#ey mate if you see this and ain't a bot i'm sorry i just didn't know how to answer nor mention how i have no money to share rn
How about a Dredger fic? I was going through some gameplays of Inscryption & very suddenly remembered how little he got in return for nabbing that OLD_DATA remnants for P03. Wether or not it’s an x reader fic is up to you, I’d just love it if he got a little bit more well, deserved attention 💕
A Reunion.
Pairings: Could be read as Dredger x gender-neutral!Reader, could be read as platonic.
Warnings: None.
Summary: The two of you fall into an easy silence; just as you used to before the takeover, just as you used to when things made a little more sense and were a little less terrifying.
You're pouting as you idly move your character to and fro in Botopia, from one room and then another room and then back again. You breathe a huffing sigh, your eyes staring absently at the board.
"Are you seriously refusing to play?" P03's voice is sharp and unmistakably angry on the other side of the table.
You don't respond.
"...is this because I didn't let you talk to the Dredger for longer?"
You don't respond.
"Hey. I'm talking to you, you know."
You don't respond, continuing to give the bot the silent treatment, continuing to move your character between those two rooms.
There's a synthesised sigh and a petulant mumble of 'this is so lame,' before P03's screen switches, and you hear a familiar voice.
"Mate! Ye got 'im ter listen! Good on ye!"
Your eyes widen, you look up to see the familiar image of the Dredger before you. "Oh! I'm so happy, I thought he'd never let you speak to me again!"
"Aye, I wouldn' even put it past 'im by now," the Dredger sighs. "Never figured I woulda ever been feelin' jealous o' Leshy's fisherman mate. At least 'e gotta be a boss for 'is efforts. I ain't even gettin' ta talk that much."
"Aw..." Your eyes are soft and sympathetic. "I'm sorry, I really am. I'd give you a hug if you weren't, uh," you motion a hand in his general direction, "in P03 right now."
"Nofin' much we can do 'bout it, I s'ppose... Least we can talk like this, eh?"
A smile touches your lips. "Yeah..." You sigh softly. "You know, you deserve better. You're literally the only reason we're here right now; you're the one who let P03 get what he wanted! He should be thanking you!"
The Dredger gives a bright, joyful chuckle. "Ahh, yer funny, mate... I've missed ye, I 'ave. Ye always made work plenty more fun back at 't'factory, y'know."
"I'm glad... because, you know, I feel the same. I always loved spending time with you, too. A lot, actually."
The two of you fall into an easy silence; just as you used to before the takeover, just as you used to when things made a little more sense and were a little less terrifying.
"I miss you, you know," you murmur. "I miss speaking with you, and just... spending time together. Just the two of us."
"Aye, mate. Same 'ere," he says. Although his NPC image can't emote, you're sure you can see the same fondness you used to see in his eyes before.
"But 'ey... At least we've got each other fer now, eh?"
"Right," you nod, before a little smirk catches your lips.
"Well... now, and any other time I decide to give your boss the silent treatment."
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