#fashion desingning course
lovemenowmr · 8 years
Chapter nine
I froze starring at the screen with my mouth wide-open, my fingers over the keyboard ready to type but not really doing it. I couldn’t comprehend how had they found my name, age and well… everything about me if I practically knew anyone in town.
“I don’t know” Elise said next to me as I apparently has expressed  my thoughts outloud. “Maybe you should text him, he might know what to do”
As she said so, I heard my phone went off, I hurried to get it only to find it was my mom who was calling. I replied to her and we talked for a while, not telling him anything about this mess. When we finally said goodbye the topic has already change and I felt myself relax a little, everything will soon be forgotten.
I finished copying the notes quickly and Elise left after I finished, as I didn’t really wanted company. I curled up to bed and called my brother, this time being able to talk with my little niece. The three year-old was full of joy and super cute, she had long brown hair as she insisted she wanted to have it “just like auntie’s”. She told me about her day, complaining about the oufit her mother had chosen for her. We talked for a while more, my mood improving instantly, and then with my brother and sister-in-law – I called her that even though they were not married – and hung up.
I made myself some dinner and got to bed, not daring to switched the TV on just yet. Marco still hadn’t called and I decided to call him as it wasn’t too late.
“Hey baby” he answered after three tones “How are you?”
“Good I guess. What about you? Was Nico’s mother pissed off?”
“She was” he said laughing “but she’ll be okay. Did you see the TV?”
“I did”
“Sorry about that” he said “I forgot to call my manager yesterday to fix it. I’m meeting him later and I will ask him about it, I promise”
“It’s okay Marco. Just a little bit shocking but I’m sure it will soon fade away”
“They know your name”
“Doesn’t matter” I sighed “What did you do today?”
We talked till midnight, when we both decided it was too late since we both had to wake up early next morning.
As I got to college I felt like a clown, everybody looking at me shamelessly making me feel nervous as I made my way to the classroom, Elise and some other friends were already there and I sat with them. Thakfully neither of them said a word about me an Marco, which I was grateful for and soon after that the classroom filled up and our lesson began. The whole morning was like that, if not worst as some people came to me asking me if “it was true” Elise sending them away quickly,
“I’ve never been more thankful for lunch break” I said as I stepped outside.
“I don’t know how you’re still holding up” Sara said next to me.
Wenesdays were our busiest day and I usually grabbed lunch at a small restaurant close to Sara’s house so we always walked together. There was a red sports car parked at the front, Cathy was standing next to it and smiled when she saw me.
“Hi” she said cheerfully “Do you fancy a lunch date?”
“I was actually heading to a restaurant at the moment” I answered “This is my friend Sara. Sara this is Cathy”
“It’s nice to meet you” Sara said “I have to get going. Have fun Adela”
Cathy followed me to the restaurant, a waiter coming up soon after we sat. She ordered some pasta and I ordered some chicken and a salad. Our meal arrived soon after that and we both ate as she asked me how well was I dealing with the attention and I answered sincerely. When we finished we ordered some dessert and started talking about fashion and other stuff but we didn’t have much time since my shift started at three o'clock.
My evening was more pleasant as no one seemed to notice me, or at least not more than any other day. I did some projects – this semester I was working at a fashion company – and today I was giving some oufits to polish, and a list of clothes that were needed. At seven I finished my shift, as it was a part time intership, and I got a train home, since the building was downtown. I walked ten minutes through downton and arrives just on time for my train.
After a short ride I got off the train and walked up to my flat, stopping at a café to get a hot drink, making small talk with the waitress, who was my neighbour. We used to walked home together Wenesdays, if I made it in time to get the earlier trains, as I have done today. She finished her shift at eight o'clock and I helped her clean everything up, we left the caté at quarter part eight and headed home.
As I closed the main door, she climbed up the stairs – we both lived at the second floor, my flat opposite to hers. As I started to go up I head her squeak, when I reached the top I saw her standing right in font of Marco.He was wearing some jeans with a red t-shirt, a black jacket on top of that and his hair was styled in a quiff.
“Hey” I said walking next to Marco “What’ are you doing here?”
He wrapped his arm aroung my waist and gave me a little peck. “I brought you dinner” he said lifting a take away bag with his other arm.
“Thanks” I said still wrapped in his arms “This is my neighbour Carolin. Carolin, this is Marco”
They greeted each other and then she entered into her house as Marco and I entered in mine. We set the food in the kitchen and then he sat on the couch while I hang my coat and placed my computer and paperwork at my desk.
“How was your day?” he asked.
“Tiring. How about yours?”
“Doubble trainging in the morning and I spent the evening with Nico.” he said smiling “Listen, about the pictures, I spoke with my manager and he said there’s nothing we could do about them but he could prevent more from appear, if this is something you want. It never went that far, I don’t know what happened”
“It’s allright” I said after a while “It’s in the past. Shall we eat?”
We went to the kitchen and opened the boxes, he had brought some pasta with vegetables and a salad. He had also bought two pieces of chocolate cake as dessert. We set the table and sat down, everything was delicious. After we finished our meal we wash the dishes, I was at the sink and he dried them.
“There’s a match Sunday” he said nervously “It’s against Bayern. It would mean a lot if you came”
“Of course I will” I said “Do you think I’ll be able to find tickets? Maybe Elise and Ethan will come with me”
Ethan was a boy from some of our interior desingn classes as he was studing architecture and he loved football as much as I did so he would like to come with us, in fact, he was quite jealous me and Elise had went to the match two Sundays ago without telling him.
“The match is in Munich” he said interrupting me. “We’re playing in Munich, the match is on Sunday but we’re leaving Saturday. You will come with the team and stay with the families, Cathy is going to go too so you don’t have to be alone. We will be arriving Saturday night.”
I stood there spechless, not sure as to why would he want me there. You will stay with the families he had said but I was not his family, I didn’t even know them, it would jus be weird for me to stand there as a girlfriend would do, only I wasn’t.
“I understand if you don’t want to” he said “I know you don’t owe me nothing and I don’t know why but I really want you there, I know you met me two weeks ago and I understand if it would be weird for you to stand with the families and wifes when were just getting to know each other…”
“I will” I said, my heart swelling at his cuteness “I’ll go”
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inifdkondhwa1 · 5 years
Get your own fashion designing diploma or a degree from a reputed fashion designing institute. INIFD Kondhwa offers various fashion design courses in Pune. You can learn all the basics and important skills in the diplomas whilst keeping it short and sweet.
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lovemenowmr · 8 years
Chapter one
It’s been a two weeks since I got to Dortmund as a part of my scholarship. I was studing interior desingn and fashion and I have been awarded with a scholarship for my two final years of university and, after studying in London for a while I had decided to study this year in Germany and there was something about Dortmund.
So far the city has been great, I missed a lot my family but I was used to it because I had been abroad most of my degree, studying in London and Paris.  My flat was almost ready, it was not big but it was cozy as I liked it, as I had been awarded the scholarship I could live in a better place but still, it was not over the top.
As I got to the street the cold air hit me, Septamber was starting and the weather was starting to get winter-ish, wich I loved. I walked quikly down the street as I was a little late to my class, the streets were filled with cheers for the local football team, wich was playing this weekend.
“Hallo” I heard my friend Elise say as soon as I stepped into the building. “We’re running a little late”.
As I was not German I was a little behind at the language departament but I was learning as quick as I could in order to get along with all of my classmates.
“Hallo” I responded in broken German “We better hurry then, we both know Ms. Janson hates it when people are late to class”.
We both hurried and sat just in time for the class, I had known her for a little more than a week but she has been super nice to me and had introduced me to her group of friend and they had made their duty to show me around the city and “fell in love with it”. Both of us were studyind fashion and interior design and we went together in all of our classes.
As the class finished we tidy up and headed to the next class down the corridor, Dortmund university wasn’t the prettiest I had been into but I was quite happy with my decision.
“I was tinking” Elise said walking next to me “A friend of mine is going to a party tomorrow night and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me, we are both invited”
“Tonight? Why didn’t you asked me before?”
“I’ve been told yesterday” She answered with a shrug “Anyway, wanna come? I’m sure you will have all the boys all around you with that hot accent of yours”
“Yeah, I’ll go” I answered “But next time tell me with time, I don’t even know what I’m supposed to wear.”
“Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you the party is a little bit preppy so wear something nice”
“What do you mean preppy? I didn’t broght anything super fancy yet”
“Then, you’re having lunch with me and we will go shopping afterwards” she said excited.
“Okay, but you owe me, and I already know what I want” I answered.
“What is it?”
“You’re coming to the match with me this weekend” I told Elise.
I loved football as much as this city seemed to love its club but I hadn’t been to the stadium yet and I my brother had told me it was one of the best home crowds in Europe, wich coming from a Colchonero it was a big thing to say. However Elise was not as enthisiastic about football as I was.
“ No, way Adela” she said using my full name, wich meant she was not pleased. “There’s no way I’m going to spend my money on that”
“C'mon” I said “You might like it and you said there was nothing to do when there was a match so I’m finding something to do”
“You’re lucky you’re cute” she said laughing.
With that we made a deal and headed to our next class. Once we were finished with our periods we headed to a small café to have lunch and then we spent the evening shopping until we both found something we loved to wear today. I decided to buy a short pale pink dress, wich was quite summer-y but as we were in the middle of September it was still okay to wear it as the party was at a closed place. Ava, after looking way longer than me, found a LBD wich huged her figure perfectly and she also brought a pair of high red heels to “match the hair” as se put it.
“You look hot Adi” Elise said as I stepped outside the bathroom, we were currently at her house getting ready sice I didn’t have all my stuff here.
I had curled a little my fair blonde hair and apllied a natural-look make up. Elise had pulled her hais up to a ponytail and she had the most amazing smokey eye you had ever seen, on top of that she was wearing her bright red lipstick, wich made her look amazing.
“Thanks” I told her with a smile “To be honest if I look half as good as you I’ll consider myself happy”
“You’re overexagerating” she said waving her hand “But thank you. Should we go?”
“Of course. Can I borrow a coat from your wardrobe?”
Soon after that our car arrived and we drove off to the party. As we were arriving I realized Elise might have downplayed the “preppy” thing, we were driving right to one of the most expensive neighborhoods in Dortmind, where all the rich people lived. In fact, we were not driving through it, the taxi stopped right in front of one of the town’s most exclusive buildings.
“What the hell Elise?”
“Yeah, I might forgot to mention my friend works for the football team as a journalist and this was a club party” she said with an innocent smile.
“It’s a what?” I asked shocked “Then what are we doing here?”
“He was told he could bring a companion and his friend was coming alone as well so he asked me to come with him and to bring a friend” she said looking down “But this is not a double date or anything and I figured as you love football you wouldn’t mind”
“He did not tell you today, did he?”
“We’ve been on the list since Saturday” she admitted. “I’m sorry, but we are gonna have a good time okay? I promise”
“Okay” I said giving up although I was a little upset.
We checked in and got in an elevator, as we got to the penthouse Gunter – Elise friend – was waiting for us. The party was so classy it made me feel a little bit out of place. The penthouse was someone’s house and it had floor-to-ceiling length windows, all the walls were painted white and so was the furniture. There was also lights installed at the ceiling for party purpose and silver ballons at the corners, and the dinning room table was filled with a lot of different tiny meals. The kitchen has been converted into a bar and I saw small groups leaning over the counter to ask for their drinks.
“Adi, we are gonna grab a drink? Do you want something?” Elise ask.
“No thanks, I’ll wait here”
Adi and Gunter had been out for a little while when I saw a blonde girl approaching me.
“Hallo, I’m Cathy” she said smiling. “What’s your name?” She was a little taller than me and she was really pretty, she was wearing a dress that looked quite expensive and a pair of Louboutins.
“I’m Adela” I replied kindly “It’s nice to meet you”
“Oh, you’re not German” she said surprised “Where are you from? I love your accent”
“Thanks” I said a little embarrased “I’m from the north of Spain”
“That’s lovely” she said, apparently finding me interesting “What are you doing here?”
“I came to Dortmund to study, I got here two weeks ago” I replied sincerely “And I’m at the party with a friend of mine”
“A friend?” she interrupted arching her eybrows.
“Oh no, not that type of friend” I said laughing. “What about you?”
“I’m here with my husband, do you want to meet him?”
As she said that she grabed me by the hand and carried me over to the living room area, where there was a huge white L-shaped sofa. We approached two tall guys, one of them had curly black hair and dark eyes, he looked like an actor or a high-paid model, beside him there was a blonde one with beautiful green eyes and a dorky smile. I couldn’t help but look at the blonde stranger who was now displaying a dorky smile on his face, the dark-haired one wishpering something in his ear.
“This is my husband, Matts” Cathy said smiling, standing next to the black haired man and I felt relieved she was not married to the blonde one, wich was strange. “And he’s Marco”
“I’m Adela” I said shaking that feeling off.
“It’s nice to meet you” Marco said as he extended his hand for me to shake. I took it and look up to him, only to find him already looking at me, locking his eyes with mine, green finding blue.
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