#exterior paint edmonton
galaxypainting · 8 months
Hi Everyone I'm Mohamad Tegiri, owner of Galaxy Painting Ltd., based in NW Edmonton, Canada, and our company provides painting services in Edmonton, interior painting Edmonton, exterior painting Edmonton, residential painting Edmonton, and commercial painting Edmonton services. We possess the expertise and dedication to bring your vision to life.
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chenneyclaud · 1 year
Why Hire Professional Painters in Edmonton, St. Albert, Sherwood Park, Leduc, Stony Plain, and Surrounding Areas?
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Getting the services of professional residential and commercial painters in Edmonton, AB, St. Albert, Sherwood Park, Leduc, Stony Plain, and surrounding areas is a good idea for a lot of reasons. The expertise of the professional house painters in Edmonton can help you to enhance and protect the beauty and the value of your property. The help of these professionals can make your interior and exterior painting project more manageable and organized. In the end, they can also help you save a lot of time and money.
Years of Experience Professional painting contractors have spent many years specializing in painting house exteriors and interiors. Professional painters acquired years of experience in choosing the right colors of paints and finishes that will work best for each surface. Painting contractors are also knowledgeable in many styles of surfaces such as aluminum, concrete, vinyl, cedar, and stucco. They can also help repair minor damages in and around your home. They can work with wood stains and finishes. They can also enhance and extend the life of woodwork. You can also expect them to know how to properly caulk and seal window frames. Professional painters can easily spot possible problems and will give you proper recommendations on how to avoid such troubles in the future.
Savings Hiring the services of professional painters for your interior or exterior painting in Edmonton, St. Albert, Sherwood Park, Leduc, Stony Plain, and other areas can also help you with a lot of other things. Getting their services will help you save money on buying the necessary tools and equipment for the painting project on your property. You won’t have to buy things like a power paint sprayer, a power washer, a paint mixer, rollers, masking materials, and brushes. Painting contractors will be responsible for all those things that your painting project will need.
Safety Another important thing that hiring professional painters can give you is safety. You can save yourself from getting into dangerous scenarios like climbing tall ladders, and scaffolds and working with chemicals on your hand. Professional painters in Edmonton, St. Albert, Sherwood Park, Leduc, Stony Plain, and other areas are trained and skilled in these kinds of situations. They have all the safety gear and equipment needed to keep themselves and the people around them safe and protected from the risk of getting harmed.
Satisfactory Result Finally, getting the help of professionals will give you quality and excellent house painting service in Edmonton and surrounding areas. They are committed to giving you a satisfactory outcome, something that will exceed your expectations. They provide a professional touch that will make your property more beautiful and durable.
All you have to do is to choose a good professional painting contractor. The service provider that will save your time, your energy, and of course your money. You just have to be careful when hiring a contractor, because like in any other business, there are good ones and bad ones. You just have to do a little checking and researching to be sure that you will be investing in a good exterior and interior painting in Edmonton, AB, St. Albert, Sherwood Park, Leduc, Stony Plain, and other areas
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yegarts · 1 year
“I am YEG Arts” Series: Cindy Baker
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Things I’ve Forgotten, performance at Southern Alberta Art Gallery 2018, photo by Jane Edmundson
Cindy Baker: a contemporary artist with an interdisciplinary research-intensive practice, working at the forefront of queer, gender, race, disability, fat and art discourses. From early on as a performance artist with what she describes as a “taboo body,” body politics and fat liberation have been integral to her artistic practice. Cindy’s next project not only pairs exceedingly well with some of her most-oft visited themes, it will also exercise her well-honed research chops. The Edmonton-based artist was recently recommended for the Coronation Recreation Centre public art project. Currently under construction, the Coronation Recreation Centre will serve as a community hub for central-north Edmonton that meets the leisure, health and wellness needs of residents of all ages. For the project, Cindy will create site-specific freestanding sculpture(s) for the facility’s large exterior entrance plaza.
This week for the blog, we talked with artist Cindy Baker about her initial plans for her new public art commission and got the scoop on her solo show currently on at dc3 Arts Projects.
Tell us about yourself and your connection to Edmonton.
I'm a queer, fat, disabled, contemporary, interdisciplinary and performance artist based here in Edmonton. I was born and raised in Leduc, and I moved to Edmonton in the 90s to go to school at the University of Alberta, where I got a Bachelor of Fine Arts. And I worked at the Fine Arts Building Gallery, the Works Art & Design Festival, Latitude 53 Gallery, Harcourt House Artist Run Centre, and Metro Cinema. So, I was deeply involved in the arts community before I decided it was time to move away. I was away for several years but Edmonton's home to my family, my support system, all my networks of people, my communities, and I just couldn't stay away.
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States of Resolution, performance at Edmonton private residence 2021, photo by Grace Lee
How did you get your start as an artist? Was it always plan A for you?
My parents were both teachers, so I always thought that I had to grow up to be a teacher too, but I always really wanted to be an artist. My mom's sister was an artist and I just idolized her and everything she did. And I was always drawing, painting, sewing, sculpting, crafting — doing crafts and art of all kinds. I never had a preferred medium, but I was just always making and working with my hands, so I always knew that no matter what I did for a living, I was always going to be an artist. I don't think I ever expected to make a living at art, but there is no way that I wasn't going to make art throughout my life.
Is there a narrative or discourse you find yourself returning to in your work?
I have a few major themes running through my work. To start with, the body, especially fat bodies and othered bodies are a major theme in my work. As a performance artist with a fat body and — what I call a taboo body — I knew it was always going to be read into the content of my work, so very early on in my career I made a point to become involved in body politics and fat liberation, to really inform the work and enrich the content. Productivity is another theme running through my work, questioning and resisting the moral imperatives of body, health and self-care that imply there are good bodies and bad bodies. That to strive towards being a good little productive cog in the wheel is a moral good. Therefore those who can't, or who fail to be this really strident definition of productive from our work lives to how we enact self-care, are inferior humans and less worthy of care or social support. So that's one of the major themes I think that has run through my work in the last decade.
And there are a lot of beds in my art and not on purpose, that's just kind of how it goes, beds and relaxation and toys and leisure activities like hot tubs and tricycles and swimming pools. I just keep coming back to rest and that idea of resisting productivity in the name of privileging and honouring the body's needs and care for one another being just as important as self-care.
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Dream Come True, installation at Remai Modern 2020
These are subjects that have become very topical in recent years, have you noticed a difference in the reception to your work?
I think my work used to be a bit ahead of the curve and now I think it's very sort of right in what's being talked about in the world right now, especially to do with self-care and these neoliberal impulses towards productivity. And the world falling apart has us all questioning what we should be doing with our lives and our time. I think, especially since the pandemic started, we've all been rethinking what it is that we want to do with our time and our lives.
Tell us about the Coronation Recreation Centre public art commission that you've recently been awarded. What drew you to the project?
I'm really excited about it. I think the fact that the work will be connected to a leisure centre, which is also paradoxically basically a triathlon training facility, meshes so well with the themes I come back to again and again in my work. There's nothing leisurely about athletic training. It's work, and it should be valued as work, even if it's not the productive kind of capitalist labour that we've been taught to value. And on the flip side, I want to talk about leisure in a way that disconnects it from any need to perform, to perform work especially. I want to honor those who train and who engage in leisure activities as well, and those who can't or don't or won't, for any number of really valid reasons connected to bodies and time and desire and priorities and ability. Whether that's a body ability, financial ability, or what have you.
Is this your first foray into public art? Tell us about how it overlaps or differs from your overall art practice. 
It's not exactly my first foray into public art, considering that my performance practice is often interventive and happens in public spaces, and is meant to be encountered by and engaged with by a general public. But it's definitely my first permanent public sculpture project. I don't consider myself a sculptor in the traditional sense, but I do make a lot of objects. And in my object making practice, no matter how hard I try, I can't seem to stop making big things that really have a presence. So, I do feel like this project is a natural extension of my practice and hopefully a new direction for my practice to grow into.
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The Three Graces, performance with Mary-Anne McTrowe and Shanell Papp at MacEwan University 2021
Tell us about your interdisciplinary research-based approach. Will it be an important part of your creative process for this commission?
Yeah, I don't think any other project that I've done has put my research chops to the test as much as this one will. It'll be a really integral part of the creative process for this project. In research-creation practices in general, the research exists as much in the making as in engaging in traditional research methods. Which for me, and for this project specifically, means that all the making I've done in my practice to date exists as a body of research that's led me to this commission and will really inform and shape the work, and then in turn, the making of this work is its own research that will lead me to my next projects; be they new artworks, journal publications, conference presentations or incorporation into my university teachings. They're all one big whole in my work.
As you're working on this commission is it spurring on new ideas or potential new directions that you'll take from here in your practice?
As I develop the ideas for this project, I can see the threads coming out of other work that I've done. I don't think that that's unique, I think most artists have common threads that run through the work. But it's really interesting as I've grown and progressed in my career. It used to be that things felt very individual and from one project to the next, I didn't necessarily see those threads, but now I really see them throughout all the work.
What does community mean to you and where do you find it? What will your community engagement approach be for this public art project? 
Community for me is family, whether that's blood family or chosen family, social networks and support systems. Community is my stomping grounds, workplaces, and favorite haunts. So, I find community where I find my people and that's for me, artists, fat community, queer community, thinkers and lovers of culture. For this project, more than talking to geographic community, I want to consult with people and organizations that are attached to communities that are traditionally underserved by public art projects and by recreation centres too; people with reduced access to financial resources, people who feel disconnected from that kind of facility, queer people and disabled people, people with mental health concerns. All those whose various demographics put them into the categories of those who don't fit those definitions of moral good, as defined by their abilities or their bodies or their productivity.
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Tell us about your current solo exhibit at dc3 Art Projects.
The show is called Things I've Forgotten, and it's part of an ongoing work about my dreams. I spent about 10 years collecting a journal of my dreams. I would wake up every morning and write down my dream from the night before, and then never look back on it again. After 10 years I decided to start rereading my dreams and I was fascinated by the fact that they were so old and had long been forgotten because even though I wrote them down, I would forget about them shortly afterwards, like I think most of us do. I would read these dreams and they would be completely new to me and were completely foreign. So, I got to experience them for the first time, but then slowly the memory of the dream came back to me, and I could see all the images vividly and hear the sounds and smell the smells. It was as though the dreams had really happened and I was remembering them as a memory and at the same time I was kind of going through having heard stories about this trauma that happened when I was a kid but not remembering it, and I thought what if by reliving these dreams and pulling them to the surface what if I could bring this trauma to the surface as well? So, it sounds a bit like it was meant to be therapeutic, but I'm an artist and nothing is quite so literal, so I went about this project of working with my dreams to try and change myself as a person and see how I could be affected by this.
One of the works in the show is a collaboration by Scott Smallwood and me — he's a local audio artist — and together we recorded 20 different voice actors reciting my 10-year journal of dreams and created this really beautiful cloud of sound of all these overlapping voices, it's an 8-channel audio installation of all these overlapping voices. It's difficult to pick out any individual dream or any individual voice, but it does create this soundscape when you go in, that adds to the surrealness I think and beauty of it. It's very dreamlike.
What excites you most about the Edmonton arts scene right now?
I think Edmonton is exciting in general. I've only been back in a permanent way for a few years, but I think growth and change is what's most exciting to me. The arts scene here kind of feels like it's breathing and changing and growing and maybe that's exciting to me because I feel like I'm changing and growing too, which is exciting in its own way and makes me feel connected to Edmonton. I have to say that I love Edmonton cinema, theatre, festivals, music and dance, but my heart really belongs to visual and performance art. So, the galleries and the artists and the public art are what really grounds me to this city.
Want more YEG Arts Stories? We’ll be sharing them here and on social media using the hashtag #IamYegArts. Follow along! You can catch Cindy Baker’s exhibition Things I’ve forgotten at dc3 Art Projects. It’s on until May 13, and as part of the exhibit programming, there will be performances on April 27 at 7 pm and a closing reception on May 13 from 6 – 10 pm. Keep up with Cindy on Instagram, Facebook, or visit her website.
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About Cindy Baker
Cindy Baker is a contemporary artist based in Western Canada whose work engages with queer, gender, race, disability, fat, and art discourses. Committed to ethical community engagement and critical social enquiry, Baker's interdisciplinary research-based practice draws upon 25 years working, volunteering, and organizing in the communities of which she is part. She moves fluidly between the arts, humanities, and social sciences, emphasizing the theoretical and conceptual over material concerns. Baker holds an MFA from the University of Lethbridge where she received a SSHRC grant for her research in performance in the absence of the artist's body; she has exhibited and performed across Canada and internationally. Helping found important community and advocacy organizations over the course of her career, Baker continues to maintain volunteer leadership roles across her communities.
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citynewsglobe · 4 months
[ad_1] Paint safety movie (PPF) is a thermoplastic urethane movie that's adhered to the painted surfaces of a automobile to protect the paint from stone chips, bug splatters, and minor abrasions. It's sometimes clear or practically invisible and is custom-cut to suit designated sections of the automobile, just like the hood, fenders, bumper, aspect mirrors, and door edges. Paint safety movie in Edmonton presents an added protecting layer in opposition to on a regular basis put on and tear, serving to to protect the looks and worth of the automobile.How Does PPF Forestall Scratches in Excessive-Visitors Areas:Paint safety movie (PPF) is particularly efficient at shielding high-traffic areas of your automobile, such because the bumpers, hood, and door edges, from scratches and different harm. Here is how PPF accomplishes this:Affect Absorption: Paint Safety Movie in Edmonton performs a pivotal position in safeguarding your automobile's exterior, notably in high-traffic areas the place the chance of harm from highway particles and different hazards is most pronounced. This sturdy thermoplastic urethane movie is meticulously utilized on to the painted surfaces of your automobile, forming an impenetrable barrier that absorbs the impression of small stones, gravel, and particles encountered on the highway.By making use of PPF to those essential areas, such because the bumpers, hood, and door edges, you present a further layer of defence that absorbs the impression of potential hazards, successfully mitigating the chance of harm to your automobile's paintwork. The versatile and resilient nature of PPF permits it to evolve flawlessly to the contours of your automobile, guaranteeing complete protection that extends the lifetime of your paint and maintains its pristine look.Scratch Resistance: Paint Safety Movie stands out for its distinctive scratch resistance, offering an important layer of defence in opposition to the each day put on and tear that high-traffic areas of your automobile endure. Engineered to resist minor abrasions and scratches, PPF presents unparalleled safety for essential areas such because the bumpers, hood, and door edges.PPF's scratch-resistant properties are notably essential for these weak areas, together with contact with different autos, pedestrian site visitors, and environmental particles, as they assist to keep up the integrity of your automobile's paintwork within the face of on a regular basis use. Whether or not navigating congested metropolis streets or traversing tough terrain, PPF acts as a protect, absorbing the impression of minor abrasions and stopping them from penetrating the floor of the paint.Self-Therapeutic Properties: The self-healing properties of contemporary Paint Safety Movies (PPFs) symbolize a groundbreaking development in automotive safety, providing a dynamic answer for preserving the looks of high-traffic areas in your automobile, together with the bumpers, hood, and door edges.This function is especially important for high-traffic areas, because it helps to keep up the aesthetic integrity of your automobile's paintwork within the face of each day challenges. Because the self-healing course of is activated, the movie steadily repairs minor scratches and swirl marks, restoring the floor to its authentic situation and guaranteeing that your automobile continues to look newer for longer.Chemical Resistance: Chemical resistance is a paramount function of Paint Safety Movie, particularly in high-traffic areas of your automobile, just like the bumpers, hood, and door edges. These areas are continually uncovered to quite a lot of substances, together with gasoline, oils, solvents, and different chemical compounds generally encountered on the highway.In high-traffic areas, the chance of publicity to chemical compounds is considerably heightened attributable to frequent contact with highway particles, spills, and environmental contaminants. By making use of PPF to those weak areas, you create
a further layer of defence that shields your automobile's paint from the dangerous impacts of chemical publicity.UV Safety: UV safety is a essential function of Paint Safety Movie (PPF), particularly in high-traffic areas of your automobile, such because the bumpers, hood, and door edges. These areas are continually uncovered to daylight and are, subsequently, extra prone to the dangerous results of UV radiation.By making use of PPF with UV safety to those weak areas, you create a strong protect that blocks the vast majority of UV radiation from reaching the underlying paint. This aids in sustaining the vibrancy and integrity of your automobile's paintwork, guaranteeing that it stays trying new and vibrant for longer intervals.Customized Match: The custom match of PPF is a necessary function, particularly for high-traffic areas of your automobile, just like the bumpers, hood, and door edges. These areas are extra inclined to wreck from highway particles, scratches, and different hazards encountered throughout each day driving.By custom-fitting PPF to those weak areas, you create a seamless barrier that successfully shields your automobile's paint from the impacts of highway particles, stone chips, insect stains, and different hazards. The exact match of PPF ensures complete protection, offering peace of thoughts understanding that your automobile is protected in opposition to the rigours of on a regular basis driving.Protect Your Automobile's Magnificence:Paint Safety Movie in Edmonton stands as a revolutionary answer in automotive care, providing unparalleled safety to your automobile's exterior. JRS Auto Detailing not solely enhances the looks of your automobile but additionally safeguards its worth and longevity in opposition to the rigours of each day driving. Whether or not traversing city roads or embarking on cross-country adventures, PPF installers in Edmonton be certain that your automobile continues to be a supply of satisfaction and admiration for years to return.For those who're trying to find "PPF installers close to me," look no additional! Our staff is able to present skilled set up providers to your Paint Safety Movie wants.With its expertise and confirmed efficiency, PPF presents peace of thoughts on each journey, understanding that your automobile is protected by the last word defence in opposition to the weather. Make the sensible alternative to your automobile's safety and spend money on Paint Safety Movie at present. [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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canadianjobbank · 7 months
Apply now: https://canadianjobbank.org/painter-helper-construction-2/
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franksautobody · 7 months
Your Guide to Finding the Best Auto Body Shop in Edmonton: Expert Tips from Frank's Auto Body
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Are you in Edmonton and need of top-notch auto body repair services? Choosing the right auto body shop for your car can be a daunting task, especially with so many options available. But fear not! At Frank’s Auto Body, we’re here to help you navigate through the process and ensure your vehicle gets the attention it deserves.
Why Choose Frank’s Auto Body?
As one of the Leading Auto Body Shops in Edmonton, we pride ourselves on offering a comprehensive range of services to meet all your car repair needs. From minor scratches to major collision repairs, our team of experts is equipped with the knowledge and skills to get your vehicle back on the road in no time.
Our Services:
Collision Repair: Accidents happen, but they don’t have to leave a lasting impact on your vehicle. Our Collision Repair Experts in Edmonton AB are trained to handle all types of damages, ensuring your car looks as good as new.
Paint Shop: Whether you’re looking to refresh your car’s color or fix unsightly paint chips, our Car Paint Shop in Edmonton has you covered. We use only the highest quality paints and equipment to achieve flawless results every time.
Rust Repair: Don’t let rust ruin the appearance of your car. Our Car Rust Repair Services in Edmonton will not only remove existing rust but also prevent it from spreading, keeping your vehicle looking pristine for years to come.
Dent and Scratch Repair: From minor dings to deep scratches, our team specializes in restoring your car’s exterior to its former glory. With our advanced techniques and attention to detail, you can trust us to deliver exceptional results.
How to Choose the Right Auto Body Shop:
Now that you know what sets Frank’s Auto Body apart, let’s discuss how to choose the right auto body shop for your car. Here are some important factors to consider:
Reputation: Look for reviews and testimonials from previous customers to gauge the reputation of the auto body shop. At Frank’s Auto Body, we take pride in our long-standing reputation for excellence in Edmonton and beyond.
Experience: Experience matters when it comes to auto body repair. Our team brings years of expertise to every job, ensuring the highest quality craftsmanship and attention to detail.
Services Offered: Consider the range of services offered by the auto body shop and whether they meet your specific needs. From collision repair to paint restoration, Frank’s Auto Body offers a comprehensive suite of services to keep your car looking its best.
Quality of Work: Inspect the quality of workmanship at the auto body shop, including the use of premium materials and attention to detail. Our team at Frank’s Auto Body takes pride in delivering superior results that exceed our customers’ expectations.
Affordability: While price shouldn’t be the sole determining factor, it’s important to find an auto body shop that offers competitive rates without compromising on quality. At Frank’s Auto Body, we strive to provide affordable solutions for all your car repair needs.
In conclusion, choosing the Right Auto Body Shop in Edmonton doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With Frank’s Auto Body, you can trust that your car is in good hands. Contact us today for all your auto body repair needs, including collision repair, paint restoration, rust repair, dent and scratch repair, and more.
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mdmotalebhossainraju · 11 months
The Art and Science of Vehicle Wraps in Edmonton: Transforming Your Ride into a Moving Canvas
In the bustling city of Edmonton, where vehicles weave through traffic like colorful threads in a vibrant tapestry, the concept of vehicle wraps has emerged as a powerful means of self-expression and advertising. More than just a protective layer for your vehicle's exterior, a well-designed wrap can turn your car into a moving masterpiece, capturing attention and leaving a lasting impression. In this article, we delve into the art and science of vehicle wraps in Edmonton, exploring their benefits, the design process, and the impact they can have on businesses and individuals alike.
The Evolution of Vehicle Wraps:
The use of vehicle wraps dates back to the early 20th century when businesses started using hand-painted advertisements on their vehicles. However, with advancements in technology, the process has evolved into a sophisticated art form. In today's Edmonton, vinyl wraps have become the go-to choice for transforming the appearance of cars, trucks, and even buses. The material offers durability, flexibility, and an extensive range of colors and finishes, allowing for limitless design possibilities.
Benefits of vehicle wraps Edmonton :
Advertising on the Move: Edmonton's busy streets provide a prime canvas for mobile advertising. Vehicle wraps turn your daily commute into a marketing opportunity, exposing your brand to a diverse audience. Businesses can capitalize on the constant flow of traffic, reaching potential customers wherever their vehicles go.
Cost-Effective Marketing: Compared to traditional advertising methods, such as billboards or print media, vehicle wraps offer a cost-effective solution with long-term visibility. Once installed, a well-maintained wrap can last for several years, providing a continuous return on investment.
Protection and Resale Value: Beyond aesthetics, vehicle wraps act as a protective layer, shielding your vehicle's original paint from scratches, stone chips, and UV rays. This not only preserves the resale value but also allows for an easy restoration to the vehicle's original appearance when needed.
The Design Process:
Conceptualization: Before the creative process begins, it's crucial to define the purpose of the vehicle wrap. Whether it's brand promotion, individual expression, or a combination of both, a clear concept lays the foundation for an impactful design.
Graphic Design and Branding: Collaborating with skilled graphic designers is essential for translating ideas into visually appealing concepts. For businesses, incorporating branding elements, such as logos and color schemes, ensures consistency with overall marketing strategies.
Printing and Installation: Once the design is finalized, the next step involves printing the graphics onto high-quality vinyl. Skilled installers meticulously apply the wrap to the vehicle's surface, ensuring a seamless and professional finish. The installation process requires precision and expertise to avoid imperfections and bubbles.
Impact on Businesses and Individuals:
Brand Recognition: For businesses, vehicle wraps offer a mobile billboard that significantly enhances brand visibility. Consistent exposure to a branded vehicle builds recognition and fosters trust among potential customers.
Personal Expression: On an individual level, vehicle wraps provide a unique opportunity for self-expression. Car enthusiasts, artists, and individuals seeking a distinctive look for their vehicles can turn their ideas into reality, standing out in the crowd.
In the dynamic landscape of Edmonton's streets, vehicle wraps have emerged as a powerful blend of art and advertising. From transforming businesses into mobile billboards to allowing individuals to express their creativity, the impact of vehicle wraps is undeniable. As technology continues to advance, the possibilities for innovative and eye-catching designs are limitless, making vehicle wraps a driving force in Edmonton's visual landscape.
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Exterior Doors Improve Curb Appeal and Security
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The external door for the home, especially the front door, defines your home's character, curb appeal, and security. These doors, frequently overlooked, provide your home's first impression and add to its aesthetics and utility.
The Front Door: Welcome
Front doors are the focal point of a home's exterior. It's a statement piece that can transform your property beyond its usefulness. Here are some reasons why the front door matters:
Curb Appeal
A well-designed and maintained Edmonton front door can help your home's curb appeal. Anyone traveling by or visiting your property notices it as the focal point. Whatever it is—a nice wooden door, a sleek modern design, or a bright splash of color—your front entrance sets the tone for the house.
Curb appeal can be improved with a fresh coat of paint or a custom door with stunning glass panels and exquisite hardware. You decide, but a nice front door can make your home stand out and raise its worth.
While aesthetics matter, the front door also protects the home. It is your family's main defense against intruders. A high-quality front door with strong locks and deadbolts can deter intruders and give you peace of mind.
Reinforced frames, impact-resistant glass, and remote-controlled smart locks are common on modern front doors. These features improve security, convenience, and technology in your house.
Exterior Door Replacement: Smart Investment
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Due to weathering, outside doors might wear out, causing drafts, energy inefficiency, and security risks. Door replacement becomes a good investment then. Consider upgrading your external doors for these convincing reasons:
The Energy Efficiency
Decaying doors waste a lot of electricity. Drafts from leaky seals, faulty weather stripping, and insufficient insulation make your home less pleasant and raise your energy expenditures. Upgrade to energy-efficient outside doors to preserve internal temperature and lower heating and cooling expenditures.
To maximize energy efficiency, use doors with foam core insulation and ENERGY STAR certification. Buying these doors will save you money and lessen your carbon footprint.
Improved Function
Aged doors may be hard to open and close, posing safety and inconvenience risks. Malfunctioning external doors may not lock, compromising security. Replace these doors to improve functioning and keep your home secure and accessible.
For ease and security, choose doors with smooth-gliding hinges, easy-to-use handles, and innovative locking mechanisms.
Cosmetic Improvement
Replacing outdated Edmonton exterior door can greatly improve your home's appearance. Classic, modern, or custom designs are all available. You can choose materials, finishes, and decorative components to make a door that matches your home's architecture and style.
Selecting Exterior Doors
Selecting the correct outside door is crucial when replacing doors. Consider these factors:
Different materials offer different benefits for outside doors. Wood may be personalized and has a classic aesthetic. Durable, low-maintenance fiberglass doors save energy. Steel doors are popular with homeowners because they are secure and durable.
Style and Design
Your outside door should match your home's architecture. There are many alternatives for traditional, rustic, and modern styles.
Security Features
Choose a door with strong locks and deadbolts for security. For extra security, consider impact-resistant glass, reinforced frames, and smart locks.
The Energy Efficiency
For energy efficiency, use doors with high insulation. Choose electricity STAR-certified doors to save electricity.
Consider the door material's maintenance needs. Fiberglass and steel doors are low-maintenance, while wood doors require painting or staining.
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morenostuccoca · 1 year
The Importance of Exterior Repair in Edmonton
The weather in Edmonton can be harsh, with cold winters and hot summers. This can take a toll on your home's exterior, leading to damage such as cracked siding, peeling paint, and leaking roofs. If left unaddressed, this damage can lead to further problems, such as water infiltration and mold growth.
That's why it's important to have your home's exterior regularly inspected and repaired. By doing so, you can help to protect your home's value and extend its lifespan.
Common Exterior Repairs in Edmonton
There are a variety of exterior repairs in Edmonton that may be needed for your home in Edmonton. Some of the most common include:
Siding repair: Siding is a major component of your home's exterior, and it can be damaged by hail, wind, and other weather events. If your siding is cracked, loose, or missing, it should be repaired or replaced as soon as possible.
Painting: The paint on your home's exterior helps to protect it from the elements and keep it looking its best. However, paint can fade, chip, and peel over time. If your home's paint is in poor condition, it should be repainted.
Roofing repair: The roof is your home's first line of defense against the elements, so it's important to keep it in good condition. If your roof is leaking, damaged, or missing shingles, it should be repaired or replaced as soon as possible.
Gutter and downspout repair: Gutters and downspouts help to channel water away from your home's foundation. If your gutters or downspouts are damaged, they can allow water to pool around your foundation, which can lead to moisture damage.
Eavestrough repair: Eavestroughs collect water from your roof and channel it down to your gutters. If your eavestroughs are damaged, they can leak and allow water to damage your home's exterior.
When to Hire a Professional
Some exterior repairs, such as siding repair and painting, can be done by a homeowner with basic DIY skills. However, other repairs, such as roofing repair and eavestrough repair, should be left to a professional.
If you're not sure whether you can handle a particular exterior repair yourself, it's always best to err on the side of caution and hire a professional. A professional will have the skills and experience to get the job done right, and they can also help to ensure that the repair is done in a way that is consistent with the rest of your home's exterior.
Finding a Qualified Contractor
If you decide to hire a contractor to do your exterior repairs, it's important to find a qualified contractor. You can ask for recommendations from friends, family, or neighbors, or you can search online for contractors in your area.
Once you've found a few potential contractors, be sure to get quotes from each one. This will help you to compare prices and services. You should also ask each contractor about their experience, qualifications, and warranty.
Exterior repair is an important part of home maintenance. By having your home's exterior regularly inspected and repaired, you can help to protect your home's value and extend its lifespan. If you're not sure whether you can handle a particular exterior repair yourself, it's always best to hire a professional.
Here are some additional tips for finding a qualified contractor:
Get at least three quotes from different contractors.
Ask about the contractor's experience and qualifications.
Check the contractor's references.
Make sure the contractor is licensed and insured.
Get everything in writing, including the scope of work, the timeline, and the price.
By following these tips, you can be sure to find a qualified contractor who will do a good job on your exterior repairs.
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stonesolution · 1 year
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Durable and Stylish: Enjoy the Benefits of Edmonton Siding Installation
Possible details about siding installation in Edmonton, Alberta, are discussed. You've come to the right place if you feel like the outside of your house or business may use some attention. This article will explain how siding may shield your home from the severe Canadian winters and add to its aesthetic value. Then, what sets Edmonton siding installation apart from the rest? Join us in here and we can learn together!
The Positive Effects of New Siding in Edmonton
Installing siding in Edmonton does more than only up the city's aesthetic value. The variety of color and style options available to you is a huge plus. There is a wide range of styles from which to choose, from the bold and contemporary to the timelessly elegant. Siding installed in Edmonton is a quick and simple option to modernize the exterior of your home.
The material's low price in comparison to natural stone is an additional perk. Natural stone is very expensive despite its aesthetic value. Siding installation in Edmonton, on the other hand, may mimic the expensive-looking exteriors at a fraction of the cost, making it a more affordable option. As a result, house-owners with a wide range of budgets can now achieve their decorative objectives.
Siding installed in Edmonton lasts a long time and needs little maintenance. High-quality sidings are designed to withstand extreme temperatures (hot or cold) and precipitation (a lot of rain or snow). They will not degrade or distort with time, saving you time in maintenance.
Siding installation in Edmonton is a great choice for homeowners who want to improve their home's curb appeal without sacrificing functionality or aesthetics, thanks to its versatility, affordability, resistance to harsh weather, and low maintenance needs.
A Wide Range of Designs and Colors
One of the main advantages of Edmonton siding installation is the wide variety of color and design options available. Homeowners may get siding that suits their needs and tastes thanks to the variety of alternatives available.
There is a wide variety of siding colors and styles to choose from, allowing you to achieve any desired aesthetic. You can paint the exterior of your house any color you desire, from bold to neutral tones like beige and gray.
Siding is available in a wide range of colors, textures, and finishes. There's a style out there for everyone, whether they prefer a sleek sheen or something more textural like wood grain or patterned stone. This gives homeowners a great deal of leeway in terms of personalizing the appearance of the outside of their homes.
Edmonton siding installation allows homeowners to show their individuality and improve their home's curb appeal thanks to the wide variety of colors and designs available. It's easy to see why this is becoming such a popular residential option.
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Savings vs the Price of Natural Stone
It's common for price to be a major factor when deciding on new siding for a house. When compared to other materials, such as stone, this is where siding installation in Edmonton really excels.
Edmonton siding installation costs are much lower than natural stone costs. Because of improvements in production, consumers now have access to more reasonably priced alternatives with no sacrifice in durability or style. Cultured stones in Edmonton can mimic the luxurious appearance of genuine stone at a fraction of the cost.
Edmonton siding installation needs less time and effort than natural stone installation. These prefabricated stones may be installed with less time and effort and a smaller budget thanks to their lightweight design.
Installing siding in Edmonton has much cheaper maintenance expenses than using natural stone. Edmonton cultured stones are built to last and withstand weathering, saving you money in the long term compared to natural stone which may need frequent sealing and repairs over time.
Edmonton siding installation is a more cost-effective alternative to more luxurious options like genuine stone for enhancing the curb appeal of your property. All the advantages will be yours without a hefty price tag.
Siding installation in Edmonton is a great way to improve your home's curb appeal and longevity. Its wide range of colors and designs lets you make the outside of your house seem exactly how you want it to. Siding installation, in contrast to alternatives employing genuine stone, is more cost-effective without sacrificing quality.
If you want your cultured stones or bespoke fireplaces in Edmonton installed properly, it's best to hire experienced installers. They have extensive knowledge of the entire installation process, from prep to cleanup. So, why wait? The exterior of your home can be significantly transformed by installing brand-new siding. Working with professionals ensures a smooth siding installation in Edmonton.
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yegarts · 2 years
What’s Coming up in Public Art
Over the next few years, we’re thrilled to be welcoming several new public artworks to Edmonton’s Public Art Collection. Along with previously announced pieces by Sanaz Mazinani for the new downtown greenspace Warehouse Park (in development) and by Michelle Sound for the TELUS Transit stop, Edmonton will soon be home to new works by some fascinating local and national artists, including Jordan Bennett, Sans façon, Shaheer Zazai, Ruth Cuthand, Morgan Melenka, and Michelle Campos Castillo – all in connection with the new Valley Line West LRT expansion. Also in the works is a new public art commission by artist Becca Taylor for the TELUS World of Science – Edmonton.
The artists are all putting the Edmonton Arts Council’s (EAC) new approach to public art into action from start to finish. The re-envisioned approach is guided by the City of Edmonton policy, "Public Art to Enhance Edmonton’s Public Realm”, and its principles concerning public visibility and accessibility, diversity and inclusion, public art appreciation, and city-wide impact. The shift began with the EAC's work on the Indigenous Art Park, ᐄᓃᐤ (ÎNÎW) River Lot 11 ∞, shares Public Art Director David Turnbull: “with it, we changed the way we work, to think beyond contract management and to really question what our responsibility is to the citizens of Edmonton and to the growth and development of the public art collection.”
These new commissions will have strong ties to the communities they occupy. Artists are no longer selected based on their preconceived ideas for a project, Turnbull says, “we now ask artists to begin projects by outlining their creative processes and their approach to research and engagement with community stakeholders.” The EAC's work to build strong relationships in the community is critical, says Turnbull, “by the time an artist comes into a project, they should be entering a receptive community that is expecting them.”
The new responsive processes are helping to build a high-quality public art collection that is relevant and representative of Edmonton’s diverse communities. These purposeful steps work to address the collection's under-representation of Indigenous artists, as well as artists from diverse genders and cultural backgrounds. The new processes will also help to address systemic barriers faced by artists from marginalized, racialized and equity-seeking groups which prevent them from becoming involved in public art.
Read on to learn more about the artists behind several exciting new public art commissions coming to Edmonton.
Jordan Bennett: Valley Line West - West Edmonton Mall Station
Selected artist: Jordan Bennett Public art project site: Valley Line West-West Edmonton Mall Station, 175 Street & 87 Avenue  Anticipated project install date: 2024
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Mawpile'n by Jordan Bennett, 2017. Materials: Acrylic Paint on Aluminum. Installation View: Exterior of Great West Life Building-Broadway, Winnipeg. Photo credit: Synonym Art Collective. Collaboration with Dee Barsy through Synonym Art Collective and WAG.
For the Valley Line West LRT - West Edmonton Mall Station, Jordan Bennett will be creating artwork using the mediums of ceramic frit on glass (windows) and painting on a large metal solar screen. The LRT expansion to the city’s west side is the second stage of the Valley Line that will operate between Mill Woods in southeast Edmonton and Lewis Farms in west Edmonton.
Jordan Bennett is a Mi’kmaq visual artist from Stephenville Crossing, Ktaqamkuk, Newfoundland. Jordan's ongoing practice utilizes painting, sculpture, video, installation, and sound to explore land, language, the act of visiting, familial histories and challenging colonial perceptions of Indigenous histories and presence with a focus on exploring Mi’kmaq and Beothuk visual culture of Ktaqamkuk.
In the past 10 years Bennett has participated in over 90 group and solo exhibitions nationally and internationally in venues such as the Smithsonian-National Museum of the American Indian, NYC; MAC-VAL, Paris; The Museum of Art and Design, NYC, NY; Museum of Contemporary Native Arts, Santa Fe, NM; Project Space Gallery, RMIT, Melbourne, AUS; and the Art Gallery of Nova Scotia.
He has been the recipient of several awards and honours, notably, he was shortlisted for the 2018 Sobey Art Award and presented with the 2014 Newfoundland and Labrador Arts Councils Artist of the Year. Bennett holds a BFA from Sir Wilfred Grenfell College, Memorial University, and an MFA from The University of British Columbia, Okanagan.
Sans façon: Valley Line West - Misericordia Station 
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Limelight: Saturday night by Sans façon. 2010-ongoing. Photo credit Sans façon. Selected artist collective: Sans façon Public art project site: Valley Line West - Misericordia Station, 169 Street & 87 Avenue  Anticipated project install date: 2024
Sans façon is creating three works for the Valley Line West - Misericordia Station. “It is our intention that notions of compassion run, in different and complementary ways, through all of the components of the work", says Sans façon, "the art itself is the conduit for public encounters with the notion of compassion. Three expressions will take form: two will be permanent and tangible and the third expression will lay the social and contextual foundation for the permanent works through storytelling.
Sans façon works internationally on projects ranging from large scale permanent artworks and temporary installations in public spaces to collaborating with design teams on major infrastructure projects or developing and implementing city-wide strategies involving artists in discourse with a city. Much of their work tempts interaction with the surroundings and is developed in close collaboration with communities, corporations, and individuals including city councils, scholars, architects, engineers, and designers.
Over the last two decades, Sans façon has established a model of integrating art and artists as part of a holistic approach for projects of all scales, allowing art to work in concert with the vision of the wider project, engaging people and animating the specific character and quality of each place they work with.
The busy Calgary-based duo has current projects throughout North America and internationally including Art in Parks, a permanent installation with Steve Gurysh in Pittsburgh; Al Masar, five permanent and temporary works, and art planning with el dorado architects in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Monument to Rain, a permanent installation, exploring our relationship to the dynamic environment in Georgetown, Seattle.
Note: On November 24, 2022, as part of the Art Gallery of Alberta's monthly free night, Sans façon is providing a guided scent tour from 5 - 6 pm.
Michelle Campos Castillo: Valley Line West - 87 Avenue Guideway Ramps at 164 Street 
Selected artist: Michelle Campos Castillo Public art project site: Valley Line West - 87 Avenue Guideway Ramps at 164 Street  Anticipated project install date: 2024
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Rendering of Michelle Campos Castillo’s project Agua.
Local artist Michelle Campos Castillo has been commissioned to create a design for the Valley Line West - 87 Avenue guideway ramps at 164 Street.
“As a guest on Treaty 6 territory, I’m most concerned in honouring the land and its inhabitants,” says Campos Castillo. “My approach to developing concepts always carries the spirit of migrants and refugees with me, while appreciating the beautiful landscape of Indigenous territory. I challenged myself to think beyond my own Salvadorean culture and embody the journey of all migrants. I thought of the distances we all travelled to land in Amiskwaciwahikan; some of us crossed oceans. At the same time, I think of my favourite place in the city, the river valley, and the way the river runs across the city and the way this body of water unites us locally.”
Michelle Campos Castillo is a Salvadoran visual artist living in Edmonton. She has been the recipient of several public art commissions from the City of Edmonton, including Platanos, a set of three sculptures on permanent display at Belvedere Transit Centre, and Dream, a recently finalized artwork for the Stadium LRT station (along with fellow local artists Tiffany Shaw, Becca Taylor, Shawn Tse and Christina Battle). Her most recent exhibits are a solo show, Terremoto, presented in the summer of 2022 at grunt gallery in Vancouver, BC and as part of Imborrable at the National Gallery in San Salvador, El Salvador. She is currently working on a graphic novel memoir titled Colonia, based on her life in El Salvador during the country’s civil war.
Morgan Melenka: Valley Line West - Aldergrove Park Elevated Guideway Ramp 
Selected artist: Morgan Melenka  Public art project site: 87 Avenue Guideway Ramp at Aldergrove Park and 182 Street Anticipated project install date: 2024
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Rendering of Morgan Melanka's project. 3D render by Jordan Polanski. 
Morgan Melenka has a close connection with the site that she has been commissioned to design artwork. Melenka’s designs for the Valley Line West guideway ramp at 87 Avenue and 182 Street are informed by the architecture of Aldergrove, the neighborhood she grew up in. The imagery, Melenka says “is a collage of building materials and styles from the area, including brick arches, vinyl siding, and mansard roofs. The geometry of this work results in a strong visual pattern, akin to the experience of moving through Aldergrove, and reflects familiar forms and shapes that informed my understanding of space as a child.”
Morgan Melenka is a visual artist based in Mohkinstsis (Calgary) who grew up in Treaty 6. She engages with sculpture and printmaking as she reproduces, modifies, and misuses familiar architectural forms and materials to engage with the world of architecture. She holds an MFA from NSCAD University and has exhibited in Canada and the US including New York, Nebraska, and Tennessee. Her recent exhibitions include: Nonsuch at SNAP Gallery; the Scene at the Art Gallery of Alberta; The Works Art & Design Festival, moveObjects On at the Plumb, Toronto; and There are no walls, only shimmering membranes as part of SAAG Art Library Project.
Shaheer Zazai: Gerry Wright Operations and Maintenance Facility Public Art Project
Selected artist: Shaheer Zazai Public art project site: The Gerry Wright Facility is east of 75th Street adjacent to Whitemud Drive  Anticipated project install date: 2024/25
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Untitled - Carpet 2 / 2017 by Shaheer Zazai. Digital Print on Watercolour Paper. Produced in Microsoft Word. Edition of 3. 25.5” X 42”.
Shaheer Zazai, an Afghan-Canadian artist based in Toronto, has been selected for the public art project for the Gerry Wright Facility. The maintenance facility, garage, and operations centre for Valley Line is east of 75th Street, on the north side of Whitemud Drive. Zazai will develop and execute a site-specific artwork that may span two exterior walls on the southeast side of the building. An important part of Zazai’s process will be community engagement. Stay tuned for information about public engagement opportunities in the coming months.
Zazai’s current studio practice is both in painting and digital media. His practice focuses on exploring and attempting to investigate the development of cultural identity in the present geopolitical climate and diaspora. Zazai received a BFA from OCAD University in 2011 and was an artist in residence at OCAD University as part of the Digital Painting Atelier in 2015. He has upcoming exhibitions at the Aga Khan Museum and the Power Plant in Toronto, the Owens Art Gallery in New Brunswick, and a public artwork in progress at Emily Carr University. Recent exhibitions include a solo exhibition of new works, A Call Home at Patel Brown Gallery, Toronto, and New Acquisitions Exhibition at Burnaby Art Gallery, Burnaby, BC.
Ruth Cuthand: Lewis Farms Storage Facility Public Art Project 
Selected artist: Ruth Cuthand Public art project site:  Lewis Farms Facility, west of Anthony Henday Drive, adjacent to Lewis Farms Transit Centre  Anticipated project install date: 2024/25 
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RCH78, Depression by Ruth Cuthand. 2022, Glass beads, thread, backing, 11 1/4" x 11 1/4". Copyright: Ruth Cuthand. Photo credit: The Gallery/Art Placement Inc., Saskatoon, SK
Artist Ruth Cuthand has been commissioned for the Lewis Farms Facility public art project. The facility is west of Anthony Henday Drive, adjacent to the existing Lewis Farms Transit Centre. Cuthand will develop and execute a site-specific artwork that may span ten locations along the west façade of the building.
Ruth Cuthand was born in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, of Plains Cree, Scottish and Irish ancestry. She grew up in Cardston, Alberta near the Blood Reserve and resides in Saskatoon where she completed her BFA and MFA. An early fascination with disease, First Nations living conditions, and settler/Native relationships informed by childhood experiences have become key elements in her creative practice. Ruth has exhibited extensively across Canada and the United States since the late 1980s with artworks in major collections, such as the National Gallery of Canada. Her awards and recognition include the Governor General’s Award in Visual and Media Arts, the University of Saskatchewan Alumni of Influence Award, and the Lieutenant Governor of Saskatchewan Arts Award.
Becca Taylor: TELUS World of Science - Edmonton 
Selected artist: Becca Taylor Public art project site: Entry Plaza, TELUS World of Science Edmonton, 11211 - 142 Street, Edmonton    Anticipated project install date: spring 2023  
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Investigations - Untitled, wâpanewask (Yarrow) explorations by Becca Taylor. 2022. Dyed Cotton, beds and dried yarrow.  Photo credit: Darryn Doull, KWAG 
Artist Becca Taylor has been commissioned to create a site-specific artwork in the entrance plaza of TELUS World of Science – Edmonton that is part of a modernization project at the facility. The extensive update has involved renovations of existing exhibits and the addition of 20,000 square feet of new gallery space and visitor amenities.
Becca Taylor is an artist, curator, and writer, of Cree and Métis descent. Her practice involves investigations of Indigenous community building, through food sovereignty, gathering, deep listening, conversation and making. Contributing to all stages of this project, she brings her experience in working on collaborative-based projects, research, and public engagement. Taylor also has experience curating and organizing community and site-specific interventions in urban and rural landscapes. Notably, in 2015 she organized a series of youth-led public artworks in Winnipeg’s North end, and in 2018 she co-led a land-based residency, Common Opulence, in Northern Alberta. Becca is the Executive Director (currently on a leave of absence) of Ociciwan Contemporary Art Centre in Amiskwacîwâskahikan.
Learn more about the City of Edmonton Public Art Collection and discover other fantastic public art projects in progress at edmontonpublicart.ca.
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canadianjobbank · 1 year
Apply now: https://canadianjobbank.org/general-construction-labourer-11/
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franksautobody · 10 months
Frank's Auto Body: Where Precision Meets Passion
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In the bustling city of Edmonton, where every vehicle tells its own story through the roads it has travelled, Frank’s Auto Body stands tall as the epitome of excellence in the world of auto care. As a leading Auto Body Shop in Edmonton, we take pride in providing top-notch services that cater to every aspect of your vehicle’s aesthetic and structural needs.
Unrivalled Auto Body Repair Expertise:
At Frank’s Auto Body, we specialize in comprehensive Auto Body Repair services. Whether your vehicle has endured a major collision or suffered minor dings and dents, our skilled technicians possess the expertise to restore it to its former glory. Our commitment to excellence is reflected in every repair we undertake, ensuring that your vehicle not only looks impeccable but also maintains its structural integrity.
Precision Collision Repair by Experts:
When it comes to Collision Repair in Edmonton, Frank’s Auto Body is your trusted partner. Our team of seasoned professionals excels in handling collision-related damages, employing state-of-the-art techniques and cutting-edge technology to bring your vehicle back on the road safely. As recognized Collision Repair Experts in Edmonton, we prioritize quality craftsmanship and attention to detail in every repair project.
Comprehensive Car Rust Repair Services:
Edmonton’s diverse weather conditions can take a toll on your vehicle’s exterior. At Frank’s Auto Body, we specialize in Car Rust Repair to combat the corrosive effects of time and elements. Our rust repair services are tailored to address rust issues promptly, preventing further damage and preserving the longevity of your vehicle.
Vibrant Car Paint Services to Express Your Style:
Our Auto Body Paint Shop in Edmonton is equipped with a palette of colors to match your style and preferences. From flawless color matching to custom paint jobs, our skilled technicians use top-quality paints to rejuvenate your vehicle’s appearance. Trust Frank’s Auto Body for precision and perfection in every stroke.
Efficient Car Dent and Scratch Repair:
Dents and scratches can be a visual nuisance, diminishing the overall appeal of your vehicle. Our Car Dent and Scratch Repair services in Edmonton are designed to efficiently eliminate these imperfections, restoring your vehicle’s sleek and polished look. Frank’s Auto Body takes pride in delivering seamless repairs that make your car look as good as new.
Why Choose Frank’s Auto Body?
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State-of-the-Art Facilities: Frank’s Auto Body is equipped with cutting-edge technology and modern facilities to ensure the highest quality repairs.
Customer-Centric Approach: We prioritize customer satisfaction, providing transparent communication and personalized service to meet your unique needs.
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Choosing Frank’s Auto Body means choosing excellence, reliability, and a commitment to delivering the finest Auto Body Services in Edmonton. Experience the difference with us — your trusted partner for all your auto body repair needs.
For Cheap Auto Body Repair in Edmonton without compromising on quality, turn to Frank’s Auto Body — where your satisfaction drives our success. Your journey to a revitalized vehicle starts here!
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Vinyl Windows Can Improve Energy Efficiency in Your Home
Edmonton vinyl windows are excellent investments for homeowners looking to boost energy efficiency. Not only do they provide protection from the elements, but their ease of maintenance also enables homeowners to keep an eye on heating and cooling expenses over time - with savings that can be accrued along the way. Furthermore, since these windows are easy to clean there is less work involved in maintaining them compared to other options such as aluminium or shutters allowing you more free time! If you find yourself interested in installing vinyl windows within your abode then shouldn't hesitate to contact a professional installer about providing the best choices for differing climatic zones and budgets; additionally, it's feasible that one could find any imaginable model online or at a local hardware store. Just ensure which choice fits one's needs together with compatibility coming up against current framing designs and exterior paint schemes.
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morenostuccoca · 1 year
Edmonton Exterior Renovations: The Ultimate Guide
Your home's exterior renovation in Edmonton is the first thing that people see, so it's important to make sure it makes a good impression. If your exterior is looking tired and outdated, it's time to consider an exterior renovation.
In Edmonton, there are a variety of exterior renovation options available to you. Here are a few of the most popular:
Siding. Siding is a great way to update the look of your home and improve its energy efficiency. There are a variety of siding materials available, including vinyl, wood, and fiber cement.
Windows. New windows can improve your home's energy efficiency and curb appeal. There are a variety of window styles and materials available, so you can choose the perfect ones for your home.
Doors. New doors can also improve your home's energy efficiency and curb appeal. There are a variety of door styles and materials available, so you can choose the perfect ones for your home.
Gutters and downspouts. Gutters and downspouts help to protect your home from water damage. If your gutters and downspouts are old or damaged, it's time to replace them.
Roofing. A new roof can protect your home from the elements and improve its energy efficiency. There are a variety of roofing materials available, so you can choose the perfect one for your home.
In addition to these popular options, there are a variety of other exterior renovation projects that you can consider. For example, you could:
Add a new front porch or deck
Paint your home
Install new landscaping
Add new lighting
The cost of an exterior renovation will vary depending on the scope of the project. However, you can expect to pay anywhere from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars.
If you're considering an exterior renovation, it's important to do your research and get quotes from several contractors before making a decision. You should also make sure that the contractor you choose is licensed and insured.
With a little planning and effort, you can transform the exterior of your home into a beautiful and inviting space.
Here are some additional tips for planning your exterior renovation:
Set a budget and stick to it. Exterior renovations can be expensive, so it's important to set a budget and stick to it.
Get multiple quotes from contractors. This will help you to ensure that you're getting a fair price.
Make sure the contractor is licensed and insured. This will protect you in case something goes wrong during the renovation.
Get everything in writing. This includes the scope of work, the timeline, and the cost.
Be prepared for unexpected expenses. There may be some unforeseen costs that come up during the renovation.
With careful planning and execution, your exterior renovation can be a success. You'll love the new look of your home and the increased value it will add.
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