#feel like i need a trigger warning for this fictional child's calvinist leanings 😆
@seeingteacupsindragons tagged me again in Six Sentence Sunday so naturally I waited until Monday and am posting seven sentences. 😆
Kid!Albert POV (before meeting Liam & Louis)
Hypocrisy. Things out of place. His father with the rented pew at the front of the church and the mistress kept in a flat in Kensington and the governess up against the wall of the study. His mother smiling sweetly at the vicar’s wife and spitting gossip behind her back and backhanding the maids. William…well. William was not so much a hypocrite. William was just born evil, as all sons of sin must be.
Not tagging anybody today but if anyone has a WIP they want to share, tag me so I can read it! 😊
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