#ewwww turtleneck
bougiebutchbitch · 2 years
Absolutely disgusted with the chronic absence of armpit hair in the Naruto series cause either all Anbu carry Nair around like an essential or they all shave before wearing their gay ass little sleeveless turtleneck.
this made me WHEEZE
they're actually like swimmers...... they shave their entire body nightly for streamlining purposes
the ANBU gossip culture is bitchy as fuck. Did you see Raccoon's armpit hair during drills yesterday? Ewwww.
as part of the hazing process, they dump new recruits in a vat of XXX-strong Nair and the body hair just never goes back. unlucky members go right under and come out bald
uniform regulations. in a back room of konoha is a weird little ANBU uniform maker who INSISTS that all her boys and girls be sleek and shiny. for reasons. no she is not taking criticism.
it's about leaving no DNA traces at crime scenes they perpetuate undercover, in Konoha's name. Ideally they should shave their heads too, especially since every now and then some twit of a kid joins ANBU with bright white hair and thinks no one's gonna recognise his stupid paintbrush head just because he's wearing a mask but, I digress
they're having a secret in-house competition to see who can regulate their hair growth via chakra for longest. every so often they pull down each other's pants to check each other's concentration hasn't slipped and they've grown a stray pube. people have walked in on this. the ANBU don't explain.
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etn-story-archive · 3 years
Enter the Nomicon - Chapter 2: Meeting Nomi
The early rays of morning cut through Randy's dark green curtains, shining directly in his closed eyes.
"Ugh...five more minutes..." He buried himself deeper into his blankets. However, the soft melodious sound of a flute suddenly jolted him awake.
“What the?” Randy sat up, rubbing his blue eyes before looking around until he realized something. “Where's the Nomicon!?”
Quickly jumping to his feet and forgetting the sound of the flute, he began to search frantically for the book, but came up with nothing.
"Randy, honey, are you awake?"
The teen froze dead in his tracks. Had his mother found the Nomicon? Had she read it?! What if she knew he was the ninja!? Randy swallowed hard, being distracted by the flute. Who was playing that? 
Realizing that he hadn't replied to his mother he yelled back, "Uh, yeah Mom, I'm up!"
"Oh, good! Honey, someone is here to visit you. They said they're a friend of yours! He said his name is...Nomi Conikos? Did I say that right? Yeah? Okay sorry there...so I was just going to tell you that I'm going to be gone for the day, so don't stay up too late okay? Just because it's the weekend doesn't mean you can, got it!?"
Randy nodded but stopped when he realized she couldn't see him. "Uh, yeah Mom, got it!" Who the heck was No-me Cone-y-koss?
"Alright then. I'll be on my way. Bye honey!” There was a short pause. “Oh, you should invite Howard over! I made cookies for you three!" She slammed the front door closed. 
The flute instantly stopped.  Randy listened to the sound of his mother's car speeding off the driveway before the flute continued its song. 
Cautiously, Randy made his way to his door, grabbing the ninja mask out of his backpack before making his way downstairs. He was careful not to make a sound. He trekked down the stairs.
"I know you're there. I can hear you breathing."
Randy nearly jumped out of his own skin at the voice. After catching his breath, he relaxed, not letting his guard down. He walked down the last few steps, skipping the last one.
He poked his head out to see a thin boy wearing a strange cape. It was black with red markings that looked eerily familiar. On the inside of the cape it was similar to the color of an old scroll paper, and it covered him from the nose down, concealing his body from Randy's curious eyes. Another strange detail was that there was a strange glowing green clip of some sort that was shaped like the ninja's mask resting at his chest. The boy's hair was a dark reddish orange, his eyes a dark brown, and his skin was peachy. He held a frown as he stared at Randy.
"I don't bite." His voice held an accent that was extremely noticeable.
“He's Japanese,” thought Randy. He walked towards the redheaded teen, who pulled out a small flute made of bamboo and began playing it. So he was the one who was playing that thing.
“Who the juice is he!?” 
Noticing Randy’s expression, the redhead quickly stopped playing the small flute, startling Randy out of his reverie in the process. "You seem confused."
Randy nodded. "Well duh! Who the juice are you—?!"
The other boy quickly silenced the taller of the two with a raised hand. "My name is Nomi-"
"No-mi what?" Randy interrupted him.
The redhead rolled his eyes. "Nomi Conikos, and you certainly are denser than I thought. Makes me question why I chose you to be the ninja."
That caught the teen's attention. "What!? I'm not the ninja! Pfft, I don't-" While he continued to babble (rather pathetically), Nomi raised a brow in slight annoyance and quickly cut him off.
"-Randy Cunningham, I know you're the ninja, and honestly, that was pretty pathetic. Do you honestly want to know who exactly I am, or more precisely, what I am?" 
Catching the emphasis on the word, Randy felt himself stiffen, squeezing the ninja mask which he held tightly in his fisted hand. He nodded.
"You're missing the Nomicon, correct?" There was slight hint of annoyance as Randy winced before nodding. "Well let me relieve you of that worry..." He trailed off as if to add a more dramatic effect. 
It worked, as Randy clutched the mask even tighter as a bead of sweat rolled down the side of his face. Nomi watched him calmly as he spoke;
"I am the Nomicon."
The news startled Randy so much that he nearly fell flat on his face, but he caught himself. Much to Nomi’s surprise, the taller male whooped. "Ohoho that is sooo totally BRUCE! I didn't know you could do that!" 
Randy babbled and boasted on for a little longer, but Nomi’s hand shot out in a blur and landed on Randy's mouth, instantly shutting him up. Randy blinked in shock and surprise.
Nomi watched, amused, as Randy tried to remove his hand from his face. Finally after much a struggle, he removed his hand from his mouth. Rubbing his mouth, Randy glared at the human Nomicon.
"Okay, what was that for!?"
The other boy looked serious. "I can't let any other being apart from the ninja know what I am, who I am, and/or that I can change between forms on my own will." Nomi sighed. "But knowing you, you're going to tell your boyfriend about me. Am I right?"
Randy's face turned red. "Ewwww, dude, I am so not Howard's boyfriend! Secondly we're best friends! BROS! And lastly, duh, I'm gonna tell him! He already knows I'm the ninja."
The redhead frowned. “Yes, I know that. Rule number one is to never let anyone know your secret even if they are your, erm, bros."
Randy pouted, but then remembered yesterday’s incident with the robot mutt. “Hey, how come you didn't help me out when one of Mcfist's robots attacked me!? I was late to school and I had to go to detention!"
Nomi didn't seem fazed by the other teen's anger. "And if I hadn't, you would have been vulnerable, and you would have been thrown halfway across the city, and would most likely have died, so, you shouldn't be scolding me, you should be thanking me." He huffed.
At that Randy couldn't argue and once again pouted. "Fair enough. Hey, how come you never turned human before?" 
Nomi's eyes widened before suddenly grabbing Randy's hand and yanking him back to his room. Quickly locking the door, he turned to Randy. In a swift yank he removed the strange cape, revealing a suit. 
The suit black and it looked similar to the ninja's suit, but the markings were different. It was the only real difference between the two suits including that he didn't have a mask to conceal his identity like the ninja.
There was certainly more muscle than his cape revealed before. Randy blushed, lightly rubbing his arm. "Err, Nomicon—" 
"Just call me Nomi."
"Uh, yeah N-Nomi, what the juice are you doing?!"
The other male seemed confused by his flustered expression. "Concealing my identity so I blend in. By the way, mind if I borrow some of your clothes?"
Randy's face turned a deeper scarlet as the other male began stripping out of his suit. "Y-yeah sure, but mind answering my question?"
The redhead paused before nodding. "Yes." 
The two turned away from each other, Nomi removing the black and red suit, and Randy searching through his room for any clean clothes he had discarded somewhere. Finally, he came across a black turtleneck, a light green jacket, a fresh pair of boxers, blue jeans, socks and shoes. He quickly tossed them one by one to Nomi who caught them with ease.
As the redhead began throwing on the clothes, he began his explanation. "I rarely ever reveal my human persona. I only do so if something big is going to happen. I sense the sorcerer has become stronger and will escape soon if not now."
Randy blinked, forgetting the fact that the boy in front of him was still naked, standing only in the grey briefs he had tossed him just a second ago. "So? I'm the ninja. I'm supposed to kick his stanky butt back to where he came from!" With that he struck different common karate poses.
Nomi shook his head before sliding on the turtleneck. "No, I haven't taught you all you need to know to fight him. He is dangerous and being that I am the Nomicon, I know everything needed to fight him and win."
"Then teach me! I can learn it all before he escapes!"
Nomi began tying his shoes. "No ninja can master it all in the short time we have. Only one has."
Randy jumped excitedly. "WHO!?"
Once again the Nomicon had left Randy absolutely speechless. He had come to a halt with his excited jumping. "Y-you? But you aren't. I mean you-"
Nomi let out a shaky breath, his back turned to him. "No. I mean...I was at first. I was the very first ninja, and the Nomicon's original creator. I had battled the sorcerer and won. I had imprisoned him myself...except..." The redhead stared at his feet before composing himself back to his serious self. "The bastard managed to fuse my soul with the book. I couldn’t be the ninja anymore...I’ve been choosing a new ninja every year since who was a freshman with a hero’s heart. Of course, back then you had to be at least fourteen years old with a hero’s heart. They not only have to protect Norrisville, they have to protect the world.” Nomi sighed, turning to face Randy. "I've been considered the Nomicon for eight-hundred and a half years. I guess you can't exactly consider myself human anymore." He chuckled bitterly before sucking in a sharp breath. "Which is why I'm here. You can't handle both Mcfist and the sorcerer. I will handle him while you handle Mcfist. The idiot isn't even worth my time. Honestly, I've seen puppies and kittens with more evil intentions than him."
Randy laughed. Nomi gave him a ghost of a smile before he furrowed his brows in thought. 
"But Nomi, if I'm the ninja, don't you have to keep teaching me? Maybe you can teach me as much as you can. If you can't teach me everything, then I'll let you fight the sorcerer and I'll just get the benefit of knowledge.”
Randy's suggestion had broken Nomi's train of thought. 
The sly grin on Randy's face said it all. A true hero’s heart. Nomi smirked. "Fine, but you either have to be home schooled, or you have to quit school. Or maybe I can go to school with you. I don’t care."
Randy grinned. “Well, Mom definitely doesn't have time to homeschool me, and I can't quit unless I want to get murdered by her, so you'll have to come with me. But how are we going to get you in?"
"I have special abilities that can help."
"Like what?"
"Just trust me," Nomi said. "Now come on. Knowing you, we're going to go to your friend's house to introduce me, so hurry up. We don't have time to lose." He grabbed Randy's old gym bag, stuffing his suit inside. Randy caught a glance at the long sword inside before they began making their way downstairs and out the front door.
As they walked, Randy was bombarding Nomi with millions of questions (in which he only answered with a 'yes' or a 'no').
“Hey Nomi?"
"I saw your ninja sword, or whatever you call it..."
"How come your sword is bigger than mine?"
Nomi smirked. Randy's face turned red as he quickly realized how wrong the question sounded.
"Well I didn't know you were the kinky type, let alone into men, Cunningham." 
The look on Randy's face was beyond priceless. 
Still smirking, Nomi chuckled. "Heh, just kidding. No, well I didn't create anything on the suit. I welded my 'long' sword."
At the emphasis of the word 'long', Randy felt his cheeks heat up in embarrassment. "T-then who did?"
The redhead answered with a sense of pride. "My Grandfather Nobuyuki did. He was one of the greatest Sensei’s. He had taught me everything I know now, and so I wrote it all in a book, the Nomicon. My grandfather created the suit with the finest threads, created the strongest metals with titanium and diamonds, and bonded each item together with a magic more powerful than the sorcerer's."
"That is so totally Bruce!" Randy fangirled over the information, but felt a pang of sadness for Nomi.
It must have been terrible to be inside a book for eight hundred and a half years. What about his family? And friends? Heck, what about going to the bathroom? Did he just hold it in?
He didn't get the chance to ask as they had arrived at Howard's home.
Randy knocked on the door. The doorknob jiggled before Heidi, Howard's older sister, answered the door, not opening it all the way. Clicking her tongue, she looked over her shoulder and up the stairs, yelling at the top of her lungs, "Howard, your twig of a friend Dandy-"
"-Andy is here!"
Howard answered. "I'll be down there in a second! Geez, don't get your panties in a twist!"
"SHUT UP HOWARD!" Heidi hissed. She turned back to Randy before opening the door all the way and was surprised to see Nomi. He stared at her unimpressed as she suddenly giggled girlishly.
"And who exactly are you? Come to see me?"
Nomi snorted. "My name is Nomi Conikos, and I didn't come to see you, you disgusting sea hag...oh wait, that's an insult to them. I didn't come to see your hideous face, especially since you just insulted my friend."
The girl stared utterly shocked. Randy was also shocked. It was certainly a feat to out-sass the fiery redhead and that was obvious when Heidi simply stared, trying fruitlessly to form words. Much to both teens' surprise, the girl let out a dreamy sigh.
"I love a guy who knows how to use their tongue."
Nomi rolled his eyes with a snort just as Howard came downstairs, oblivious to Nomi's insult to his sister.
"Who else did you say was here? I didn't hear-" Howard saw Nomi. The two made eye contact, Nomi's expression unfazed while Howard seemed confused. He looked over to Randy for answers.
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detectivesofty · 4 years
live commtentary of the new episodes, whoop whoop!
Let’s start off with fire!!
ngl, Stella’s storyline doesn’t really interest me...
yikes Brett and Casey
pls no
what about Gabs
why do I feel like smth bad’s gonna happen on this call??
where tf is Gianna
lmaoooo that standing desk I can’t
that Chief definitely doesn’t like Stella
poor mouch :((
suspend him???
oh dang
pretty sure he’s not the messenger in this scenario but go off
Kelly probably reminds Boden of his wife
ugh Crockett
Mr. Booker’s probably gonna die
Maggie is so annoying
I hate everyone fuck hahah
poor Daniel :(
April is literally so annoying
“he yanked me off the covid ward even though he knows how I feel”???? So WHAT
she never would’ve disrespected her Chief if it wasn’t Ethan
sooo why aren’t they wearing masks anymore??
something’s off with that patient
I deadass thought Lannik was gone
I am rolling my eyes so hard
what is up with this Lisa girl
omg kidnapped??
aw Mrs. Webber ;(((
oh my godddd  I am crying
ew why did we have to end with that scene?
Adam and Kim
aww ‘soft door don’t wake her up’ :(((
I think he would look REALLY good in a turtleneck 👀
I love jay
Jay my mans
I’m sorry I’m really annoying😂😂
I’d smile at you too, jay
Lmaooo Jay’s like ‘not again’
This must be so hard for Kim
Poor girl man
Oh my gododdddd
Lmaooo ‘she always is’
Bruh Kim is throwing major hearteyes
Plssss I can’t take this
Adam is like ‘we’re friends without dating’ but he’s also like 😍😍😍 when Kim is in the room
Wtf does that mean
This episode is so good
Lmaooo Adam sitting on that bench and ignoring that girl
Please let Adam and jay talk about Kim
Lmaooo QUEEN
Jay is so impressed
He’s also so hot
Oof Kim is a fricking queen
‘When WE got pregnant’😭😭😭😭
‘Are we hanging tonight’😭😭😭
I’m just over emotional over kim and Adam man
Awwwwww the small ‘Kathy!’
Mikayla didn’t even say bye
I missed jay
The way jay’s smile dropped
I knew that she wasn’t going to take it
Ewwww nooooo
Fuck are you kidding me
That kiss was just weird, or is it just me?? Idk man
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ophelia-hendrix · 5 years
Badass Agent and Feral Trash Son
quotes by @warrioroflondonbelow 
- “Your kidney’s are gone.” - *both seal claps* - “Is that discount Joquin Phonix.” - RIP Joaqiun. I loved you in Joker, I’ll miss youuuuu! - *sees the whole London skyline* I wonder where we are. Italy - *Sings Blue* - *chanting Ass! Ass! Ass!* - “Do they have to be so British? They have a Union Jack outside the building. We get it!” - I love that leeeeewk - *Talks about London hotel bathrooms* - *Sees mugshot* he looks like he could kill kids - *Both cheering loudly for James mcAvoy* - *Too excited* IT’S BILL! - Is this an AU for IT? - Fuck you James garbage man - Ooooooh my son! How I missed you - Go boi! - James your outfits are awful I wanna burn them - Ah there we go! Right for the balls - You garbage pale child - Oh is that Sofia Nutella?  - There you are you trash son - * Thea wants to touch, Chris does not.” - The outfits here are garbage, they found it in the sewer - I knew it was that song! (Nena plays) - What is that dance. Oh deer - Where is my trash boi? My garbage stink boy - Oh RIP discount Joaquin - *Chris senses her trash son* I can sense him. My trash son - Oh he’s into it *as he’s choked* - He’s so horney. That’s his traits. He’s horny, feral and trash. - Oh his accent son! - Wait? That gets you off????  - I’m gonna name my children Spyglass and Satchel - They are suckers for tradition - It is a dead rabbit! NOOOOOO - OOF! OH RIGHT IN THE NUTS! - My skin in instantly cleared after that scene - OOOOh the turtleneck! Yaaaas! - That is a waste of a good book! - He’s half rat - Noooo honey noooo! You look DIIIIsgusting. Change your clothes! - Why is he so disgusting? Who said he could be this disgusting? Can’t he just look normal and not disgusting! - James get out of here you disgusting garbage man! - I started out with I miss my boy! and now I’m at “get away from me you disgusting man!” - I need to bleach his digustiveness  - LOOK AT THAT UNIT! THAT BARTENDER IS SO CUTE! I can see him in the background - *Cheers with me about my famous “your mum” joke*  - *Accent* “they are gonna fuqq! THEY ARE GONNA KIIIIIS!” - *sees James* EW! EWWWWW! WHAT IS HE WEARING! EWWWW! *dry heaves* - I need to go off on my boy. He deserves it. He’s absolute filth - *dry heaves when she sees James* ewwww! ewwwww! *sees him taking off his cast. Dry heaves louder EW THAT ARM HAS TO SMELL! - Hell yes watchmaking - *Excited about dogs* Whos a good boy? You are! Guess who’s not? JAMES! - *Chris dies ovwer me impersinating her* - I’m so looking forward to watching Inception. I’m gonna see a decent human being. Oh my god he’s gonna bless my ass I swear! - *makes growling sounds when Charlize beats up a man* - She’s beating up Macklemore! - Stab him! Stab him! *chants*  - EWWWW OH NOOOO *when a guy has let's sticking out of his check*  - *laughs at my disgust followed by dry heaving with me* - *both awe over Chris’s dog* - *Both chants Bill! Bill!* - *laughs at another successful Your Mom joke* - Wait for my trash boy? Oh no what are you wearing? Stop being so gross! EWWWWW! WHAT IS THAT COAT! That fur! Ew *gags* It’s probably a raccoon! He caught it with his bare hands! He found it in the garbage where he lives! I have no love for my son. - I hate my hate-love relationship with my son - That one guy was so into it! What the fuck? *laughs* - They are kissing on the loveboat tm? Oh nevermind she has a gun! - Honestly, Thea what is wrong with us? Seriously.  - *Keeps saying WAIT! like 8 times in different pitches* - Get to the fuqing! - HEEEEEY!!! OH WOW oof okay. I’m gonna go look at my wall now. This is wow- they-okay...they spent a lot of time on this scene.  - You trash bastard where are you. THERE HE IS! - DO IT! STAB HIM! YEEEEESSSSSS - Now he’s a murderous trashboy.  - I love that little kiss on the watch *kissing noises* - Oh my god. Is this the next avengers??? they will unite - I wanna see Mr. Grey dominate Thanos for the stones - James’s superpower will be trash. He will throw  - John Goodman is wearing a PB hat, this must be a shared universe - I can smell hikm. Where is he! THERE HE IS! Oh god can you burn that? OH MY GOD - I hope you keel over cause alcohol poisoning you bastard.  - Oh god no!  - *Both thirst over his face* - Why does he always look turned on - Shut up you baby bastard! Fuck you with your stupid, stupid grin. Shove it - The only breeding qualities is his eyes and that accent - The NEECCC - The trash car! - *Chris’s dog suddenly howls* You don’t like the trash boy either! No you don’t! - Oh my god what is that coat! It looks like a garbage bag - Ey! Bill’s back - He’s trying to look cool - Bill is my shining beacon - Awww! he looks like normal human being! He can dress himself! But he chosen not to! - There you go! You look- thank god. I don’t feel like dry heaving anymore - I have to say. With the accent and James in uniform, it tickles my pickle  - Golden boy? You mean trash boy - Ooooh that’s a lewk.  - Bear pussy *wheezes* what the fuck - NOOOOOOOOO! OH! James with your pussy hat - Fuck off James and your posts hat - Your whispering is the equivalent of seaweed against my legGet t - *Bad accent while there is a shootout*  - OH MY GOD SHE KILLED MACKLEMORE! - *Both shouts YEET!* - She went for the NEEEECCCCC - Wait! Did she murk MACKLEMORE? I’M NOT THERE YET WAAAAIT - oh my god! Macklemore is alive! Holy shit! Come on! Murk him! IS HE DEAD! Macklenomore - *both wheezing at that* - *unintelligent yelling same as the guy* - He did *her abuela voice* - She’s a fish! - Where is the trash raccoon in all of this! - *both shouts BILL!* - Oh there he is!  - Look how small he is compared to John Goodman - The accent is back. Beautiful  - *Chris remembers why she loves him cause blue eyes* His English accent when he's mad is my kink - James shut up! *when he makes a rude comment about women*  - No! The RACCOOOON! - Fuck off!  - I love James but I have Pervical  - I mean....Yes I would only if he’s in uniform *talks about how Chris would cling Percival like a tree*  - Can you please sit like a normal human! I can smell your open legged stench from here - Stab the filth! - He’s a dumb hoe in this film - *gags over his fashion*  - Your pain is my happiness when you’re percival James - Can he just do audiobooks with that accent? - *Both thirsting over James’s accent* - Oh goodbye my Trash Prince - Can he fucking take me? - That sound physically hurts when he makes that noise before he cries - I know you're a garbage son but I don’t like seeing you in this much pain - NO HE’S HEAVING NO! - MY BOY! MY BOOOOOY! *cries* - JAMES DID NOTHING! HE WAS JUST FERAØ - Odd choice for London Calling in Paris - Are thy gonna fucc? No she is gonna kiiiiil - *laughing at my joke* - Your brain fucking melted - *Both sings Under Pressure* - Oh this was so good. This movie is so good.  - Thank you Thea, YEEET!
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