#event: g's rave
n8-shaw · 1 year
who: open when: somewhere around midnight where: the warehouse rave
Nate was hot. At least, he had taken enough molly that he felt hot, even in his cut off shirt with more than enough cut away under the arms that he shouldn't have. As he passed through the crowd of people, someone nearly crashed into him, their drink spilling down his chest, staining his white shirt. Instead of getting pissed off - he had hit people over less, let's be real - Nate just realized that was the perfect solution to deal with the molly induced overheating. Reaching for the hem of his shirt, he yanked it off over his head, tucking it into his back pocket when he realized he recognized the person who had spilled on him. "I want to get fucking out of here," he said, one hand reaching up and rubbing over his face.
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nataliavega · 1 year
WHERE: g's rave. WHO: @idaclarke & nat.
"Excuse me," Nat said, coming up behind Ida and splashing herself with some water in an attempt to cool down. Ida had that same effortless thing that she'd once praised Ollie for and she found herself sometimes caught in the orbit of it. Tonight, she wasn't going to fight it. "You dropped this." A pause for her dumb joke of a pick-up line. She made a show of snapping her jaws together. "My jaw."
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ash-morse · 1 year
who: @milonavarroo when: late night hours where: the warehouse rave
"Hey," Court said when he saw Milo, unable to help but run his eyes over him. He looked great, not that that was anything unusual. This just seemed like it was exactly his vibe, the outfit the epitome of like...hot raver. At least in Court's opinion. As he was unabashedly checking them out, a reminder of a rumor hit him, lips parting open as his eyes bounced back up to Milo's face. His head angled towards a shoulder as his eyes fixed on Milo's face for a moment, trying to remember the details of it. But, well...he was a little bit high, and the type of anxiety he'd typically have about approaching this type of conversation (read: he wouldn't) was nowhere to be found. "Can I ask you something? About....like, there were those rumors, right? About you being G?"
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sassa-fiske · 1 year
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mikaishii · 1 year
[ @ogden-narrator ]
WHERE: the hockey rink. 10:45pm WHO: mika & ???
g: let’s play a game… g: there’s nothing quite like sneaking around and finding out info you weren’t meant to know. and boy, have i done a LOT of that. some might even consider it a bit of a hobby of mine. g: and tonight, you’re gonna get to see what fun it is too. see if you can sneak around on my level. i’ll even play nice and give you some clues. if you figure them out, well…you might just figure me out. g:and since i know you don’t mind biting your tongue even when you know something is suspicious…. g: the hockey rink. 11:00 pm tonight. dress ready to rave. g: xx, g
A sense of dread had taken up all the space in Mika's room. As she dressed, as she applied ridiculous makeup in an attempt to pass time, as she read and reread the texts and wondered how she'd managed to get herself wrapped up in this mess. She could trace it all back to one single choice— one single, stupid decision that she'd still swear had been a decision made selflessly. It didn't bring air back to the room, though, and sooner rather than later, she found herself fleeing the stifling space, wheeling across campus on her heelies as she headed for the hockey rink.
As a chronically early person, it was no surprise she'd gotten there fifteen minutes before she'd been told. Part of her hoped she'd catch this elusive G in the act, but as she shouldered through the doors, she was met with an icy chill and an empty rink. She ran her hands over her bare arms and wished she'd had enough forethought to bring a jacket. At least if she came face to face with G, she could cut her with her nipples.
The silence stretched on, uncomfortable and unsettling, and Mika spoke into the emptiness just so that she wouldn't feel so alone. So weak and helpless. "Hey, G— if you're here— do you take suggestions? Helpful criticism? Maybe you should actually do something at some point? Empty threats only work for so long, you know." Was it a good idea to bait an unknown threat? Probably not. But it was fine, anyway. Only the empty silence responded, leaving her to wonder and wait.
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mari-zuko · 1 year
who: @ogden-narrator when: may 6th, evening where: the boathouse
g: let’s play a game… g: there’s nothing quite like sneaking around and finding out info you weren’t meant to know. and boy, have i done a LOT of that. some might even consider it a bit of a hobby of mine. g: and tonight, you’re gonna get to see what fun it is too. see if you can sneak around on my level. i’ll even play nice and give you some clues. if you figure them out, well…you might just figure me out. g: at least one of us will be out then. g: the boathouse. 11:00 pm tonight. dress ready to rave. g: xx, g
The text Mari got that evening caused her stomach to turn, remembering all the other texts she had received, the valentine, all of it - she didn't understand what this person was trying to accomplish. What they seemed to have against her - or, maybe more accurately, against Greer. And as much as she wanted to close her eyes, pretend it wasn't happening...the opportunity to figure out who it was, what they wanted was one she couldn't pass up.
And there was no denying that Mari was good at sneaking around.
If the first clue was the boathouse, to the boathouse she'd go. She put on her best rave outfit - whatever the fuck that meant - even if it meant she'd look like an idiot as she made her way across the dark campus. At least it was a Saturday night, anyone she happened to see drunk and dressed to go out as it was. When she got to the boathouse - a place she had snuck into before, thanks to Greer - she flipped the flashlight on on her phone, glancing around the eerie darkness. "Hello?" she called out, wincing slightly as her voice echoed around her.
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cara-mrrsn · 1 year
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jacqui-velazquez · 1 year
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morrisxn02 · 1 year
location: underground warehouse
date: early hours of sunday, may 7th
g: the effort is admirable. g: now, if only you had been a bit faster.... g: so so many people confided in greer. g: it was a good thing she could keep a secret - but you know just how good she was at that, don't you ?? g: me ?? not so much. g: so tell me, edward. which secret do you want me to spill ?? g: one that involves greer nearly killing someone ?? or one where someone confided in her that they did ??
He stared at his phone almost as he would stare at a make-your-choice scene in The Quarry or a chessboard. Because that was what that was, a game. Not a movie, not a play, not a painting, and not a book. It didn’t require interpretation, philosophy, or sensitivity. All it required was logic.
Maybe later, when he woke up with the biggest hangover of his life at 3 PM in 205-C Alcott, Edward would allow himself to mull over the idea that Greer had almost killed someone and that he was going to school with an unconvicted murderer, and also about the nature of justice and the human tendency for self-preservation and about how oh so Shakespearean of G to entrust him with a decision that would change his sister’s life forever...
But now, all that was required of him was strategy. A plan.
Choices and consequences materialized in his head like the butterfly-effect screen in Until Dawn, where decisions and results were perfectly mapped out so the player could understand what coice had led where. He just had to apply the same logic to the text messages...
So, Greer had almost killed someone? Shocking, but not a crime. Not something that could get her convicted, just tarnish her reputation. But at that point, he feared there wasn’t really any reputation to tarnish anymore…
Now, on the other hand, if G revealed that Greer knew someone in school was a murderer, his sister might be considered an accessory. And what was more important? Her reputation, or her freedom? Seemed pretty obvious.
His phone screen had gone dark by then, so he unlocked it and started typing. Objective, as always. There was no point in trying to communicate any more than strictly necessary with G. They wouldn't respond anyway. They never had...
Edward Morrison: option one. [deleted]
Before he could send it, it dawned on him. Now he knew it too. Wasn’t that a crime in itself? A crime that G could hold against him in the future? It took him exactly thirteen seconds to Google it and find an answer. Misprison of a felony. He scanned a few lines of text before he drew a precipitated conclusion. Awareness of a felony. Failure to report. Up to three years in federal prison.
The question at hand now was: was he willing to risk his own freedom to protect Greer’s?
Edward Morrison: the second one. [delivered at 5:54 am]
He wasn’t.
Yes, he was willing to kill for her. Yes, he loved her. And yes, he would do whatever was needed to get her back. But he wasn’t going to risk going to jail for someone who had blackmailed him. For someone who was willing to cover for a murderer, but not for her own brother.
He loved her. But not unconditionally. Not anymore.
Edward Morrison: i’m going to fucking find you. [deleted]
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reinaazarolla · 1 year
STATUS: Closed for @leakywright WHERE: G's rave WHEN: May 7th, sometime between 2am and 3am
Reina settled over by one of the drink stations trying to find a few water bottles. One for herself and a couple extra, whatever would fit in her small bag, to have on hand in case she ran into someone who needed it. "Jeez," she mumbled to herself wondering when she became the "mom" friend. Apparently she didn't know what else to do if she wasn't drinking or on any kind of drugs. "Oh, Leaky!" She smiled. "Are you trying to find some water too or what's your poison for tonight?" She raised a brow.
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aletheapierce · 1 year
@cinnamonfm where: g's rave when: beginning of the night
as they made their way, per direction of g, to the party alethea knew that she had to find heni. she wasn't entirely sure why, or even what she was going to share with her, but it seemed like the best move. the two had to have each other's back right? it's kind of funny, she notes as she moves through the crowd, that even in threats g does their best to make everyone look good. or at least give them the option to. finally she spots the other, and steps up next to her, giving a tight lipped smile. "hey uh..." she pauses before looking around. "this is really fucking weird right?" people seemed to be acting a bit too...normal given the circumstances.
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novadodson · 1 year
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Nova Dodson attends G's Rave, May 6th, 2023.
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nataliavega · 1 year
[ @ogden-narrator ]
WHERE: the commons. 10:55pm. WHO: nat & ???
g: let’s play a game… g: there’s nothing quite like sneaking around and finding out info you weren’t meant to know. and boy, have i done a LOT of that. some might even consider it a bit of a hobby of mine. g: and tonight, you’re gonna get to see what fun it is too. see if you can sneak around on my level. i’ll even play nice and give you some clues. if you figure them out, well…you might just figure me out. g: the disapproval of a sibling is a powerful thing. luckily, greer could keep a secret. you knew that already though, didn’t you ?? g: the commons. 11:00 pm tonight. dress ready to rave. g: xx, g
There was a little subsect of Nat's closet— the furthest, darkest corner— where she'd blindly reached, pulling free a glittery pleather body suit full of buttons, and buckles, and barely-there straps that left almost nothing to the imagination. She'd dressed in silence, her blood running cold through her veins.
Briefly she considered, as she donned and buttoned up a large trench coat, that maybe Greer had been receiving texts like this. Maybe that was why she'd disappeared. It sure made Nat want to disappear. She was rattled, her nerves shot, which she was sure had been the intention. But as she read through the messages once again before slipping her phone into her clutch, she wondered, truly, if this might finally be the end. Whatever that meant.
Her heels clicked against the floor, her teeth chattering for reasons that had nothing to do with temperature as she peered around the commons, unsure of what— or who— she might find.
Quietly, her voice reached out to the empty space. "Hello?"
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ash-morse · 1 year
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sassa-fiske · 1 year
who: @idaclarke when: late where: the warehouse rave
When Sassa saw Ida, she immediately grabbed her by the forearm, the movement a bit more forceful than she typically would use with someone like Ida, though the entire night was weird enough. So she was off her game. "What are you doing here?" Sassa asked, angling her head to one side, eyes focusing intently on Ida's. The president had wanted to...take charge, so to speak. Rise in the absence of Greer. But as far as Sassa could see, G was playing everyone. Or, well. At least her. And that couldn't fucking stand. "Remember your...plan?" she said, without waiting for an answer. "Because it seems like there is a player we didn't account for." Or that Sassa had fucked up and pissed off and was now trying to play some sort of revenge. She wouldn't acknowledge that, though.
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mikaishii · 1 year
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+ heelies, not pictured but always appreciated
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