#feels like OP has fallen for siffrin's false thought patterns of “i should be able to handle this it's not that bad” and “it's all my fault
beneathsilverstars · 28 days
saw a review of ISAT that was frustrated that most of siffrin's Having A Bad Time in the loops was their own fault, like, if they'd just been more emotionally put-together it wouldn't have been that traumatic. bc most of the actual content of the loops isn't that bad, so the main thing that's fucking them up is the increasing disconnect from their friends that they themself created.
i feel like this person must have major video game brain!!! bc like. yes i've played video games with worse violence etc. but if you just look at what siffrin is actually going through. surely dying one time in any way would be traumatic, let alone dozens (hundreds?) of times, many painful, many purposeful!!!
even just slamming yourself against an extremely important problem for months straight is stressful as fuck! redoing the same things over and over, having tiny glimmers of ideas that don't pan out, afraid that this will be the rest of your life and the end of the world??
plus the constant fighting (and/or dodging enemies), and the unnatural stagnation of the world around him (no 24-hour day/night cycle even), and the utter helplessness of having no idea why it's happening and what he needs to do to fix it, and compounded by his pre-existing trauma,
"after a couple loops they shoulda realized they needed to talk to their friends" those loops ended in their death!! idk about you but i don't think dying a couple times would make me better at making a rational decision to do smth that i'm very averse to in the best of times 🙄
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