#everyone in his dms like 'hey girly! you dont know me but--'
lostandbackagain · 4 months
idc if it made him miserable I loved everyone at withywoods going "whose goddamn white baby is that" behind fitz's back when they saw bee
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johnnysnostril · 5 years
Lights Out
Chapter Five
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I groaned, feeling like my face was completely swollen. All I could hear around me, was beeping and light chatter. I couldn’t understand what was being said though. Squeezing my eyes tightly, I tried moving my body a little. Feeling pain shooting up my legs and back, I winced and ripped my eyes open. Looking up, I noticed a white ceiling. It smelt really clean and the air was almost as fresh as water. In the process of trying to sit up, I ripped a few chords from their machines.
I was in the hospital, although I couldn't remember how I got here.
“Zoey?” I called out. My voice was hoarse and my throat was so itchy. “Oh honey, don’t move.” 
A nurse came walking in and gently pushed me back down on the bed, hooking my chords back up to the machine. “Everything is alright, just relax and try not to move so much.” I immediately started crying as I thought about Sapphire. “Where are my sisters?” I could feel the tears running down my face as I looked around the room for them.
Junwon’s POV
Looking past the curtains, I glanced out towards the crowd of people. I was actually surprised at how many people decided to show up. Oddly enough, I didn't see Hazel. She was never late and the show was about to start. Pushing the curtain closed, I threw my head back and sighed. I was never nervous, but the fact that Hazel wasn’t here, made me feel that way now. 
“Come on, Haze. pick up.” I mumbled as I listened to her dial tone. Nothing. I tried again but, same result. 
“My man, Ph-1!”
Quickly turning around, I spotted Mr. Jay Park, himself. My mouth hung open a little and I smiled. “What the hell.” I laughed. “You didn’t think I was going to miss this, did you?” we gave each other a quick handshake. “How did you know i was performing tonight?” I asked.
“I stalked your instagram dude. It was actually everywhere on my feed. A few people sent it to me and told me to come and check you out. I'm here with my team.” Jay turned around and pointed to about ten people standing behind him. “Okay, so you roll deep?”
I was shocked that he was here. We talked a few times via dm on instagram and he did say that he liked my music, but I didn't actually think that we would meet in person.
“I wanna run a few things by you tonight.” he said with a huge smile on his face. “It’s an offer you can’t refuse man.”
Hazel’s POV
Laying on my side, I curled into a ball as best as I could. All I wanted was Junwon. 
“Hazel?” I heard Zoey’s voice. I shot my gaze to the entrance of my room and there she stood along side with Sapphire, in hospital gowns. I immediately started crying.
“I’m so happy you guys are okay.” Sitting up slowly, I stood to my feet and opened my arms. They both ran over to me and gently hugged me.
“I’m so sorry..” Zoey mumbled.
“Don’t be. This wasn’t your fault, Zoe.”
She cried on my shoulder before pulling away. “I shouldn’t have drove in the first place.
Sapphire wrapped her arm around my sisters shoulder. “Stop beating yourself up over this. we’re all fine and everything's okay.”
“How are you guys?” I asked sitting back down on the bed.
“Just a sprained wrist, thank god.” Sapphire announced with a soft chuckle. Zoey nodded. “Just a few bruises, but i’m okay.”
“Woojae’s here and he’s worried sick about all of us.” Sapp announced. “So, he went to go get some real food.”
“And Junwon?” I mumbled. “He probably hates me for missing the show.”
Zoey shook her head. “I don’t even think he knows, Hazel.”
I sighed.
“He can’t be mad after he finds out.” Sapphire said approaching the side of the bed. “Do you know his number by heart, we can call him right now.”
I shook my head as she picked up the phone, ready to dial. “I don’t even know my mom’s num- Oh my god! Mom.”
Zoey sat down next to me. “She’s on her way. I already know that I’m so dead when she gets here too.” She admitted.
“She’ll be happy that we’re alive Zoe, stop.”
later that night
the ride home was quiet. mom and her boyfriend sat in the front seat, holding hands like they were on a romantic boat ride of something. yeah, she was worried, but i was expecting a different outcome.
zoey’s head was rested on my shoulder and she was slowly falling asleep. i winced as pain shot through my back. i lied to the doctors when i told them i was fine. i just wanted to go home, badly. tonight was a complete mess and i just wanted to be in my bed.
getting up the stairs, zoey helped me to my bed.
“you know i can walk on my own.” i joked. she didn’t respond. i watched as she pulled back my sheets and picked out a pair of pajamas for me.
“sheesh, shut up- will ya?” i chuckled.
her eyes shot up and she had the look of a baby deer, who was lost in the woods.
“i said it’s not your fault.” i calmly repeated. zoey looked down at started to play with the fabric on the sheets.
“i feel like it is though..” 
i slowly climbed into my bed and zoey did the same.
Junwon’s POV
after the performance, i waited outside the venue and expressed how extremely happy i was that everyone came.
as the crowd started to die down, i leaned against the hood of my car and dialed hazel’s number again. still nothing, so i decided to leave her a voicemail. 
i was pissed.
why would she just diss me like this?
“hey..i don’t know where you are or if you’re still mad at me or whatever. i think it’s pretty fucked up that you missed my show tonight.”
i sighed and paused for a moment.
“you’re probably with bryan.”
just saying his name made my blood boil.
“i dont even know why you’re with the kid. how do you ditch me for someone who doesn’t value you, hazel? i’m always fucking there for you and you know i value your time and i would never-”
i stopped myself.
“i just feel so damn stupid cause i had something really special planned for you.. for us, and you just.. whatever”
hanging up the phone, i shut my eyes and clenched my jaw.
“trouble in paradise?” i heard jay’s voice say. i quickly switched up my attitude and chuckled. “nah, i'm definitely single, bro.” 
the words pinched my sides.
“well, you’re in luck cause someone was really feelin the show.” jay nodded in the direction of a small framed girl who stood just off to the side, with the rest of his crew. i glanced over at her and she smiled, tucking some hair behind her ear.
i thought of hazel for a moment. 
she’s got an entire boyfriend, so who cares if i entertain this chick.
“she’s single.” he added.
smiling back at her, i felt my anger slowly disappear.
“so, how does korea sound bro?” jay asked as he changed the subject.
caught off guard, i furrowed my brows. “what?” i turned my attention back to him.
“i wanna sign you. but i need you in korea.” jay laughed. my eyes got big. “wait, you wanna sign me?” i said confused. “why else did you think i showed up tonight? i wanted to see if you were down to be apart of h1ghr music.”
what he was saying, still wasn’t connecting in my head. “so, you wanna sign me?” i repeated. jay rolled his eyes in a playful manner.
“yes, dude. think about it. here’s my number.” he said slipping me a piece of paper. “think about it and get back to me by the end of next week.”
i took the paper and glanced at it.
“we’re going to an after party at this club, wanna join us? tons of beautiful ladies will be there, plus your little secret admirer.” he said rubbing his hands together. “maybe you guys can get to know each other.”
the next day
Hazel’s POV
the next morning, i woke up to laughter coming from downstairs. i furrowed my brows and sat up, making my way to the hallway.
i tilted my head as i heard sapphire’s voice.
“sapp?” i yelled out. “haze? you awake?” her voice was happy and i could tell she was skipping over to me by the sound of her shoes.
“hi.” she said looking up at me. i leaned over the ponywall and smiled down at her. “what are you doing here?” i laughed. “get yourself together, you’re coming with me today.”
i shook my head. “for what?” sapphire groaned and stomped up the stairs. “go! zoey needs to get herself together too. we’re going to be late.”
“late for what?” i asked.
moments later
getting in the car with sapphire, i sighed. it felt so weird to be in a vehicle after the accident.
“so, where are we going exactly?” zoey said strapping her seatbelt on.
“my house- we need a girly time and i’m also throwing a party tonight and i need some help setting up.” she smiled back at zoey through the review mirror.
i looked over at sapphire. “a party? sapphire, we just got into a car accident. how do you have to energy to have a party?” i said annoyed.
she rolled her eyes and sighed as she began driving. “look, we almost lost our lives last night. by the grace of god, we’re alive and that deserves to be celebrated.”
as we pulled up to sapphire’s house, zoey gasped. “no way! this is your freakin house?” she shouted. sapphire laughed. “its my parents’ house, i just happen to be their roommate.”
walking in, zoey grabbed my hand- squeezing it tight.
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“remind me why you’re always at our house.” i said sighing. every time i walked into sapphire’s house, i instantly felt like a peasant.
“cause, it’s too quiet here. i hate it. the place is too big for just one person all the time.” she wined.
as we walked through the entrance, she lead us up the double stairs and into her room.
sapphire’s room
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“sapphire, you’re not allowed to come over anymore. we’re moving in.” zoey said standing in the door frame. sapphire laughed. “be my guest. my parents are never here.”
later that night
looking through sapphire’s closet, i groaned. “sapp, i wont be able to pull any of these off. can’t i just stay up here while you have your party?”
she shot her eyes up from her phone. sapphire was busy sending out invitations via text message and dm.
“absolutely not. now move.” she laughed. making her way towards her closet, she went straight to a tan dress with sleeves. “this. now go get dressed so we can do your hair.” sapphire patted me on the head and shooed me away.
“as for the princess, this one will look amazing on you.” 
as i walked past zoey, her eye lit up and i shook my head.
hazel’s outfit:
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sapphire’s out:
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zoey’s outfit:
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as the house started to fill with people and the music blasted, i felt so out of place. zoey was out in the center of the floor, dancing with sapphire like we never got into an accident in the first place. i didn’t want to do much moving since my back was on fire. even these heels were hard to walk in.
i walked over to the kitchen, grabbing something to drink. i said hi to a few familiar faces then made my way back over to the bottom of the stairs and took a seat. i kept a close eye on zoey, since wondering eyes were already drooling over her. as i took a sip of my drink, i heard sapphire squeal.
that was the ‘woojae just walked into the room’ squeal.
i turned towards the door and seen him and junwon walking inside. i dropped my drink, letting it spill all over my dress. 
he was with another girl. 
she was glued to his side as they pranced through the crowd of people. sapphire’s smile instantly faded as she spotted the female with junwon.
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