#every post i made it's just a excuse to talk shit about Roberto and Margarita
blossom-fox · 9 months
I want talk about Nicolas Mora
Hes such an angel, his best friend tells a lie and instead of being mad, he buys flowers, dresses his best suit, and makes a serenata. So cute.
But obviously i wanna make few points:
1. If the Cuartel lives before Armando arrives, Nicolas probably will meet him that night. Betty probably tried to avoid that but I'm not sure she can. I love to imagine that kind of drama.
2. When Don Hermes says "Es un muchacho muy simpático, muy querido, que vive aquí metido en la casa. Es para nosostros, como quien dice el hijo que nunca tuvimos, doctor". We can see all the alarms going off in Armando's head. To other people this is ok, but not only does he think Betty likes Nicolas l, that situation is very trigger for him. I mean... Daniel Valencia is "the son we didn't have" to Roberto Mendoza and they were all raised as siblings but he still ended up engaged to Marcela.
This whole situation is just planting seeds for the paranoia that he will reap in gaslighting arc
Song: N - Nando Reis, AnaVitória
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