#exo is my youth but it's also my adulthood now
petitbaek · 1 year
been here thinking about stuff but this cb is really doing it for me.. i've been detached from kpop the last few years (been a fan since 2009), but with this cb i'm really remembering how exciting it is, how happy it makes me feel and how much i love them. waiting for teasers, watching new videos, being excited about every new release. the fandom coming back from the dead, everyone talking about it, it just makes me experience everything again, each time, from the bottom of my heart. i’ve been here since the beginning and it just never tires me, like exo is really it for me. they’re really that group for me, the ones who can make me feel so many things at the same time and i just have so much love for them it’s surreal
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