List of my Non FLondon FBverse OCs:
Misc high wilderness:
The Grey (Judgement) The Violet (Judgement) The Tower of Ash and Graves (Messenger) Mr Spirals (Curator) Mr Hearthstones (Curator) Mr Shells (Curator) Mr Machines (Curator, baby) Mr Blades (Curator) Mr Moons (Curator) Mr Clays (Curator) Mr Bones (Curator)
Bailey, The Precocious Captain (Skies PC) The Not-Drowned Zailor (Seas PC)
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kaapstadmk · 8 months
Recently went back on Facebook and I had to consciously not respond in like manner to the crossposted Tumblr screenshots.
I'm not anon there, it's searchable, and I don't think general FBverse, family, and friends are ready for me to come out full blast.
(NGL, it is tempting, though. Would love to see an auntie's hair catch fire)
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teamfadedblue · 6 years
I'm loving a Far Flung Light! Crystal is so cool! What would happen if she ended up in the FB verse? (or some sort of other universal crossover?)
First, off thank you so much, mate. And for anyone that hasn’t seen A Far Flung Light yet, check out this shameless plug! It’s a story where a version of Connie comes back in time to avert a bad future. 
But okay. Into the meat of this scenario. What if, though whatever plot contrivance you wish to apply, Crystal was brought back in time, but to the FB world rather than her own world.
First off, there’s a good chance she’d be waiting even longer than in FFL proper. There, Crystal was trapped in the Sea Shrine for a week or so, but in a universe where Steven doesn’t use Lion’s mane to visit Lars regularly, it’s possible Crystal could be left stewing by herself for months (or longer) before anyone realized she was there.
But for the sake of the narrative (and Crystal’s mental well being) let’s assume Rose finds her within the same time frame roughly that Steven does in FFL. (Maybe Rose was going to go mope in front of Bismuth’s bubbled gem)
Initial reactions from Crystal when she first sees that it’s Rose who come through her hair portal would be despair at first that she overshot her mark, followed by consideration that maybe this would be best. Give her more time to work with and, if push came to shove, preventing Steven from being born, while not the ideal solution would handily prevent Crystal’s dark future from ever happening.
But… after getting out of the shrine and realizing what’s truly happened, that she hasn’t just time traveled but also dimension hopped, Crystal would… spiral really.
First of course, her knowledge of the future is automatically not as useful, as even having two Diamonds in charge of Homeworld rather than three is a massive shake up and would probably lead to a very different outcome.
That said, if White *did* ever feel compelled to try something in the FBverse that she did in Crystal’s world… she could. Not once, but twice. One to Rose to force her back into Pink Diamond and again to Steven to force him into his mother’s role as a new Blue Diamond.
The irony that, even in a different dimension, Steven was still born and he was still born the son of a Diamond would not be lost on her.
And finally, Crystal would realize that she’s basically left her world to burn under Homeworld’s rule and has left Steven to be subjugated as Pink Diamond. A fact that would hit Crystal really hard, since she already blames herself for “running away” from her time in the canon FFL.
Crystal’s goal and strategy would thus change. While she would still share her story with everyone, (and probably take Rose aside privately and urge her that telling everyone about her true identity would be best for everyone) her main goal would be getting back to her own dimension so she can time travel properly to her world’s past and prevent its dark future.
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