#ffxiv Scherìs coffee-powered Au'ra
qarukhel · 5 years
The Second Cup
Scherìs appeared next to the main aetheryte in Gridania.  She gasped as her body reformed, then giggled as she skipped to the Carline Canopy.  She was looking forward to breakfast.
The Canopy was lightly attended today, so finding a table wasn’t an issue.  She sat down and waited.  The server who introduced her to coffee the last time she was there arrived at the table, “Hi Scherìs!  How are you?  What can I get for you today?”
“I want coffee! And, um... waffles!”
The server smiled and started writing on her pad, then stopped.  She looked up and said, “Do you want coffee like the last time or would like... something a little different?”
Scherìs blinked, “Different?  Will it be good?”
Turning slightly, the server pointed to a large machine that had steam wafting from it.  “Garlond Ironworks brought us a new coffee making machine.  It makes a concentrated kind of coffee that Wedge calls ‘espresso’.”  Scherìs eyes go wide, “Ess-press-oh?”
Nodding, the server added, “Yes!  We add flavorings to it too, such as chocolate and toppings such as whipped cream.”  After a moments pause, the server inquired “What do you think?”
Scherìs nodded emphatically, “I’ll try it!  With the chocolate and whipped cream, too?”  Smiling, the server nodded and wrote the order on her pad.  She stopped again and said, “Oh!  I forgot to ask.  How many shots of coffee do you want in the drink?”
Scherìs scrunched her face up, not quite understanding the question, “Shots?”  The server nodded, “I don’t really understand it either.  The best explanation I’ve been given is each shot is like it’s own cup of coffee.”
“Oh! Okay...” She remembered how... concerned Giah and Isrun were when she had six cups of coffee.  She also remembers how amused River was, considering that Scherìs had kept her up til 4am the next morning.  For once, it had been River that was exhausted rather than Scherìs.
“Umm... How about three?”
“Sounds good!  Be back in a few.  It takes a little time to make the drink.”
*** *** ***
After breakfast, Scherìs went to the mansion to help with setting it up as an office for Giah.  After two of those drinks and some waffles, Scherìs was ready to go!
She slammed the doors open and yelled, “GIAH! ISRUN! I’M BAAAAAAAAAAAAACK!”  She ran around the house until she encountered Isrun and essentially combined a hug and a tackle into a show of affection.  As well-built as Isrun is, she wasn’t ready for the Au ra missile, “ISRUN!  HI!  I’M READY TO HELP!”
Giah rose up from behind a counter where she had been arranging bottles, “ Scherìs?  Did you have six cups of coffee again?”
Giah took a deep breath and looked at Isrun, who shrugged. “Okay, take a deep breath and lower your voice just a little.”  She observed the Au ra, who was vibrating just as hard as last time, if maybe just a little more. “Was there anything... different about these cups of coffee?”
Scherìs nodded, “Yes! They had chocolate and whipped cream and something called “es-press-oh”!  It was soooo good!”
Giah’s brow creased in thought.  She had heard of that word before.  Going to a bookshelf, she pulled down one of the books and opening it, she read for a moment.  She closed her eyes and shook her head as she closed the book.
“I see.”
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qarukhel · 5 years
It was very, very early in the morning.  In fact, it was still dark out.
Yet, Scherìs was out, although not quite about.  She was at the Carline Canopy, her head face down on one of the tables.  Her eyes were closed and she was snoring lightly.
The server for  Scherìs table gave Mother Miounne a side glance while approaching  Scherìs’ table.  The server had waited on Scherìs many, many times, so she felt comfortable touching the tiny Au’ra.
She touched Scherìs shoulder gently, “Scherìs, are you well?”  The only motion out of the snoozing Au’ra was a twitch of the tail and a turn of the head.  She didn’t open her eyes, but she nodded slowly and said very soft, “Mmhmm... S’eepy tired.”
“Aww, sweetheart, it is really early for you, isn’t it.  Tell you what, I know just the thing.  Have you ever had... coffee?”  There’s a delay, then a soft “Wass coffee?” The server laughed and said, “Let me bring you some.  I’ll make sure it has plenty of sugar and cream for you.”
A few moments later, the server is back with a cup and a plate of cake.  she sits them down above Scherìs head, just out of the way in case she started.  “Scherìs, why don’t you take a couple of sips of that coffee?  It’ll help!”  The Au’ra slowly lifted her head and opened her eyes.  After several blinks, she was able to focus on the cup.  Picking it up, she took a couple of sips and enjoyed the caramel flavor.  She smiled at the server and nodded, “It’s very good.  Thank you!”  Smiling in return, the server returned back to her station.
Scherìs put her had back down on the table and closed her eyes.  She was still sleepy.
A heartbeat.
Another heartbeat.
Yet another heartbeat.
Suddenly, Scherìs’ eyes slammed open.
*** *** ***
Six empty coffee cups sat on the table.  The cake plate was empty, save crumbs.
Scherìs practically buzzed.  She was squirming in place, practically vibrating with energy as Isrun and Giah approached.
Giah looked at the table and took a deep breath.
“Oh no...” 
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