#fate wasn't mine to choose (v8.)
waitlifted · 3 years
Cassandra had been practicing deep in the forest where no one could see. With each passing day, she grew more comfortable with her powers, learning the limits of her strength and the ways to bend it under her control into something useful, rather than just destructive. It was tiring- for all the energy she spent trying to avoid using it, it seemed using it on purpose was even more taxing- but it was satisfying, too.
She froze momentarily as a figure came into view- oh, it was Elsa. Shoulders relaxed, breath released. Elsa already knew about the powers, about more than the powers. And so far, she'd proved a trustworthy confidante.
In fact, she was probably one of the very few people she could share her progress with.
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"Hey, Els." Her voice was a little ragged from all the practice, but Cassandra gave her a smile. "Been working on the rocks. And I think I've really started to get it down. I'll show you." She probably should have stopped a few minutes ago, but the exhilaration of seeing Elsa again perked her back up enough.
With strong focus and will, she drew a long spire of rock from the ground. Her legs shook as it climbed ever higher, higher than she had managed even before Elsa was watching, egged on by a desire to show off for her, put her all into it-
Cassandra's vision went hazy, and she realized it was no longer the rock going up so much as her going down.
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waitlifted · 3 years
@frostfractals​ liked for a starter!
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"Something on your mind?" Cassandra gave a wry, knowing smile. "You're snowing." Sure enough, the room was getting lightly dusted in snowflakes. Not unusual for this time of year— except for the fact that they were indoors.
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waitlifted · 4 years
It had been nearly three days since the incident, and Cassandra had barely been able to sleep.
The mysterious black rocks that had caused Rapunzel's hair to return seemed to have picked a new target for mysterious powers. Now, the rocks seemed to be following her. Responding to her. The idea was terrifying. These rocks had already caused enough destruction to the kingdom; if anyone found out she now was the one causing them...
She had to get this under control.
The one thought that kept her from completely panicking was Elsa. Elsa was experienced in wielding and controlling dangerous magic. She would know what to do to keep this from hurting people. So, the very first chance she got, she approached the queen, trying to keep her nerves under control lest she create even more destruction.
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"Elsa? I need your help."
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waitlifted · 3 years
❝ it would be really cool if we started dating. i’m just saying. no pressure, though. ❞ bc we need more cass n elsa!
tomodachi life starters (accepting)
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Cassandra froze in place, an almost comical look on her face as she attempted to parse what Elsa had just said, and so casually. Could she really have heard that right?
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--And then she laughed. "--Oh, cool. I get it. You had me going there for a second!" Yep, definitely just an ice pun. Nothing she should spend the next week replaying in her mind and agonizing over to the point of exhaustion. Don't even think about how she might actually feel towards Elsa. Don’t think about how Elsa is one of the only people that could know the weight of what she had just suggested. Just bury that thought down deep where no one will find it.
Conceal, don’t feel.
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waitlifted · 3 years
“Cass, it’s international kissing day. That means we are obligated to kiss.” Elsa leans in close, slowly. Sure her heart is suddenly pounding in her ears, but Cass’ lips are right there and perfect for kissing. “And it’s just us.” 👀🥺
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Cassandra was about to make a snide remark about the supposed 'obligation' of the holiday, but then Elsa was so close, and the words vanished. For being the ice queen, her breath was warm, brushing across her lips and sending a little shiver of anticipation down her spine. She looked so tantalizing there, so close, just a few short inches separating them...
Oh, how she wanted to close that gap.
There was a dark corner of her heart, still tainted by the many years of indoctrination, telling her that this was wrong, evil. But it was drowned out by the rest of her heart, which ached for Elsa. Nothing had ever made her feel quite the same before. And how could it be wrong when it felt so right? As cheesy as it was, wasn't it supposed to be the heart that knew best?
So, silencing that doubt before it could get its claws any further into her, she leaned in and pressed her own lips against Elsa's.
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waitlifted · 3 years
Gently takes one of Cassandra’s hands into her own. Slowly the hand is brought so that her lips could brush against her knuckled. 🥺💙
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Well, isn’t this a reversal... the royalty kissing the knight’s hand. Despite herself, Cassandra has to suppress a giggle at that thought, keeping quiet lest someone investigate what the two were doing off on their own. Still, stealing moments like this was... nice.
“You flatter me, my lady.” Yep, there’s a little snort of a giggle, unable to keep a straight face with such a cheesy line. She instead reversed her hand within Elsa’s grip, giving it a squeeze.
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waitlifted · 3 years
She reached to take Cassandra's hands in hers. "Do you know how to ice skate? It's easy. We can skate together." It takes less than an instant for her to cover the floor in ice and create blades of ice on their shoes. "Skate with me."
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There was something about Elsa that made her finally appreciate the magic of winter. She had skated before, but this time felt different. Squeezing Elsa’s hand, Cassandra quickly inspected the ice blades on her boots- almost impeccable- before moving to launch off with her. “Of course, my lady.”
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waitlifted · 3 years
“you will always be my everything.” 🥺
bittersweet lines (accepting)
“Always is a long time.”
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The room was still, deathly quiet but for the sounds of the two occupants. Cassandra’s hands, long since wearied from the sign of strength they used to be, curled slightly, interlacing her fingers with Elsa’s, as if tying the two of them together one more time.
Her vision was hazy, but she turned to look in Elsa’s direction anyways. Not that she needed a reminder of what she looked like. Regardless of what happened to her body, Cassandra knew her soul would forever be bound to Elsa’s. That led her to a moment of wonder- would Elsa still be able to see her when she was gone? Even after all this time, there was still so much unknown about her spirit powers.
But if they did meet again, they could address that then. For now... it was time for goodbye.
“I’m not saying to forget me. Don’t. A couple of centuries, and you’ll be the only one who can remember me.” History rarely went back that far, and certainly not for the smaller players like herself. “But... don’t hold back because of me, either. You’ve got the rest of eternity, so don’t waste it, alright?” The thought of Elsa left alone, still clinging to her former lover... even if the selfish part of her liked the thought that she meant that much to her, it was overwritten by the part that wanted the best for her in return.
“I love you, Els.” She squeezed at Elsa’s hand, though there wasn’t much force behind the gesture. “Take care of yourself, alright? And, who knows...” God willing... “...maybe we’ll meet again.”
Cassandra let go, and then she was still.
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waitlifted · 3 years
"Why do you keep fighting it any time you feel?"
deep starters (accepting)
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“Because I have to.” She had always been of a mind to try and control her emotions and not let them get the best of her, but with these powers, the stakes were much higher now. Previously, if she lost her temper, she might upset people or lose face- now, she could wind up physically destroying things. “I thought you of all people would understand.”
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waitlifted · 3 years
" nobody's ever made me feel the way you do. "
grumpy/sunshine prompts (accepting)
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Oh, how she wanted to say it back. Tell her how much she had changed her life when she walked into it, how everything was different, better, because of her. How she wouldn’t change anything about it for a second, even all their troubles, because it only brought them closer together.
But instead, Cassandra just let the silence hang for a long moment, reaching over to take Elsa’s hand. She couldn’t find the words- but hopefully her touch and her expression did the talking for her.
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waitlifted · 3 years
"Cass, I have a very important request." Slowly she holds out her hands. "I need you to hold my hands. This is important. The very fate of the world depends on it." Not really. But, the lack of physical affection does leave her feeling very clingy.
Cassandra couldn't help the snicker that escaped her mouth. "Have you been hanging out with Rapunzel?" Declaring a need for emergency hand holding seemed like a very Rapunzel move.
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Still, she smiled as she took Elsa's hands in her own, giving them a gentle squeeze. "But alright, if it's for the fate of the world, I guess I can do that." And in truth, the idea appealed to her, too. Not that she'd admit it out loud, of course.
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waitlifted · 3 years
“Instead of hiding your magic, you should embrace it. If they give you trouble, I will give you asylum.” :3
"It's not that simple."
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Cassandra knew she had to watch her words carefully- Elsa had experienced so much pain and fear from repressing her powers, she didn't want to make that worse. But, she was experiencing that pain and fear now, too. She knew Elsa had only the best of intentions, but it somehow didn't make her feel any better.
"Everyone in the kingdom already knows about the black rocks by now. And they've already caused a bunch of destruction, even before I started controlling them. If people found out I control them now, they'd think I was the one who caused all of that."
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