#every time yall bring a new cowboy darling i go
darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Logan Delos x reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: insinuation to the trauma that William put Logan through
Author’s Note: It has been a hot minute since I watched Westworld so I left this as vague as my memory is lol. I loveeee Ben Barnes, every character I see him in I am immediately i n love with (yall seen shadow and bone? Those books slap and BEN BARNES!!). I hope you enjoy love !
Requested: by anon, do you still write for westworld? if you do can i request logan x reader of reader taking care of him and helping him after he got out of the park after william left him there ?
Summary: the request
Genre: fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif) (besties he's so handsome)
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You didn’t like to go into Westworld. You would much rather live your life outside of the fantasy world, even if you were dating Logan Delos. He wanted you to go in all of the time but you just insisted that if you went in, there was a chance he wouldn’t be able to get you back out.
He just laughed at that and went off on his way to see the new developments in the park.
You were standing in front of him, fixing up his jacket.
“Try not to kill anyone too important,” you muttered, looking him in the eyes. He had gorgeous eyes. You grabbed his black cowboy hat and put it on top of his head. Logan gave you his signature charming smile.
“Don’t worry, I’m bringing William with me this time and you know what that means; no fun,” he said laughing. You rolled your eyes.
“He’s going to be your sister's husband Logan. I’m your future wife and she treats me with the utmost respect,” you said. He shrugged.
“Doesn’t mean I have to. He’s a prude dear.”
“Give him a chance. Who knows, maybe he’ll surprise you.” He tipped his hat at you and then gave you a kiss. With his hands tracing the small of your back he smiled.
“You’re too optimistic.”
“And you’re too pessimistic.”
“Well you know what it means that I’ve gotten him to go. You’re next.” You rolled your eyes and took a step away from him.
“Keep trying darling.”
You didn’t know William that well. You had met him a couple of times before but never stayed to chat. Usually Juliet was the person you chatted with when the whole family was together and you were away from Logan.
Honestly you wanted to give William the benefit of the doubt but then Logan came back and noted how much William had enjoyed Westworld. Oh well, you figured. It was an alluring place. Then he went back and back.
You knew those kinds of people. Those kinds of people had something sinister inside of them that they couldn’t put forth into the real world so they did it in Westworld.
And Logan came back that one time, distraught.
You were sitting on the couch of your large home, reading a book peacefully. Logan wasn’t scheduled to be back from Westworld until the next day and you didn’t mind the time alone. So when the door flung open you were naturally surprised that someone was in the house.
You jumped, looking up from your book and quickly standing. Logan walked into the room, looking tired and dirty. You just stood there for a moment as you stared at each other. You were confused and he was tired.
Usually he washed up before he came home but clearly something had gone wrong.
“William’s lost his goddamn mind,” he said, voice rough. Your face squinted further in confusion.
“What? What happened?” He turned away from you and slammed his hand against the kitchen table. You rushed up to him and he turned back to you, wrapping his arms around you tightly. He buried his face in your shoulder.
He was silent for a long enough time to make you nervous. If you knew anything about Logan it was that he always spoke his mind when he was comfortable. He was completely quiet now, simply holding you close to him. Clearly something had happened to shake him up.
“We don’t have to talk about it,” you told him quietly. You pulled away from him, resting your hands on his cheeks and examining his worried and dirty face. “Let’s get you cleaned up.”
He followed you up the stairs of your home wordlessly. You walked him to the large bathroom and started to run a bath, checking to make sure the water was warm. It was a very rare sight that you saw Logan being vulnerable. Your mind wandered with the millions of things that William could have done to him in that park. It was still so new but Logan was usually in such control.
The fact that he wasn’t made you jittery.
While the water filled up the tub you stood up and helped him out of his clothes. It was something you had done countless times as a couple but he flinched away when you started and you backed off.
“I want to do it,” he whispered. You nodded and stood back, sitting back at the edge of the bathtub. He stripped slowly and sat his aching body down in the warm water. You sat down on the floor beside him, the only thing between you the tub wall and some water. You turned the knob off and then got on your knees to look at him. You ran your hands through his hair carefully.
He felt completely at peace with your touch. You provided him the calmness that was needed with what he had just been through.
You got his hair wet and then started to scrub down his body as he sat silently as you did so. It was a rare occasion that you got to help him like this and you welcomed it happily. You both sat there in silence, washing him up until his fingers pruned.
He turned to you as you helped him get out of the bath and you helped him put on his robe, leading him away. He sat down on the bed after drying off in his pajamas. Comfort.
You sat beside him.
“Do you want to talk about it?” you asked him. He shook his head slightly. He had regained his composure now, after taking some time for the events to settle in.
“Tomorrow we can talk about it. I’m alright for now.” He grabbed your hand gently and kissed it before placing your palm on his cheek. You rubbed his skin with your thumb and he titled his head into your touch.
“Alright. Let’s get some sleep now then, preparing for tomorrow's battle.” He nodded and opened his arms for you to enter. You put your head on his chest and let out a deep breath as you nuzzled into his shirt. “Goodnight Logan. I’m sorry whatever happened happened.”
He kissed your forehead.
“Me too.”
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