#every insult towards him was true 💀
shegxox · 2 years
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special christmas episode | valorant protocol
how you experienced christmas within the valorant headquarters
notes: hc style with images right after, not proofread bc it's hella rushed– will edit soon
a.n: literally started writing this five hours before christmas. I suddenly realized I haven't whipped a christmas special yet 💀 hope you guys enjoy and HAPPY HOLIDAYS!
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Brimstone is actually a big fan of holidays
loves celebrating it, loves seeing everyone at the table
Christmas is one of his favourites
Plans to throw a party before sending everyone for their short vacation
the 'white christmas' theme is obviously out of the picture
headquarters is literally within a tropical island. . .with a volcano.
despite that, even without snow– christmas is christmas
first task of the christmas celebrations: decorating.
majority of the agents love this part
but there's one thing they hate about it
getting the artificial tree from the stockroom
cue jett, phoenix, and yoru fighting about it
"why don't you get it, I thought you're the strongest one around here." Jett spats out
"I am." Yoru frowned. "But my strength is not worth. . .this. Are you insulting me??"
But then. . .Brimstone remembered what your radiant abilities were
Brimstone eyed you intensely as he sat with his elbows on his desk, fingers intertwined and pressing them against his upper lip.
"Ye-Yes, Captain?" You sweatdropped, trying to avert from your leader's firm gaze.
'What's with this weird atmosphere. . .'
"Can you do it?"
Your eyebrows shot upwards, mouth parting slightly.
". . .Do what, exactly–" is he asking what you think he's asking? "–Captain. . .?"
"A pine tree."
"Can you do it?"
Did you just hear him right?
You let out a nervous chuckle, "Wait– Hold on a sec, Captain." You thought he was gonna ask you to hide a body or something, "Let me get this straight—"
Brimstone didn't react much, he continued to just stare at you.
"You're asking me. . . If I can make a pine tree?" You questioned. "Is that right?"
Finally, your captain moved from his position.
"That is correct." He nodded, putting down his forearms on his desk. "So, can you do it?"
"Of course I can," You grinned awkwardly, still a little confused about where this is going. "But. . .why?"
Turns out it was already the month of December, you couldn't believe how time flies so fast, you swore you were just celebrating Halloween a couple of weeks ago.
Anyway, Brimstone requested you to make a pine tree in the common room where the Christmas party will be held soon, and honestly? You were kind of excited.
You love celebrations as much as Brimstone does, but mostly because there will be lots of good food laid out once again.
"Is it true?!" Jett bursted through the common room with excitement filling her smile, "Gaia's making a pine tree?!"
Sage, Raze, and Killjoy were already in the room with you, waiting for you to work your magic.
Reyna sat quietly by the bar, sipping her purple drink peacefully with a pinch of interest towards the situation while Chamber– who's wiping a glass behind the bar looked at you with a hint of glee in his eyes.
Omen casually sat on the couch knitting away, only glancing towards the scene in front of him every now and then.
"I was just about to." You chuckled hands already raised in the direction where you plan to create the tree.
"Perfect timing," Killjoy chirped before motioning her hand to Jett. "Come, come!"
The wind radiant eagerly made her way next to Sage.
"Oh man, I love watching you use your power." Jett comments. "So magical."
"Agreed." Sage nodded.
"Alright fam, you sure this one's a good spot?" You asked for the last time.
You sighed, shaking your hands, "Here we go then."
Using your radiance, your palms glowed green. The ground of your target space started to rumble just a bit before breaking and sprouting a small pine tree.
"Woah." Jett gasped in amusement.
Raze tried to hold a giggle bubbling from her throat
"That's so cute."
"Tell me when you're satisfied with it, okay?" You say before making the tree grow and sprout its leaves.
Everyone in the common room watched as the tree bloomed beautifully.
"Wait, stop!" Jett exclaimed and you did, the green glow on your palms fading. "That's the most perfect tree I've ever seen."
And just like that, there's an actual pine tree in the common room. Not an artificial one, a real one.
"Oh look, it even sprouted some pinecones." Sage pointed out, grinning delightfully.
"Ah, it smells wonderful too." Killjoy sighed as the aroma of fresh pine started to creep into the space.
"Welp, what are you guys waiting for?" You grinned. "Time to decorate!"
Just as you said those words, Phoenix entered the room, his eyes glancing at the tree by the corner before doing a double take.
"Wha–," His eyes widened. "Where did that come from?"
"Gaia made it." Jett responded. "Cool, right?"
"Oi, what's the hold-up? Get your ass out of the way," A male voice grunts from behind Phoenix, a very familiar blue jacket peeking. It was Yoru, and he's carrying the artificial tree that he got from the stockroom due to Phoenix's insistent pestering, the tree blocking his vision upfront.
"Um, Yoru?"
"What?" The riftwalker spats out, clearly annoyed from carrying the tree.
Phoenix laughs nervously
"So uh, funny story. . ."
You requested everyone to put a personal ornament on the tree
And you even grew some mistletoes and wreaths for everyone to decorate.
It was fun decorating
You all finished dressing up the common room that same day as well
The room looked magical, especially at night when the Christmas lights are all on
Holiday dinner will be in the next few days
So before that, you all decided to take on the 'tropical christmas' theme and have a day out on the island
A beach episode within a christmas episode
Even Viper agreed to get some sun in her system
Sage, Neon, and Jett dragged you along with them in picking swimsuits
"Oh! I bet this looks cute on you, Gaia!"
You tried on at least ten swimsuits that day
The girls coaxing you to show more skin and be more confident
"Gaia, I think you'd have Sova drooling if you wear this–"
"Sova? You mean Chamber?"
"Sage, not you too–"
"You think Omen would knit you a biki–"
"Jett, stop!"
Cue you turning fifty shades of red
Today was a beautiful day.
The sun wasn't too harsh on the eyes nor its heat was too much on the skin. The sea was sparkling clear with a tint of blue that makes you feel refreshed as soon as you jump right in.
Breach and Brimstone were surprisingly getting along at the grilling station, chatting and watching over the others at the shore.
Jett and Phoenix were already playing some beach volleyball against Yoru and Skye, both teams were clearly riled up with their own competitiveness with Neon keeping score.
The two lovebirds– Raze and Killjoy were making their sand-snowman. . .sandman, on one side, gathering seashells and washed up sticks and branches for the sandman's body parts.
Reyna peacefully lays on her deck chair under an umbrella, dark shades covering her eyes with a refreshing drink in her hand with Viper doing the same next to her.
Astra and Sage stood near the grilling station, preparing some snacks and refreshments for everyone to enjoy.
"Is Gaia not here yet?" Sova asked aloud, just stepping out of the water wearing blue trunks with his muscular upper body confidently exposed, he slicked his long wet hair back, biceps flexing as his eyes wandered around looking for you.
Sova lets out an teasing grin, reaching out for his towel from a deck chair.
"She'll be here any minute now," Sage said with a smile before chuckling. "She must be shy because if her swimsuit."
Sage made sure to find you the perfect swimwear that not only matches your skin tone but also greatly compliments your body.
"Did you actually get her in one?"
Absolutely not doubting the idea of you getting into a bikini.
"Ah, you do not know the struggles we faced in forcing her into one." Sage said in a playful tone.
"I don't want to ruin your expectations but," Chamber's voice chimed in, he was sitting on a deck chair next to Sova's wearing swimming trunks and an unbuttoned short sleeve shirt exposing his lean upper body.
"Isn't that Gaia over there, approaching us?" The french man's lips curled into an amused smirk. "Personally, I like what I'm seeing."
Following his direction the two looked to their left and immediately saw you.
Sova lets out a laugh and Sage's mouth fell.
"Oh my. . ."
"LET'S GOOO!" You shrieked from afar as you started to run towards the water.
You were literally wearing a black and white striped t-shirt and swimming shorts (yes, like the one from. . .idk old old times) with a bright yellow duck ring floatie around your waist and more floaters on your upper arms. Bright pink goggles already covering your eyes, kicking off your slippers as you neared the shore.
You didn't waste any precious time in jumping into the refreshing waters.
"Was that Gaia?" Brimstone asked.
"Yes. . ." Sage answered with an empty smile. "Out of everything we bought for her. . ."
Astra lets out a light-hearted laugh, "Well, what do you expect from our mother earth."
"Yo! Gaia's finally here." Phoenix announced from the volleyball area. "Chicken fight!"
"I've got the water guns over there!" Jett dashed towards her deck chair.
"Oi! Are we just forgetting this fight?" Yoru frowned, fire still in his eyes to play volleyball.
"Who cares bro, we were gonna win anyway." Phoenix said smugly.
"Why you–" Yoru went after him towards the water. "Get back here!"
"Hey, wait for me!" Neon excitedly dashed her way to the water as well.
Sova put down his towel before running towards the sea, "I call Gaia's team!"
"Not if I get to her first." Chamber suddenly said, running alongside the russian man.
Watching you already enjoy yourself in the water, the two were so close to you when suddenly, out of nowhere, you were raised from the water.
"Ah!" You squealed grabbing a hold of what seemed to be. . . Shoulders?
". . .I wish to participate." He states in his deep voice, carrying you on his shoulders with his head in between your thighs. Jett and Phoenix had just joined in the waters as well with Yoru hot on their trail.
Chamber and Sova almost tripped to a stop.
"Not fast enough huh?" Cypher teasingly mused at the two obviously looked distraught. Sova gave him a weird look.
"Why are you still wearing your work clothes." Sova comments.
From afar, Viper slipped on her shades.
"The children are getting noisier. . ." Viper uttered to herself.
"Lighten up, Viper." Reyna smiles, sipping her drink.
"Today is a great day."
You know what time it is: Cooking time
This time with Jett
This is going to be grand feast for sure
Sova tried to help again like before
Got blocked by Sage though
"I just want to help." Cue cute pleading face Sova
"Sure you do, friend." Sage dismissed, knowing another person might come by as well
It's already a little crowded in the kitchen
Finished a little earlier making dinner
Jett turned a little bit like Gordon Ramsay while cooking
"Where's the sauce??"
"Shit– uh, I'll make it right now."
"Double time, Gaia!"
"Y-Yes chef."
By Brimstone's royal decree, the dinner is now deemed: formal.
Everyone has to wear something formal
Thank gods you have more time to prepare.
You had just finished doing your hair and make-up when you suddenly heard a soft knock on the door.
Quickly getting up, you smoothed over the skirt of your dress and and cleared your throat.
"Come in."
The door slid open and you were face to face with–
"Ah, Chamber." You smiled. "What a nice surprise."
The man looked exquisite with his all-black suit, as always his hair was neat and slick, and that familiar scent of his cologne was starting to waft around your room.
Chamber stepped into your room before gently taking hold of your right hand.
"Ma chèrie," He smiles charmingly. "You look wonderful tonight."
You wore a short yet elegant cream-colored dress with puff sleeves partnered with a big bow styling your loose half up half down hair.
Bending slightly, he placed a soft kiss on your knuckles.
"As do you, monsieur." You grinned. "What brings you here."
"Well," the man sighs, straightening his posture once again. "I would like to have the honor of escorting you, ma belle."
You gave him a light chuckle, "It's just dinner, Chamber It's okay."
He then went to your side and stuck iut his arm.
"But if you insist." You smiled, accepting his offer as you wrapped your hand around his bicep, feeling it tense just a bit as you did.
"I'll take that offer."
As the two of you entered, almost everyone was already there.
"Oh, what's this that I see?" Phoenix grinned. "Gaia and Chamber are finally here!"
Your friends came to greet you as they slowly peeled you from Chamber's hold, complimenting your look and chatting you away from his grasp much to the french man's dismay.
"Well, I'll consider this your redemption from that swimsuit you wore three days ago." Sage joked, linking her arm with yours. "Your dress is adorable! Where did you get it?"
"Your bow reminds me of that old disney movie," Raze comments. "I think it was the little mermaid?" She turned to Killjoy for confirmation and her lover nods.
"Yup, the little mermaid."
You gave them a bright grin, "Thank you, my loves. You all look wonderful as well."
Sage wore a long and flowy baby blue dress while Killjoy and Raze wore matching white suits that were styled to match their own aesthetic.
"Sorry I'm late, everyone." Your eyes turned towards the door and found your mentor at the entrance.
"Woah. . ." You accidentally slipped under your breath
Sova came in wearing a tight black fitted button-up partnered with a dark blue blazer and slacks.
"Sova!" You greeted him with a wave, instantly gaining his attention, he gave you a smile before walking towards your direction.
Sage smiles coyly, pulling you a bit in place, "Ah, excuse us for a moment, Gaia."
"Oh yeah sure."
"Wait hold on I need to ask–" Killjoy was cut off by Sage ushering them out of the scene.
"Later, laterrr."
Exactly when the three of them had gone, Sova had reached you.
"Gaia, you look lovely." He compliments with a soft smile.
"Thank you, you look–" Your eyes accidentally darted towards his chest, catching yourself off guard from the sudden action, you quickly looked up– heart beating a little fast.
"You look dashing."
"Sorry to keep you waiting," Sova utters, a little out of breath. "I went to your room but I guess you already left."
"Ah, yeah," You chuckled shortly, "Chamber came in and asked if he could escort me."
Sova raised an eyebrow, "Did he?"
"Yup, he's right over there now." You nodded your head towards his direction, Sova following your gaze and locked eyes with the weapons designer.
Chamber gave him a smirk before lifting his champagne glass to your direction slightly.
"We're just waiting for Brim, then we can all finally eat." You comment with a sigh, looking over to the buffet of food laid out on the table. "Damn, I wanna eat already. What's taking him so lo–"
You gazed up to Sova with an innocent look, "What is it."
The man didn't say anything, instead he merely glanced up.
"Huh. . ?" Confused, you looked up, eyes widening as you saw what was above the two of you.
'Ah. . .' You could feel your cheeks starting to get hot as you looked at Sova with wide eyes.
Above your heads, there was a mistletoe.
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mikavlcs · 1 year
Hello darling!
Let me tell you, there's nothing better to do during your work break than reading your stories.
Bitch me too, the fuck. I also don't like sharing. I don't have any explosives or torture devices but if I did, they'd be mine and mine alone.
Okay, one. I also decapitated my dolls. And I tore off their limbs... fun times. And two: Pugsley tasted weak. This had me howling, this is SUCH a Wednesday thing to say. I can't, it's hilarious 😂 Poor Pugsley though.
When Pugsley gets bitten I don't care but as soon as Thing gets hurt I will throw hands!
Lol, of course Morticia and Gomez are encouraging Wednesdays torture. They really love her psychotic and maniac dwarf 😁
Well, I agree with Wednesday. Her behavior is reasonable...why would anyone be allowed to taker her things. Let Wednesday express herself and protect her stuff!
Oh no, poor Wednesday. She grew attached and has to deal with it now. How unbearable and painful.
Aww, Wednesday is considering Enid hers. Only she can insult her, that's adorable.
Let's all take a minute of silence for Wednesday cause she is, unfortunately, in love. Poor girl is suffering so much.
Honestly if I saw Wednesday threatening me with a knife I would run TOWARDS her not away from her...
Oh Wednesday. Obviously she doesn't know what Twilight is but that dusk line was too cute 😍 who knew that a homicidal psycho could be so endearing
Lol, if Wednesday would kill for me then I'd let her. You can't stop a psycho from her true nature 😉
Ha, I love the Xavier slander here. Keep it coming!
Oh girl, Tyler is dead. He's not giving up. Wednesday, let's go kill him! Get rid of that bland and boring boy.
Aww, Wednesday enjoys Rs company more than being alone in jail. Who would have guessed that.
"He either got the message or the sheriff would be burying his only son" Omg savage let's gooooo
Lol, Wednesday is competing with Thing for Rs attention. Honestly Thing would win. Every single time...
Clearly Wednesday is only agreeing with R cause her sanity is at risk. Totally not because she is whipped as fuck. Nope.
Thing and Wednesday hurting/pranking people together. I wanna see that!
A sassy and insulting Wednesday really is my favorite. I can't get enough of her. She's just so incredibly sexy and hot when she is threatening someone. Tyler obviously deserves it though. Wednesday is so proud of herself, I love that. She really is the most lovable and endearing killer there is.
And obviously big no, that story didn't suck at all! Don't put yourself down, your writing really is incredible! 😁
hi! skdhd i’m glad i can entertain you at work
same same, i don’t like sharing. idk if i would horde torture devices, but explosives??? absolutely. and you tore your dolls limb from limb? they didn’t deserve that 😭
the pugsley joke is one my favorites i’ve written…i always make myself laugh in the stupidest ways 💀. as a wenclair fan, i will shove enid into every story possible! it’s a full time job, just like slandering xavier and tyler<3 i’ve honestly never seen twilight either so-
thing would definitely steal all of my attention too, he’s best friend material! and him and wednesday pranking students would be funny…might have to incorporate that in a future story.
as always thank youuuu for reading and taking the time to type all this out!! reading these is always so much fun, your thoughts are so funny 😭💞
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