#everyone remembers where they were the day big red said 'i'm big red i'm ashlyn's boyfriend and i'm bi'
xuargent · 4 months
do you guys remember when 'big red' rednovich the third came out as bisexual on international tv in the trailer for a documentary he wasn't even in before he told any of his friends (including his best friend and girlfriend) for seemingly no reason other than that he thought it'd be funny? because i do.
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sankta-starkova · 9 months
024; most likely too
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summary: the one where ej and andy realise that there may be some romantic feelings between them that hadn't been there before, or had they? the new year test this revelation
wordcount: 1.4k
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The group all sat there in rehearsal, Andy yawning at how early in the morning it was.
"Hi, thank you all for coming to rehearsals in the morning. I know its a crazy day with the career fair and all but given all your behavior last week, I believe we are lucky to be rehearsing at all," Miss Jenn explained.
They could all hear the disappointment in her voice at the way that they had acted.
"Okay. I'm just gonna say it, Zack Roy stole out Beast mask. Why are you not freaking out?" Carlos questioned.
Andy nodded her head in agreement. EJ kept reaching over, brushing his finger against hers and smiling innocently whenever she shot him a glance telling him to stop or they'd expose themselves.
"Because winners don't freak out Carlos," Miss Jenn said, nodding her head, "When they go low, we sing high,
"Uh, have either of you seen Nini?" Ricky asked Big Red and Andy who were on either side of him.
"Every time I open Instagram," Big Red said, holding up his phone to show Ninis singing page.
"I think he means here in school," Andy explained and Big Red nodded his head.
"Okay let's rehearse. EJ, remember where you are emotionally, Belle has just rebuked your marriage proposal and LeFou is rallying the guys to boost you back up. Let's hit it," she said.
"Dont forget to start on your left foot at the start of the chorus," Gina said, turning to EJ and Andy.
"Thank you. Anything else?" He asked and Gina nodded.
"Dont be distracted by your girlfriend, I dont care how secret you two are, his heart eyes are gonna give it away," Gina said, smiling at them.
Andy felt the blush growing on her cheeks and she looked away, hoping that nobody had heard that.
"And don't fall over," Andy suggested, EJ laughed, smiling at her.
Every day it was becoming more and more difficult to not show their relationship off but he wanted Andy to feel comfortable, and if she wanted to wait a little while to tell everyone. He'd wait, he'd wait a hundred years for her if he had to.
Andy and Gina walked over to the stands, sitting in front of Ashlyn who cheered Big Red on.
Seb started playing the song and Big Red started singing. Everyone cheered him on.
It was hard for Andy to take her eyes off of EJ, despite the fact that Big Red was acing the performance.
Everyone applauded for them, EJ getting up at his part, "As a specimen yes I'm intimidating," he sang, flexing his muscles and shooting Andy a wink.
They continued to sing, Andy blushing profoundly at his gesture. "When I said don't be obvious, I didn't mean show of your muscles and flirt with your girlfriend," Gina said.
Andy chuckled, her face still burning as she looked at EJ. Gina smiled at her friend, the two laughing about it before focusing on his and Big Red performance.
He started juggling a bunch if eggs, everyone applauding him and Big Red. The boys were amazing, nobody able to compare to their talent.
"Dancers, glorious. Big Red, hilarious. And EJ, victorious," Miss Jenn said and he smiled, everyone applauding.
"Nice emotional connection to the material," Carlos said. EJ had the biggest grin on his face, smiling at the fact that he finally managed to get that right.
He had been wanting to be able to grow as an actor ever since and it was nice to know he'd finally gotten it right.
"And as much as I hate to break that connection, I'm afraid I'm the bearer of some bad news," Mr Mazzara said as he walked in, "We just got a call from the disciplinary board of an organisation I'm not sure even exists,"
He then explained that the production had to be shut down for a week as punishment for the trespassing. Everyone gasped, even though North High received the same punishment.
"Miss Jenn, we can't lose a whole week when we haven't even started blocking the second act yet," Carlos stated.
"We are going to keep our heads down and our chins up," she said unconvincing.
"I don't...I don't think thats physically possible," Seb said, trying to do it himself.
"Its an expression Sebastian," Miss Jenn scolded, not seeing the hurt expression on Sebs face as she said that.
The school bell rang and EJ and Andy started walking to the next lesson, Andy complementing him on everything.
He had the biggest grin on his face as they talked about the rehearsal. She sat down in class, him sitting in front of her.
They sat there, EJ turning around to talk to Gina, Carlos, Andy and Seb, "Do guys have any guesses on the guest speaker?" He asked.
"Unless it's Alan Menken himself coming to apologise for what happened to us, I'm not here," Carlos explained.
"Ooh, I would die if it was like, Greta Gerwig," Seb said, a huge smile on his face.
"As long as she brings Timothée Chalamet or Saiorse Ronan, they're so hot," Andy said, her and Seb smiling at each other, "And great actors of course,"
"You know you're not picking the person, right?" Carlos questioned, Seb shrugging his shoulders.
There was something weird going on between the duo and Andy had only just noticed it.
"Whoever it is, I'm sure they'll remind us to seize the day and then let it go," EJ said, Andy nodding.
"Every year, same speech, but I'm still rooting for it being Satan one year," she confirmed, EJ smiling at her.
He laughed at her silly little joke and she looked over at him.
It was surprising that everyone hadn't noticed how head over heels he was for her yet with all those grins and flirty looks.
"Class, class, I am thrilled to present one of East High most generous benefactors," their teacher said as a man walkes in.
Andy saw EJ tense up instantly. It was his dad. She reached over - because she sat behind him - and gently squeezed his shoulder before watching him sink down into his chair.
"Mr Cash Caswell with tips on success in life," Mrs Day explained and everyone applauded except for Andy and EJ.
"Called it," Andy whispered to herself, talking about the fact that she knew Satan was visiting today.
"Students, its an honour. Success is all about legacies. The ones that we inherit, the ones that we build," he explained.
Andy couldn't see EJ's face but she knew he was uncomfortable, he never was happy when his dad was around.
"I'm lucky to have a son that carries the Caswell name with pride," he explained, "In fact, I wasn't going to do this today but come on up here Eej,"
EJ looked around before standing at the front of the class, "This isn't gonna go well," Andy said to Gina who was sitting next to her.
"Oh come on, his dad seems like an okay guy," Gina said, not knowing what Andy knew.
She had known him for so long and had known the family that she knew what Cash Caswell could be like. He was manipulative and a had person to him.
"Just wait," she said, staring at EJ at the front. She gave him a reassuring smile, one that he struggled to return.
"My father gave me this when I got into Duke, now its yours," Cash said and EJ looked at it confused
Everyone applauded, Andy joining in but seeing that her boyfriend was clearly distressed.
She knew that he hadn't gotten in. She had been there to comfort him when it had happened so she was confused what was going on now.
Cash whispered something in EJs ear before EJ sat down, holding his Duke jumper in his hands and putting on a fake smile.
"Now, how many of you are familair with the phrase, seize the day?" Cash asked.
"You okay?" Andy whispered, leaning over her desk.
He looked back at her, shaking his head, "I'm fine," he said. She wanted to just reach over and pull him into a hug and promise everything was gonna be okay but she couldn't.
She knew that there was something going on here and she was going to get to the bottom of it.
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@maggiecc @hesfasttandshesweird
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