#except his gg was next to him
zhansww · 6 months
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Wei Wuxian + Crying
"Can someone tell me... what I'm supposed to do now?"
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rainbowsky · 4 months
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@accio-victuuri has a post about some of the CPN from the GQ feature on GG. There are a couple more CPNs that I wanted to talk about because - with the exception of a couple of tidbits - I haven't seen turtles talking about some things that really stood out to me.
Both of the tidbits being discussed by BXG are based on fake rumors from the past.
Godly Back
Turtles feel that the backless jacket might be what was referred to in the recent LRLG rumor (Apparently wangwang senbei can be a homophone sounding like 'godly back').
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In this context, "You saw what I wore, can you please choose something normal" becomes hilarious. 😅
If he really was talking about GG's back, well... DD, the rest of the internet agrees with you given the hotsearch that was trending on both the main and entertainment hotsearches. 😅
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Xiao Zhan's back ditch is so deep
This one I wanted to dig more deeply into because it's connected to a few different CPN from a long time ago, and a lot of turtles might not be aware of all these connections.
In the GQ interview GG mentioned he was really nervous for the first performance of ADLAD.
At the time a LRLG rumor came out with some exchanges between GG and DD in the days leading up to that first show. GG talks about being nervous, DD and his staff video call him to wish him Jiayou, and at one point - presumably the last time they talk before that first show - DD video calls with GG and closes off by giving him a high 5.
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The day after the first show, GG posted on Weibo.
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At the time there was a lot of speculation about what that second photo was. One of the theories was that GG had screen capped DD's hand high-5-ing his phone. Some fans even tried doing that themselves (screencapping their hands up against their phone cameras to see what would happen) with somewhat similar results - photos that were an ombre of pale pink to red.
Some additional CPN
When I saw GG talking in GQ about the first ADLAD show and how nervous he was and I saw turtles looking back over the LRLG rumors from that time, I decided to look over those rumors myself. I found a couple things there that really hit me in the gut, but which I haven't seen other turtles discussing.
Magician DD
One thing that stood out to me from the ADLAD LRLG rumor was when DD told GG he could do magic, and told his staff that only GG believed him.
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Back in 2021 a series of pages called the 300G were released, which claimed to be transcripts of some of the best unseen moments from The Untamed BTS (300GB of BTS footage was reportedly sold to BXG fansites). They were translated by an all-star team of some of the best BXG translators and overall fandom MVP on Twitter back in the day (god I miss those days of Twitter 😢).
Disclaimer: We must remember that these are unconfirmed transcripts. As far as I know, none of the footage that could substantiate these transcripts has ever been released, so it could just be someone's fanfic.
Anyway, my absolute favorite moment in those transcripts was an exchange between GG and DD, when GG had been struggling with nailing a scene. My synopsis from a post I made about GG and DD's personalities a while back:
GG is having a hard time getting a take right for a scene, and the director tells him to take a break. DD scoots over to where GG is resting and holds out his two fists facing downward in front of GG and asks him to pick one for a surprise. GG agonizes a bit over which one to choose, but finally picks a hand. DD gives GG a mysterious smile and asks GG to hold out his hand. GG does, and DD opens his fingers over GG’s palm. There’s nothing there. DD says, “I’ve just given you some luck, so that on your next take, you will succeed.” GG asks what is in the other hand and DD turns it over and opens it and says, “See, there’s nothing there! Zhan-ge is so good, you guessed right on the first try!” GG rolls his eyes at DD and says, “WYB, in your heart, do you think I’m more than 10 years old?” On the next take, GG nails the scene.
So it's just possible that DD and GG have a long history of this type of exchange, of DD giving GG his 'magical' support. GG is just superstitious enough that it might genuinely help him, and anyway, who could fail to be soothed by such sweet magic? 🥹
GG and Sleep
Another thing that stood out to me is when GG talked about being unable to sleep. Honestly this part of the interview really got me because I have always struggled with extreme insomnia and I could totally feel his pain. I've tried so many of the things that he's tried, and have had similarly mixed/poor results.
Anyway, aside from the aromatherapy candle CPN that's been heavily discussed in the fandom, what stood out to me CPN-wise was the fact that LRLG rumors have (I think this has happened at least a few times, but I can't recall specifics), featured moments where it seemed like GG and DD left their phone/video calls active to keep each other company when the other one was sleeping.
In the ADLAD LRLG rumor there's a moment when it seems like GG might be having difficulty sleeping and DD keeps him company.
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Find someone who will keep you company over the phone while you try to take a nap. 🥹
Just another quick thing from that same rumor, DD talks about wanting to set off some firecrackers for GG, which... ugh, so sweet. My god.
His staff encourages him to do it, and he says he will be 'taken away' if he does (maybe get into trouble, likely exaggerated a bit), and his staff says he'll cover for DD.
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In Chinese culture (and in fact, in many cultures), firecrackers are considered very lucky because they are believed to drive away evil spirits and bad luck (which is why they're such a feature of Spring Festival celebrations).
GG and DD always look out for each other, and this CPN around ADLAD and around GG's sleep struggles really hit me hard. I love them both so damn much!
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gynandromorph · 1 month
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god this shit took forever to sketch. another NofNA emulation comic. it reminds me of the midterms in secretary, for obvious reasons, but Legend is sort of an inverse secretary situation, where she is exceptional at fighting, but wants to write.
let me see what i can remember...
PS, the blue-eyed black lemur, has been friends with Legend since their mutual first season at college, as mentioned above her reference sketch... they probably became more friendly after being paired up to peer edit each others' work. PS has since graduated from college and works as a markscraft. Legend frequently commissions PS to scribe for her, not only because they are friends, but because PS is one of the few markscrafts in the area who isn't a rodent. many primates go into law or medicine. mainly Legend commissions notetaking in classes -- she is too insecure to share her stories. PS has a more relaxed, informal personality, and i tried to get that across -- i think it's relevant to why she decided to become a markscraft instead of pursuing more intense study. still, i also tried to get across that they are good friends, not just scribe and customer, particularly with the amount of touching that PS does. the impulse to touch and groom is probably innate for her as a primate. there isn't as much information about her species, but in ring-tailed lemurs, lemurs usually only groom based on the strongest bonds, rather than more communal aggregate grooming as a sort of social currency. i honestly don't know what PS would need to note during finals, but i think Legend just Wanted her there anyway.
the bird, DL, fighting the squirrel, GG, is a grey shrike. i imagine him as an average student in the middle of his education, but i think he is in the class for combat purposes, because pressure point manipulation can be incredibly powerful, more so if from a less expected species like a bird.
mr. deciding is a much more serious, no-nonsense teacher, possibly due to his specialty. when you're teaching students how to explode a kidney with a handshake, you probably just play it safe and try to put the fear of god into them before any kidneys get exploded. i wanted this class to have a much heavier emphasis on safety of the participants than the class in secretary, with a more focused goal than "who can beat the shit out of each other better." i think the goal of fighting to show off knowledge here is still Fucking Insane, but it's just. their culture, i guess. you can technically "move" your pressure points, so being able to defend yourself by utilizing this knowledge can also show off what you've retained. the mouse next to him is a proctor, who is an extra teacher brought in to judge and often write for another teacher, but primarily as a peacekeeper and bouncer. in classes where a student can theoretically totally disable a teacher by just touching them once, the precaution is seen as necessary. the mouse is probably a combat-oriented point invocation instructor.
the mandrill, MK, is a first-season or first-year student -- i assume that one class, from midterms to finals, is a season, as secretary seems to start near autumn. midterms have snow, and finals are during early spring. anyway, that's tangential. i think he's very new to the educational system. i pictured him as a medical student. in his fighting style, i made him more defensive; he doesn't really know nearly as much about attacking an opponent in a fight. he does think at least about his opponent's most immediate reactions, but doesn't have enough experience with fighting to think ahead to the degree that Legend does. you can see him make the same mistake that Legend did against Machinations, which disables his non-dominant hand. needless to say, he will probably always be aware of headbutt proximity now. he attempts to use two factures in the fight within a style meant to evoke debilitating vertigo by manipulating the connection between the occular, vestibular, and proprioceptive systems. it's obvious that he created the style from his medical classes. it is fairly empty as far as styles go. interrupted facture: nystagmus, which causes the world to spin around the opponent by involuntarily twitching the eyes back and forth. second facture: strabismus, which misaligns the pupils, primarily impeding aim. denied by Legend because a honey badger does not rely on vision or a vestibular system as much as a primate does -- not something he really considered when making the style. factures that never ended up being used: pursuit, which forces the target to follow a spinning image of themselves instead of looking where they should; and mask's lasting, which forcibly initiates saccadic masking, suppressing the intake of new visual information altogether.
the large bird is a bateleur. the mouse is just a regular house mouse. the lizard is an ornate sandveld lizard. the opponent of the lizard is a common mole-rat, also called an african mole-rat (even though most species of mole-rats live in africa). the monkey god i'm not super sure but i believe it's just a vervet monkey. the other mouse is also a common house mouse.
GG is a second-year student, which is the last year for a rodent. i think she's been kind of aimless -- she thinks incredibly fast as a squirrel, and finds solving problems in the moment to be a much more successful endeavor than trying to plan ahead. she doesn't worry about the future and doesn't ruminate on the past much. she's aware that she isn't the best ever and doesn't apply herself as much as others, but it also doesn't particularly bother her. kind of ironic, given the aesop she slops onto Legend after the fight. i imagine that she will eventually choose the name Serendipity. i tried to write her lack of foresight, but compensatory quick thinking in both fights. like the shrike, GG is a combat-oriented student. the style she briefly introduces at the beginning is called fanciful flower's delightful blight. it is based on the deadly nightshade flower and its berries -- which are toxic, obviously, and a hallucinogenic. squirrels flick their tails for many reasons, and the most common reason is simply a default flicking to attract predators. their tails are designed to "deglove" easily; if a predator lunges for their tail, which is the moving part of them, the skin and fur will tear off, and the squirrel can escape. delightful blight utilizes the attention-grabbing flicking of the squirrel's tail as a nightshade plant to induce a trance-like state. the berries represent temptations so much more pleasing than what you ought to focus on. a nice berry and a flower to smell are so much nicer than struggling in a fight. even when you resist them, they linger in your mind, and "plant seeds" when the berry falls as self-restraint is worn down over repeated abstinence from the temptation. factures induce hallucinations and nausea. she primarily uses the base rodent style to fight Legend here, but also uses base squirrel style twists, which include more acrobatics, backflipping, and contortions.
the two things that really catch Legend off-guard use limbs that she doesn't have, and most opponents don't have -- elbows long enough to use defensively, and a long, rope-like tail. she is otherwise supposed to be fairly adept at analyzing what an opponent will do, usually a few steps ahead, related to her ability to fabricate narratives quickly. you can see her also come up with a lie for kicking GG fairly quickly... she was going to say the impulse was in her legs because she was trying to move away from GG's strike.
anyway if any part of this fight is like... unfathomable i can probably explain. i've already been typing for way too long, lmfao
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cinnamostar · 6 months
colors of you
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pairing : felix x gn!reader
summary : skz, semi pro league of legends team, now has a new competitor to face in the scene in the upcoming regional tournament, but after a few practice matches, felix knew he hated you and thought you were a complete asshole.
wc : 5.8k
cw : not proofread (i am lazy), collegiate esports au, very competitive rivalry on one end, unrequited love, enemies to a secret third thing i won't disclose, cursing, some angst, sadness, fluffy feelings, and y/tn = your team name + y/ign = your ingame name/username.
a/n : this fic was inspired by league of legends worlds 2023, except not as hardcore. i didn't write tooo much on the gameplay so anyone who didn't play league would also be able to enjoy and follow the story well. likes, reblogs, and feedback is appreciated as always
⌲ SKZ - semi-pro league of legends team
member profile
⌲ channie - in game leader, mid laner, azir + zed main
⌲ dwaekki - adc, caitlyn main
⌲ hyune - supp, pretty girl supp main (everyone has to beg him to play anything else)
⌲ miniverse - top laner, sett main
⌲ sunlixie - jungler, diana main 
* currently undefeated in collegiate regional cup, three year streak
⌲ Y/TN - up and coming semi-pro team
member profile
⌲ y/ign - in game leader, jungler, briar + kindred main
⌲ nyangknow - adc, kaisa + jinx main
⌲ jone - mid laner, ahri main
⌲ bibibread - supp, renata + rell main
⌲ some guy - top laner, yone + aatrox main **
* has won smaller level tournaments, gained entry to collegiate regional cup through these wins
**(a/n: some guy is literally some guy lmao sorry i did not feel like adding some random idol to the story)
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Felix clenched his jaw as flames of anger flickered within him, the obnoxious, classic, yet familiar, league of legends red defeat screen only fanning the resentment that burned hot through his veins. He ripped his headset off as he swallowed down the third bitter loss his team faced that day, his face glaring down at your username that seemed to mock him in every post-game lobby chat. 
y/ign: GG! Thanks for the skrims :) Same time tomorrow?
He rolled his eyes at your message, trusting Chan to coordinate with your team for the next matches as he closed out the client while reaching for his headset once more, letting out an exasperated groan. 
“Well… that went as well as it did last time, huh?” Chan’s lighthearted laugh rang through Felix’s ear which only irritated him more, unsure how he was able to remain so positive after three soul crushing defeats. “Overall, their team is really solid and versatile. I can see why they’ve been dominating the lower tier teams and why they’re in our division now, but those games definitely helped us understand the skill of each of their players and what champs we need to ban.”
Changbin hummed in agreement gloomily, “Man, I don’t wanna play against them more, that y/ign guy is fucking annoying to play against. I can’t even farm properly without them ganking my lane every few minutes.”
Felix scoffed, “Yeah, imagine being counterpicked by them and having them take your jungle camps every game,” frustration colored each of Felix’s word a bright and gaudy crimson as he spoke through gritted teeth, taking a swig of water hoping it would somehow cool down the unbearable rage he felt bubbling inside him.
“I’m sorry, man, I know those games were especially rough on you,” Chan mumbled apologetically, carefully choosing his words to avoid hitting a nerve, “But we now know what champs to ban for them, we know to ward your camps early game, and to change our approach.”
“Yeah, I guess we can try out a more dive heavy comps and try to get early picks so they can’t shut us out of the game so quickly,” Seungmin suggested with uncertainty as he weighed the options his team now had, “Or more tanky… Maybe we need more CC?”
“Ah, well, it’s hard to say because god knows what other champs they can play. Each game they had an entirely different comp, so I guess we can try to prepare for every scenario we have seen so far, but we will still have to stay wary during the champ select process,” muttered Chan as he reflected today’s matches, trying to formulate a game plan for the team, “All good though, let’s just rest up for today. Skrims at the same time tomorrow, but log on an hour before so we can review our vods and discuss what we wanna try out in our games, alright?”
With that, the team grumbled a disheartened goodbye as Felix exited the call, once more tossing his headset in annoyance while he rubbed his face, clicking his teeth as he replayed each death from today’s games and how it was always you flashing your mastery after each kill. 
Felix had no idea who you were, but your team had randomly emerged into the scene these past few months, quickly making themselves a well-respected and feared team as you dominated the lower tiered scene which now meant SKZ, a team well known within the semi-pro scene had no choice, but to take your team as a serious threat. Chan had reached out to you via discord, asking if your team was interested in a few practice sessions against his, which leads us to today.
There was no mistaking that your team was extremely well-versed and had done their research against SKZ, promptly banning each of their signature mains during the champ select process while picking characters that were either, quite frankly, annoying to deal with or countered their own. Felix should have known it was a bad omen when your team banned Chan’s Azir and Changbin’s Caitlyn, but once he saw you pick Briar against his own Diana, he knew he was in for a rough day.
You were perhaps the most annoying person Felix has ever had the misfortune to go against, somehow knowing just how to piss him off as you counter jungled him throughout the game and took every opportunity to gank his teammates, ultimately ruining their chances to catch up to your team’s gold. You even stole Baron from them, which ended up costing them the second game after your team immediately wiped his. He was filled with vengeful rage each time he saw your character on the screen, cursing internally whenever you made a good play, not even giving him the chance to trash you because you seemed to never make a mistake.
After today, Felix knew he hated you with all his being and made it his personal mission to give you a taste of your own medicine, swearing up and down that he would make sure that any games he played against you were absolute hell. He had a month to prepare for the next LAN tournament, where he would embarrass you on stage and disgrace the newly-founded prestige your team name had earned this past year. y/ign would no longer be the latest jungler breaking into the scene, you’d no longer be the new talent to keep an eye out. He wanted to make sure you were nothing but an utter disappointment to everyone who looked forward to your next performance.
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When the next day came, Felix was brimming with confidence after spending last night researching your team, but with extra attention focused on you and your playstyle. Felix looked through your team's past matches and if he was lucky enough to find an old broadcast of the games, he’d scrub through them to gain a better understanding of your jungle pathing and how it differed by each character you played. Today, he refused to be caught off guard by your skill and would not give you the chance to gain as much map control as you did yesterday. 
When logging onto his PC, Felix noticed a notification on his discord:
✩ y/ign sent you a friend request!
hey! wanted to thank you for the games yesterday and look forward to playing you guys again today :) 
While you probably had the best intentions in mind, Felix immediately felt the scorching, yet thrilling, heat of competitiveness settle into his body as he scowled at your message. “Fucking asshole,” he mumbled under his breath in disbelief, assuming you sent that as a way to get under his skin before today’s skrims. 
sunlixie accepted y/ign’s friend request! 
sunlixie reacted to y/ign’s message with a thumbs up!
Great, not only are you extremely talented at the game, but turns out you’re an incredibly cocky person! Anything Felix had ever learned about you, aside from his research last night, was completely against his will and it was only making him despise you even more. He hated how easily you ticked him off, how easily you filled him with unbridled rage by doing the absolute bare minimum, and he hated how sour the taste of anger was. He hated this feeling, as it always ended up clouding his perception and made him an absolute hellish person to be around, but it was also one of the most driving forces behind his competitive nature. 
Despite his huffing and puffing, Felix decided to close his eyes for a brief moment, as if he was meditating away all the negative emotions you so effortlessly planted within him with a simple message. After taking in a deep breath, Felix joined the discord call with the rest of his team, greeting them with a cheery ‘hello!’
“Felix! You sleep well? Sounds like you’re feeling better from yesterday,” asked Chan, the smile in his tone was impossible to miss.
Felix nodded before responding with a “Yup, got my eight hours and feeling a little more confident after some research.” 
“Good, good, that’s what I like to hear.”
Before Chan could continue with their pre-match meeting, Hyunjin piped up a question, “Did anyone else get a message from y/ign?”
Just hearing your username was enough for Felix’s entire mood to deflate as he sunk into his chair with furrowed eyebrows. He was about to open his mouth to tell everyone how rude you just are, but to his surprise, Changbin beat him to it, “Dude!! They are so nice!” a giggle escaped Changbin as he recalled the message, “They said my Draven was pretty good and that Hyunjin’s Lux had their bot lane nervous!”
Now that was not what Felix was expecting to hear from anyone as his jaw dropped, completely shocked to hear just how sweet your messages were to everyone else and how downright rude yours was to him. What the hell is your problem? Felix hadn’t realized how tight he was gripping his mouse til he felt the plastic material slip from under his fingers, landing on desk due to all the force applied.
“Right! It’s nice to know we had them sweating even though they looked so composed,” Hyunjin eagerly added.
“They’re super kind and humble, which is refreshing to see in this scene,” laughed Chan, “Maybe I gotta play a little better today to get my own compliment, but they did thank us for playing against them and for agreeing to not post the vods. What about you Felix? They say anything to you?”
Felix was still recovering from shock after processing the information he just learned, stammering in both surprise and upsetness, “Dude… I… I don’t know what to say because they were a straight up asshole to me.”
“What?! No way!” gasped Changbin, “Maybe it’s because you’re their match up in the game, but that doesn;t sound right…”
“Yeah, that’s weird,” Seungmin added, “What did they say?”
Felix then pulled up the message you sent, reading it out for the rest of his team to hear, adding an annoyed “Can you believe the nerve of this guy?” 
A few moments had passed by where no one had said anything, the call remained dead silent as everyone tried to figure out how to gently inform Felix that he was being an idiot and turning a very friendly message from you into an ill-intended one.
Chan cleared his throat, holding back a laugh as he realized your performance yesterday really struck something in Felix, “Bro, I hate to break it to you, but that was definitely a nice message… I don’t really see where they’re being rude at all.”
This time, it was Felix’s turn to stay quiet, a perplexed look overtaking his features after hearing the rest of his teammates agree with Chan. Maybe if he squinted really, really hard he’d be able to find a hint of kindness in your message, but Felix had already convinced himself you were his ultimate rival who was trying to throw him off a game. There is no way you’d ever send him a nice message just because, right? 
“Well, I don’t know… Maybe you guys are right,” mumbled Felix, not completely convinced by his friends, which prompted Hyunjin to chuckle.
“Lixie, I have never seen someone get to you so easily before! Those games yesterday must’ve done a number on ya, huh?” 
Felix rolled his eyes as he let out a peeved exhale through his nose, unable to deny any of what Hyunjin had said, “Yeah, yesterday was rough, but surely today will be different, yea?”
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Luckily for the SKZ boys, today was different from the day before. This time, the boys were able to secure a win in the first game, while the second game was a very close loss due to Changbin being caught out, but this just called for better positioning and map vision, all things that could be easily resolved by being more mindful. 
Despite the major improvements in the SKZ team’s gameplay, your performance did not fall short from yesterday’s as you still managed to be a threat SKZ couldn’t ignore. Although Felix was able to maintain control of his side of the map and trade some camps with you, you were still able to fill him with rage by somehow targeting him every fight, which made it nearly impossible for him to play the game. Luckily, Seungmin ended up using his Mordekaiser ultimate on you, which gave SKZ a chance to focus on the rest of your team while Seungmin did his best to tank your damage in his realm. This strategy definitely led them to their first win against your team, but as soon as the second match started, your team switched up to an entirely new comp, which SKZ struggled to answer.
Unfortunately, your team wasn’t able to stick around for a third game due to some prior commitments, so there was no decisive winner for the day.
y/ign: GGs! sunlixie, you really were sweating today on that diana jg kek
nyangknow: if i ever see you irl, its on sight, sunlixie… targeting a poor lil adc like me? 
nyangknow: lol but gg! y/ign slammed their desk when u stole elder last game kek
y/ign: shut up before i expose ur government name
nyangknow: …
channie: haha, sunlixie wasn’t gonna let u guys embarrass us again 
channie: GG! dm me on disc if you guys wanna set up some more skrims 
dwaekki: :3 gg!!! u guys did great, heh ty for games!
Once again, Felix found himself frowning at your message in the post-game lobby, irritation bubbling up in the pit of his stomach as his knuckles turned white from clenched fists. “Dude, I don’t get what their problem is with me,” whined Felix as he closed out the client once more, not even bothering to send a message in the chat.
Seungmin snickered over the mic, finding Felix’s one-sided rivalry hilarious, “That was definitely a compliment, don’t take it the wrong way.”
“Whatever,” he mumbled snarkily at Seungmin’s response, not being able to find any of the validity in his comments, “Just felt like they were poking fun at me.”
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The weekend of the Regional Collegiate LAN tournament had finally arrived, and luckily for SKZ, they didn’t have to worry about traveling since their university was hosting the event. This event did hold some importance, but it mostly helped determine seeding for the next tournament with only a few teams at risk for elimination. Due to SKZ’s skill level, elimination was the least of their concern with them being favored to win first place. First place did receive a cash prize to help cover travel costs to nationals, but it also helped any team gain more support and made the pro scene more aware of potential candidates for their team. 
SKZ was getting set to prepare for their first match of the weekend, but had some time to kill so they settled on roaming around the venue to catch up with some friends from other teams and greet any fans that approached them. In this world, it wasn’t uncommon for any of the more popular teams to have fans, as some people were either fans of individual players, their skills, or they were a fan of the entire team. 
Today was no different as Felix walked through the venue on his own, chatting with friends from other teams and meeting any new recruits while he was at it. Frustratingly enough though, your team and you had been quite the topic amongst his friends, each of them expressing concern at how intimidating and difficult your team seemed. Everyone in the scene knew that SKZ and Y/TN had gone against each other in a few practice matches, meaning everyone was swarming to them like flies, trying to extract as much information as they could against your team. Although, you and SKZ had an agreement to not leak out any team comps or skrim information before playing, so Felix had to deal with a whole lot of begging while trying to skirt around the subject.
Felix had finally gotten a moment of peace as he excused himself from the last interrogation, deciding it was time to group up with the team seeing that their match was in about an hour from now. Before he was able to get far, he heard a voice behind him call out:
“Yo! Sunlixie, is that you?”
Well, he was wearing a jersey with his name on the back of it, so it wasn’t weird for fan interactions to go this way. He put a smile on his face and turned to greet the owner of the voice, who he honestly thought was a little too cute to be wandering around the convention center on their own, but nonetheless he pushed the thought away and decided it was best to maintain a level of professionality when interacting with fans. 
“Hi! Yup, that would be me!”
The mystery person had a smile stretching across their face reaching out to shake Felix’s hand, which he took politely. He had no idea who this person was and it didn’t look like they were part of any teams since they weren’t wearing a jersey, so it was safe to assume this was just another fan.
“Wow, it’s so great to finally meet you! I’m y/ign, or you can just call me Y/N if you prefer.”
Felix eyes widened in pure surprise when your username left your mouth, not expecting the human he was talking to was you of all people. He did his absolute best to maintain his composure, but the sound of your name dampened his mood in the blink of an eye, his shoulders visibly tensing as his smile fell into a more awkward version of it. 
“Oh, sorry! You aren’t wearing your jersey, so I didn’t realize it was you,” he forced an uncomfortable laugh, but you had already picked up on the stiffness Felix was now carrying in his shoulders, “But, uh, you can call me Felix.”
Ever since you became acquainted with SKZ through your skrims, you could tell that Felix definitely wasn’t your biggest fan. Maybe you had gotten off on the wrong foot, but other than playing the game, you weren’t sure what you had done to make him dislike you so much. You had quickly befriended everyone else on the SKZ teams, even going as far as playing other games outside of league with them or meeting up with them to get food, but Felix was the only member who was uninterested and incredibly dry towards you. 
You had done your best to reach out to him and try to get to know him a little better, thinking maybe he just needed time to warm up to strangers, but that theory was quickly disproved when you found out Jeongin and Jisung had played some ARAMs with him and even met him in real life. Apparently, he was the sweetest and most pleasant guy to be around, yet you never had the pleasure to be met with his warmth. Instead, all you knew was an icy and cold exterior that pushed you away at every corner. At some point, you had been discouraged to attempt to be his friend, but you still thought it would be best to remain as cordial as you could with him, which meant greeting him and inviting him to any events your team hosted.
Not everyone was going to like you, that was a lesson you had learned long ago and you weren’t going to let it get to you when you had other things to focus on. You didn’t need to be his friend, anyway. 
“Yeah, my team isn’t scheduled to play til way later, so didn’t really need to wear it,” you smiled at the boy, nervously playing with the hem of your shirt as you watched Felix’s expression slowly drop, “Well, uh, I’ll let you go back to your team. Good luck in your games!”
Felix raised an eyebrow as you hastily turned away, surprised at how different your demeanor was in person compared to his initial impression of you. 
Online and through your varied interactions, Felix had pinned you as some overconfident, cocky, and disrespectful asshole who was purposefully targeting him. While everyone around him insisted that was not the case, he couldn’t help but feel the burning flames of hatred burst in him every time he received a message from you, each seemingly mocking him for whatever play he made that day. 
However, this version of you was entirely different than what he had imagined this whole time. You didn’t ooze out that same confidence he had pictured you to have, but instead you seemed a lot more timid and welcoming in person. There was a gentle shyness that accompanied the warmth of your aura, golden and bright hues of yellow radiating off you as you smiled with not a single hint of malice in your eyes. When he met your gaze, he thought he would be staring right into the same sweltering, scarlet fury he had become so familiar with, but while searching your eyes, all he found was the brilliance of your tender-hearted benevolence, only rays of sunshine and light coloring the bright green meadows that expanded across your being.
What was this? This wasn’t the scorching, volcanic, blindingly red world he had been living in the past month, yet he still found himself melting under the comforting warmth, wanting nothing more to bask in your glow and forget the blistering one-sided rivalry he had imagined. For a moment of time, he felt the amber light you emanated was slowly turning his ugly red into a more placid orange, one akin to the sky’s palette during sunset. 
Maybe the boys were right, maybe you did mean well. Maybe he was the asshole, not you.
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・
The crowd cheered loudly as the announcer’s voice boomed over the intercom, officially declaring SKZ as the victors of the regional collegiate cup for the fourth year in the row. As soon as the blue victory screen popped up during their 5th game against Y/TN, the boys quickly stood up from their seats as they huddled into a group hug while gleefully jumping up and down, ecstatic screams and laughter leaving them as they celebrated their win. After an intense final match where SKZ and Y/TN had traded wins, in the very last game, SKZ was able to pull out with the third and final win needed to end the tournament. That was perhaps one of the most difficult finals SKZ had to play in a long time and for the first time in years, they were afraid that their reign was coming to an end, but luck was on their side today and all the skirms against your team had come to fruition. 
Across the stage, your team stood amongst the chaos erupting throughout the venue, you remaining still in your seat as you watched the defeat screen go through its animations, tears pricking the corner of your eyes in humiliation. Second place was nothing to be ashamed of, but you couldn’t stop the overwhelming rush of emotions that filled you, the blinding stage lights causing your vision to go blurry as the feeling of failure took hold of you. You enviously watched SKZ celebrate their win as you wiped away your tears, standing from your seat with the rest of your team as you headed to congratulate the opposing team.
As your team approached SKZ, Felix immediately noticed the shift in your emotions and saw through the fake smile you forced onto your face as you congratulated each of them. All he could see was the bleak tears that clouded the brightness that once occupied you, the golden aura of yours being overtaken by the blues of sorrow and disappointment. The sun that once gleamed through your entire being had been replaced by flooding waters from a relentless storm of emotion, the cerulean raindrops overtaking the shining yellow hues of your personality. 
As the colors of your emotions blended, Felix swore he saw the slightest tinge of an ugly green forming as the two aforementioned colors danced with one another. Was that jealousy? Although, as soon as he took note of it, the color instantly melted away as you shook his hand, a sincere ‘congratulations, you did amazing,’ leaving your mouth despite the tumultuous storm that dampened your conscience. Somehow, even as the bitter taste of failure lingered on your tongue, your genuinity never once faltered.
The vengeful, piercing, crimson rage Felix had felt for you weeks prior had dulled out as your sadness bleed all over him, guilt now washing over him as he had realized how sorely mistaken he was about you. The burning competitiveness and hatred that once fueled him had been put out by your misery, a deep violet now painting over him as the heavy hands of culpability dragged him down into numbing darkness of shame.
For some unknown reason, Felix felt the urge to run after you as he watched your figure shrink off the stage, wanting to apologize for his unwarranted attitude towards you this past month and bring you back to the warmness he had just learned about to revel under it once more. He remained unmoving as his teammates dragged him into another celebration hug, insisting to take a photo to remember this moment, yet Felix wanted nothing more to forget the sight he had just witnessed. Even though his wish had come true, he couldn’t bring himself to savor this victory against you.
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・
A few days had gone by since your team had lost the tournament, suffering from what you had considered a rather embarrassing loss. While the games were incredibly close, you were sorely disappointed in your own performance, as you felt that you made too many mistakes that had cost your team the game. After walking off the stage, you succumbed to all the emotions you felt in that moment, letting your body tremble as tears rushed down your cheeks, choked sobs escaping your mouth. You remember how hot your face grew as the rest of your team turned to console you, feeling self-conscious how you were supposed to be the leader, yet you allowed your emotions to get the best of you. 
Despite that, you had managed to get over the brunt of your emotions after a few days, but the message you found waiting for you today on discord had taken you by complete surprise:
✩ sunlixie sent you a message!
hi y/n! i wanted to reach out and apologize to you for how rude i’ve been to you. i’m really sorry, there’s no excuse for any of it. to be honest, i kinda just got rlly tilted from when we played our first skrims, and i guess i ended up taking anything you said the wrong way. again, there’s no excuse for this and i apologize for being that way, but i’d like to have a fresh start and be friends if you are ok w that!
oh, also, you did really great during the tournament! don’t beat yourself up for it, that was the first time we had to play all five games out in the finals, so you guys had us nervous!! 
Well, that was entirely unexpected, but as soon as you read the message, a smile broke out on your face while letting out a sigh of relief, happy to know that it had all been a rather strange misunderstanding and not something you had done. With that, you hastily wrote out a response to Felix, letting him know that all is forgiven and that you would love to be able to finally form a friendship with him. Well, maybe something good did come out of this loss.
・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・゚ ・゚·:。・゚゚・・゚·:。・゚゚・ ✩ ・
After playing a few league games with Felix, you both began to develop a close friendship with each other. You finally began to understand what everyone else meant when they described Felix, you were beginning to see why his username was sunlixie. The coldness you had come to know him as melted away as the days past, only to reveal that under that hardened exterior was a boy filled with so much love and gentleness, that it’d blind anyone who stared into his soul for too long. The deep tone of his voice only added to this inviting warmth, adding a layer of comfort and safety that could lull anyone in a peaceful sleep, it was no longer a scary sound that reeked with hatred. 
Eventually, you and Felix had decided to go on small outings together, usually opting to grab a bite at your local coffee shop as either of you would ramble on about a new game to try out or discuss practice for nationals. On the occasion, one of the SKZ boys would tag along or Minho, a member on your team, would join you both, but every time this happened, Felix always felt disappointed that he would miss out time with just you alone. 
Truthfully, he wanted you to himself during these rare moments, wanting to be the only one who made you laugh and be the center of your attention. Jealousy would inevitably creep up behind him, pointing out each and everyone of his insecurities while he watched you interact with the others, it whispering in his ears that you’d never look at someone like him romantically, that he’d never have a chance with someone like you. He hated how much time he had missed out on getting to know you and being your friend due to this childish rivalry, feeling jealous over how much closer you were with everyone else, especially Minho.
Of course your bond with Minho was deeper than everyone else, you had known him longer than Felix and the other SKZ boys and were teammates. Yet, the pangs of insecurity would hit his heart directly each time he’d watch you laugh at a joke Minho made, always playfully slapping his arm in a fit of laughter. 
All Felix could ever think was how much he had wished that was him, how much he wished he’d be able to make you laugh to the point of tears as the unpleasant color of green slowly festered within him, becoming more vibrant as time passed. He was crushing hard on you and he needed to do something about it before it became unbearable to deal with because he hated the unsettling feeling of jealousy.
Thus, Felix decided to finally bite the bullet and asked you to come out for some coffee today, but letting you know he needed to talk about something personal, so he’d prefer if you came alone. 
As you approached the coffee shop, you wondered what Felix could have possibly needed to discuss with you, but you were honored to know that he felt comfortable enough to reach out to you and confide in you with something so personal, which only goes to show how much closer you two have gotten. Upon entering the building, your eyes searched for Felix, finding him seated in a more secluded corner with two coffees waiting on the table. Once his eyes met yours, you waved from the entrance with a smile on your face as you skipped over to the table.
Sliding into your seat, you caught onto Felix’s jittery energy as his legs bounced while his fingers anxiously tapped against the table. His body stiffened as he met your eyes with a nervous smile. Your eyebrows furrowed upward in concern, as you never seen the boy in this state before.
“Hey, is everything okay?”
Felix’s eyes widened at your question, his body completely stilling, not completely aware of how on edge he looked from the outside. He felt a familiar warmth rush to his face as a gentle pink dusted across his cheeks and ears, the rosy color of shyness making itself nestling itself in his stomach. The buzzing flutters he had felt in his stomach earlier sped up with the drumming of his heart, his head feeling like it was about to explode as he scrambled to find the script he rehearsed last night.
“Uhm, yeah, everything’s okay. I just wanted to talk to you about something,” his voice trembled meekly, cringing at the sound of his voice.
You nodded at his words, a panicked look overtaking your face, “Oh, no, did I do something wrong? Did I upset you?”
The blonde haired boy shook his head vigorously, finding your worriedness a bit charming, “Ah, no, not at all! It’s nothing like that!”
The tension in your body dissipated, as a caring smile returned to your face, “Oh, okay. Thank god, I was scared for a bit. Then what’s up? What did you need to talk about?”
“Well, I don’t really know how to say this…” he mumbled quietly, but just loud enough for you to hear. He felt himself shrink under the intensity of your gaze, surprised to see an overwhelming amount of concern etched on your features. 
“That’s okay. Sometimes, you just gotta say it.”
He exhaled nervously, nodding in agreement with your words because he was freaking out on the inside, unable to recall any of the words he had prepared for this moment. Right, at this point, he should just say it.
“I… I like you, Y/N. I really, really like you and-”
Oh, that isn’t the reaction he thought he’d get.
You were never good at hiding your facial expressions, and this moment was no exception as your face morphed into a surprise expression, your mouth dropping as the words left Felix as the warmth you once held paled into white cast of shock and confusion. As soon as you processed his words, you bit your lips while trying to find the words to respond to the sudden confession.
“Ah, wow, thank you, I’m really flattered, but…” you paused for a moment, confusion and uncertainty laced in your voice, “you do know I’m dating Minho, right?”
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im-yn-suckers · 5 months
𝔭𝔬𝔰𝔱 𝔠𝔬𝔫𝔠𝔢𝔯𝔱 𝔡𝔢𝔭𝔯𝔢𝔰𝔰𝔦𝔬𝔫
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GUYS IM NOT SHIPPING SABRINA AND NIKI (imshippingsabrinaandme)
pairing-idol bf niki x sabrina carpenter obsessed idol gf reader(me)(both are in enha bc im unoriginal an di cant think of new gg names)
warnings-screaming, readers lowk aggressive, absolutely sane people at a concert, some toxic ass woman hits on niki when ure literally right next to him like blud relationship is public
"uh, which one"
"yeah maybe in my dreams or smth"
"no bitch, we're going to her concert"
and you went. you put on a cute miniskirt with an over the shoulder crochet sweater with a heart missing, but the twist was it had sparkly red beads swen into it as if it were bleeding.
''hows this?''
''cute but im not wearng a miniskirt''
''wear, these jeans''
luckily you bought niki a matching pair of jeans, with the same heart pattern except there was no fabric missing, a bloody heart was sewn in. he put on the jeans, a white tank top and a red jacket over it.
you did your makeup, drew some hearts in red eyeshadow, and put some red gems on your face. you finished with some eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick. trying to comeplete nikis look, you kissed his cheek leaving a red kiss mark.now you were ready to leave
you arrived and waited in your place. suddenly the lights went out and a familiar blonde woman appeared, the song feather played and you screamed.
a few songs later, she stopped near you and said, "wait oh my god, you guys are from enhypen. i love you!" you were able to hold her hand and you screamed when the music turned back on.
you were singing to nonsense and some lady comes up to niki, not knowing hes in enhypen.
'hey, youre cute, can i get your number' running her hand down his arm
he awkwardly moved and tapped you. "no, sorry i have a girlfriend."
"i dont see her"
''now you do bitch move'' taken aback, she scoffed and left
the time so go home arrived and sabrina sent a wink your way before exiting the stage.
you waited to be called to leave and hugged niki, thanking him for buying tickets. a body gaurd came up to you to let you know you can leave and said 'miss sabrina told me to give this to you' you thanked him and lft
'babe, are you seeing this, shes in love w me. " it had her number and and note tellign you to text her.
after arriving at your home, you cleaned your makeup, (and nikis) changed and layed down.
'thanks baby, tonight was so much fun."
'of course, dont forget to text her'
'youre right, love you baby'
'love you too'
and sleep
lets just enjoy the feeling of delusion and act like she gave us her number and said she loves us
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nastythangzzz · 5 months
BTS (OT7) X Female Reader :
You are from the biggest gg ever known to earth, adding to that, You have an innocent & nice personality whom everyone looks up too as a role model. But only YOU and the SEVEN members know what kind of a freak and nasty slut you are, and what goes underneath that innocent mask of you.
Like the usual, both STAR! & BTS have showed up to an award ceremony called “Seoul Music Awards” where every kpop act get congratulated and awarded for their great effort. It’s like a usual day for them, knowing both of them got the most awards & congratulations this night. BTS decided to celebrate by doing their favorite thing. As for STAR! and the rest of the idols, everyone left early except for You (and some of the staff) You were left alone with bts in their dressing room wearing only a thight dress with nothing underneath but only a bare pussy and a big butt plug.
The boys started making their way towards You, they were drunk as hell and so was You. While being drunk, You were sensually dancing and teasing the boys by groping their crotch. Jimin decided to stop the teasing by fully holding you and thus ur bare pussy and butt plug showed up.
“Fuck, you are so hot” Jimin said while parting your legs and letting everyone see ur pussy and ass. Jhope came next to you and started playing with ur butt plug, while pulling it out and putting it back, while Jin came by ur side and started slapping ur pussy and spreading ur folds, everyone was amazed by your pussy all while whispering dirty words to you and you knew she was for in a long ride this night. You were then put in front of one of the boys’ makeup desk with a mirror, your pussy was spread open and so many makeup tools were being showed in your pussy. You can’t get enough of it, you loves having different sensations in ur pussy. Jin started by shoving a long & thick brush in ur pussy while playing with ur clit. Another member was playing with ur butt plug and another one was holding ur face and slapping it all while saying profanities.
“Fucken Slut!! You like that hmm?” Hobi said while repeatedly slapping and spitting on your face.
Namjoon noticed his microphone laying next to the table and immediately got it and shoved it right through Your pussy, it was a new sensation for you to have a microphone inside of you and you were so smitten n happy about it.
He spent a minute playing with his microphone inside your pussy until you started squirting while letting obscene & loud moans. At the same time, hobi left out your butt plug long ago and was fisting your ass with his full hand. A white liquid came out ur pussy at the same time and englobed namjoon’s microphone, the boys couldn’t get enough of this sight as Jin pulled his phone out and took a video of him spreading and playing with your messy wet pussy and gaped asshole.
“Fuck, this is so good… I want MOREEE” You shouted as namjoon pulled the microphone out ur pussy roughly and shoved it down ur asshole.
"Get down on your knees whore” Taehyung demanded.
You gets down on her knees with the microphone still on your ass as they all form a circle around you unbuttoning their pants and letting out their hard throbbing cocks. All of them stands in front of you slapping their cocks in ur face at the same time.
“You fuckin whore..” Namjoon said as he slams his cock down your throat.
You were being roughly fucked on your face gagging on namjoon’s cock, holding yoongi’s & jungkook’s cocks in your hands, jacking them off while jimin and taehyung were pinching n sucking on your nipples and hobi being the last one was playing behind your back with the microphone inside your asshole. You stopped jacking off yoongi’s cock with your right hand and immediately went down your pussy and started rubbing it, you started slapping it repeatedly then shoved four fingers inside and started fucking yourself while at the same time hobi was fucking your asshole with the microphone filled and encircled with your thick cum and squirting.
"Mmmm Fuck. Fuck me like the dirty slut I am” You said while continuing jacking and sucking the boys off.
“You like that bitch hmm? You can never get enough even if both of your slutty gaped pussy and ass are full with different things? “
“Now open your mouth bitch” Jin said while holding your face, slapping it and spitting inside and outside your mouth. Then the rest of the boys made it their mission to spray you also with their spit and smearing it along your face until your whole make up came out cakey and slippery.
Taehyung dragged you unexpectedly by the hair, held you on the air and immediately shoved his cock towards you pussy. you let out a loud moan in the second you got filled with his cock, he started brutally fucking and thrusting into you as you bounce back on his cock repeatedly. He stopped for a second as Jimin went behind your back and immediately shoved his cock into your ass. You were being completely sandwiched between the boys, both of them started fucking into you harder, harder and at the same time.
The other boys were standing next to you, jacking their cocks off all while at the same time they were repeatedly kissing your face, leaving hickeys, screaming profanities into your ears and slapping your face multiple times.
You let out loud & sexy moans as you were close to cum. The boys were not helping as they were also pinching and rubbing your clit as you felt like you were gonna squirt.
“please….. im so fuckin close” You moaned softly
You collapsed on jimin breathing heavily as he still hold you on his arms, your head laying on him. Taehyung pulled out of you, long tail of white cum following him while jimin was still inside your ass. Your legs were being spread then yoongi harshly and roughly fingered your pussy until you started squirting. Him and taehyung both ran the tip of their cocks over your folds as squirt continued to splash them both in their faces. As if it wasn’t enough, Jungkook shoved his whole fist into your pussy, fucking his whole fist back and forth into you as again squirt continued to splash everyone and everything.
You didn’t get to have their cum inside you but them fingering and fisting the squirt outta you also made you see stars. You was then thrown like a rag doll into namjoon arms as he quickly sat on the ground with you on the top, and positioned his cock on your asshole while you are facing him back, spreading your back and letting everyone see the state of your pussy and face. Jungkook came and sat also on the ground next to joon and quickly trusted his dick on your asshole. Now you had two cocks inside your ass while your pussy was being left alone and wide open for the rest of the boys to see and jack off about.
“FUCK” you scream loud from the pain and impact of having two cocks inside your ass at the same time but it quickly switched to pleasure, intense and loud moaning as you close your eyes and let the boys take care of you.
As you close your eyes, the boys suddenly stopped thrusting into your ass, you quickly opened it just to find yoongi kneeling to your face and kissing it as he shoved his cock into your pussy. Yoongi pushed himself deeper into you slowly till he bottomed you up. They started thrusting in and out slowly, gently at first letting you get adjusted to the feeling of three cocks in your slutty holes.
Now the three of them get to fuck you at the same time, they were thrusting and fucking you at the same time. You started moaning loudly as they began to fuck you roughly and brutally all while yelling profanities and insults at you.
The room was filled with heavy breathings, loud moans, slapping and dirty talk. It’s sure that some of the staff outside heard your moans and the sound of skin slapping but hey you like it you love being the slut of those 7 boys.
You were about to cum hard, panting and breathing heavily while feeling your orgasm starting to build up. And so you cummed while panting and bitting your lips. You collapsed on the ground, the three cocks left your holes long ago as squirt & cum rushed out of your holes like a waterfall. But you still hadn’t have enough of them and their cocks.
All was left are jin and jhope. They held you in the air and quickly shoved their cocks into you. Jin inside your pussy and jhope inside your ass. They spent some minutes thrusting and fucking into you harder and harder. Both of your pussy and ass were letting obscene and divine sounds, with so much cum oozing out your pussy while being fucked by Jin. They were all about to cum hard.
“Let’s all cum on her face!! on your knees BITCH” Jhope yelled as he took you by your hair and made you roughly sit on the ground. All the boys encircled you, pumping their cocks off aggressively to your face. Not only that but Jungkook held you on his arms, spread your legs and let everyone cum to your pussy. Both of your face and pussy were sticky from their cum and you loved it so much. You took a bunch of it with your fingers and shoved it to both your face & pussy like a dirty slut.
“Now comes the time to humiliate you more..” namjoon said while putting you on your knees.
You had namjoon’s belt put around your neck and you were being walked like a dog following their masters in a park. You were naked and filled with their sticky and delicious cum. The boys made it their mission to walk you naked outside their dressing room. Luckily, the staff was on the other leg of the arena so no one saw you but still it was an exciting moment that made you more horny and wet.
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barcalover86 · 10 months
Hai lovely! Please don’t ever apologise for taking more time to write requests!! Every piece of writing is exceptional and I can’t wait to read more!! 🫶🏻
The end of all - Pablo Gavi (headcanon)
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| I kept this in my drafts and I want to thank you so much for your nice comment! This one is for you anon! Enjoy ♡
I am sitting now next to his tired body. I always found him so beautiful when he was sleeping.
In order to smile at the boy, I turn around, now my back facing him. It's 2 in the morning and my mind can't let me sleep, like the last few months. A sob escapes my mouth, hoping it wasn't too loud to wake up the one that was sleeping besides me.
'Last day of suffering, y/n' I was consequently repeating myself. 'Last night'.
All night I couldn't sleep and I was the only one to blame here. I had to do this weeks before.
Looking next to me, I see no one, as usual. Gavi went to training earlier again. I sighed, waking up from the bed to prepare some food for him when he will come back.
After hours, the footballer finally arrived home, now late than ever. I smile softly at him while he returns it.
"Hola" he said first, while giving me a short hug. "Wanna eat with me?"
"We need to have a talk, Pablo."
He looked confused, trying to remember if he had done something wrong. Which in a way, he didn't.
When he gave me those eyes, I wanted to hold him like nothing mattered. I was blaming myself for not doing that years ago.
"Are you ok?"
"Pablo, I love you." I said, but before he could reply with the same thing, I shouted him up. "No. No, Pablo."
He left the food from the table and came closer to me.
"What's wrong?"
"I would have done everything for you to keep loving me. I know you fell out of it for months."
Now, he wasn't saying anything anymore, looking down.
"I really wanted to be your special one, Pablo. I thought you were the special one for me and I'm so sorry that you couldn't find the strong to tell me that. It means that you are afraid of my reaction, and I get that. But, living this past months.. alone.. trying to make this relationship work. I can't do that alone. First I thought I could get you back to me, but then-"
"I'm not mad at you."
He looked at me with tears in his eyes. "If I could choose to love someone, it would be you. I don't know why I can't anymore-"
"And that's ok" I said, putting my hands on his cheeks, smiling softly.
I knew from the beginning that Gavi was a boy with a big heart. I couldn't be mad at someone who took care of me when I was sick. Who slept beside me when I was crying or scared. I knew he wanted to love me.
"But I respect you and want to find your true love."
"That's why I didn't tell you." he cried. "I want you to be the one"
I sighed. I wanted him to be the one too. I didn't say that though, I just went to him and hugged him. His arms immediately covered my waist.
"Thank you for everything." I lastly said.
He kissed my cheek.
"I'm sorry."
After days, Gavi talked to the club, telling them to film him as little as possible, not wanting to be in the spot right now.
He would sleep a lot, thinking about what he did wrong.
He would keep the food you made for days until he was screamed at to throw it.
He would look at your photos while crying.
He would want to text you, but he knew it was a wrong decision.
Even if his love for you was over, it felt like something inside of him died. He felt like it was all his fault for letting you go.
He would eat less and perform a bit different. Not concentrating enough.
If someone asked about you, he would remain silent.
He would find a way to see you, missing you badly.
It would be a long time until he would find another girl, but he would still think about you from time to time.
This one is kinda weird gg
2nd Masterlist
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I Really, Really Wanna Love You (But I can't say the word I want to, cause they won’t play it on the radio)
Part 3 of Sometimes All You Need (A Getaway Car)
Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
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Description: You've been dating Jake Seresin for three months and while they've been fantastic, you can't help feeling a bit unsatisfied with how intimate you are with each other. Jake's the consummate gentleman, always opening the door for you, pulling your chair out, and walking you places with his hand at the small of your back. And the kisses? The kisses make you weak, literally, at the knees. But he always stops you before it can get any further. When he asks you to put on something special for a fancy dinner, you plot to get him exactly where you want him; in your bed and in your arms, all night long.
Disclaimer: Insecurities on the part of Gorgeous Girl, Miscommunication, Smut, Blow Jobs, P-in-V Sex, Smut,
Warnings: afab!reader
Word Count: 6063
A/N: This is the third chapter to Sometimes All You Need (A Getaway Car). It picks up three months after Gorgeous Girl and Jake first meet and have their first date together. This is officially when we make the jump from kissing to smut, so I'm going to say it once again. MINORS DNI. ANY BLANK OR AGELESS BLOGS INTERACTING WITH THIS BLOG WILL BE BLOCKED. 18+ ONLY. This chapter is a lot of smut with some plot involved. There is some mis-communication going on between Jake and GG, but as expected from the sweetest, sexiest man in existence he makes it all better. This chapter is sponsored by the song LOVE U by Monsta X (who I pull the title from) and Glen Powell in the black-on-black suit he wore for one of the Devotion Premiere events late last year. He's honestly the best muse a girl could ask for. I have a billion kisses for the amazing @pumpkinfairybun, my bestie and loml for proofreading 6k of smut for me!
AO3: Cross-posted here! My Masterlist
Previous Part | Series Masterlist | Next Part
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You’ve officially been dating Jake Seresin for three months, and they’ve been fantastic, except for one thing. He’s the consummate gentleman who’s always opening the door for you, pulling your chair out, and walking you places with his hand at the small of your back. And the kisses? The kisses make you weak, literally, at the knees. But he always stops you before it can get any further. You’ve had to work your way up to touch his bare chest, and the only time you managed that was when you were out on the beach, and he hefted you up to throw you in the water. You had clutched at him as he swooped you into the cool ocean water in the heat of a typical San Diego summer and squealed when a wave had nearly swept your feet out from under you. He’d pulled you against his chest, kissing you as the wave dissipated before setting you down on your feet. That had been your fourth date, a picnic on the beach complete with sunscreen, swimsuits, and sunglasses.
You had been on many dates after that, and each night you’d ended up alone in your bed, fingers furiously working at your clit while wishing he was there with you, that it was his hands and mouth getting you off. You’d dropped all of the hints. Inviting Jake in for coffee had worked to get him as far as the sofa in your living room. Make-out sessions resulted in you in his lap, moaning into his mouth while trying desperately to get his hands under your top, dress, or skirt, all to no avail. He always stopped you, carefully pushing you away from the tent in his pants while his eyes darkened with arousal. He wanted you, and he couldn’t hide that from you. But he refused to do anything about it. And you had finally had enough. You wanted Jake Seresin in every way possible, and you’d go to any means to get him exactly how you wanted him, too. 
He’d told you to wear something fancy for a dinner date, and that was when you’d begun plotting. You started by shopping with Callie and her new girlfriend, another aviator in the squadron, Natasha. They were both the sexiest women you knew and exuded sex appeal even while surrounded by men all day long. Thanks to Callie, Natasha also knew every salacious detail, or lack thereof, about your relationship with Jake. She also had the benefit of knowing Jake through her career with the Navy as well. So as far as you were concerned, you had an inside woman into ways to make Jake drool. Or at least, that was your rationale a few days before your date when you met Callie and Natasha at a boutique downtown to shop for your dress, lingerie, and shoes. Lingerie shopping was about as you expected. You must have tried on a dozen different sets and then stood shivering in the shop A/C, half-naked, twirling inanely in circles as Callie and Nat, as she’d asked you to call her, analyzed each set. They’d vetoed each set you’d tried on in your size, and you were starting to get frustrated. At least until Callie had tossed you one final set over the top of the fitting room door.
It was a strappy, black lace push-up bra and lacy panties. They felt buttery soft on your skin, and you looked and felt amazing in them. When you walked out, the wolf whistles you got from Callie and Nat sealed the decision. Even the price tag didn’t detract from your choice. The tiny little bag holding your purchase made you smile as you picked out the perfect dress and shoes. Nat and Callie also talked you into getting your hair and nails done. So you were primped, primed, and shaved all over on the night you hoped would be the date. You do your hair first, sticking with simple curls that glisten in the light, followed by natural makeup. You then carefully slip into the lingerie, pulling at it until it lays perfectly flat against your skin. You look incredible if you do say so yourself. The shoes make your legs look miles long, and you’ve just slipped into the dress and zipped it up halfway when the doorbell rings. You carefully step down the stairs in the sky-high heels you’d picked and open the door to Jake, looking the most handsome you’ve seen him yet in fitted black slacks, a crisp black button-down shirt, and a blazer. He is coiffed without a hair out of place, and a polished watch gleams on his wrist.
“Hi, Jake!” you’re smiling as you gesture to him to come in. “Give me two minutes to put on my lipstick and grab my clutch and jacket, as well as a hand zipping up this dress, and I’m ready to go.” 
“Sure, beautiful,” he’s smiling too, that soft grin he only uses with you as you turn to grab your clutch and slip your phone into it. What you aren’t expecting as you face the small table in your foyer is the hands carefully pushing your hair over your shoulder. They linger on your skin, sending trails of heat over you as they smooth over the lacy garments under the dress.
“Fuck, gorgeous,” he’s groaning, hands hot against your skin, eyes darkening in the mirror in your foyer as he looms over you. 
“What’s this little thing you’re wearing under this dress?”
You shrug with a mischievous grin as you stare into his eyes in the reflection. “It could be lingerie. I guess you’ll have to find out.” 
Now it’s your turn to gasp as he presses a kiss against the base of your neck while zipping the dress up. You can feel his smile against your skin as he kisses you in the same spot again. You turn in his arms and peck his lips, purposefully keeping the press of lips chaste. 
“Dinner? I’m ready to go if you are Jake!” You’re grinning at the betrayed look on his face as you step away, pursing your lips in the mirror as you swipe your preferred burgundy shade on, and shrug on your jacket.
“Dinner, gorgeous girl.” His eyes promise something special after dinner, which is what you want. 
You’re laughing and chatting happily with him as he opens the door to his truck and helps you into the passenger seat. The only indication that he’s still keyed up from the glimpse of your lingerie is the hand on your bare thigh through the slit of your dress, achingly close to where you want him but not quite there. His chivalrous mask is cracking already, and you cannot wait to see what happens when it finally crumbles off. 
Jake’s managed to get reservations at Nobu, and you’re impressed by his chopstick etiquette as you both enjoy the sumptuous omakase meal. Partway through the meal, with a sip of sake, you push the game's stakes higher and slide your heel up his thigh. He nearly chokes on his sake as you teasingly massage his cock with your foot. You’re pleased to see the heat in his eyes. But you’re more insulted at the feeling of his hand on your foot, stopping you and carefully setting your foot back down. You can feel your smile flagging, chest aching at the thought of all the effort you’d made to make him want you like you wanted him. That one action dampens the mood for the rest of the meal, and though you’re trying to smile at him and participate in the conversation, you’re sure he can tell how frustrated and stupid you feel. It isn’t until Jake has paid, for once without your protests, and you’re back in the truck, that the tension boils over.
“Jake?” Your voice is calm, calmer than you expected when you start talking. “At dinner, when I tried to play footsie with you, did I do something wrong?” You can feel your voice quivering as you continue. 
“I wanted to show you that I want you. I love that you’re a gentleman, but I also want you to desire me. I’ve wanted you to desire me for a long time now!” You’re sniffling, trying to keep from sobbing completely. 
“And it hurts so badly that you push me away when we start to get intimate. I bought lingerie for you! I shaved everything, bought this dress and these heels, all for you, and it’s still not enough! When will I be enough for you? Will I ever be enough for you?”
It’s silent in the car. You’re blinking back tears while staring out the window. Even the radio isn’t on to punctuate the hush. You glance sideways every once in a while to see his eyes only on the road. His jaw is clenched on another one of his toothpicks, knuckles white against the steering wheel, biceps bulging in the fitted blazer as he continues to drive you home. This is the end of this relationship, the best one you’ve ever had. And you tanked it by being too horny, too needy. He’s livid, and you can tell. He pulls the truck into your driveway, exits, and yanks your door open. He’s an ominous presence looming over your shoulder as you unlock the door and step in, letting him through after you.
“Goodnight, Jake.” Your voice is thick with tears as you collapse onto the bench in your foyer and struggle to undo the straps on your shoes. You can feel his sigh across the top of your foot as he kneels before you and frees each foot from its heel. He then stands and carefully pulls you into his arms. Crushed against his chest and surrounded by the scent of his cologne, you can’t help the sobs that shake your body. He’s tender, soothingly massaging your back as your tears finally taper off. Thankfully you’d managed to keep your makeup from smearing all over in your crying fit.
“Now that you’ve gotten all your tears out, can I talk to you, beautiful?” His voice is soft. You can feel the hourglass run out on this relationship. You can only nod like you’re expecting the oncoming train wreck to plow through you. You both strip off your outerwear, laying the garments on the bench you were just sitting on. Jake takes your hand and pulls you into your living room, pushing you to sit on your sofa. You watch him as he fills a glass of water and makes you drink it. He doesn’t speak until you’ve set the empty glass on the coffee table and finished patting your tears away with a tissue. 
“What, sweetheart, makes you think that I don’t want you?” His brow is furrowed as he speaks, settling onto the sofa. “I don’t want to pressure you into doing anything you’re not ready for.”
“And what about tonight? I pulled out all of the stops. I bought everything I’m wearing for you to take off!” you huff.
“Sweets, I had to stop you at the restaurant because if I hadn’t, I would’ve cum in my pants like a teenager. I never meant to hurt you. I should’ve told you the truth. I want you so much.” His smile is sheepish as he musses up his hair. “I just wanted you to make the first move. And then when that move came, it was too much for me to handle.” 
“Jake,” You’re sheepishly grinning yourself, “I should’ve told you how I felt too. We could have been incandescently happy if I had just told you what I wanted. I feel so stupid.” You settle back against the cushions and intertwine your fingers with his. All the anger and embarrassment fade as you sit slumped against each other and unwind. It feels comfortable sitting in silence with Jake. 
“Sweetheart, I’m sorry.” He sounds exhausted. “I’d understand if you don’t want to see me again.” His words send a jolt of unease through you. You don’t want to stop seeing him. You never want to stop seeing him. You never expected your insecurities to make him feel so bad, so unsure about what you feel for him. It aches in your chest, the thought of seeing him with someone else, making someone else feel as happy as he makes you.
“Jake, I don’t want to stop seeing you.” Your words fail you, and instead of trying to express the jumbled mess that is your emotions and feelings for Jake, you settle for kissing him. You pull away, staring into his eyes, “I know it’s probably too soon to say it, but I’m fairly sure I am falling in love with you.”
His eyes widen, mouth slackening in shock, before clearing his throat. “Gorgeous, it’s not too soon. I’ve wanted to tell you I love you for a while too.” 
At his smile, you kiss him again, using just enough teeth and tongue to deepen the kiss into make-out territory. You’re gratified to feel him pull you closer when you slip into his lap. You’re both grinning as you kiss each other, teeth clashing. But before long, the kisses you're sharing have left chaste behind and become filthy wet hot things that send heat ricocheting to the apex of your thighs. Jake is similarly affected if the groan he lets out as you grind your core over his bulge is an indication. 
He drags you into one more filthy kiss, one arm wrapped around your waist while the other pulls the zip on your dress down to the base of your spine. His mouth sends goosebumps over your skin, making you moan his name. Jake pushes the straps of your dress off your shoulders while lavishing kisses down the column of your throat. His sigh of appreciation is like music to your ears when he finally catches the sight of your soft skin framed in obsidian lace. 
"Fuck, gorgeous girl." His mouth is wet against the swell of your breasts as he peppers kisses over them, sucking gently to place hickeys against your decolletage. "You look so beautiful in this lingerie. If I'd known this is what you were wearing under your dress, I would've never let you out of the house." He tugs you back into another kiss but groans when you drag your fingers through his hair and pull him away using your grip on the golden strands.
He's a vision sitting on your sofa when you step out of reach of his hands and let your dress pool to the ground around your feet. His hair is mussed, his lips spit slicked and wet, and traces of your lipstick are smeared over his mouth. He looks claimed, marked as yours. The arousal in his eyes strengthens when you drape his discarded blazer around your shoulders and beckon for him to follow you as you pad your way up the stairs to your bedroom. He catches up outside your bedroom door and turns you to face him again. He pushes the jacket off your shoulders and smashes his mouth to yours.
"Jump." He growls against your mouth, and you feel even more arousal seep, sickly sweet, through your veins when he catches you and presses you against the wall. You shudder against him as he kisses down your throat, hands working in tandem at your back to free your breasts from their lace prison. After he's flung the bra away, he drags his tongue over your breasts, drawing one into his mouth. His mouth feels incredible against your peaked, hard nipples; the licking, biting, and sucking sending frissons of pleasure down your spine. You're so consumed by Jake and the wet heat of his tongue that you don't notice you're in your room until he places you on your bed with a kiss to your sternum.
"Sweetheart," his voice is rough with arousal, "I'm feeling a bit overdressed. Would you help me take off my clothes?" 
You scramble up to your knees and off the bed. Now it's your turn to touch and worship his skin. You undo each button of his shirt, shoving it off his shoulders while peppering kisses across his pecs and letting your teeth and tongue catch on the ridges of his abs. Jake’s eyes are blown wide, only the thinnest ring of emerald left when you fall to your knees and undo the button for his slacks. He steps out of them and groans when you press kisses against the wet spot in his boxers. You slip your hand in and gasp at the feeling of him. He's thick and hot, skin velvety as you free him from the constricting fabric and lick a stripe up his length. There are already pearls of pre-cum drooling from the tip, bursting bitter and salty-sweet on your tongue as you lick at his flushed length and stroke him with both hands wrapped around him. Your mouth floods with saliva at the thought of him in your mouth. You start slowly, enveloping just the tip. You drag your tongue gently across the underside of his cock and flick it languidly over the ridge under the head. 
“Sweet girl, don’t tease,” he groans when you pull away, a string of saliva connecting your mouth to the tip of his dick. The groan transitions into a full moan when you blow cool air over his flushed cock and draw him back into your mouth deeper than before. The muscles of his thighs twitch as you set a frantic pace, throat relaxing as you suck on his dick. The final straw for his control is when you peer up through your eyelashes at him with your mouth stretched obscenely around his cock. 
“Gorgeous,” he’s panting, chest heaving, and muscles tense, looking down at you, “can I fuck your mouth?” 
At your nod, he pulls you up into a filthy kiss, during which he drags the sopping lace of your panties off before pulling your hair into a loose ponytail at the base of your neck, keeping his hand cradled against your skull. You drop back to your knees in front of him, mouth open and glistening with saliva as he feeds you his cock. He starts slow, pistoning his hips gently, only speeding up and deepening his thrusts when you cradle his balls with your hands. Soon he’s fucking your mouth in earnest. A burn sets into your jaw at the strain, but you don’t even notice, consumed by Jake and your growing arousal.
“Baby …… sweetheart…… gonna come,” he’s grunting, the words barely clear. “Can I come in your mouth?” He’s still trying to be courteous, asking you for permission like that. Your only response is to suckle rougher at the mushroom tip of his cock. With a choked-off moan, he’s coming down your throat, cock twitching with the force of his release. His eyes are heavy-lidded as he slowly pulls his still-hard length from your mouth and drags you into a kiss. He doesn’t mind the taste of his cum still on your tongue if the moan that rumbles through his chest is proof. 
“Jake,” your voice is rough, “I want you.” Your arms are wrapped around his neck, caressing the short hairs at the base of his neck as you breathe into his mouth, lips slanted against each other. His hands are pressed against your ass and across your back.  You breathe in the scent of his cologne mixed with his musk as your heart rate slows, and you grow accustomed to feeling his skin against yours. 
“Bed, sweetheart,” he murmurs, feathering one last kiss against your lips before tossing you onto the bed and covering your body with his. You let him take control, peppering your skin with wet hot kisses as he likes, tasting every inch as he goes. He lavishes more attention against your breasts, rolling a pebbled nipple with his calloused fingers while lapping at the other. Each caress sends heat shooting to your core. It seems both forever and too soon until he’s finally settled between your thighs, leaving the marks of his love across your skin, his broad shoulders holding your thighs apart as he gazes adoringly at your wet folds.
“Oh, you’re so beautiful, my gorgeous girl.” That damned Texan drawl is back in full force as he speaks, drawing a finger through your slick folds and flicking his tongue out to taste. 
“And you taste so sweet.” You can’t respond when he’s dipped his head to lick a stripe over your folds. The sensations make you moan, grasping at his hair with one of your hands while clutching at his rock-hard forearm wrapped around your hips with the other. He sets upon eating you out like a man starved. His fingers dip into you, massaging your tight walls until he finds the spongy spot that makes you tug at his hair and see stars. The wet heat of his tongue as he traces figure eights over your clit doesn’t help either. He’s only been making you moan his name for a few minutes when you feel the coil in your gut tighten. You’re only moments from cumming, harder than you ever have.
“Jake … Jake … Jake!” You chant his name as you tug on his hair to get his attention. He pulls away from your weeping cunt with a wet kiss on your mound before sliding up to face you. His mouth and chin are coated in your arousal.
“What is it, sweets? Did something not make you feel good?” He’s still your gentleman, even buck-naked with his hard cock pressing against you. You tug him into a kiss, moaning at the taste of yourself on his tongue.
“No, Jay,” your voice is soft as you drape your arms around his neck. “Was gonna come. Wanted to give you a warning.” He presses his fingers back into your wet cunt, grinning at how you moan under him. You drag his mouth back to yours in a messy kiss that is all teeth, tongue, and saliva. He scissors his fingers in you, making you moan and arch your back until your hard nipples brush against his chest. 
“Baby,” his voice is velvet soft as he fucks you mercilessly with his fingers. You’re writhing under him, hips chasing his hand as he pumps it in and out of you, “cum for me. My beautiful girlfriend. Wanna make you cum. Wanna see you cum.” 
“Jake!” Your breathy moans fill the air as he draws your orgasm closer.
“Jake!” You’re screaming his name with each press of his fingers, rapidly crashing toward your orgasm. Your fingers dig into his shoulders as you come with a silent scream. He finger-fucks you through the entirety of your release, stopping only when you begin to push at the hand between your legs. He’s trying to kill you, is all you can think when he pulls his hand away and licks your slick from his fingers.
He grins that panty-dropping heart-stopping grin when you call his name.
“Hiya, gorgeous. How do you feel? Are you hurting? Do you need anything?” He’s beside himself, trying to make sure you’re okay. 
You chuckle, pressing a kiss against his jaw, “I’m fine, Jay. Better than. You could even say that I’m good. Very good.”
He’s chuckling, too, as he turns the both of you over until your head is pillowed against his chest. His hands trail lazy circles across your back as you feel sweat cool against your skin. 
“Jay?” He asks once you’ve both caught your breath. 
“Yeah,” you smile, pressing a kiss over his heart, “a nickname for you. I hope you don’t mind.”
“I don’t mind at all, darlin’.” You can feel the rumble of his voice in his chest from your spot draped over him. He’s still hard against your thigh, and the feeling of his cock against your skin sends a low level of arousal shooting through you. You slide over him, straddling his waist and pushing his hands up, intertwining your fingers with his own. 
“Now, what are you doing, sweetheart?” 
You kiss the smirk off of his face and stroke his cock gently. 
“Well, Cowboy, I was thinking of giving you a ride. You game?” Your smirk rivals his own as you sit perched against his chest. His big hands rest on your waist, thumbs rubbing circles on your skin. 
“I guess I could oblige if a little lady wanted to go for a ride.” His voice is all southern charm as he looks up into your face. “Do you have a condom, baby doll? Cause I have a few in my wallet.”
You kiss him before finding his discarded slacks and pulling out his wallet and the condoms he mentioned. He’s posed alluringly amongst the mussed sheets of your bed when you turn back to the bed. 
“Who’re you trying to charm, huh?” You ask Jake, leaving the condoms at the head of the bed as you try to get him onto his back again. He’s tickling you now, your laughter leaving you breathless as you try desperately to escape his fingers. 
“Jake! I thought you promised me a ride, handsome?”
He finally lets you manhandle him onto his back with your fingers intertwined. Now, he’s eager to comply, especially when, as you reach for the condoms, it leaves your breasts against his face. Right in range for him to get his mouth on them. You let Jake mouth at your skin for a moment before pulling away, condoms in hand.
“Jay…” You carefully run your fingers through his hair, tipping his jaw to slant your mouth down to his. “Let me take control. Can I make you feel good? Please let me make you feel good?” 
“Doll, you can do whatever you want with me. I promise I’ll like it all.” God, his voice sounds like pure sex — throaty and gorgeous. You kiss him just for those sweet words and rip a condom open. He groans as you carefully roll the condom down his flushed length. You slowly pump your hand over him twice more before guiding him into you. You’ve only got his tip in you, and he already makes you feel so full. He’s so thick! 
“Take it slow, beautiful. We’ve got all the time in the world.” He’s massaging your hips again, big calloused hands tender on your skin. You kiss him until you can feel the stretch ease, glad you’re wetter than ever. Setting your hands on his stomach, you start bouncing on his cock. You’re slow, enjoying the drag of his length in you and the look on his face. He’s blushing, and you can see the blush going down his chest as you pick up the pace. You can already feel the pressure in your core, your second orgasm building faster and harder than the first. Jake’s got his head thrown back, babbling praises and how much he loves you as you tip forward and leave your own marks against his neck. You can feel sweat trickle down your neck and between your breasts as you bounce, your thighs tensing and aching with each subsequent thrust. Jake sits up and cradles you against his chest, kissing you first and then sharing breaths as he helps you bounce on his length. The last straw for you is when he uses his fingers to gather some of your mixed arousals at the base of his cock and rubs your clit. You cum hard, seeing stars, cunt clenching tight on his length. Only a few stuttering thrusts of his hips later, you feel him follow you over the cliff into his orgasm after you.
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You return to yourself slowly. A warm washcloth runs over your skin and your tender core. 
“Jake,” Your voice is hoarse. He brushes your sweat-damp hair out of your face before kissing you. He’s already wearing his boxers, which is a crying shame, even if your sexual appetite is fully sated.
“Doll, you are a vision.” His voice is gentle as he finishes wiping both of your mixed arousals from your skin. “How do you feel?”
“I’m a little sore.” You stretch before crawling into his lap and kissing his throat. He cradles you to his chest. “I like when you call me Doll, by the way.”
“Doll just seemed like the perfect thing to call you at the moment,” he’s grinning, loose and relaxed, “Especially with how you looked bouncing on my dick like that.” He kisses the crown of your head before continuing, “I took the liberty of drawing you a bath and can help you get into it.”
“Jay, you might have to carry me.” Your smile is rueful. “You fucked all the strength out of my legs. And I need a few moments in the bathroom alone. After, though, that bath sounds amazing, especially if you’ll join me?”
“I’ve got you, beautiful. You won’t get a UTI on my watch.” 
He stands easily, shuffling you until you’re in a bridal carry in his arms. You peck his jaw as he carefully sets you down at the threshold of the bathroom door and closes the door, leaving just a crack. 
“Call for me when you need me, doll.” 
You feel as weak as a newborn colt as you carefully take care of business and tie your hair into a bun. The bathtub is full of a mountain of bubbles, steam rising from the hot water in waves. You can’t stifle your pleased gasp as you settle into the water, letting it soothe every muscle in your body. You can feel every limb grow heavy, and your eyes close.
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“Hey, sweetheart, feel good?” Jake’s voice sounds amused, and so does his face when you force your eyes open. You must have been dozing in the hot water, but thankfully, it hasn’t been too long since the water is still hot.
“Sorry, Jay,” you murmur, yawning so hard your jaw cracks, “I guess I fell asleep.”
“It’s alright, doll. You still want me in there with you?”
He chuckles when you make grabby hands at him but complies, taking his boxers off and stepping into the tub behind you. His hands gently trace your thighs, stomach, and breasts, drawing you to sit comfortably against his chest. You tip your head back, eyes fluttering closed, and wrap your arms around the hand he has against your breast.
“Don’t fall asleep on me again, sweetheart!” Jake’s voice is a pleasant rumble against your skin as you lazily press a kiss against his jaw.
“Not sleeping. Just resting my eyes.” Your voice is whisper soft as he turns you so you’re slumped over his lap and against his chest.
“Doll, you gotta help me get us all cleaned up and in bed.” His voice is tender and cajoling as he kisses you. Your limbs feel heavy and sluggish, but you do your best to move for him. It’s obvious to you both that you won’t do more than paw clumsily at his chest in your sleepy haze. Jake takes matters into his own hands and wakes you up, though, when his fingers trail teasingly through your sensitive folds. He's grinning wickedly as you jolt in his arms at the sudden overstimulation.
"Jay!" Your voice is all petulant whine as you tug his hands away from your tender core. "I'm awake. I'm awake." He's unrepentant, pulling you flush until you are chest to chest. The both of you relax in the hot bath water, muscles loosening as time passes. The water's just getting cold when you peck his smirking lips and murmur, "Shall we take this to the shower instead?" 
"Only if you promise you can stand on your own two feet for me, Baby Doll. Gotta get my messy girl all clean before bed." 
Getting called 'his' sends a silly fond grin to your mouth as you pull the plug and carefully step out. You're setting the shower to your liking, hair in loose waves down your back when he steps in after you, the water hot as it beats a tattoo on your skin.
"God, sweetheart." His voice is quietly amused, "You're one of those crazy girls who like their shower hotter than the surface of the sun, aren't you?"
You shrug one shoulder in response and set to lathering yourself up with your favorite citrus body wash. A thick arm knocks your hands away, taking their place on your skin. Jake squeezes you close tenderly before turning the water temperature down and pushing you gently under the spray. He massages shampoo into your hair and soap over your skin; the pressure and feeling of his hands are perfect when combined with the warm water.
"I've got you, sweets." Jake presses a kiss against your shoulder before taking his turn under the spray while your conditioner soaks in. Now it’s your turn to touch, tracing the streams of water as they cascade over his muscular chest and rigid abs with your soap-covered hands. His eyes flutter closed as you shampoo his hair, blunt nails scratching at his scalp as he lifts you so you can reach. Jake kisses your sternum softly, but there is no heat or intention behind the caress. You're too lazy and sated for more than chaste kisses, loving words, and skin-to-skin contact as you rinse off. After you're clean, you stand in the stream of hot water, holding each other. Several long moments pass before you step out, exhaustion fogging every movement. Jake gently towels your skin and hair dry before helping you into a fresh pair of cotton panties. At your pout, he lifts you onto the counter so you can return the favor, drying his hair just as gently as he'd dried yours. 
The atmosphere is syrupy sweet as the two of you weave around your bathroom like you've been doing it all your lives. It's a coordinated dance of smiles and gentle caresses as you fetch a toothbrush for Jake to use. He smiles tenderly at you, toothpaste staining the corner of his mouth as you stand side by side at the sink and brush your teeth. The quiet domesticity of the moment sinks like a sip of hot tea into your chest, warming every inch of you. He feels right in your house and life like he belongs with you. That belonging feeling intensifies when you flop gracelessly onto the clean sheets Jake had changed as you were dozing in the tub. They feel heavenly against your skin when Jake lies down next to you, manhandles you to curl into him, and draws the covers up to surround you. You fall asleep to the steady beat of his heart, dreams sweet, and thoughts sweeter.
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Love is waking up in the morning to the smell of coffee and Fleetwood Mac drifting through the house.  Love is wearing your boyfriend’s shirt and walking into the kitchen to see him singing and dancing to the music blaring from the speakers on the kitchen counter in his boxers, bedhead on full display, using a spatula as a microphone while breakfast sizzles on the stove. Love is the sound of his voice, deep and smooth in the morning when you've both just woken up. Love is the grin on his face as he hands you a mug of coffee prepared just how you like. Love is kissing him in thanks and again because you want to. 
It’s in how he has breakfast ready for you moments after you walk downstairs. It’s in how he feeds you all the blueberries on his plate because they’re your favorite fruit. It’s in the slow kisses you share that taste of sweet maple syrup, smokey bacon, and dark, rich coffee. It’s how you sit with your legs sprawled over his lap, chatting at the kitchen table long after all the food is gone. But above all, love for you is Jake Seresin on a Sunday morning in the fall when he’s golden in the weak sunshine and golden in your heart.
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@mayhemmanaged 🚙 @little-wiseone 🚙 @eli2447 🚙@f1maverick 🚙 @desert-fern 🚙 @love2write2626 🚙
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sokkadora · 2 years
thanks to them — hunter (gg) x clawthorne!reader
continuation of comfort crowd & hold out!
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summary: after months of trying, the hexsquad make a daring try to get back to the demon realm.
a/n: okay um. the requests are going to be coming over the course of this week (no promises 🙏🏼) but. you will be seeing them soon!
wc: 5.2k
warning(s): possession, blood mention, (almost) dying, flapjack dying :(
You squeeze Hunter hand tightly as your. eyes droop and Luz’s mother opens the door, and gasps in shock to find six teens looking disheveled out in the rain, as Luz looks up at her.
“Hey, Mom.” She shrugs softly, and starts tearing up. “I'm back.”
Camila and Luz stare at each other for a moment, before Camila gives daughter and gives her a warm embrace, both crying.
Camila invites you all inside for dinner, and after finishing you all contribute to cleaning up. Camila is washing the dishes, Gus helps her by using magic and an awkward Amity gives her a cup of tea. Camila smiles, and pats Amity on the shoulder.
She joins you at the table, leaving a seat for Luz between you and her as Willow rubs a hand against your back as a comforting gesture.
Luz gets out a box of bandages that have cartoon mascots resembling Eda, King, and Hooty, and she sighs softly. Hunter approaches her quietly, grabbing onto the doorframe.
“Hey. Thanks for not telling them that I'm a...” Hunter starts, looking away, embarrassed.
Luz opens the box of bandages, staring at the bandage softly. “A grimwalker?”
“Shhhh, don't say it so loud!” He shushes worriedly. Luz hands him two bandaids for you, and he stares at them for a moment before speaking. “Uh... what about you? How've you been since, uh...?”
“Since we were in Belos’ mind? Since I found out I helped him meet the Collector?” Luz squeezes her eyes shut, holding back tears. “Oh my gosh, Hunter. They're all gonna hate me.”
“What? Psssh!” Hunter scoffs lightheartedly, stepping closer to Luz as she wipes away her tears and slightly smiles at Hunter. “No, of course they won't. They won't hate you any more than me when they find out that...” He starts panicking. “I might be a clone of... someone who was a... witch hunter... with... Belos...”
Luz and Hunter frown, and slowly turn their individual gazes to their partners; you and Amity.
“(Y/N) already knows and still loves you, but… we'll tell them. When we're ready..”
Hunter nods and the two join the others in the dining room. Willow scoots over a seat for Hunter to sit next to you as Luz sits on your other side and places a bandaid on Amity’s hand.
“Okay, so in the Demon Realm, you fought the evil Emperor Belos who turned into a monster...”
Hunter shakily grabs your arm, pulling you from your thoughts to sit up straight and watch him. He opens the bandaids and places them over them on the scratches on your arm, and smiles worriedly at you. When you smile and take his hand into yours, it quells any fear he might have that you don’t love him the same as before you knew he was a grimwalker.
“Well, he started out human.” Gus says, and you and Hunter turn to listen to the conversation.
“Right, but he was defeated by a newer, smaller bad guy?”
“The Collector.” You say, clearing your throat as Camila turns her attention to you. “We don't know what he is or how Belos found him.”
“Who knows if we'll ever figure that out?!” Luz says, panicked. Amity and the rest of the table (except you) look at her, confused. “But they're creating a lot of chaos.”
“We have to do whatever it takes to get back.” Amity states firmly, turning back to Camila.
“And you will. But for now, you should all rest.” Camila smiles, looking around at all the kids that are now in her care. “You're all safe here.”
Camila shows you and the other girls to Luz’s room, and Gus and Hunter to the basement.
Vee, the basilisk Luz told you about, shows you, Willow, and Amity a small black box with numbers on it with a wide smile.
“In the morning, instead of screaming, it'll do this!” She presses a button on it, and it activates an alarm.
You stare at it curiously while Willow and Amity gasp in shock, jumping up from where they were sitting.
“Don't worry, Vee!” Amity says, placing an arm in front of Vee.
“We'll keep you safe!” Willow shouts, destroying the alarm with her plant magic. Once it collapses on the floor in tiny pieces, Willow and Amity smile. “Good work! It's dead!” She and Amity bump elbows as you pout and Vee stares at the alarm clock sadly.
“Uh... thanks.” Vee says sheepishly.
You look down at the floor where Willow made a hole with her plant magic, and glance up to see Camila peeking in the room. You sheepishly smile, drawing at spell circle and casting a spell that fixes the hole.
Camila smiles at you thankfully, and closes the door.
Over the months you stay in the human realm, there are multiple tries at a portal door to get back to the Demon Realm, but they all fail. But it doesn’t stop you from having fun there, after all, Camila has made time to take you all on tons of trips over Luz’z summer break. You cut Hunter’s hair for him as he shyly explained what he had found on Philip and his brother, and you both experienced human rain for… the first(ish) time.
That one had to be your favorite memory here so far, giggling at Hunter being covered in mud as you hopped down the stairs. You kneeled and brushed the mud out of his hair and eyes, and his shy grin that he always gave you when you were that close.
But summer came to a close and Luz was at school, so you and everyone else were hanging out in the abandoned house behind Luz’s home.
Amity, Gus, Hunter, Willow were all trilling R's, while you and Vee — having lived with Luz and Camila, were speaking perfect Spanish.
Gus mumbled to himself, “Am I doing this right?”
You and Vee spoke into the tablets app, and a ding sound came from it, making the two of you grin.
“Perfecto! You're our top student!”
Amity squinted at the tablet. “Hmm. I was the top student once.”
Flapjack begins pecking at the table, and you glance at Hunter, who shrugs.
“He's still doing that, huh?” Gus asks, crossing his arms and looking up at Hunter.
“He won't tell me what he's looking for.” Hunter sighs and shakes his head.
Camila enters the shed with a warm smile, “Hi.” Looking around she grins, “Ooh! I like what you've done with the place. No more exposed nails or possum nests. But this still confuses me.” Camila motions to a painting of Hooty on the door, and you squint at the droopy paint.
“Yeah. He still confuses us too.”
“Hola Camila.” Gus smiles, waving at her. “We're learning Spanish from this scary owl app.”
“Hoot hoot! Practice every day, or I'll appear in your nightmares.”
Camila blinks in surprise. “Oh, okay. Well, I'm going to pick Luz up from school.” Camila grins, placing a hand on her hip. “Pop quiz; ¿Como se dice eso en español?”
“Oh, oh! Uh... Hunter inhales and starts speaking strained Spanish.
“Voy a recoger a Luz de la escuela.” You grin, clasping your hands together.
“Muy bueno!” Camila grins and winks at you. “Keep it up.”
Amity sighs after Camila leaves, “Maybe we should take a break.”
“A siesta.” Willow grins.
“Siesta!” Gus exclaims, bounding up from his spot on the floor.
“We've been here for months, and we've made no progress on the portal door.” Amity explains, throwing her arms out in exasperation as she stands up. “We can't expect Camila to take care of us forever.”
“In the meantime, we could pull more weight around the kitchen.” Gus nods. “My mustard ravioli did bring tears to her eyes.”
“Those weren't the kind of tears you're thinking of.” Vee cringes.
“I can help fixed damaged clothes!” Hunter holds up a shirt he made / fixed, grinning.
Willow holds up a plant monster, “I can spruce up the garden!”
“Maybe we need to look elsewhere. There's an entire Human Realm to search.” Amity says, placing a hand on her chin while pacing in front of the group.
“But Luz has school most of the week.” You say, a hand on your hip.
“So? Let's explore the town ourselves. After all, Luz went into the Boiling Isles on her own.”
“If Eda came here before, maybe there were others. Maybe they left something behind we can use.”
“Yes! That's the spirit! Together, there is no challenge that can hold us back.” Amity trips in a hole Flapjack pecked and faceplants, making everyone cringe. Amity groans, “Ow.”
“It's a sign! We're doomed!” Gus gasps.
“Come on Flapjack, this isn't funny anymore.” Amity grunts, until she sees something in the hole. She gasps, “There's something in here.”
Amity holds up a hexagonal box as the group gathers around her. She opens it and takes out a scroll and unrolls it.
You kneel down next to her, and run a hand over the paper. “Hmm. Looks like… a map?” You guess, looking up at Amity.
“Or a secret code?”
Flapjack chirps at Hunter, landing on his shoulder. “Flapjack, is this what you've been looking for? What does it lead to?”
“That eye, it kinda looks like the old portal door.” You say aloud, making Willow and Gus gasp.
“The portal door!” They link arms and begin chanting. “Portal door! Portal door! Portal door!”
“Alright, alright, calm down,” You smile softly, standing up and putting a hand on their shoulders to stop their bouncing. “Let's tell Luz.”
“What if it's just another dead end?” Amity sighs, turning to face you. “She already feels responsible for our other failed attempts.
“Then, let's not tell her until we can figure it out.” Willow grins. “Using our buff brains!” She flexes her arms, and everyone follows but Hunter, who’s blushing at you.
“Buff brains!”
Hunter laughs, still flustered as he joins in. “Yeah!”
You and Gus head towards the basement after helping Camila in the kitchen, “Thanks for helping, kids.”
“Anytime!” Gus smiles, waving back at her.
“Anytime, Ms. Camila.” You wave, “Good night!”
Gus hops down the stairs and swings around a banister, flopping on the couch as you walk down the stairs normally. Hunter looks up from his sewing and smiles at the both of you.
“Whoo! We've got a big day ahead of us, so I'm gonna buenas this noche.” Gus smiles, getting under his blanket as you sit on Hunter’s sleeping bag.
“Mm-hmm!” Hunter smiles with his eyes closed, and gets his finger caught in Camila's sewing machine. “Ow!” He whimpers, and you gasp.
“Are you okay?” You asked worriedly, and Gus nods.
“Yeah, that sounded painful.”
Hunter scoffs, and continues sewing, “I've been training in the Emperor's Coven for as long as I can remember.” He smiles confidently at you and Gus, making you smile. “I think I can handle a little...” He cuts his finger, and winces. You and Gus wince with him. “...pain.”
“Oh. That went clean through.” Gus said sheepishly as you pulled a bandaid out of your pocket and gestured for Hunter to come over.
Hunter sat down beside you and started speaking with a smile as you wrapped his finger, “Camila taught me how to use this sewing contraption. Even Darius's stitches have never been this neat. Oh, and look at what I made!” He leans away, grabbing something and holding up a shirt. You scoot back to lean against the couch as you and Gus listen to him. “These are mystical beasts called wolves, and I love them.”
He smiles, his eyes practically twinkling with wonder and joy at the thought of wolves.
“That looks great, Hunter.” You smile, crawling forward and ruffling his hair. He laughs, and fixes it as you crawl into his sleeping bag with a grin. “You know, you've been smiling a lot more since we've been here.”
“It's not like I don't want to return!” He turns to you and waves his hands, denying that he wants to stay here permanently. “I just need a way to pass the time. That's all.”
“No. It's good to see you happy.” Gus chuckles, nuzzling into his pillow. “One of us might as well be.”
‘You could say that again,’ You think to yourself, sighing as Hunter joins you in his sleeping bag.
“What was it like to be in the Emperor's Coven for so long?” Gus asks curiously.”
“I trained a lot. I studied a lot. I wasn't really allowed to be around the other scouts.” Hunter explained as you turned on your side to look at him. “But weekends were nice. I got to leave the castle for missions.”
“…” You look at his gloveless hands and stare for a moment. “Do you miss it?”
“I miss…” He sighs and turns his head to you. “knowing who I'm supposed to be.”
“I miss my dad.” Gus says despondently, turning onto his back and staring up at the ceiling.
“I miss my mom. And King.” You sigh, twirling a strand of hair around your finger.
“Even Hooty?” Hunter asks, shuddering.
“Yes, even Hooty.” You chuckle, hugging his arm to your chest.
Hunter smiles down at you, “We'll find a way back. We have to.”
Gus gasps excitedly. “Oh, my Titan. That's a line from this book I found.” He jumps off the couch and rustles around in a box before pulling out a book. “Cosmic Frontier! It's a story that takes place in the stars.”
“Why would anyone wanna go up there?” Hunter asks curiously.
“I don't know. Humans like spreading their junk everywhere.” Gus shrugs, but continues rambling. “But it's a story of people trying to get back home, like us.”
“Uh-huh.” Hunter nods, intrigued as Gus hands him the book and points to people on the cover. “We got Captain Avery, Security Officer Quando, Alien Princess Gorina, and a Chief Engineer O'Bailey who's hiding as a clone from the enemy planet.”
Hunter gasps, and looks at Gus as he walks towards a door, “What, uh, happens to him?”
“I guess you'll have to find out.” Gus opens a closet to reveal costumes, and shares a grin with Hunter.
The next day, the rest of you without Luz gather in the abandoned house again.
“All right. Luz is at her mom's vet clinic putting tiny little bandages on ‘hedgehogs,’” Amity grins, standing in front of everyone. “So today, we're going into town to solve this code.”
“Ears.” Gus nods, pulling his beanie over his ears.
“Routes.” Vee nods.
“Snacks,” She shows her bag off and pulls your arm around out to show off the snacks on the inside of your jacket. “check.”
“Human disguise, check. Eh?” Hunter announces, walking in and drawing everyone’s attention. He was wearing a costume from the book Gus had shown the two of you last night.
You blushed, clapping at him enthusiastically, “Oh, that is a look.” You grin as Willow snaps a picture of him.
“According to Cosmic Frontier, this is what the modern human male wears.” Hunter informs, walking in while reading the book.
“This was written in the '90s about the year 2008.” Vee cringes after taking the book and reading the cover.
“Yeah. Can't wait for that New Year's party.” Hunter chuckles at Vee as you approach him, holding up his arms and circling him to look at the costume better.
“This costume is so accurate, Hunter.” You compliment, holding up his arm. “Down to the stain on side!”
“I kno— wait, there’s a stain?” Hunter questions, making you giggle as you quickly cast a spell to get rid of it.
“And did you two get to the last chapter?”
“O'Bailey and Gorina are still hiding the fact that O’Bailey a duplicant in hyperdisguise.” Hunter grins.
“But Captain Avery is figuring it out!” You squeal.
“I think he already knows but-“
“Ah, bup-bup-bup! No, no, no, no, no spoilers!” Hunter squawks, covering his ears.
“Hunter, I don't think the world is ready for the brave fashion choices of the year 2008.” Amity says, her nose scrunching up in disgust at the costume. “Please change.”
You quickly lunge at her and put a hand over her mouth. “Don't listen to her!”
“Aw, geez,” Vee morphs into her human form and holds up the map. “we're gonna miss the bus.”
“Oh, it's okay! I'll catch up.” Hunter waves them off. “There's a transport worm every half hour.”
Everyone heads out, you lagging behind while grabbing your fanny pack. You quickly step over and kiss Hunter’s cheek, and turn to him before closing the door.
“With that costume, it seems I’m going to need your help with a Gorina look when we get back.” You wink, closing the door as Hunter blushes at you.
After looking around and finding some answers, you take the bus back to Luz’s house to find Hunter in the basement with Flapjack while Gus brings the costumes upstairs for the others to look at.
After Gus leaves, Hunter turns to Flapjack after you set down the stuff you pickpocketed on the desk. Grinning, your palisman flies out and you prepare to search through it, but Hunter starts talking.
“Did you know about this?” He asks sternly. “That he was here? I can tell you're hiding something.”
Flapjack chirps as you and your palisman share a glance.
Hunter sighs, “Sorry. I shouldn't take this out on you. I'm just scared.”
Clearing your throat, Hunter whips his head to you, who has a brow raise and sits crisscrossed on the chair at the sewing machine.
The sound of a vehicle pulling into the driveway saves Hunter from the interrogation, and you both head upstairs. Hunter heads outside while you head into the living room, (P/N) resting on your shoulder.
“Oh, (Y/N)!” Gus exclaims, grabbing an item and running up to you with it behind his back. “I know what we’re gonna be for Halloween, but where’s Hunter.”
“He went outside to see Luz, I think.” You scratch your head, and try to peer behind his back as Camila walks in. “What’s your costume idea?”
“You, are going to be the almighty….” He pulls out a blaster, paint splattered over the cylinder barrel. Your eyes light up as you take it from the boy, a grin on your face.
“Gorina!” You squeal, bouncing around before posing and aiming the blaster at the wall, trying to imitate the character.
Luz and Hunter enter the house as you do so, and Gus nudges you to signal that they’re back.
“Hey, we're back!” Hunter chuckles. “And we bought some, uh, cars.”
As Amity turns to Luz, Gus rushes over to Hunter with you.
“Guess what I've got planned? I'm gonna be Captain Avery, (Y/N)‘s gonna be Gorina, and you're...” Gus hands Hunter a prop for his character, and he gasps.
“Chief Engineer O'Bailey?” Hunter grins, squealing as he holds it to his ear.
Camila gulps, her grip on her mug tightening. “How do you know about Cosmic Frontier?”
“All the books in your basement.” You say, smiling at her.
“Oh!” Camila laughs nervously. “Funny how things just show up in basements, right? Without you hiding or putting them there. Life sure is full of surprises.”
“Cool! Humans freak out just like us.” Gus grins, gesturing to Camila.
“It'll be fun. We want to experience your weird human traditions.” She laughs, pulling out a headband and putting it on her head.
The next day at the Haunted Hayride, Hunter helps you out of the car and lets you fix your outfit before grabbing your hand again and intertwining your fingers. Smiling up at him, you stepped close to Hunter, your other hand coming up and hooking onto his forearm as you joined the group.
“All right. We'll keep the puzzle a secret 'till the time is right.” Amity grins as Luz speaks to her mom back at the car. “And then we'll tell her about the Titan Blood!”
Hunter suddenly whips his head around, and glances at Flapjack. “Did you hear that?” He whispers to his palisman so that you wouldn’t hear.
Flapjack chirps as you glance over to Hunter, raising a brow at his attention being off the group.
“Hey, it's okay. It's probably just in my head again.” He quietly reassures as you turn your head back. “Nestle down, Flapjack.”
Luz finally joins them, and Amity grabs her shoulders excitedly. “We're gonna have the best night, and we might even have surprise for you.”
“Yeah, me too.”
After doing a few activities, you move over to haunted hayride, where Hunter helps you up the hay bales and into the tractor, where you sit in between him and Luz. You offer your hand to him, and he takes it with a bashful grin,
“I hope you're all prepared for a truly scary ride.” Masha grins, their bangs blowing in the wind.
“Make us cry! Make us cry!” Gus and Willow chant excitedly, making Masha smile wider.
“Because there's nothing scarier than knowledge.”
“Boo, just lie to me!” Gus heckles, earning a nudge from Willow.
“Let me tell you the eeriest unsolved mystery of Gravesfield.” Masha says deviously as the tractor begins moving. “The Tale of the Brothers Wittebane.”
You, Luz, and Hunter gasp, and Amity leans in, moving her bang away. “Wittebane? Isn't that Belos?”
“The year is 1613.” Lights glow behind the four, and they turn to see the story being told in an exhibit. “Two orphaned brothers arrive in Gravesfield. Their names? Philip... and Caleb.“
“Oh, no.”
As Masha narrates the story, cardboard cutouts depicting events that happened to Philip and Caleb play out in the background as the gang watches.
“Caleb did his best to take care of his younger brother. They tried to fit in with this town, and its unsavory practices. They became witch-hunters!” Masha informs, the wind blowing the stray strands of hair on their head around. “Local lore suggests that the Brothers Wittebane met a real witch from another world! Her name was Evelyn. And the older brother was spirited away. She dazzled him with magic and visions of a strange yet beautiful place. They used a secret code to travel between worlds. Philip set off to save his brother and bring the witch to justice. But neither were ever seen again! Maybe Philip saved Caleb, and they went on to lead peaceful lives. Or maybe,” They turn on a flashlight and points it at their face, “he's still chasing his brother, caught in a cycle of horror and strife!”
Masha turns off the flashlight, smiling. “Sounds like big bro got a hot witch girlfriend and little bro got upset.” Masha jokes. You glance at Hunter, who seems out of it. “But that's just me.”
The hayride ends and the gang gets out of the tractor. Nearby, Hunter hears Belos laughing, which terrifies him. He grabs Luz once he realizes that you aren’t watching, and the two run off.
After a few minutes, the group starts to look for them after noticing.
“Luz? Hunter?” You call out, and accidentally bump into Amity.
She shakes her head, “Did you find them?”
“Calm down. They probably just went to buy some more cars.” Gus reassured as you fidgeted with the seeds on your shirt.
“Yeah. Yeah. You're right. I just- I wanted to show Luz the rebus.” She looks down at the pocket in her dress to pull it out, but it’s gone. “Wait. Where did it go?”
“Kids!” You all hear Camila’s voice call for you, and turn to see her and Vee rushing to you from her car. “Have you seen Luz? And has she, um, said anything weird?”
Vee whips out the phone Camila finds her with a grin. “Boom! Find a phone.”
After a few beeps, it shows Luz’s location to be deep inside the forest. And as confused as you all are, you’re more concerned with finding your friends.
You run into the graveyard Luz was in to see her fighting… Hunter? You gasp as you gently push past Amity, eyes wide as you watch your possessed boyfriend fight off your closest friend.
“Hunter?” You question in horror, the blue glowing eyes that didn’t belong to him glanced over at you with a cruel smile.
“That’s Hunter?” Camila gasps.
“Something's wrong.” Gus shakes his head.
Hunter speaks, but it’s meshed with Belos’ voice. “See, this is why you're so useful, Luz. You're so desperate to help people, you even helped me meet The Collector.”
“I didn't mean to. I thought I was doing something good.” Luz states, clasping her hands over her chest.
“You did do something good. I thought this one was another lost cause.” Belos spoke through Hunter, and you furrowed your brows furiously. “Because of you, we can finish our work as witch-hunters, starting with them!”
He launches his goop arm at you and the others, but you quickly summon your staff, deflecting it and flying off towards him.
He grunts as you, Amity, and Gus use your magic to try and knock him down or restrain him, but to no avail.
“Hey, Belos. Remember me?” Gus shouts, and Belos launches his arm out again, only for you and Willow to latch onto it and slam it onto the ground to restrain him.
Vee runs forward, “Hang tight, Hunter!” She starts draining his magic with her powers.
Amity snatches Vee away before she can be knocked away. “Vee, watch out!”
After making sure Vee was safe, you all fly back to try again, but Belos knocks Amity, Gus, and Willow out of the sky while you narrowly dodge the smack.
You quickly cast a spell for a cloud to appear under them before they hit the ground, and turn back to Hunter and Luz.
Luz uses Hunter’s staff and teleports to him, hugging his arms to his sides, “I know you can hear me, Hunter. Fight him off!”
Belos flips Luz off of him, and Amity creates a bridge of ice and vines to catch her as you swoop down and break her fall. Letting her roll off you, you quickly sit up.
Flapjack starts chirping and pecking at Belos's antlers, but the he immediately catches the small palisman. Everyone freezes, and Belos chuckles darkly.
“That's right. You wouldn't want me harming your precious palisman, would you?” His grin drops for a moment, before returning. “Oh, but then again, I don't care what you want. Goodbye, Evelyn.” Belos sends sharp parts of himself shooting through Flapjack. You gasp, tears welling in your eyes as he lets go of the bird
“Flapjack!” You cry out, Luz crawling over as he lands in your hands. “Flapjack, you'll be okay.” You gently caress the top of his head, and he chirps at you.
Hunter groans, holding his arm as he stands up. “You know what I'd like, Belos?” He slowly trudges towards the lake, the vial of Titan’s blood in his grasp. “'d like to leave the Emperor's Coven and never step foot in that throne room again. I'd like to study wild magic, and learn how to carve palismen. I'd like to attend Hexide as a regular student and play flyer derby with my friends. I’d like to be able to see my partner without worrying about you killing them. But most of all, I'd like to make sure you never hurt anyone again!” Hunter throws the vial of Titan's blood into the river, and Belos takes over again.
“No!” Belos jumps into the water, managing to catch the vial but falls unconscious as a result.
“No!” You gasp, standing up and moving to the edge of the bridge.
“Move.” Camila says sternly, brushing past you. She jumps into the water to save him and a few moments later, manages to rescue him.
“Be careful with him!” You shout, moving to the edge to help.
The others help you and Camila hoist Hunter onto the surface, you gently set his head on your lap, hands cupping his face.
Belos finally leaves Hunter's body as he takes the monstrous form he previously had.
“Caleb, you would stab me in the back?”
Luz stares at him angrily, “You did it to him first.”
Belos, outraged, smashes the vial of Titan's blood into the archway, opening a portal to the Demon Realm. Your mouth drops open, but your glare remains.
Belos growls, “This is for the good of your souls. You'll thank me later.”
He goes through the portal, leaving everyone speechless.
“That's the Belos you've been fighting this whole time?!”
You turn to the group after shaking Hunter for a while, “Guys, Hunter isn't moving.” You cry, tears in your eyes as you lean down to his face to listen for breathing.
“Vee, call an ambulance.” Camila says, and Vee nods, standing up and pulling out her phone.
“Uh, do human doctors know about possession?” Willow asks, eyes welling with tears.
“Or Grimwalkers?” You ask, looking up at Camila desperately.
“We should still call a doctor.”
“I'm not getting cell reception.”
“What do we do?”
A weakened Flapjack flies out of Luz's pocket to Hunter, and the others watch despondently. Flapjack rubs his face against Hunter’s cheek and chirps sadly, then settles down, sacrificing his life to revive Hunter as the others sadly watch on.
Hunter groans and slowly opens his eyes, which have turned brown, “Hey, guys. Is everyone else okay?”
Gus and Luz share a glance before turning back to Hunter, “Actually, Flapjack...”
“Don't. Don't.” He cries, hand clutching his chest where Flapjack last laid. “I already know.”
The tears you’d been holding finally fall as Hunter sits up, leaning back on you for support as you hug him from behind tightly.
“Sit up slowly, baby. Are you in pain anywhere?” Camila asks worriedly, placing a hand on his shin.
Hunter squeezes your forearm as you cry into his back. “I'm okay.”
You don’t really hear the others talking about the Collector over your silent cries and sniffs, but when Hunter turns around and takes your face into his hands softly, you feel grateful.
“I thought I lost you,” You sighed as he stood and pulled you up, not letting go of your hands,
“I’m here.” Hunter smiles, pulling you over to Luz and the others.
“Mija, now that I've seen what you're up against, there is no way I'm letting you go back there alone.” Camila says firmly. “It is our duty to help your friends get back to their families.”
“But...” Luz starts, but Hunter steps over with you right behind him.
“You were tricked. That's what Belos does. He tricks people.” Hunter says grimly, earning a squeeze on his hand from you. “But if it weren't you, it would have been someone else, and then there'd be no one left to fight back. So let's do that. Let's fight back. Please? For Flapjack?”
Luz turns her gaze back to you, and she’s reminded of her family on the other side. Your shared family. You smile encouragingly at her.
“For Flapjack.”
The portal pulses, and the group turns their attention towards it.
“The portal's closing.” Vee points out.
“Then we better head in.” Luz nods, and you and Hunter make your way to the portal first.
Standing before it, he looks to you, and you look at him. You give him a smile reassuring smile, and he sighs shakily.
“Time to go home, Flap.”
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accio-victuuri · 2 years
skateboard as a distraction for you 🛹, white hair & the W hotel story 🏨
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A mix of CPNs going around turtle spaces lately and I thought would be nice to talk about on here. either to archive or to share to those who probably have missed it— and they are not very well known ones that’s why i love them. aside from galaxy brain cpns, candy archaeology is my favorite thing 🍬 especially if it’s suspicious ones.
go back in time with me ⏱...
· • —– ٠ ✤ ٠ —– • ·
I. Skateboard as a Distraction
This is post Tencent Starlight 2019 when they left the event together. What’s special about this is how it shows how they protect each other. How their teams operate and work well together, tho this was early on, I think both their teams collaborate much better and smoothly now. So what happened was there were many people waiting for them to come out and Bobo suddenly appears— on his skateboard. This is unusual for him because he usually doesn’t show off especially in public places like this. He was also not wearing a mask, making him easily recognizable, something he surely wouldn’t do at this time knowing that people are waiting for him. The logical deduction here is he wants to be seen. He wants people to follow him and have their eyes on him.
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A few moments later, we know why. XZ appears with his team with no luggages on hand. He was able to make a quiet exit and wearing the nike paranoise shoes ( which is another story ). What’s funny here is some XZ weifen were scolding WYB because he was causing a ruckus skateboarding, in the meantime XZ just appeared quietly. NOT KNOWING THAT YIBO WAS THE REASON WHY XZ WAS ABLE TO DO THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE. WYB did that to distract people, his staff even holding XZ’s things/luggages so that XZ can exit quietly ( well as quietly as he can ).
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I wonder how many times they did this, I can think of a few more after this incident. Protecting each other like this. I feel so soft because WYB didn’t care about what people will say about him. He will use himself as a distraction to make things easier for XZ. Incidents like this, even if you don’t szd, even if you just know of them from the Untamed — this is proof that they do care for each other. Them and Their team tried their best to work together to navigate the chaos that their new found fame brought them. This is why XZS 🤝 YBO cpn is popular because they were already doing it before so it only makes sense that it still goes on. This gesture seems so small & simple but shows what love is. Love is protecting you. 🥺
This is the same event where people were saying someone was following XZ’s car, then a fan said, the car was Yibo’s team. So they really left together.
II. White Hair
A short one and more of speculation. I’m so sorry to XZ for exposing his one strand of white hair. Lol. Anyway, On 10/19/2019 there was a post somewhere online that had this subject : Very distressed, I really want to announce this to the world loudly.
and the post said : I am a man, I have a boyfriend who I met at work and we have been together for a year! But he is 6 years younger than me, and because of special reasons at work, so it’s not convenient to make it public, but our relationship is really good.
hmmmmmm 👁👄👁
Then clowns were like, they needed a sign that this was GG. So they posted replies on 10/29, telling the OP to ask his boyfriend or him to post something on oasis tomorrow and we will believe you. It was just people joking around but lo and behold, the next day, Yibo posted on Oasis. One of the photos had a person’s head on it but you can’t see it except for a strand of white hair— which people think is GG.
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LOOK BRO, I do believe in coincidences but this is too much. It’s one of my favorite BJYX fandom story and it’s because, again, what are the chances? We don’t know if it’s really GG that is on the photo but still. Anyone can post that — I have a boyfriend blah blah blah. sure. But Yibo posting the next day when people asked the OP to? What? It’s either the universe is fucking with us or it’s truly SZD. 🤯
III. The W Hotel Story
before we go any further, i will mark this section as fake and fan fiction. none of this happened. it’s all made up.
The date is 7/23/2018, the boys were still filming CQL and were not yet the XZ and WYB we know now. This is why I think these clues were able to make it out there cause no one was looking. No one cared — compared to how it is now. So they were both in Hengdian, after work, they spent time at this hotel in Shanghai before Yibo went to Tokyo. The thing is, fans were already waiting in Hangzhou, thinking Bobo will be there to ride the international flight to Tokyo. But he didn’t. His itinerary was hidden. If this happened in 2022, I think we will CPN the same thing, as per the same city and well — stuff like this:
Who are you sir. 👀
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Upon further investigation, the suite XZ photographed is from the Fantasy Suite in the hotel. This is a luxury hotel and at the time was hard to get in because it’s new and popular with rooms sometimes being up to really expensive. The suite he stayed in was the 38th floor and most of it is color red which is GG’s favorite color.
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The reason why this cpn was buried was it was used by antis to say that GG was staying with a sugar daddy at this hotel. So this is why turtles need to be careful with certain CPN because some people may twist it into something else. I hope that our boys get to spend days together and i’m pretty sure they are more discreet now. We will barely see any clue. 🤐
sources: one | two | three | four
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phoenixyfriend · 1 year
OK, going through the GG posts on your blog, one of them mentioned you had a thing about othar/anevka, can we hear more about that?
I have some truly insane feelings about this crackship, it's A Lot.
They do not meet in canon. To the best of my knowledge, they've never even been in the same city in canon. I don't even have the ship happening while she's still alive, for pity's sake, but...
This ship started out as a joke. We were talking about a GG/Danny Phantom crossover on discord and I threw in fake-married Otharnevka (him gay, her a dead robot lady), where the ongoing joke was their fake relationship being goals for everyone, because she'd like... ask him to help her reach a high shelf, and instead of just grabbing the thing for her, he'd lift her up onto his shoulder to do it herself, and bow to kiss her hand, that sort of thing.
Except canon Othar isn't gay (the twitter story is canon enough that we can assume he likes women), so the next time it came up, it was less of a joke. And just. I kept getting invested?
He is a hero! She needed a hero, but never got one. She is the mad scientist's beautiful daughter, but she's the mad scientist herself too, except she's not a spark anymore, but she's still a sadist. He thinks he can help her be not-evil. She thinks she can corrupt him. He dotes on her and is an absolute gentleman without ever actually underestimating or coddling her. She's so ready to kill, and he might be a hero but he's fucking unhinged so it's not like always stops her! He's strong enough to carry and lift her 900kg body and make it look easy. He's ready and willing to stand around looking pretty while she politics, and she takes pleasure in pretending to be a damsel for him to save, especially if it ends with his shirt ripped up.
Othar: I can fix her! Anevka, in a condescending voice: Don't you want to help me kill this awful, evil spark? Othar: ...well, maybe a little murder. (Tarvek, who does not want to be here: This is not how you fix a person. I should know, Agatha fixed me.)
He's annoying, but she doesn't have to be around him when he's annoying. She's pretty well-made to just tune him out, even, and even that is rare; it's so much more fun to pat him on the arm and say 'that's nice, dear' when he's having a Heroic Monologue Moment, and then swan off to poison someone while he tries to recruit himself a new sidekick.
I just. They give me dopamine. They're awful, but not actually The Worst by GG standards. Even Anevka's mostly just Traumatically Dramatic and could probably be aimed at problems once she's got a bit of distance from the Aaronev situation.
Here, have a few Otharnevka posts:
Professor Storm (crossover fic on Ao3)
Otharnevka art from @dirigibird
The “Momma Sturmvoraus was Literally Satan” AU
The MILFnevka AU
The short of it
Just me having some emotions
Married Life Meme
Baby Outlaw
Draw Your Ship As
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zephestia · 1 year
cast :: live laugh eat & repeat
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[name] :: have been classmates with suna since first year. was intimidated by him and never really talked to him outside of group projects until she got assigned to be seatmates with him through out second year. bonds with suna over music, especially arctic monkeys. is also (kinda) close with osamu since she played matchmaker for him and airi. doesn't have a sense of humor.
airi :: osamu's girlfriend. was classmate with [name] in first year and got partnered with her on orientation day. hit it off when she found out that they both stan girls generation (snsd). really outgoing and bold. close with atsumu and suna, much to osamu's dismay. member of the cooking club and still doesn't know how to cook. weird humor but [name] always laugh at her jokes.
hanae :: mother of the group. have been classmates with [name] since first year and was her seatmate. is pretty talkative and loud on social media but is quiet and mysterious in person. a bookworm (the only reason [name] and her are bffs) and loves to bake. the head of the cooking club, she had to prevent airi from burning down the school countless of times.
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a suna rintarou smau
it's the second year of high school, and everyone are either in a relationship or is getting into one. everyone except you. it's not like you care anyways, you've got better things to worry about. but when your seat mate offered you a deal to provide you lunch for the next 40 days of school in exchange for you to be his (fake) girlfriend, it's hard for you to turn the offer down.
note :: im a proud sone since ten years ago 💪😋 (ayo GG‼️) #definitelyisntprojecting... 👩‍🦯 hanae's nickname is "han" which is a river in korea. yes, osamu has a gf here and is in a happy and loving relationship with her, go cry about it 😹 /j. comment to be added to the taglist. ask will be ignored.
🏷 @marveledpisces @noideawhothatis @lunavixia @alienvarmint @starlightaura @kuroaka @satosuguswife @ilovesillycats
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rainbowsky · 1 year
GG Esquire Cover Story
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A lot of people have written me about the cover story GG did for Esquire magazine. There have been some interesting responses in my inbox, many of which have baffled me a bit, to be honest.
People have asked me for my thoughts on it all, so here they are! 😊
I've been picking away at this for ages, sorry it's coming so far after publication of the article. I have a few things like this in my drafts that are taking me a while to finish writing. I don't have the sustained resources to work on things for very long at a stretch these days.
Disclaimer: Please remember that this is an OPINION piece - my take on the article. I have no special insight, and everyone is free to form their own perspectives and responses. Don't take what I say as fact. It's just one opinion among many.
The photos
I have to start out by talking about the photos, because they truly set the tone for (and perfectly illustrate) the article.
These are not the typical magazine spread photos that a lot of fans are used to seeing. Here GG is practically unstyled. The GG you would see in his downtime. His hair is tousled, his clothing is very casual. His poses are also very casual. He looks like he could be just hanging around his hotel room scrolling through his phone.
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These photos are such a gift. They feel so fresh and candid and relaxed. Total Boy Next Door. I absolutely love them.
What a relief to see these photos. Nothing ostentatious or overstyled, nothing aggressively brand-forward (some of what he is wearing is his own personal clothing). Just GG. I nearly fainted. 😅
The article
The original article can be found here, and there is a fan translation here.
My relief in seeing these sweet, casual photos of GG was matched only by my relief in reading the article.
To be honest I'm rarely very excited about the sorts of interviews or stories that accompany these types of magazine covers. They are generally fan servicey puff pieces that cater to a certain type of reader - the kind of people who want to become more invested in an idol fantasy.
They tend to be fairly overtly PR pieces, aimed at positioning the idol in an appealing and often romantic, personable way that makes them more accessible to their fans.
I have often been dismissive of interview statements that other fans have taken to heart, which has caused some friction at times, but what can I say? I think a lot of what's typically covered is awkward, fake and fan servicey. I talk a little bit about that in this post.
I didn't go into reading this article with any particular expectation, except that my expectations were low and I wasn't expecting any surprises. But, much to my surprise, I found a smart, interesting, poetic, uncompromising look at a side of GG that we've rarely seen.
My biggest takeaway from this article was that GG wanted to dampen, rather than fan the flames of, fan fantasies about him; to give people a more realistic sense of who he is and what he's about.
I have rarely been prouder of him than when reading this article. It feels like with this interview he is setting boundaries and putting his honest self forward despite expectations and even demands about who he should be and what he should represent.
Sidebar Rant About Fan Culture
Sometimes I see GG's life as being like an episode of Black Mirror. He is a protagonist who has been strangled by his own fame, in some ways held hostage by people who believe that they made him who he is and put him where he is (despite the role they've frequently played in holding him back).
The situation for stars at his level is pretty crazy. Fans genuinely believe that they know better than their idols what is best for them and their careers, and they will - totally unironically and with a straight face - deliver lists of demands and conditions to their idol and their idol's management team that they expect to be met if the star hopes to maintain their love and support.
These demands can be quite detailed. How they want the management team to be structured, the types of projects they want the artist to take, the types of statements they want their idol to make, etc. It's insane.
And GG's fans have been especially difficult, because they are very deeply invested in old school ideas about fan culture that are no longer viable in the current climate. Pushing traffic, 'comment control' and 'clarification' (aka fan wars), attacking anyone they perceive to be a rival or opportunist or anyone they believe isn't treating GG how they think he should be treated (despite having no access whatsoever to verified information about how he's being treated - i.e. it's all based on their assumptions). Using dirty - even dangerous - tactics to try to harm rival fandoms, regardless of how much that puts GG at risk.
Despite the fact that their behavior has caused problems for him in the past. Despite the fact that he has repeatedly begged them to stop behaving the way they do. Despite the fact that his career has nearly been killed by this type of behavior. Despite the fact that there has been a seismic shift in how fan culture is being treated in China, and despite the policies that have been put in place to curtail some of that behavior. They just don't seem to have gotten the memo.
They have learned absolutely nothing from their past mistakes.
Increasingly, they do not seem to have his deeper interests at heart. At times they appear to be supporting him for their own vanity, clout and sense of accomplishment rather than genuinely loving him for who he is. They seem to take more pride in their ability to bring traffic, out-vote other fandoms and move brand merchandise than in who this sweet, smart man is and what he does.
They actively push some of the most toxic, hateful ideas you can find in fandom. They are some of the key drivers behind the whole 'desperate illiterate' hate campaign against DD, and in so doing put both GG and DD's careers at risk. They are constantly spreading hate and lies about DD and trying to bring scandal upon him. Any time an anti-DD campaign surfaces online, they jump on it and fuel it to the best of their ability.
These are people who have had so many opportunities to grow and change, and emulate GG's kindness and maturity, but have repeatedly failed the assignment.
Being a star can't be easy
I often wonder how GG really feels about his fans. How much of the fan culture mayhem he's fed up with, and how much of it he's taken in stride as part of the job. I know it drives me crazy, but he's obviously got a better perspective on it all and would be a lot more accustomed to it all.
As I said in a previous post, I think we need to treat the idea that he absolutely adores his fans with some degree of skepticism. There's a very real noose around his neck, and that can't feel great. I personally believe he wants to loosen that hold a bit.
With this article GG seems to be saying, "Here I am. Support me or move on, but this is the real me."
He seems to be setting some boundaries and giving fans a glimpse behind the curtain at the real him. He is challenging them to accept him for who he really is, or move on.
I feel like he is taking cautious steps toward loosening some of the stranglehold fans have over his career.
GG is a smart, savvy person. I have no doubt that he is well aware of the assumptions about him. I don't think it was an accident that this interview broke down some of those assumptions.
I love him so much. He continually blows me away with how sharp and tough he is.
Disillusionment and growth
Of course, that's not the entire story of the article. There is some alienation and loneliness here. Frustration and struggle with identity.
One of the most powerful lines in the entire article was when he said that he works for this Xiao Zhan guy as well. When he talks about not knowing anymore which GG is real and which is the persona.
"There are two Xiao Zhans, one of them is here, that’s me. There is another Xiao Zhan, the Xiao Zhan in quotes, but he is probably not me anymore. We are all working for him, including myself."
I admit I was surprised by how fractured he sounded. Not surprised that some of this has happening - that is totally to be expected given his fame - but surprised that he'd talk so openly about it. He's not normally so candid about his personal experience of fame, or about its emotional/psychological impacts on him. In his post-2/27 interviews he brushed off any notion of the emotional burden it was placing on him, for example, even though it would have been understandable had he admitted it.
What stands out to me in all of this is how powerfully he is distancing himself from his idol image and showing a mature, serious, in many ways ordinary person. How boldly he is reminding the audience that there is more to him than meets the eye.
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Some might read that as cynical and jaded - the star who is playing the game by performing a role that's separate from himself. I read it as the opposite. I read it as self-actualizing and self-preserving. He doesn't believe his own hype. He is just doing a job, working for this persona, while maintaining his own integrity and independence despite all the pressure to perform and be perfect.
The mountain was such a powerful image. Climbing the mountain as a child and seeing it as this nearly insurmountable ordeal, and then later as an adult feeling like he can take a couple of long strides and be at the top. It is such a metaphor for his career and his success. And that speaks of a certain amount of demystification and disillusionment surrounding his dreams.
It was reminiscent of the line, "Though his dreams have lost some grandeur coming true" from The Circle Game by Joni Mitchell.
Certain jobs, when taken on, become something completely different from what we thought we signed up for.
I have often been asked why I don't open a restaurant. I always jokingly give them this very earnest and serious answer, "Because I like to cook."
If I were to open a restaurant, food would be among the least of my concerns every day. I would have to deal with marketing, I would have to deal with staff and the day-to-day running of the facility, supplies, vendor relationships, finances and management. Food would be very low on the list of things I'd have time to concern myself with.
I feel like the same has happened for GG. He thought he was becoming a singer or an actor, when it turns out he was becoming a celebrity instead. Those are totally different jobs, with totally different demands, activities and limitations.
He enjoys taking on new roles and learning new things and expanding on his skills and working on interesting projects. I doubt very much that he enjoys managing a persona, or navigating fan expectations, or addressing yet another fan-created scandal. I doubt very much he enjoys being held to the standards the top traffic star position puts him under. I doubt he enjoys the restrictions it places on his career or on his personal life.
I doubt he enjoys the limitations on what he is able to show of himself in that job.
Having the kind of job where you have to hang up your personality at the door like an overcoat every day when you walk in - that's a lonely, lonely world to be in. Soul-destroying.
I have long felt that this situation isn't sustainable for GG over the long term. I have wondered what he will do to shift things into a more comfortable, more stable existence for himself. I feel like this article gives me some ideas about that. And it is a relief to read because I get the sense that he is fully aware of that problem, and working to address it for himself so that he can continue doing what he most enjoys - acting and performing.
We have all had these theories - I'm sure most of us have, anyway - that he is trying to shed the idol image, the 'traffic star' image at least to some degree so that he can be accepted as a serious actor with a serious career.
This is a common career path for idols who want to stay in the industry past their idol shelf life. But it's one thing to believe GG might be working on that, and another to feel like I can see him taking brave steps in that direction.
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Some surprises, some not
There were some things that surprise me from this interview, and some things that I was not surprised by.
One thing that really stood out to me is how much his real personality shines through. The smart, witty, intense GG we've all seen in The Untamed BTS and in some of his XNINE activities. It was a surprise. I guess I was expecting to see the persona GG - not the real GG. It was so good to see him that I nearly got choked up.
This is the GG that is very no bullshit; blunt and honest. This was the GG who outed DD for using his own meme pictures or for sending him too many selfies. This is the GG who firmly stated he wanted the het scenes deleted. The GG who was very forthright, clever and affectionately prickly with his XNINE brothers.
GG has said in the past that he is not as sweet and sentimental as his fans think he is, that behind the scenes he can actually be ruthless and demanding. This is the GG we've caught glimpses of and that he is talking about in that statement. The real, unvarnished GG.
I didn't dare hope that he would be so candid. He is usually so image-conscious. Not 'fake' by any means, but conscious of how he is coming across and careful not to offend. But in this article he has brought himself unapologetically to the forefront and for that I love and applaud him.
Another surprise for me was when he was talking about how he handles his inner struggles. I was surprised when he said that he doesn't like to talk through his problems. I had always assumed that - as a very authentic, emotionally intelligent, compassionate, personable person - he would be the kind of guy who would reach out to others during times of need.
Instead he said that he doesn't like to talk about his issues. He had such clear and rational explanations for why that even though I can't relate to his approach, I can understand it. This approach can be interpreted as self-contained, self-sufficient and pragmatic. 'If it can be fixed, fix it. If it can't, set it aside. No point talking about it.'
There's something very Zen about letting go of what you can't immediately change, rather than dwelling on it or digging into ruminations about it.
I also found his rationale for avoiding other people's confidences interesting. He 'doesn't want to be a suspect', he 'doesn't want to be burdened by other people's secrets'. I can definitely see how his approach could prevent people from getting caught up in each other's drama, and his mindset reflects healthy boundaries that can help preserve friendships.
I can see GG's characteristic cautious self-protectiveness in this approach. He's smart, strategic and - based on many things he's said in this interview - quite introverted. This approach serves all those aspects of his personality.
There's that old saying, "loose lips sink ships" and that is especially true for someone so much in the public eye. It's good that he has the sense to keep his mouth shut about personal things.
There is wisdom to that approach. It reminds me of the old nursery rhyme about the owl:
A wise old owl sat in an oak, The more he heard, the less he spoke; The less he spoke, the more he heard; Why can't we be more like that wise old bird?
Having said all that, I don't personally share the same view or the same approach in my own life. I am very much someone who likes to talk things through, and who likes to be a listening ear and a support to others as well.
I think there is a lot to be said for the way this type of communication can deepen relationships, help people better understand each other and become more bonded. Sharing burdens, sharing feelings, sharing confidences. It's riskier but the rewards can be significant.
A lot of the biggest problems in the world come from lack of communication or from crossed wires. Talking with others face to face is a great way to clear up confusion and help people stay connected and bonded.
Being the sort of person people can confide in and who talks about things that are on my mind - this really enriches my life. Although I feel like GG has done a great job of making his approach make sense to me, and even seem appealing in ways.
I want to caution people from over-interpreting these statements from him to assuming GG is uncommunicative with DD. As someone who lives with a partner who is exactly like GG when it comes to 'talking about things', I think it's highly likely that GG has a different approach with those few people who are closest to him. There's a pretty big difference between being emotionally and socially open with friends and colleagues, and being emotional and intimate with a partner.
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An ordinary boy
The article focuses a lot on his childhood and some of the nostalgia and memories of his past. It's so interesting and illuminating to read about where he came from, and about the parts of that ordinary boy that survived through to adulthood. The geography of the city and the buildings are used as a metaphor for the changes in his life.
He started out in the factory district, in low grey concrete buildings full of vibrancy and activity, passed through a rainy uphill commute and ended up among shining glass skyscrapers. What a journey he has been on, and he's only 31 years old!
The fact that he's been able to maintain his integrity and authenticity and avoid being devoured by the persona - that's such a testament to his character. He really is the whole package. Smart, strong, determined, sweet, compassionate, ruthless, creative, introspective, pragmatic, down-to-earth, cautious. I have always appreciated his breadth as a person. He is very multi-dimensional.
I've talked about that a bit in the past. It's part of why I feel so frustrated sometimes when fans have really shallow, superficial, fan-fictiony takes on his personality. The sweet, soft-hearted aesthete. The tragic beleaguered victim. The playful, cute, dorky romantic. The sexy, saucy, light-hearted, effeminate artist.
None of these takes can even scratch the surface of who he really is. The more I know about him the less I think I know, but I at least know one thing: he's so much more than fans give him credit for.
Florist GG AU
I wasn't remotely surprised to hear that he sometimes thinks of quitting. Even fans sometimes daydream about him quitting. Getting his life back, getting his freedom back. Living a quieter life. Surely there are many times when he is reminded of everything he is sacrificing to do what he does. Times when it feels like too high a price to pay.
But reading this article, I can honestly say that I feel he is up to the task he's taken on. He really does know who he is and what he wants, and he has all of the integrity, emotional and psychological strength to make the most of this career.
My hope that he will start to shed some of the toxic traffic fans and build a stronger, more enduring, more rational fanbase. That he will begin to break free of the shackles of stratospheric popularity and settle into a more stable, satisfying career as a respected actor.
It was such a great article, and I feel like I got a glimpse of something new about him that I did not know, which is so rare. I feel like I've been gifted more insight into him, and I have so much gratitude for his willingness to share that with us all.
Regarding candy
A few people wrote me in a big panic over 'what this article meant' for GG and DD's relationship. They had worked themselves up into a state where they felt that if GG and DD were in a relationship, GG wouldn't have said or felt the things he did in the article.
Glass-hearted turtles will need to transform themselves into tortoise-shelled turtles, or they will not survive this fandom. And frankly, those kinds of takes on things sometimes reflect a lack of life experience or realistic understanding of GG and DD as ordinary humans in a relationship.
Some turtles seem to view everything from or about GG and DD as either proof that they're a couple, or proof they are not, with no neutral content and no in betweens. In short, they look at everything GG and DD-related to see what kind of candy it is. And the thing they need to get through their heads is
👉🏻 almost nothing from or about GG or DD will actually be a candy. 👈🏻
Anyone who has ever been in a serious long term relationship knows, there's actually very little about our day-to-day lives that revolves around our partner. My interests and hobbies, most of my social interactions, certainly everything about my work has absolutely nothing to do with my partner. He almost never comes up as a topic or factor in any of it.
And yet we are happily married, and have been for a long time.
As I am frequently saying, GG and DD are individuals first, a couple second. We need to love and respect them in that same order.
This article is about GG and his career. It's an important article about his inner life experience as a celebrity. It has absolutely nothing to do with DD. I find it baffling why anyone would expect it to.
If you are looking for candy, most of the time you will find no candy. If that causes you pain, you are in the wrong fandom. GG and DD aren't here to give us candy. They aren't here to prove anything. Nor should we be. They don't owe us anything. Certainly not 'proof of life' in their relationship.
If you read that article and didn't get that message, then you missed the entire point of the article. GG was saying to everyone, "I'm not just what people think they see, I'm not just what people expect or what they want me to be, underneath I'm a real human being."
Turtles who remember that, and who are able to love GG and DD as individuals, will be longer-lived and happier.
GG and DD's relationship is for and about them. It exists for each other, not for us. I've no doubt they appreciate the love and support turtles give them, but it's not their job to feed us. It's not their job to be trained ponies prancing around for our amusement. They don't owe us anything. Certainly not any candy about their relationship.
More on fan expectations and black-and-white thinking here.
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beautifultypewriter · 4 months
Forgive me if i'm being annoying sending too many asks about the Gondor girl concept, but i can't believe i never asked you this:
How do you imagine that she joined the Fellowship? Was she in the Council of Elrond with Boromir, or eavesdropping with Sam, Merry and Pippin? Was she a last minute addition after refusing to leave her brother for returning to Gondor? Did she followed the fellowship like " Surprise! I'm here too, you can't tell me to get back now"?
I'm feeling curious about this topic :)
Hi!!!! Ah I love the Gondor Girl asks!! I’m sorry that this took me literal years to get to. But I have thought long and hard on this one. You stumped me for a second because what makes the most sense? And I think that what makes the most sense is that GG just bullies Boromir. She bullies him into letting her come to Rivendell and she bullies him into allowing her to attend the council and then she bullies him into allowing her on the quest.
Like he could so easily stop her from doing all these things, but he doesn’t because he is a total pushover when it comes to her. He grumbles and he pretends to put his foot down, but none of it is real because she always gets her way. (Except for the old tower)
So I think he is getting ready for the council and she just kind of follows him. Like he’s fully aware she’s there; she’s not sneaking around, she’s just trailing behind him. And he tells her to go back to her room, but she doesn’t listen and he just sighs and brings her with him. He doesn’t say anything about it to anyone either. He just shows up and gestures to the chair next to his and she sits down and everyone kind of stares at them for a minute, but when neither of the siblings say anything they go back to their own business.
And then when it’s time to leave, Boromir definitely has made arrangements for GG to stay in Rivendell for like another month before she’s to set out for home with the guards they brought with them. He doesn’t want her anywhere near this quest, so he won’t even want her to leave at the same time and take a different route or anything. He’s getting a head start.
And she’s like yeah, that’s not happening, loser. You’re my brother and you brought me here, so now you’re bringing me home. And then she’s just there on the morning of their departure. And Boromir says something to her, that she has to stay, and she just tells him no and then she’s on the quest.
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the-bloody-sadist · 7 months
Has there been pieces of media that have genuinely scared you before?
I’m actually a big scaredy cat! Although I find a lot of supernatural horror tropes uncreative and unmotivated, I also can only watch them through reviews by YouTubers most of the time because I don’t want to watch the scares myself. That’s one of the reasons why I prefer (and am more scared by) psychological horror. I enjoy that so much more than big scary demon haunts a house for the hundredth movie.
That is, if psychological horror has GOOD PSYCHOLOGY, which is even harder to find 😭.
With that said, the top horror types that scare me on a deeply personal level are: analogue horror, ARGs, and a category in cosmic horror that I would call “the earth wants to eat you” (i.e. Annihilation (2018) which shares elements with a part in a non-horror movie called Life of Pi that also terrified me as a teen, in which Pi lands on an island that is slowly trying to consume him whenever the sun sets.)
I’ll circle back around to the other categories, but in both Annihilation and that portion of Life of Pi, nature itself, having no consciousness as an entity that wants to kill or haunt or get revenge, is consuming all life as if to return living creatures to flora and fauna. In Annihilation, this is because of an alien force of life that has taken over a spot on the world that’s slowly growing, where the cycle of life is accelerated to the point that you see cells regenerate before your eyes. This causes tumors to grow in human brains in the course of a single day (causing madness—a particularly scary topic to me) and organisms take root inside their bodies when they sleep on the ground, which eventually grows out of them. When I saw this movie I wasn’t prepared for how it would affect me, and I was screaming my actual guts out when it came to the climax of the movie. I was so deeply disturbed that I couldn’t even go home to sleep on my own lmfao. There’s just something incredibly terrifying about the earth—meaning no harm and being an innocent creation—brutalizing humanity as it goes about it’s course. Again, if you watch it, the ending is the most disturbing part to me, and I had to cover my eyes for the whole scene AND WILL NEVER WATCH IT AGAIN 😭….
Next up, The Mandela Catalogue. If you know you know. I can’t see any images from it or hear the audio for the scares again. Anything to do with things that look like uncanny humans, things that pretend to be humans but are skinwalkers, and so on—I’m SO OUT. That’s the most terrifying concept to me. Along with this category I would include regular people not acting like themselves anymore—someone with a brain tumor perhaps who is acting odd or “innocently” attempting to hurt someone without full clarity of mind. HELP. Lmao 😭 the potential of it to be reality is way too close for me.
This is also why ARGs are also hard for me to watch. Since the whole concept is to portray it as reality and the creators will do everything in their power to tell the audience it’s not fictional, I have no absolutes and therefore cannot compartmentalize the fear it creates. I would never watch this kind of media except through the filter of a YouTuber reviewing it and explaining why it’s NOT REAL AND NOBODY DIED.
I do get disturbed quite easily by things like online media that’s strange (i.e. gory claymations by someone who was a weirdo irl and used the animations for his irl fantasies) and movies that are intensely graphic and have no positive elements at all. I know about pretty much every awful “banned” type film (A Serbian Film, Nekromantic, Cannibal Holocaust etc.) but only because I watch Mista GG make jokes about them so I don’t have to consider suicide. When things are made to be simply shock horror and have no clear point, there’s just something about it from a writer’s perspective that deeply troubled me. Because WHY DID THEY WRITE THAT SCRIPT???? If I can’t figure it out I get A BIT DISTRAUGHT….!!!
Lmao anyway, the last piece of media I’ll mention that REALLY unsettled me (except this time in a way where I think the film was brilliantly written and should be watched by those who can handle it better than me) is a movie called Mother! (2017). I won’t say much about it except that it’s an allegorical film representing the God of the Bible and his wife Mother Nature, and just….goddam, man. Religion in horror is always a turn-off for me or something I can’t handle, so this one hit hard after I realized what was going on. HIGHLY SUGGEST LOOKING AT THE ALLEGORICAL ELEMENTS BEFORE YOU GET INTO THE MOVIE THOUGH BECAUSE I THINK IT WILL MAKE THE EXPERIENCE SO MUCH BETTER. I went in totally blind and was sick with confusion.
ANYWAY! That’s all! Thank gods for tumblr where I can ramble to my heart’s content to the one person who asked 😵‍💫
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