#even spike and buffy are mad at each other here. aside from spike's jealousy and worry buffy will choose angel over him
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You know, I really like this moment between Angel and Giles in season 10.
Because, for the most part, everyone is having issues with Angel here (I might break that down in a moment), though they've asked him if he can fly in from London to help them fight Archaeus, though are acting like this towards him (but I get why with stuff that's happened before this)... and I feel it's GILES who steps in here to try and turn things around, with his purposely distracting question about Faith, which is definitely surprising to see (because we all know Angel and Giles' many issues). And it just makes it an even more amazing moment FOR that reason to me.
But as for the reasons for the drama here (the shortened version, anyway):
Angel just found out at this exact moment that Buffy is dating Spike, which he's obviously heartbroken about because he's still in love with her. And when he showed up a tiny bit ago, they'd had a moment where they were talking one-on-one in Willow's room, that I think made Angel think for a second that they were going to get back together (some of the stuff that Buffy was saying may have also led him think this; I'm not blaming Buffy here. It was all just really bad timing, that I really don't know could have been avoided, any way you spin it). And Buffy clearly feels really bad about all of that.
And also in a minute, Angel and Buffy get into an argument about splitting up (not the splitting up part), but the fact that Buffy wants their strongest magic users on Angel's team, in case Archaeus (Angel's great-grand sire) gets control over him (an ability that he has) and they then they all have Angelus to deal with, plus Archaeus. And then Buffy is basically saying, "Tell me I'm not wrong!" and Angel can't, but he's still kind of irritated about it.
Spike is jealous that Angel is here, and that they need him at all, and is worried that Buffy might break up with him and get back with Angel, thus the two of them are fighting like usual.
Angel and Dawn are on really good terms with each other--and are excited to really be getting to know each other for the first time--so Dawn is one of the few exceptions to this mess.
Xander was actually trying with Angel for the first time ever, and it's actually really commendable and all really good, for the most part! Though there's this moment where Xander gets envious when Angel and Dawn hug. Because Xander/Dawn is canon to the comics, but they're broken up for a second here. And I'm guessing in seeing them hug (and with Buffy dating Spike here), he was worried that those two could start dating now? (And speaking of which, Buffy also acted really weirdly to Angel hugging Dawn, so much so that she, like, yanks her out of Angel's arms. o_0 It might be because she feels like she can no longer trust Angel with Dawn or the people she loves--and if so, that's really annoying and ticks me off--but I think it's actually because she was also strangely jealous of this moment... Wow, everyone is just being haunted by the Green-Eyed-Monster in this scene. Because even if she is with Spike right now, she does still have feelings for Angel and we see that while he's there with her in this short season 10 arc).
Willow is also pretty okay with Angel here, though she really doesn't say much or seem to do anything to better or worsen the situation. Edit: Wait. Just kidding. She's really there for Angel later. She's just not very vocal in this scene? Maybe she was just trying to stay out of it, and who can blame her?
So, yeah: this Angel and Giles instance is really nice, imo. And the proof to me that he WAS trying to calm things down, is when you have Angel saying "Everything's good. Real good," and then Giles responding with, "yes. clearly," that seems to be him moreso talking about their situation right then, then the stuff about Angel and Faith in Magic Town that Angel was just speaking about.
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