#every interview/piece i mentioned is on my blog s o m e w h e r e so feel free to browse if you're curious
still-we-rise · 2 years
hiii can you please explain to me like i’m 5 who is bono and why is everyone obsessed with him 😭 im not into F1 but i see him on my dash all the time and im sooooo lost 🤡 he hot tho
So basically Bono - his name is Peter Bonnington, Bono is a nickname - is Lewis Hamilton's senior race engineer. This season is their 9th one together, so they're the longest lasting driver-engineer duo in history of this sport, which makes them honestly special af. And they speak to each other and about each other so fondly it makes my brain go brrr (like with Lewis straight up saying he loves him awkdemjenbf, or Bono calling him a rockstar in an interview, or Lewis saying winning is 7th wdc wouldn't be possible without Bono, or- alright you get the idea). I mean look at those mfs:
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As to obsessing over Bono himself, he's just honestly the purest cinammon roll in the world. He has the loveliest voice, a ton of patience, he's professional, sweet and - from what other team members are saying (ex. Angela, Lewis, Toto) - it's always a pleasure to work with him (although he's pretty damn shy T_T). And obviously, he is a preem hunk alright. So what's not to love
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