#feeling a wee bit tender today so i'm in floods now
sircarolyn · 4 years
st petersburg thoughts:
‘tragically unbeyaucted’ love it when carolyn’s allowed to do the cold open... love that this is the funny bit before the pain... :) i love this episode because it Hurts 
‘a little heroin to follow’ i love it when they’re snarky with each other 
and here’s an absolutely classic finnemore set up, the alcohol and the cold and the way mjn is the family 
‘shoush just stops being hurting now!’ i think that an awful lot 
poor martin and the word game <3
oh man remember in qik when they were being twats about flying it and now in a real emergency they’re just... working together... douglas just says okay hhhh hhh 
the hot cup of coffee exchange is hilarious every time 
‘turns out a really good cure for being drunk is when you’re on a plane and then an engine explodes and you think you’re going to die’ i invite you to imagine carolyn and arthur sat in the back... not knowing what’s happening.... not fully knowing if it’s going to be okay...
and martin’s good landing <3
mate i’m so sad carolyn’s using her ‘it’s all fine’ voice, her ‘i’m in control of my emotions’ voice like... this is her life and it’s just gone up in smoke and now she has to go and speak to her fucker of an ex husband and pretend that she’s okay about it, god!
‘he just wants me not to have it’ the extra pain that it’s full of gold right now
‘douglas will sort it out... like he always does’ arthur’s absolute faith in douglas is just so... juxtaposed with gordon it’s like... we all know who arthur’s real dad is and it’s not gordon
ouch arthur freaking out about gordon </3 like yeah this scene is funny but i’ve overthought it too much at this point and it just breaks my heart - ‘he’s alright’ - arthur doesn’t want to say something bad about him because that’s his dad but like, he’s a horrid man and then the way arthur calls himself stupid too... hghhghhhh 
douglas and his sushi <3 same mate
‘looblin to dooblin?’ the way they’re trying to make things normal by playing games 
and the way martin thinks he might have a plan too <3 
>:( i’m so sorry timothy west i’m sure you’re a nice guy but this role has made me hate you forever 
oh carolyn </3 stephanie cole is absolutely phenomenal in this one, the way she just sounds so clipped the whole time crushes my heart into tiny little bits 
and the way that gordon’s ‘reasonable’ here making carolyn look crazy for hating him, but the way that martin and douglas do just believe her instead of him, my god mjn is a family 
‘from hong to kong...?’
‘what’s the matter?’ my god that was her caring voice </3
arthur and his cricket playing and his australian accent <3
‘that’s not funny that’s who you are’ god he’s so nervous i think i might cry now
even her strict and stern voice is not as strong as it usually is (and the fact he’s trying to give her £500 for a plane that’s full of gold)
and here he is, gordon the bastard. even though i’m 100% sure this is pretty mild for him. imagine carolyn just stood there trying to hold it all together. seeing arthur’s little face </3
‘yet you say the marriage wasn’t a success’ i literally cannot forgive douglas for saying that 
and here’s douglas’ scheme <3 because he’s saving the day <3 ‘not being followed’ shut up you loser you’re not in a spy film i love that guy
a classic douglas question and reveal here 
arthur in the cupboard, douglas telling him well done, the fact they’re keeping him out of the action to keep him safe <3
the cinematic parallels of putting carolyn in the locker and putting arthur in the locker in molokai.... not sure what the parallel is but it’s there
and the three of them vanquishing the evil just like in douz - ultimate team!!!!
‘sticky fingers’ douglas is so petty 
‘i know it’s his, because it’s got his name on it’
‘he loves engines, what a thoughtful gift’ angst brain says! what has gordon ever given arthur before?’
if you listen really close here, douglas does a teeny little chuckle when he says ‘watchdog’ g g ggg gh h hh h
arthur really had that faith in douglas and now everything’s fine, ‘exactly what i said all along’ 
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