#ever since he made it to senior there's trouble after trouble he couldnt control
megaclaudiolis · 2 years
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YANG HAONAN - Junior World Championships 2019
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fullsunhyuckie · 6 years
in dreams we meet.
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*here’s a low quality picture of a high quality person. i’m sorry i love this picture so much so i picked this :))))
dream coordinator!mark
in which mark coordinates people’s dream and yours is by far the hardest for him. 
disclaimer: this story is only fictional and purely made up,,,by me :) 
okay so letsgetit
after death, there are 3 stages. basically theres heaven, hell and the in between. 
we all know how heaven and hell works. the more good you do, you’ll go to heaven and the more bad you do, you’ll go to hell. as for the in between, its for those have a balance of both good and bad. 
in between requires all its inhabitants to,, work? people in here are made to do these jobs so that they can redeem themselves and eventually end up in heaven. 
the jobs in there are things such as grim reapers, guardian angels, fairies like tooth fairies etc. 
mark was 19 when he died. the cause of death on his death cert,,, unknown. its probably a dumb way to die, thats why. 
you could consider mark a saint, always saying his prayers before a meal or a test. but he died a teenager so obviously there were as many bad things he did. he probably killed a bug,,,,but dont worry he prayed after that because he was scared but i mean its still a sin. so here’s mark in the in between.
mark was assigned to be a dream coordinator. he was tasked to coordinate dreams for each human he was assigned to. 
there are 5 stages in each sleep cycle the first being the non-REM sleep which basically means light sleeping and the fifth stage the state of a dream in a dream or lucid dreaming
it has been 2 years ever since he started his job. well if you count it in earth years its probably about 70 years. 
so now, mark is a senior coordinator, which means he will overlook his team and also settle for the tougher cases. 
so thats how he got to know you, a university undergraduate majoring in neurology. you were bound to have trouble sleeping with all the stress. the nightmares you had weren’t helping you either but blame donghyuck for that he doesnt know how to handle people like you. 
mark was recruited and the first time he saw you, your textbooks were sprawled on the floor and you had your head on the study table with at least 50 pages on the nerve system scattered on it. you were drooling a little but mark found this all in all just,,, pure. 
he felt bad for you so he vowed to stick with you till he is able to fully heal your sleeping habits. 
truthfully speaking, it was tough to be your sleep coordinator. some nights you wouldnt sleep or you wouldnt get pass your non-REM sleep so he would be jobless. 
times like these made him wish he was instead a guardian angel so he could tell you to sleep right tf now. 
thankfully, there were some nights when you were able to fall asleep, in the REM stage, which is the stage where most people have dreams. he would coordinate dreams to make sure you would stay deep in sleep for at least 6-7 hours. 
he would access your memories that are good and bad, interests, hobbies, fears and all. so to be honest he knows a lot about you. he also knows that he might have a tiny crush on you but whatever :/ 
after coordinating your dreams he would sit by the corner of your bed and watch you, not in a creepy way, no. 
he’s merely doing his job to ensure nothing terrible happens in your dreams
he would look at you smile in your sleep when a good part comes up which made his heart flutter a little. here and there he would add bits and pieces of information about him in your dreams so that you could have an idea of him.
sometimes he has to fight his strong urge to properly meet you and he wishes he was still alive so he could talk to you :(
some nights he had to coordinate nightmares because the equilibrium between dreams and nightmare had to exist. this is so that your brain can register the fact that reality still do exist.
it breaks his heart when he has to do this. nights like these, he will make sure he will not leave your side so that he can ensure that the nightmares weren’t that bad. 
when you wake up crying he feels the urge to reach out to you and pull you into his warm embrace and whisper into your ears that you’ll be fine. so he does just that. but you wont realise. all you feel is the cold winter air from outside even though in reality, mark is right there beside you. and this is all because he’s just a dream coordinator. he will beat himself up because of this so whipped for you omg
it’s the worst when finals came, because that means you wont be able to get enough sleep and no matter what dream he coordinates, it will be to no avail. 
so he had to result to the last stage, the state of a dream in a dream. this way you would be sure not to wake up. better still, you would be able to control your dreams which means that it would be to your advantage because in dreams, anything is possible which also means that you can have a dream that is to your favour
stage 5, no matter how great it is, is very dangerous. because if it occurs too often the brain would be functioned to think that waking up does not necessarily mean that you are in reality. this is caused by all the false awakening during your dream in a dream. basically your brain is fked. and because finals dread on for at least a month and a half he becomes worried for you.
but because of his love for you he is willing to drain out his good points (basically a point system for people like mark to help mortals like you) in exchange for appearing in your lucid dreams to guide you into having the perfect one (which means not a nightmare :) ) to ensure that such side effects wont happen to you. 
3 years later and you’re graduating with a degree and 10 pounds of eyebags!! and mark  is so proud of you. he’s so happy for you he made you dream of having your first job and your first paycheck to encourage you. 
but as time goes by you got better in terms of your sleeping schedule. noooo for him but yay for you. this means that mark is no longer needed and donghyuck can take over. the hq back in the in between needs him especially after having donghyuck in charge. 
the last day he was assigned to you he made you dream about being loved. he wants you to know that there are people out there who cares about you, both living and dead. aka him because technically he’s dead 
you woke up crying not because you were afraid but because it felt so real and it truly was. mark gave you a kiss on your forehead and whispered ‘i’ll miss you’ in your ear. but once again you couldnt feel anything and kept on crying. mark could not bear to stay any longer so he left you there, a crying mess. he hates himself because of that.
mark had to work extra hours for using up his good points on you but he knows it was worth it so he didnt mind. 
the nights when he had to monitor donghyuck’s coordination of dreams were his favourite because he was able to see you. and thats all that matters to him 
every now and then he would appear in your dreams playing a minor or major role depending on his mood. by now, you somehow had a gist of how he looked like because of his recurring role in your dreams and you would gush about it to your friends. 
for now, mark thinks what you and him have is enough. because he knows that the only way you guys can encounter each other is through dreams. :))
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jokeson-u · 4 years
i feel like talking about myself bc i do better coping and thinking when i have to articulate my thoughts and i dont feel comfortable enough about this stuff with my therapist or friends so ill do it here where no one will care lmao
drug, sex, depression tw under the cut
i gotta lot of things to say. idk where to start. i guess freshman year of college cus it was shitty. i was in a community college living at home and transporting to school by train. i went to each class maybe like 3 or 4 times and then just stopped showing up and instead. for some reason. decided to spend my days riding the trains or sneaking home to smoke (weed, i dont smoke tobacco and ill get to that later. actually i can just say that now i dont like cigarettes bc my parents chose buying cigs and alcohol over feeding me and my sisters when we were kids. also why i dont drink.) so i dropped probably at least a solid $500 that semester on food and ubers (train was free with the student card) and weed (actually no i just took all my bud from my dad so). i was severely depressed and just dug myself further into that hole by not going to class because no way could i tell my parents. then i like ??? idk had this dude over my house and stuff happened and i felt rly shitty afterwards and didnt rly know how to tell anyone. then later later my ex bf texted me cus he was sad and i had visited him the month prior and we had sex and it was not good. like i felt safe with him, ive known him since i was 13 nd we’ve been friends since then too, but he was a shitty bf both times we dated (sophomore year and senior year) and like .. i dont regret sleeping with him, bc he is someone i trust despite or weird relationship to each other (like we text maybe once a month for a few mins to check in sometimes), but i also. idk. that was my first time and i think virginity is a social construct but at the same time i wish i had an enjoyable first time. like maybe i was ok with it then bc i was trying to overcompensate for my experience with that guy from earlier in the year and not feel so used bc i know my ex at least cared about me and he felt bad afterwards bc it obviously was weird but. idk. it was just a really horrible time like... i felt like i had no friends bc they all treated my shitty and where gone to school anyways. i had no one to talk to, or felt i didnt, and everytime i tried id get in trouble. like i felt so trapped and depressed and didnt know how to get out of it. i was in the negatives in my bank account and didnt know how to pay it all off. i was hanging out with/spending money on/smoking with people i didnt even like just so i wouldnt be alone. it was rly rly shitty and one of my lowest points. but at the end of the semester i told my mom the idea of going back to school made me miserable so i dropped out and started working for my cousin for a little bit. then i got really really sick and got diagnosed with crohns disease which sucked as it but then i spent my bday throwing up with a 103 fever and had to spend the following week in the hospital which also totally fucked me up bc i didnt eat for almost that whole week bc the staff wasnt giving me food i could eat despite me telling them over and over. plus it was during covid so i couldnt see anyone or have any physical contact and it was just horrible. but i couldnt smoke during my time in the hospital obviously so i had a tolerance break and it was kinda nice to smoke again after that but? i dont rly smoke much anymore, my friends are all gone, i have no space or time to anymore. my friend always says u cant be addicted to weed but that first semester i know it was a dependency issue and i was glad that im past that but sometimes i get worried i guess that im too dependent on stuff like. my carts (which techincally arent weed bc theyre delta 8 so its legal) and im spending way too much money on those now too and UGH i hate feeling like i cant control myself bc my parents addictions fucked me and my sisters up but this is different cus i dont have kids or ppl relying on me but it still scares me bc i dont even ever feel high anymore when i smoke (weed OR cart) but i do it anyways in hopes that ill feel SOMETHING again and its just a constant cycle. anyways then this year i started working part time and then full time which has been good. but now next month ill be out of the full time job and im stressed about that. ok thats all for now folks bye
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