screaming-nb · 8 years
tagged by @aaminyxrd and @moukavica
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, HAVE FUN!

A - Age: 16 but 17 in a couple days 
B - Biggest fear: spiders/snapping the tendon in the back of my ankle 
C - Current time: 11:12pm 
D - Drink you last had: coke 
E - Every day starts with: going on tumblr 
F - Favourite song: I Wanna Boi by pwr bttm 
G - Ghosts, are they real: nah 
H - Hometown: melbourne, aus 
I - In love with: myself 
J - Jealous of: omg you have no idea one of the media teachers is exactly what I want to be. Asshole is a gay media teacher who is also ace and reasonably attractive and the kid even gets to be cis like wow 
K - Killed someone: ???? No?? 
L - Last time you cried: almost today but not quite 
M - Middle name: let’s not 
N - Number of siblings: 4 
O - One wish: to be okay 
P - Person you last called/texted: @lillyattenborough
 Q - Questions you’re always asked: idk?? 
R - Reasons to smile: memes 
S - Song last sang: Jim Bogart by The Front Bottoms 
T - Time you woke up: 9am 
U - Underwear colour: blue and green 
V- Vacation destination: going to Vietnam at the end of the year
W - Worst habit: not showering enough lol 
X - X-rays you’ve had: my wrist, my leg, my stomach, other things u think 
Y - Your favourite food: salt and vintager delites 
Z - Zodiac sign: Aquarius
Tag 10 people: @fauxmax @alonewith-falloutboy @goldenwolf402 @lesbananas @pahiroblogs @leanmeanredmachine @lettybon @ocd-kyouko @anotterotter @tizarian @polyagony just tagged some of the highest mutuals in my notes ily kids
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