It’s New Years Eve and they’re back in London, because Booker, and they’re trying to beat the crowds out of the city to get back to Copley’s. 
They’re about to jump onto the sidewalk when Nile hears it; tires skidding, a sickening crunch, and Booker’s ear piercing scream. 
That’s new. 
Before Nile can even process what’s happened, the car is speeding away and Joe is trying to grab Booker by the shoulders while Andy and Quynh land on the pavement next to a woman, unconscious on the ground, body twisted in an unnatural way.
“Nile.” Nicky takes her by the shoulders and steers her away from Copley, lying on the ground, blood pooling around him, and the woman, who it looks like he was trying to save. 
Booker is inconsolable and suddenly London makes a lot more sense. 
“Booker.” Nile goes to say as she steps around Nicky and stops in her tracks when she sees the woman.
“Frankie.” Nile falls onto the pavement unconcerned with her jeans getting soaked as she gently touches Frankie’s face. 
She wants to scream, she wants to cry, she wants to blame this universe for all that is unfair. 
Booker’s hiccupping sobs cut through most of her inner turmoil as she turns to Andy and Quynh.
“We need…” Nile clears her throat. “We have to call the police.” 
“Nile.” Nicky’s voice is soft and she turns sharp eyes on him. 
She’s about to argue with him when there’s a loud gasp as Copley shoots awake right into Booker’s arms. 
“Sébastien.” Copley whispers as Booker starts crying in earnest now, mumbling in French, as Joe holds both of them. 
“We have to get off the street.” Nicky says quietly.
“We can’t leave her.” Nile grabs Frankie’s hand, the woman she spent a half a night with, and knows she can’t leave her alone.
“Nile.” Andy tries to placate her.
“No.” Nile stares Andy down. “No.” 
“Frankie.” Copley crawls over to her and Nile’s eyes widen and she’s about to ask how he knows her when Frankie gasps awake and turns to cough up blood.
“Shit.” Frankie says as she grabs her head and watches in abject fascination as her legs heal. 
Nile has just a moment to catch Frankie before she passes out and hits her head on the pavement.
“Now can we get out of here?” Andy asks exasperated and everyone nods as Nile picks Frankie up.
Back at Copley’s, hours later, Frankie listens as Joe and Nicky explain everything to her. 
Nile wants to comfort her, wants to know if this is why she felt drawn to her before, months ago. 
She has so many questions but they can wait until Frankie asks all of hers. Luckily Copley doesn’t have many, and he and Booker are cuddled on the couch together.
“Nicky and I met in the Crusades.” Joe says cheerfully, and Nile’s thrown back to the church almost a year ago when she heard the same story. 
In retrospect, it probably shouldn’t have taken her almost a year to figure it out. 
“We killed each other.” Joe jokes as he winks at Nicky.
“Many times.” Nicky smiles at Joe but Nile can see what she now knows isn’t just an underlying sadness of hurting his love, but the battle he wages within himself, nearly a millennium later, thinking he’s still not worthy, that he’ll never be able to repent for those sins he made outside of Jerusalem. 
“They never get to tell the real story.” Nile says quietly to Andy. 
“Real story?”
“Of how they met. I mean before tonight they maybe told it three times? You and Quynh, Booker, me.”
“Ah. Yeah, I guess you’re right.”
“That must be really hard.” 
“They have fun with it.” Andy shrugs as she looks over at Quynh.
“I’ve heard some of the stories.”
“They’re not just stories.” At Nile’s questioning glance Andy continues. “I mean most of the things have happened, they just leave out the part where they already know each other.”
“Huh.” Nile thinks back to all the stories she’s heard them tell of how they met or how they got together and her heart aches that they’ve only been able to share the real version a handful of times.
“You’ll be able to have your own stories someday.” Andy nudges her and she looks over at Frankie.
“We met at a club.” Nile smiles at the memory. 
“Yeah, but tonight is when you really met. And someday they’ll be another to share it with.” 
That makes sense and Nile smiles at the possibilities. 
“So, Copley, are you gonna tell us why you were meeting up with a CIA analyst?” Joe asks Copley and Nile watches both Copley and Booker look at Frankie and then Copley gets up and goes toward his office.
“I was gonna tell everyone tomorrow.” Copley says as he leans against Booker, who pulls him closer to his side. 
Copley drops a file down on the table and Joe and Nicky open it. 
Nicky quickly loses all the color in his cheeks and stares at Frankie with something akin to awe.
“Is this real?” Joe asks and Copley nods.
“She’s a descendant of Nicky’s. We worked together before I left the agency and since I can never let anything go…” Copley trails off. “I got in touch and she said she was interested in her ancestry. I was gonna tell you what I found before I brought her in but well…”
Frankie looks around at everyone and then she makes her way over to Nile. 
“Hi.” Frankie says quietly to Nile as everyone else in the room starts talking over each other.
“Hi.” Nile says as they sway closer together.
“Is this why you never texted me?”
“Yes.” Nile breathes and Frankie smiles. 
“I forgive you.” 
“Oh you do?” Nile teases her and Frankie smirks before turning back to the rest of the room. 
Nicky has a strange look on his face and Frankie turns her questioning gaze to Nile. 
“He’s trying to figure out which one of us to give the shovel talk to.” Nile smirks and Joe laughs with his whole body as Nicky winks. 
“Is he?” Frankie smirks and tugs Nile impossibly closer. 
“Yeah.” Nile breathes against Frankie’s mouth before she closes the distance and kisses her.
“Let’s give him something to talk about.” 
This is a story Nile can’t wait to share.
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mantra4ia · 4 years
Desires: Lucifer season 5 on Netflix
Created: August 21, 2020. Last Modified: August 22, 2020.
Preface: Alright my Lucis, here’s the sitch: it’s been a minute. Life got a bit chaotic I wasn’t able to start season five quite on time when it premiered on August 21st because I haven’t finished the great 2020 Lucifer rewatch. I’m nearly done however and should be able to jump into it either later today or tomorrow, which is why beforehand I want to — as I’ve traditionally done for a few seasons — create a desires list and keep a tally throughout the season to see how many are met. I am going to try to pace myself, not binge, and watch a single episode a day so don’t spoil me. Likewise I will tag my spoilers. Here we go... #21DaysofLucifer
Season 3 and 4 Roundout - Desires Fulfilled / Questions Answered
✔We’ve seen other demons “like Maze” and a bit of what havoc they can reek. Well sort of. To be quite frank, although it was cool to see them possess the recently deceased, it wasn’t as impending doom as I was expecting. They didn’t seem nearly as disciplined or intimidating as Mazikeen, even Dromos, more bored and desperate.
✔ We’ve seen a little more or the heavenly host in Remiel. Remi was cool, if a bit intense. Her character, and her affinity to Amenadiel was a nice foil to see how far his character has come in evolution. But again like Uriel was for Lucifer, she kind of became a driving force character device to push Amenadiel’s growth. So I wonder if we’ll get to see more of her or not.
✔ (s3) The backstory of Lucifer’s arrival in LA, finding LUX, and making a deal with Amenadiel.
✔ (s3) Cain finally went to hell, YES! Not that I didn’t like Marcus Pierce/Tom Welling, there were some great interactions there, but I just think he was a wishy-washy antagonist based on how he was written and I can’t wait to trade up for Michael.
✔ Maze finally had some happiness and attachment to this silly mortal coil and it slipped away! Why Eve why? I love Maze’s bonding with humans, Linda, Trixie, Chloe. But I love that after a Millennia of serving, and then watching Amenadiel and Linda be happy in a family unit, that she might actually make her own and my hopes were dashed. 
Things we got that we didn’t even know we wanted. SO GOOD:
Season 4 ep 8: Amenadiel bonding with Caleb and confronting community violence, police brutality, and systemic racism. It was a rough episode to be sure, but absolutely needed,
Chloe talking Lucifer down and out of a self-hatred spiral and his transformation into full-fledged devil and back again.
Lucifer playing Creep on repeat while missing the detective (even after insisting in a therapy session that “he’s not a teenager playing Adele on repeat) and Mr. Said Out B**** trying to rob Lucifer and gun point and ultimately get rich. What a fun twist.
The Dan and Maze Los X’s fight. They are wicked good at laying down the  hurt on the criminal element and I was wondering when they’d pair up again after dispatching Warden Perry.
The devil in a bar fight! I mean, it’s only fair since the ladies had their brawl. I love how this fight sequence was filmed in bursts of slo-mo from various angles, involved everything from fists, to tasers, knives, bottles, and the infamous pool cue, and they picked the perfect song for pacing (Jake Bugg, Lightning Bolt, could listen to it all day on repeat.)
Time for all good demons to go home / Enough, you will bow down to your king. Go home! (aka appropriate use of Devilish intimidation face)
Amenadiel vs Remi 
A Rocky montage with Lucifer and Amenadiel / Amenadiel’s face the first time Lucifer drives the Corvette
Lucifer at the roller derby
Chloe the YA fangirl
Maze teaching Trixie about knives, with each handle decorated in a different toy.
Amenadiel and Chloe catching up: your father is so proud of you. Like and angel BOSS!
★ (s3) Amenadiel taking Charlotte home
★ Dan being comforted in his grief by Amenadiel
★ Amenadiel’s wrath and the brotherly duo tag team to lay the hurt on the drug dealer that got Charlie killed. It’s been a while since we’ve seen warrior angel ready to dispatch anyone in his way. And it was glorious!
★ (s3) Lucifer’s almost driving lesson with Trixie “Morningstar”
★ (s3) Maze torturing Lucifer by making him think he’s the Angel of San Bernadino
★ (s3) Amenadiel and Lina helping to dispose of Lucifer’s wings
★  Lucifer kicking Julian, Tiernan’s son, through a glass pane window
★ The goodbye kiss between Lucifer and Chloe
☒ (s3) Cain playing guitar and singing. What is he, a crime lord, a top cop, or an act that the improv club wouldn’t take? 
☒ Eve. I liked Eve, but we mostly got to see one side of her around Lucifer, and a kind of floundering an confused side when she was with Maze. The side that I would have liked to see more of was the maternal side that came out when she briefly talked about Abel or was interrogated by Trixie. That made her more layered.
☒ Father Kinley. That dude is just meh.
☒ Dan’s broken heart and rebounding with Ella. Don’t get me wrong, its a good arc, but I don’t see it lasting
☒ (s3) Abel and Reese. Those were two side stories I could have done without, although they had great moments of humor. I quite enjoyed Reese’s character, and although I didn’t like Abel Lucifer’s stick-figure comic illustration of Cain fighting with him over a rock was quite enjoyable.
Obviously, don’t spoil anything for me, but if any of my desires end up coming true in any of the first eight episodes maybe drop me a hint in the comments...
A big time jump. We need to see the lasting impact of Lucifer’s absence. I know that time in hell works differently per that episode where Lucifer saved Chloe and almost got stuck in a loop, but we still need enough time to elapse that the impact is felt on the mortal side. Or, we need to see the passage of time through a series of events without Lucifer, like a montage of character development. At least a year or so, if for no other reason then Trixie is growing up and I actually want to see her take driving lessons with Lucifer.
Last season Maze gave baby Charlie a gift, something she’d wished she’d had growing up, and previously had alluded to the language of demons, her many siblings, and teased her mother, the mother of all demons. Will we finally get to meet Maze’s mom Lilith (or however they address her)? And, in spite of Mazikeen’s found family, she still has restlessness and abandonment issues. Will her mom finally finally bring her peace, or will clashing with her resolidify Maze’s purpose on earth?
A Decker/Mazikeen team-up or girls night out 2.0 would always be appreciated. At this point its probably 4.0 if you count the bar fight and the bachelorette party.
Will we see tougher, scarier demons, or are they just warmup to the really scary depths of hell?
Speaking of hell, more hell. Tons of hell. I want to know the minutia of all the mechanics. If Lucifer’s gotta be down there in self-imposed exile, he may as well show us around. Pour us a drink.
Will Lucifer see Cain in Hell? Not that I’m dying to see more of “sad Cain” but it would be interesting to see a more dark or desperate or cunning side to him at least now that he’s actually neck deep in torment. Or, alternatively, I’m hedging my bets that he could be a good candidate to light the fire under Lucifer’s *** to get of hell back to the earthly realm. Even in hell, I’m betting Cain would have a soft spot for Chloe, and if news reached Lucifer that Michael were trying to abscond with his life and with Chloe, it would give Cain and Lucifer one last bit of “A-Hole brothers” common ground to bond over. Like “Brothers, am I right? Go kick, get Chloe back, I’ll still have enough guilt to torture me with in a few thousand years when you get back,”   
Will Lucifer fall into peril in hell of once again potentially getting distracted and stuck in a hell loop? Will his servants be satisfied with his return? Will Amenadiel bust him out.
Mr. Said Out Bitch needs a role reprise. He’s been in every season opener 2-4, we’ve gotten to know his undergarments very well.  Its high time we get to know his name and story. He’s put in the work!  
Amenadiel should be running LUX in Lucifer's absence. We got a tease of that in previous seasons (remember when he asked what would Lucifer do?) its time for that to come to fruition. Plus, any excuse to put DB Woodside in a suit, just because he wears them so well. It would also be interesting if, after that tragedy he’s experienced, Amenadiel will start taking after Luci. Maybe not the punishing, not yet, but wanting to seek out evil and corruption. It has been teased since s1 “fall as I did.” Perhaps he’ll start developing a taste for his bother’s line of work whereas he found it repugnant in the early days
Dan and Maze or Dan and Ella pair up. Both Dan and Maze are due for some happiness.
An Azrael reboot, when need more of her. She’s the angel of Death for pity’s sake. I don’t know if the original actress is still available or if they would have to recast, or if the character concept by Netflix would even be the same, but I need Azrael to be capable of sweet and unassuming and on a coin flip downright menacing.
More of Lucifer as a godparent, bless! And maybe a cool montage of “cousin” Trixie and Lucifer co-babysitting Charlie please.
Whilst on the subject of Lucifer and parenting, and without putting Trixie too much into harm’s way, I need to see what “I would do anything to protect that little urchin” looks like. Trixstar ride or die.
Father Frank, come back! I need a cameo or recurrent role pleeeeease.
Trixie in every episode. This is non-negotiable, much like chocolate cake. Beatrice is an all-star. In fact, I’ve decided that when Dad/God finally does show up, Trixie needs to be the one to get to know him / introduce him first. She’s been captain on the celestial cheer squad for four seasons, she’s earned this.
Who's going to see through Michael's facade first? I mean, I know that trailer shows Maze torturing it out of him, but as far as intuition goes, I've got a 50/50 split between Trixie and Linda, with an honorable mention to Dan.
If Michael is Lucifer's twin, does he have the same angelic compulsion skill set? Or something different? And will it work on Chloe or is she universally immune?
A “be like Mike” pop-culture reference. ******Spoilers: ******* all the trailers have revealed Michael already, so they owe us this for letting the steam out.
As far as pop-culture, how many movie and TV references will we get from Lucifer and ensemble this year? I expect A-game, from sci-fi to 80s action, on par with the previous likes of Parent Trap, Star Wars, Home Alone, Kim Possible, and Rocky.
Will Amenadiel’s necklace make a reappearance, even after he put it around Caleb’s neck in the morgue? Heavenly artifacts have a way of causing trouble in this show.
Will what finally learn what, if any, significance there is to Lucifer’s ring? Again, as all my fictional writings will attest, I really kind of want it to be a stolen little trinket from him Dad.
Plot twist: will we get to see Hell and the silver city all in one season, or is that too devilishly good to ask? It would be intriguing if Lucifer fell from Heaven for rebelling and now some threat like, for example, the mother of demons would pose a threat to the gates such that Lucifer was called upon to defend them. Not expecting anything Endgame level with a host of Angels popping up like sorcerers...but it is food for the imagination.
Plot twist: will Michael, duplicitous twin that he is, be revealed as the reason that Lucifer does not lie and can’t stand liars? Will be get a Michael back story? Is he perhaps the true rebellious son? see: my original fan conjecture here.
Additional links to previous recaps, roundouts and wishlists: 
Season 1: Best Moments // Season 2: Predictions, Desires, Roundout, Best Moments // Season 3: Speculations, Quick-shot summary 
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