#event 🎮 ; ɪᴛ'ꜱ ᴛʜᴇ ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ ᴍᴏʀᴛ
advnterccs-archive · 1 year
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@yournamedarling sent; "Hey kiddo, happy birthday. I got youuu a...." they fish around in their bag, clearly not prepared but feeling obligated to do something for Morty on his birthday. They take out a holiday card they bought last minute. A nice looking card with a cartoon rock star on it that, when it opens up, has a musical bit in it that plays ACDC song.
"Bang your head! It's your birthday, and you ROCK!"
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Well, Morty didn't really expect Yu-nae to have given him something. He rarely talked to them. Considering the weird... friendship that they had with his grandpa. How they were supposedly the replacement... him... when he was at school. So, it felt weird, but welcomed anyway.
As he landed his eyes on the birthday card, he examined it a bit. The cardstock felt nice on his fingertips and it looked decent. Something anyone could pick up from the grocery store or other type of store.
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Once opened, he waited until the song finished before closing it again. There were just a few beats of silence. Slightly awkward since he didn't want to just dismiss the thoughtfulness behind it. Besides, it wasn't anything that different compared to what he got from his other set of grandparents.
He wasn't picky about what he got. Though, it still felt awkward.
"Th-Thanks, Yu-nae, I-I really appreciate it, y-you really didn't have to," For a moment, he was unsure if he should go in for a hug or a handshake. So awkwardly, he stuck his arm out for something between a handshake and a fist bump. "Y-You're really cool, so thanks!"
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advnterccs-archive · 1 year
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@countlessrealities sent; Just as his boyfriend, Morty had waited for the party to die down, before deciding that it was time to deliver his present. However, his counterpart had preceded him, hardly giving him the time to grab the gift he had prepared before he was led upstairs to witness the sweet private moment the other had prepared for him.
And there they were, sharing the cupcake that his boyfriend had baked for him. Morty was trying his hardest not to fidget in his spot on the floor, but doing so became harder and harder with every second that ticked away. He had been waiting for a good moment to offer his own present, but he was quickly reaching the conclusion that it would have never come. Not unless he created him.
So, when his counterpart took the next bite of his half of the cupcake, smearing a hint of frosting next to the side of his lips, Morty reached out to wipe it off with his thumb, using the gesture as an excuse to catch his boyfriend's attention.
"Uh, I-I got your something too," he hurried to say, before his counterpart could react.
Licking the bit of frosting off his finger, the teen stuffed his hand inside his pocket. After a moment, he pulled out a small object, wrapped in bright yellow paper wrap. Inside it there was a small spherical projector that, activated, when shown stars and planets.
"I-It's...I asked the Ricks, uh, help me make this an-and program an hologram o-of the stars visible from your favourite places," he explained with a slightly nervous grin. "B-But there's also...uh, this is very cheesy, but I...I added something."
Taking back the projector, he hit a small yellow button near the lower edge of the device and the stars projected changed, moving to form words instead of constellations.
Happy birthday, Morty <3, the first line said and underneath...
"I-I love you," Morty forced out, with just the slightest trembling in his voice. "I-I know that we haven't been...I-I meant, we haven't been together long an-and this is my first long lasting, serious relationship, an-and I don't want to fuck it up, but..."
A deep steadying breath and then the words finally came out steadier even despite his usual stuttering.
"I-I know all that, and I just can't...not say it anymore. I-I don't expect you to, uh, say it back or anything but...Y-You're amazing, the best boyfriend ever, an-and you're...so great. I-I really admire you. So...I had to say it."
[[ Morty for your Morty 💛 || They both went for something cute and sweet and I love it~ Also because it's enough to make them happy 🤭 ]]
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The smooth wipe of a finger against the corner of Morty's lips brought his attention over to his counterpart. That simple action enough to cause a pink tint to his cheeks. He hoped that the dark ambient lighting in the bedroom could cover it. It certainly wasn't any time to embarrass himself. Especially in a time like this.
He didn't have much time to say anything. Too blissfully stunned by the way that frosting covered thumb disappeared in his counterpart's mouth. As well as the promise of a gift about to be revealed.
For a moment, he stayed silent. Curious about what his boyfriend had planned for him. He couldn't even guess what it could be, but he knew that it would have been special. Causing his heart to pitter-patter against his chest.
He took the small object and carefully ripped open the yellow wrapping paper. On first glance, he could tell it was a projector of some kind. Even if smaller than one that he usually has seen.
Hearing the explanation for it, however, brought stars into his brown softened gaze. A little speechless for the time being as he watched it turn on. Showing off the words written in the constellations.
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Tears lined at the ducts of his eyes. Shit, he didn't mean to get this emotional. Especially on his birthday, especially at such a declaration such as this. It was perfect. So god damn perfect.
And he couldn't imagine it any other way.
He knew that his counterpart was rambling now, but it didn't matter. It was endearing and so very thoughtful. That made the moment even more magical.
So, when the last lines were spoken, he propelled himself forward. Both hands placed on the other's chest, knocking them both onto the ground.
Soft kisses were pressed all over his boyfriend's face. Covering every inch of cheek, forehead, and jaw with small little kisses. As a few tear drops fell and landed.
And when he finally calmed himself down, fully settling himself comfortably on top of his boyfriend's body, he sighed. "I-I love you, too. M-More than I can say a-and for a while now,"
With a gentle smile, he laid his head on his boyfriend's collar bone. Closing his eyes, snuggling up close. "I-I hope it's... not to weird or too soon to say this, but y-you're.... y-you're my forever, PM."
An arm wrapped around tight along that waist line, pulling in the body closer to himself. "Th-Thank you a-and happy birthday."
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advnterccs-archive · 1 year
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@villains4hire sent; "Hey Morty! I know we talk only a little, but I do care about your well being and all that jazz. I just think I'm not really that optimal for you is all for your mental development, so happy birthday! I made you a little thing that'll help with your stress! Just hit this button and then it'll clamp onto you and instantly destress you! I've tested it pretty extensively." Reagan would give him a device that vaguely looks like a futuristic stapler.
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Brown eyes couldn't help to stare at the... stapler? Morty hardly believed that thing could take away his stress. And he didn't exactly understand what she meant by not being optimal for his mental development. If that were the case, then Rick wasn't either and yet, he was stuck with him.
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"Th-Thanks...." He took the device within his hand. Careful not to squeeze it. He didn't need that to activate right now. "I-I appreciate this a lot, Reagan, I-I'll make sure to use it when I'm stressed."
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advnterccs-archive · 1 year
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BIRTHDAYS ASK || no longer accepting
@sinruby sent; For the birthday ask, for Morty: earliest birthday memory?
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This would require a bit of thinking. So much had happened in all of Morty's 14 years being alive that he couldn't even begin to pinpoint an exact early memory. Especially one from his birthday.
Though, finally, a memory pushed itself to the fore front of his mind.
"Uh, I-I guess when I was, y-you know, 4 years old a-and I got this really cool spaceship toy, kind of how Rick's ship looks now, a-and it used to be my favorite thing in the world."
That was way before he knew of Rick's existence and of what awaited for him in ten years time. From that early age, he could never have guessed that all of those imaginative scenarios would come true. Even if in the worst way possible.
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advnterccs-archive · 1 year
Is your Muse the type to make their birthday a huge blowout of an event, or are they more lowkey?
Does your Muse dress differently for their birthday?
For the bday boy!
BIRTHDAYS ASK || no longer accepting
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"No, uh, not really," Now that Morty really thought about it, he didn't ever remember exactly having any grand birthday parties. None that he could remember, at least. "Mom usually buys a cake because dad thinks he can bake but then he just... ends up creating a mess, so he m-makes dinner instead a-and then we usually just watch a movie."
The brief explanation was followed by a shrug. That seemed to be his norm every year. Which, these days with all of the chaos that Rick has put him through, he hasn't minded one bit.
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"Uh, d-do pajamas count? I-If it's on, you know, a weekend, sometimes I-I just stay in pajamas all day, unless we're going out," Though, the last thing was very rare. He couldn't remember the last time that they all went out for his birthday. Unless it was to some fast food place.
"Uh, but usually? No."
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advnterccs-archive · 1 year
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@dynamoprotocol sent; "Candles aren’t the only thing getting blown tonight. ...Wait. Fuck. Your brain. Your BRAIN is getting blown tonight. I didn't— can we just get going to the stupid arcade already?" (Happy birthday Morty, from your grandpa's weirdo girlfriend who needs to self-edit better before she opens her damn mouth).
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Everything actually seemed to be going well for Morty's birthday. And he was definitely excited that Rick's girlfriend decided to take him somewhere really cool. After all the adventures that his grandfather has taken him on, he deserved something something easy going. Especially for his birthday.
Plus, an arcade in some far off place that wasn't Blips and Chitz. Sign him the fuck up.
Once he got alerted that Clarissa was there, waiting for him, he rushed out of his room. Backpack on and his mind ready for fun and amusement. Carefully making his way down the stairs without accidentally tripping or falling.
That would be the last thing he needed right now; to make such an embarrassing entrance in front of someone as cool as Clarissa.
And as he approached her, the awe and starry sparkle within his eyes faded a little. That was an awkward thing to say. Shit, he knew what she meant, but the clarification only made it worse.
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"Uh, y-yeah, sure," His fingers fidgeted along the red straps of his backpack. It's better if he just pretended that she didn't say that and move on to anything else. "A-Are you going to drive us there using... uh... Rick's car... ship?"
Well, now it seems that the awkward air was a bit contagious because he couldn't seem to get over it. No matter how much he tried not to be.
"O-Or, y-you know what, I'm cool with whatever, j-just, l-let's go."
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advnterccs-archive · 1 year
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@shctupmeg sent; His girlfriend literally tackle hugs him from behind. Laughing happily as she does so. He made her birthday so special. She only wanted to do the same for him. “Happy birthday!” She exclaims. Peppering kisses all over his face before pulling away. “I baked you a cake.” She announced. Getting it from his mom before setting it down. “Plus I have like a ton of presents for you to open.” Shctupmeg for morty
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Being tackle hugged unexpectedly knocked the breath out of Morty, but he couldn't help to welcome it. It was one of the things that she did. One of the things he always loved and there was no doubt in his mind how cute it was.
"Th-Thanks, Meg, I-I really appreciate it," He smiled as his face was covered in kisses. "Y-You're really sweet!"
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Looking over at the cake, he was impressed with it. To hear that she made it all by herself and to see how perfect it came out. Damn, he was really lucky, wasn't he?
"Y-You really didn't have to, but, uh, thank you, I-I like it a lot," Glancing into her eyes, he smiled. "I-I love you."
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advnterccs-archive · 1 year
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@countlessrealities sent; "Hey, bro. Here."
Summer lightly bonks her other younger sibling on the head with her colourfully wrapped present, before dropping it in Morty's awaiting hands.
The gift turns out to be formed by two items. Once is a portable slushie maker, of the same colour of Morty's signature shirt, equipped with an alien device that keeps its contents at the perfect temperature not matter how hot the weather is. The other looks like a bottle of cologne, and it isn't from Earth either. The words on the label are written in an indecipherable alphabet made of spirals and triangles.
One thing, however, is very clear and it's the vibe that the bottle gives off. Perhaps it's the red shades of the glass, or maybe are the odd but somewhat suggestive images that decorate the label. There's definitely something not PG-13 about it.
The overly amused expression on Summer's face only strengthen that impression.
"Gotta make sure that you're a good boyfriend for my bro. And that you don't, like, stink when you two go on dates. I know that you two little freaks like gross stuff, but it has to be the right kind of it," she claims, in an innocent tone that doesn't match the grin on her lips. "Happy birthday!"
[[ from my Summer to Morty || I'd say that I'm sorry for her, but you know how unapologetic she is x'D it wouldn't mean anything if I did xD ]]
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The bonk on Mortys head made him jump. Slowly turning around and being presented with the two items. His slight irritation turned into awe as he examined the slushie maker. This could definitely fit somewhere in his room and he could have slushies whenever he wanted. Perhaps even at midnight on nights where he could stay up without any repercussions.
Though, what really caught his attention was the second thing. He couldn't help to ogle at the bottle. Instant ideas of what he could use it for. If it really were what he thought it was.
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"O-Oh, uh," He was a little speechless. Cheeks tinted red as some thoughts began to form..... again. For the second time tonight. "Th-Thanks, I-I will... uh.. use it for our dates...."
And whatever that could lead to, he was more than eager to find out.
For a moment, he went silent. Settling himself on the couch, trying to examine the bottle more closely. If he were expected to use it, he might as well do as much research as he's able to. He didn't want to accidentally ruin things between him and his boyfriend.
And so he would do whatever he can to look thoroughly at it. If he needed to, he would ask his Rick or the other Rick later for more information.
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advnterccs-archive · 1 year
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@dcmonprncss sent; ❝ I’m glad you were born, my life would be pretty boring without you ! ❞ (for Morty)
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Walking through the forest, just a casual stroll as they talked, Morty halted at her words. It might've been silly to say, but this was the first time someone had said something like that to him. That they were glad he was born.
He didn't know if it were the inherited self-loathing that Rick placed upon him through-out his time with the man or that he really did have such a special kind of low self esteem where he didn't think he meant shit to anyone. Whichever it was, he found himself feeling as if some warm piece of glue had mended an old wound deep within himself.
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"D-Do you really mean that? I-I.... thanks.... I-It means a lot to me."
And before he could give her any moment to protest or say anything, he wrapped his arms around her in a light hug. Only for a few minutes before letting go.
"Uh, th-there's this one pizza place... i-in space, do you want to go there with me?"
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advnterccs-archive · 1 year
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@ladiesofhell sent; "Happy birthday, Morty!" Vero grinned, giving him a gift. It was the newest game system with some games plus tickets to LuLu World in Hell. "LuLu World is the best theme park in Hell. I think you'd like it."
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This, somehow, felt unexpected. Vero had always been nice to Morty. She was very caring, took him to school sometimes, and hung out with him. Though, he didn't think she would remember his birthday or even bring him some gifts. Honestly, it was very flattering.
And, not to mention, it might have won her some brownie points.
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"Whoa, th-this is so cool!" The game system definitely caught his attention first. He owned quite a lot of them, but he didn't own this specific console yet. And with some games as well, the kind that he liked, he was very impressed. "Th-Thanks, Vero!"
The mention of LuLu world made his head lift upwards. A theme park? In Hell? Damn, that sounded like fun. He couldn't tell what he wanted to focus on more. The possibility of going on rides or spending time, alone, playing games.
"C-Can we go? Y-You and me, I-I want to go!" Starry brown eyes looked up at her, almost pleading.
If he had even a singular functioning brain cell at that moment, he would offer to take Rick. Yet, he didn't feel like bothering the scientist. Plus, if he were to go with Vero, he would guarantee a fun, safer time.
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advnterccs-archive · 1 year
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{ OOC } yesss it's officially Morty's birthday !! 🎉🥳 Feel free to send some birthday messages, gifts and the like in the inbox! I'll be answering them through-out the day !!
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