#feed into and share righteous fury. and that's not necessarily a bad thing. by all means continue sharing that's what we've been trying to
saw a post yesterday that gad a zionist (? didn't see if there was an org associated with it or not, there was a magen david in the background) sticker over a red palm print for missing and murdered indigenous women with an -understandably- disgruntled remark
and i was thinking about it on the bus today. and i would gently like to remind everyone. that while these things are possible and even probable, we know the extent to which zionism has poisoned people's minds and morality, that there is also a long history of white supremacists faking extremism in order to delegitimize civil rights movements (proud boys and/or cops breaking windows, white supremacists throwing paint on statues of "decent" historical figures, to name a few examples from just a few years ago) and that it's incredibly easy to allow this sort of thing to wash over us uncritically because it confirms our bias and our (rightful!) anger. but that is when we are most vulnerable to propoganda and indoctrination so we need to be most vigilant.
nd i'm not saying the particular circumstance i saw was fake -- i have no proof either way. we've seen time and time again that reality can be this absurd, that zionists can be that cruel and tone deaf. however there is a difference between it coming straight from netanyahu's mouth vs seeing a sticker out of context that just as easily could have been placed by a nazi
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